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Academic Year 2018-2019 (Even Semester)

Semester/Class : VIII Semester B.E. ECE A

Name of the subject : GE6075 Professional Ethics in Engineering
Name of the Faculty member: Mrs.V.SrirengaNachiyar


1. What is meant by civic virtue and how it is related to respect for others?
Civic virtues are the moral duties and rights, as a citizen of the village or the
country or an integral part of the society and environment. An individual may exhibit
civic virtues by voting, volunteering, organizing welfare groups and meetings. The
basic principle of duty is to show respect for persons.

2. Define the term empathy and how it is related to Emotional Quotient.

Empathy means putting self in a position of someone else and thinking as the
later and reasoning suitable action. Empathy is the ability to feel what the other person
is feeling. It is to experience their emotions. It is the ability to put yourself in the other
person's shoes in a big and meaningful way. Emotional intelligence is the ability to
manage your own emotions, as well as the emotions of others.

3. What are the general characteristics of values? Nov/Dec-2017

Value is that which makes an actions, character, traits and objects of any one
to be good or bad. Examining the moral qualities of people or actions and their non-
moral characters inevitably raises the qualities of the nature or source of those values.

4. What are the two important ways of building courage? Nov/Dec-2017

a. Self-confidence is the basic requirement to nurture courage.
b. One should perform Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats
(SWOT analysis)

5. Define moral values with suitable examples. April/May-2017

Moral values are the standards of good and evil, which govern an individual’s
behavior and choices. Individual’s morals may derive from society and government,
religion, or self-Honesty, respect for others, loyalty, responsibility for personal actions,
generosity and kindness are all examples of moral values.

6. Define the term “Service Learning”. April/May-2017
o Service learning refers to learning the service policies, procedures, norms, and
conditions, other than ‘the technical trade practices’.
o The professionals whether they are engineers, officers, technicians or workers,
they are supposed to know the ethical behaviours to be followed among
o The service learning procedures will naturally educate the persons to follow
up in line with other departments and also to maintain proper co-ordination.

7. What are human values in engineering ethics? Nov/Dec-2016

 Integrity, Honesty
 Respect for others
 Caring & Sharing
 Courage & Cooperation
 Valuing time
 empathy & sympathy
 Self-confidence

8. List any two aspects of honesty. Nov/Dec-2016

 Truthfulness
 Trustworthiness

9. Define Engineering Ethics. May/June-2014

 The systematic study of the rules and ideals of the Engineering Profession.
 Engineering Ethics is a branch of a broader ethical concern involving the
impact of technology on society.
 Engineering Ethics is “The study of the moral issues and decisions confronting
individuals and organizations engaged in engineering” and
 “The study of related questions about the moral ideas, character, policies,
relationship of people and corporations involved in technological activities”.

10. Define Spirituality. Nov/Dec-2015

Spirituality refers to the way of living, which emphasizes a constant awareness
of the spiritual dimension of nature. Spirituality is actually a sense of meaning and
purpose, a “sense of self”.

11. What are the qualities of a self-confident people? Nov/Dec-2015

 Have a self-assured bearing
 Flexibility and willingness to change
 Easily giving others credit
 Not being afraid to tell the truth

12. Define the term Empathy. May/June-2012

Empathy means putting self in a position of someone else and thinking as the
later and reasoning suitable action.

13. What do you mean by the term ‘Living Peacefully’? May/June-2012
Whatever may be the job or profession one should have conducive environment
and working condition to do his job and carry out his responsibilities. There should
not be any tension or over pressure, unnecessary interference or disturbance from
others though they are superiors. One cannot work effectively under a knife all the
while hanging over his head.

14. Define Moral. April/May-2015

The terms morality and ethics are often used interchangeably and closely
related, but one should know the difference between the two with respect to any
serious study of ethical matters. Morality tends to be more general and prescriptive.

