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EN9LT-IIIh-16: Analyze literature as a means of connecting to the world

EN9LT-IIIh-3: Explain how a selection may be influenced by culture, history, environment, or

other factors

Lesson Plan in English 9

Students are expected to:
 identify the mode and tone of the play, “Driving Miss Daisy”
 analyze literature as a means of connecting to the world.
 arrange the following events logically;
 provide critical feedback on the idea presented in the material viewed.


 Driving Miss Daisy
 A Journey Through Anglo-American Literature Learner’s Material

 TV
 Cartolina / Manila paper

 Checking the cleanliness and orderliness of the room
 Attendance
 Prayer
 Greetings

ACTIVATE PRIOR KNOWLEDGE (Verbalize your thoughts)

 The facilitator will flash pictures and phrases to the TV and will let the students
write their thoughts in any clean sheet of paper.
 Everybody will give their insight regarding to what is shown by the facilitator (A
Journey Through Anglo-American Literature Learner’s Material, page 403-404)

 The facilitator will ask the questions about the what they did in the activity:
1. What do you think the pictures show?
2. Why do you think people are suffering according to the first picture
3. What is your idea about racism?


 The class will have a review about the movie they watched which is “Driving Miss Daisy”.
 They will read the plot synopsis. Afterwards, they facilitator will ask the following
1. Who directed the 1989 drama, "Driving Miss Daisy"?
2. What does Miss Daisy accuse Hoke of stealing in "Driving Miss Daisy"?
3. What can you say about the character of Miss Daisy? How about Hoke?
4. What do you think is the purpose of the author of the play?
5. What did you feel while reading the play?

APPLICATION (Sequencing Events)

 The class will be divide into three groups.

 The facilitator will give each group envelop that has strip of papers that contains sentences.
 The sentences are about the events of the play, Driving Miss Daisy.
 The groups will arrange the following events accordingly by posting it on the construction
paper given.

 They will be going to answer Task 6 on page 409
After reading the play, you probably thought of your family, friends, and people in your
community and around the world. What connections can you make between the selection and
what is happening to the world? Write it in a 1 whole sheet of paper.


On a short bond paper, answer task 5, page 409. Color the circle yellow and the squares red.

Prepared by: Danica Cadayona Checked by: Juliet Guieb

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