15. Difference between Empathy and sympathy. Nov/Dec-2007

Empathy Sympathy
Definition Understanding what others Acknowledging another
are feeling because you person's emotional
have experienced it hardships and providing
yourself or can put comfort and assurance.
yourself in their shoes.
Relationship Personal understanding Understanding the
experience of others

16. What are the time wasters that should be kept out for time management?
a. Failing to Keep a To-Do List
b. Not Setting Personal Goals
c. Not Prioritizing
d. Failing to Manage Distractions
e. Taking on too Much
f. Multitasking
g. Not Taking Breaks
h. Ineffectively Scheduling Tasks

17. Define Ethics. Mention some universally accepted ethical standards.

Term Ethics obtained from the Greek word ethos, which means study of what
is wrong and what is right (or) study of good and bad character. Some of the
universally accepted ethical principles are
 Honesty
 Integrity
 Fulfilling commitments
 Open minded
 Willing to admit mistakes
 Both caring and compassionate (kindly)

18. Define the term 'civic virtue'. April/May-2011
Civic virtues are the moral duties and rights, as a citizen of the village or the
country or an integral part of the society and environment. An individual may exhibit
civic virtues by voting, volunteering, organizing welfare groups and meetings.

19. What are the impediments for successful cooperation?

 Clash of ego of individuals
 Lack of leadership and motivation
 Conflicts of interest, based on region, religion, language and caste
 Ignorance and lack of interest

20. Define Self-Confidence.

Self-Confidence is being referred to as an attitude, which follows
individual’s to have somewhat positive but realistic view of themselves with respect
to the situations in which they get involved. People with self-confidence trust their
own abilities and have a general sense of control in their lives.

21. Define Honesty.

Honesty is a virtue, and it is exhibited in two aspects namely,
(a) Truthfulness- to face the responsibilities upon telling truth.
(b) Trustworthiness- maintaining integrity and taking responsibility for
personal performance.

22. Define Work Ethic. April-2014

Work ethics is defined as a set of attitudes concerned with the value of work,
which forms the motivational orientation.

23. How character and values are related? April-2014

Character is an evaluation of an individual's stable moral qualities. The concept
of character can imply a variety of attributes including the existence or lack of virtues
such as empathy, courage, fortitude, honesty, and loyalty, or of good behaviours or
habits. Values are intrinsic principles that govern relationships. If one lives in
accordance with values in relationships then those relationships become balanced

24. How the honesty can be reflected in many ways?

(a) Beliefs (intellectual honesty)
(b) Communication (writing and speech)
(c) Decisions (ideas, discretion)
(d) Actions (means, timing, place, and the goals) and
(e) Intended and unintended results achieved

25. Define courage.

 Courage is the tendency to accept and face risks and difficult tasks in
rational ways. Self-confidence is the basic requirement to nurture
 Courage is the tendency to face dangers and difficult jobs in rational
ways and with self-control.

26. Define the term stress.
The term stress is derived from the Latin word Stringere, which means “to be
drawn tight”. Stress is a complex, dynamic process of interaction between a person
and his or her life.

27. List some of the popular techniques found to reduce stress from yoga.
 Controlled breathing
 Meditation
 Physical movement
 Stretching
 Mental imagery

28. Define Meditation.

Meditation is a practice where an individual trains the mind or induces a mode
of consciousness. The term meditation refers to a broad variety of practices that
includes techniques designed to promote relaxation, build internal energy or life force
and develop compassion, love, patience, generosity, and forgiveness.

29. Define the term Yoga.

The word yoga means “unity” or “oneness” and is derived from the Sanskrit
word “Yuj” means to “join”. Yoga is an ancient discipline designed to bring balance
and health to the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual dimensions of an


1. What are the merits of moral autonomy? April/May-2018

Moral autonomy deals with the improvement of an individual’s moral

thoughts which make hi to adopt good habits. Moral autonomy is concerned with the
independent attitude of a person related to ethical issues. It helps to improve the self-
determination among the individuals.

2. State the three types of inquiry. Nov/Dec-2017

a. Normative Inquiry: helpful in identify the values which guide the
individual’s and groups in taking a decision
b. Conceptual Inquiry: meant fir describing the meaning of concepts, principles
and issues related to engineering ethics.
c. Factual/Descriptive Inquiry: help to provide facts for understanding and
finding solutions to value based issues.

3. What are the two important versions of utilitarianism? Nov/Dec-2017

a. Act - Utilitarianism and Happiness
b. Rule - Utilitarianism and Rational desires

4. State Kohlberg’s Theory. Nov/Dec-2016

Moral autonomy is based on the psychology of moral development. The first
psychological theory was developed by Jean Piaget. On the basis of Piaget’s theory,
Lawrence Kohlberg developed three main levels of moral development which is based
on the kinds of reasoning and motivation adopted by individuals with regard to moral

5. What are the three main levels of moral development in individuals as proposed by
Lawrence Kohlberg? Which one of these represents moral autonomy?
Lawrence Kohlberg developed three main levels of moral development,
which is based on the kinds of reasoning and motivation adopted by individuals with
regard to moral questions. They are
a. Pre conventional level
b. Conventional level
c. Post conventional level
Post conventional level represents moral autonomy.

6. Name the three types of inquiries, which need to be made for analysing a
autonomy? Nov/Dec-2015 & Nov/Dec-2007
a. Normative inquiry
b. Conceptual inquiry
c. Factual inquiry - Factual inquiry need to be made for analysing autonomy.

7. What is engineering ethics? May/June-2014 & Nov/Dec-2013 & April/May-2011

The systematic study of the rules and ideals of the Engineering Profession.
Engineering Ethics is a branch of a broader ethical concern involving the impact of
technology on society.

8. What is Rawl's principle? April/May-2011
According to Rawls, valid principles of duty mean those principles that would be
voluntarily agreed upon by all rational agents in a hypothetical contracting situation that
assures impartiality.

9. Define 'moral autonomy' Nov/Dec-2015 & Nov/Dec-2014 & April/May-2011

Autonomy literally means self-determining or independent. Moral autonomy
means the right or the wrong conduct which is independent on ethical issues. It deals
with the improvement of an individual’s moral thoughts.

10. What are the models of professional cycles or professional roles?

Nov/Dec-2014 & May/June-2012
Some of the Models of Professional Roles are
1. Savior,
2. Guardians,
3. Bureaucratic Servant,
4. Social Servants,
5. Social enabler,
6. Catalyst &
7. Game Players.

11. Give the difference between Act-Utilitarian & Rule – Utilitarian. May/June-2012
1. Act- Utilitarianism, leaves it open whether participation in a kick-back
scheme may produce overall good. Rule- Utilitarianism gives more straight
forward disapproval of participation in kick-back scheme.
2. Act- Utilitarianism, happiness is only t he intrinsically good things. They also
consider friendship, love, understanding, appreciation. But in Rule-
Utilitarianism, such things are said to be good because they satisfy rational
desires whish have been approved on the bases of psychology.

12. State the uses of Ethical Theories. May/June-2014

State the importance of Ethical Theories. April/May-2017
Write the uses of Ethical Theories. April/May-2018
Ethical theories which help to create the fundamental principles of obligation
suitable and applicable to professional and personal conduct of a person in his everyday
life. Some of the uses of Ethical Theories are
 Resolving moral dilemmas
 Justifying moral obligations
 Relating moral and professional morality

13. What is the significance of Engineering Ethics? April/May-2011

 The rules & standards governing the conduct of engineers in their role as
 It is a body of philosophy indicating the ways that engineers should conduct
themselves in their professional capacity.

14. What do you mean by normative inquiry? April/May-2011
Normative Enquiry is the most central, which seek to identify the values that
should guide individuals and groups.

15. Define Moral Dilemma. Nov/Dec-2016 & May/June-2012

Moral Dilemmas are certain kind of situations in which a difficult choice has to
be made for the Moral Problems. Moral dilemmas have two or more folding- moral
obligations, duties, rights, goods or ideals come into disagreement with each other.

16. Define Professionalism. April/May-2015

The conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a
professional person

17. What are the senses of engineering ethics? Nov/Dec-2013

i) It is the activity and disciple aimed at understanding the moral values that
ought to guide Engineering practices, resolving moral issues and justifying moral
ii) It is a set of specific moral problems issues and issues related to

18. Define Moral. April/May-2015

The terms morality and ethics are often used interchangeably and closely related,
but one should know the difference between the two with respect to any serious study of
ethical matters. Morality tends to be more general and prescriptive.


1. What are the merits of standardized experimentation? April/May-2018

Experimentation is commonly recognized to play an essential role in the design
process. Preliminary test or simulations are conducted from the time it is decided to
convert a new engineering concept into its first rough design.

2. What is meant by conscientiousness? Nov/Dec-2017

Conscientiousness implies Consciousness (Sense of awareness). As holding
responsible profession in the society, Engineers should be very conscientious in their
profession, maintaining a full range of moral ethics and values which are relevant to the

3. What are codes of ethics referred to? Nov/Dec-2017

Code of ethics is a frame work for arriving at good ethical choices. The code of
ethics establishes a frame work for ethical judgment for any profession. A code of
ethics does not develop new moral principles.

4. What are the uncertainties occur in model designs? April/May-2017

 Model used for the design calculations.
 Exact characteristics of the materials purchased.
 Constancies of materials used for processing and fabrication.
 Nature of the pressure, the finished product will encounter.

5. What do you mean by informed consent?

Define informed consent. May/June-2012 & April/May-2015
When new medicines are tested, it should be informed to the persons who
undergo the test. They have moral and legal rights to know about the fact which is
based on informed consent before they take part in the experiment. Informed consent
has two main principles such as knowledge and voluntariness.

6. State any two important limitations of laws and regulations governing engineering
practice. Nov/Dec-2007
The important moral problem in engineering is minimal compliance. i.e, small
level of obedience. This minimal compliance leads the companies and individuals to
search for loop holes in the law when something goes wrong. They are not giving due
respect to the law

7. What are the salient features of informed consent in engineering experimentation?

What are the conditions are essential for valid informed consent?
April/May-2011 & Nov/Dec 2015
 The consent must be given voluntarily and not by any force
 The consent must based on the relevant information needed by a rational
person and should be presented in a clear and easily understandable form.
 The consenter must be capable of processing the information and make
rational decisions in quick manner.

 The information needed by a rational person must be stated in a form to
understood without any difficulty and has to be spread widely
 The experimenter’s consent has to be offered in absentia of the experimenter
by a group which represents many experiments.

8. Define 'moral autonomy'. April/May-2011

Autonomy literally means self-determining or independent. Moral autonomy
means the right or the wrong conduct which is independent on ethical issues. It deals
with the improvement of an individual’s moral thoughts

9. What are the limitations of code of ethics? Or limitations of ethical codes.

April/May-2018, Nov/Dec-2014 & Nov/Dec –2015 & April/May - 2011
The Limitation of codes is
 Codes are said to be coercive (Implemented by threaten force)
 Codes are produced is very rapid manner
 Many engineer members of the society are not aware and the existence
of the codes of their society and they never goes through it
 Only few are there in INDIA so we cannot complex them
 They cannot be taken as final decision
 Internal conflicts in a body so the rules are not followed
 Codes are generally restricted be they are general and vague wordings.
Therefore, they are not applicable to all situations

10. What are the features of engineering experimentation? Nov/Dec-2014

What is the need to view engineering projects as experiments? Nov/Dec-2016
Before introducing to the public, every engineering product must under go
various experimentation not only in the laboratory but also from the view point of the
general public
 To protect the safety of human beings and respect their right of consent
 Being accountable for the results of a project
 Exhibiting technical competence and other characteristics of

11. What are the roles of codes of ethics? May/June-2012

Enumerate the roles of codes in ethics of profession. Nov/Dec-2016
The functions of codes are
 Inspiration and Guidance
 Support
 Education and Mutual Understanding
 Public Image
 Protecting the Status
 Protecting Business Interest

12. What are the three main aspects of engineering experiments? May/June-2012
 Any engineering project or plan is put into practice with partial ignorance
because while designing a model there are several uncertainities
 The final outcomes of engineering projects are generally uncertain like that of
experiments that we do
 Good and effective engineering depends upon the knowledge possessed about
the products at the initial and end stages

13. What is meant by engineering as experimentation? May/June-2014

Experimentation is commonly recognized to play an essential role in the
design process. Preliminary test or simulations are conducted from the time it is
decided to convert a new engineering concept into its first rough design. Each
engineering project taken as a totality may itself be viewed as an experiment.

14. State the importance of ethical codes. May/June-2014

 The codes of ethics have to be adopted by engineering societies as well as by
 A code of ethics provides a framework for ethical judgement for a professional
 A codes defines the roles and responsibilities of professionals

15. Define ethical accountability. April/May-2011

The people those who feel their responsibility always accepts the entire
blame for their actions. In short, it is known as accountability, which means
being culpable (guilty) and hold responsible for faults and respond to the
assessment of others. Accountable persons will conduct themselves based on the
specific circumstances.

16. What is learning from the past? April/May-2014

Learning from the past might be expected that engineers would learn not only
from their own earlier design and operating results, but also from those of other
engineers. Unfortunately, that is frequently not the case. Lack of established channels
of communication, misplaced pride is not asking for information, embarrassment at
failure or fear of litigation and plain neglect often impede flow of such information and
lead to many repetitions of past mistakes.


1. What is meant by confidentiality and why it is needed? April/May-2018

Confidentiality: A distinguishing characteristic of the professional is keeping
certain information of the client’s secret confidentially. This is a well-recognized
principle in a profession such as medicine, where the patient’s medical
information must be kept confidential. Because the secret information can be
misused by the third person.
2. Define safety. Nov/Dec-2017
Define the term safety and relate it to risk. April/May-2018
Safety should be an integral part of any engineering design. In the other words of
William W. Lawrence,” A thing is safe if its risks are justified to be acceptable”. In
short safety means an acceptable risk.

3. What is collective bargaining? Nov/Dec-2016

Define the term collective bargaining. April/May-2017
What does the term Collective Bargaining refer to? Nov/Dec-2017
Collective Bargaining: Collective bargaining is a process of negotiation between
employers and a group of employees aimed at agreements to regulate working
salaries, working conditions, benefits, and other aspects of workers' compensation and

4. What is safe risk and acceptability of risk? Nov/ Dec-2007

“A thing is safe if its risks are judged to be acceptable”. “A risk is acceptable when
those affected are generally no longer apprehensive about it.

5. What is the purpose of “factors of safety” used in engineering design?

Nov/ Dec-2007
The purpose of “factors of safety” used in engineering design is to extend the safe
operation of products and systems, prevention of natural or human-caused disasters. A
design or thing is said to be safe, if the person who judges the perceived risk is less
and it is unsafe if the perceived risk is high.
6. Define 'risk. April/May-2011 & Nov/Dec-2014
Define risk in professional ethics perspective. Nov/Dec-2016
A risk is the potential that some thing unwanted and harmful may occur. Risk is
defined as the probability of a specified level of hazardous consequence being realized.
Risk (R) is thus the product of Probability (P) and Consequence (C) which is given by
the equation R =P*C

7. List the methods that can be applied when testing is inappropriate. Nov/Dec-2014
There are four main analytical methods:
a. Scenario analysis
b. Failure models and effect analysis
c. Fault tree analysis
d. Event tree analysis

8. Define safety & risk analysis. May/June- 2012

Safety should be an integral part of any engineering design. In the other words
of William W. Lawrence,” A thing is safe if its risks are justified to be acceptable”. In
short safety means an acceptable risk.
Risk analysis techniques have come to play an ever increasing role. Risk
reduction can take place at different levels by implementing the inherent safety
provisions during the design stage, applying safety measures, preventing or limiting
damage, providing safety zones around industrial plants and by emergency planning.

9. Define the terms: confidentiality, collective bargaining and conflicts of interest.

May/June- 2012 & May/June-2014 & May/June-2012
Confidentiality: A distinguishing characteristic of the professional is keeping certain
information of the client’s secret confidentially. This is a well-recognized principle in a
profession such as medicine, where the patient’s medical information must be kept
Collective Bargaining: Collective bargaining is a process of negotiation between
employers and a group of employees aimed at agreements to regulate working salaries,
working conditions, benefits, and other aspects of workers' compensation and rights.
Conflicts of Interest: Conflict of interests is a situation in which two or more
interests are not simultaneously realizable. It is the disagreement between public
obligation and self-interest of simultaneously realizable. It is the disagreement between
public obligation and self-interest of an official.

10. What is meant by occupational crime? May/June-2014

Occupational Crime are the illegal acts that made possible through a persons
lawful employment. It is a secret violation of laws which rules the work activities.

11. Define safe exit. May/June-2012 & April/May-2011

The best thing is a person can assure that
 When a product fails it will fail safely
 the product can be abandoned safely
 the user can safely escape the product
All these three conditions are said to be safe exit.

12. List the problems related to price fixing. April/May-2011
Price fixing is clearly illegal, it is often difficult to prove that such a
conspiracy exist or has existed because of attempts by the price fixing group to
eliminate or conceal evidence which suggests an agreement.

13. What is the prime objective of intellectual property rights legislation?

The prime objective of intellectual property right is well established almost at all
levels like statutory, administrative and judicial. The agreement established by the
World Trade Organization and agreed by Trade Related aspects of Intellectual Property
System (TRIPS) was ratified by India in January 1995

14. Define risk-benefit analysis. Nov/Dec-2015

RBA is a method that helps the engineer to analyse the risk in a project and to
determine whether a project should be implemented or not. It is very much closer to the
Cost Benefit Analysis (the quantity of benefits by incurring certain expenditures). In
RBA, the risk and benefits of a product are allotted to money amounts and the most
beneficial ratio between risk and benefits is calculated.

15. What is meant by whistle-blowing? Nov/Dec-2015

Whistle Blowing is alerting relevant persons to some moral or legal corruption, where
“relevant persons” are those in a position to act in response, if only by registering

16. What is the use of risk-analysis?

April/May-2015 & Nov/Dec-2013 & April/May-2017
Risk Analysis is used for the assessment of the hazardous associated with an
industrial or commercial activity. It involves identifying the causes of unwanted
hazardous events and estimating the consequences and likelihood of these events. To
analyse the risk in the project and to decide to continue the project or not. Three factors
involved in this are: a. Hazard Identification b. Consequences analysis c. Probability

17. Define disaster. Nov/Dec-2013

Disaster is a region disruptive event coincided with the state of insufficient preparation.
A disaster = A serious continue event; A state of unpreparedness

18. Mention the different types of IPR. Nov/Dec-2013

 Patents for innovation
 Copyrights for materials
 Trademarks for broad identity and
 Trade secrets


1. What are the advantages of MNCs to host country? April/May-2018

 Job opportunities
 Higher pay
 Greater challenge
 Transfer of new and advanced technology and other social benefits

2. What is code of conduct and mention its significance? April/May-2018

A code of conduct is a set of rules outlining the social norms and religious
rules and responsibilities of, or proper practices for, an individual, party or
organization. Related concepts include ethical, honor, moral codes and religious laws.
Code of conduct is a central guide and reference for employees in supporting day-to-
day decision making. A well written code clarifies organization’s mission, values and
principles, linking them with standards of professional conduct.

3. Point out the responsibilities of consulting engineers. Nov/Dec-2017

 Advertising
 Competitive bidding
 Contingency fee
 Safety and client needs
 Provision for resolution of disputes

4. What do you mean by IPR? April/May-2017

Intellectual property refers to creation of the human intellect Some common
types of intellectual property rights (IPR), in some foreign countries intellectual
property rights is referred to as industrial property, copyright, patent and
trademarks, trade secrets all these cover music, literature and other artistic works,
discoveries and inventions and words, phrases, symbols and designs Intellectual
Property Rights are themselves a form of property called intangible property.

5. Define code of conduct. Nov/Dec-2016

A code of conduct is a set of rules outlining the social norms and religious
rules and responsibilities of, or proper practices for, an individual, party or
organization. Related concepts include ethical, honor, moral codes and religious laws.

6. What is meant by computer ethics. Nov/Dec-2016

Computers contribute to a variety of moral problems. In order to evaluate and
act appropriately with such problems, a new field of applied ethics termed as
computer ethics„ has been developed. The study of ethical issues that are associated
with computer, its peripheral and accesses series and the computing profession is
called as computer ethics.

7. State the most important ethical mistake made by the multinational corporation
which caused Bhopal gas plant disaster. Nov/Dec-2007
a. Storage tanks were over loaded
b. Empty tank was also filled with a large amount of chemicals
c. Refrigeration had been shut down

d. Failed to insert the safety disks which are meant to prevent the leakages
e. Failure in giving training to the new employees properly and lack of technical
awareness of the Indian labourers
f. Used only low level Indian standards of safety practices within their reach

8. What are hired guns? April/May-2011

When engineers are hired by lawyers to help them to exhibit the facts in a
favourable way to their clients, they are called hired guns. As the hired guns,
engineers break the standards of honesty and also violate paying due care while
conducting investigations.

9. Explain the meaning moral leadership. Or What is meant by moral leadership?

April/May-2015, Nov/Dec-2014, Nov/Dec-2015 & Nov/Dec-2013

Whenever the goals of a leader become permissible and also morally valuable,
it is known as moral leadership. Moral leadership also means that employing morally
acceptable ways to motivate the groups to move towards morally desirable ways. The
ways are depending on the situations.

10. What is competitive bidding? May/June-2012

Competitive bidding means offering price in order to achieve something in
return by that offer. The professional codes of ethics forbid the consulting engineers
from involving in competitive bidding.

11. What are the normal issues that may arise in Multinational Corporation?
There are several problems that will arise in the case of multinational
corporations. Suppose, manufacturing is done in the home country, then there may be
the chances of job losses to the people of host countries and also the host country has
to lose its resources, trade and political independence. There is also another problem
of keeping moral responsibilities of multinational corporations with regard to
undeveloped countries

12. Differentiate Eye witness and expert witness in the legal system. April/May-2014

Sl.No. Eye Witnesses Expert Witnesses

1. Eye witnesses give evidences Expert witnesses are allowed larger freedom in giving
in the court about what they evidence on facts in their areas of expertise, on
have seen actually explaining facts, in commenting on the views of the
expert witnesses of the opposite side and also in
reporting on the professional standards

13. Define ethical relativism. April/May-2011
As per this form, the actions of corporations and individuals that are accepted
by the law, custom and other rules of a society can be morally right within that
particular society

14. What are the qualities of moral leadership? April/May-2011

Moral leadership does not consist of moral elitism and dominance; instead, moral
creativity is helping to guide, organize, stimulate groups towards morally desirable

15. What do you mean by global issues? April/May-2014

A global issue describes any social, economic, political or environmental
problem that affects the global community, possibly in a catastrophic way

16. Name any two weapons of mass destruction. April/May-2014

a. Bomb
b. Napalm (jelly like petrol substance)

17. What is technology transfer? Nov/Dec-2015

What is meant by technology transfer? Nov/Dec-2017
Technology transfer is the process of moving technology to a novel setting and
implementing it there. A novel setting is any situation containing at least one new
variable relevant to the success or failure of a given technology. The setting may be
within a country where the technology is already used elsewhere, or a foreign country.

18. What do you think about the major responsibilities of MNC’s towards the host
country? May/June-2012
 Should give some benefits to the host countries
 Should do more good to the host countries by way of promoting the overall
economy and improving the welfare of the workers
 Improve morally justified institutions in the host countries
 Should respect the laws and culture of the host countries
 Should provide fair wage to the employees and workers of the host countries
 Should provide sufficient safety for the workers


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