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B.Tech. Even Semester (2018-19)
Branch: EN-3rd Semester (A+B+C)

Subject Name: Power System Analysis Paper Code: REE-603

Time: 1:15 Hrs Max. Marks: 30
Note: Attempt all Sections


Note: All Questions carry equal marks (𝟒 × 𝟐 = 𝟖 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐬)

Q1. (a) What is impedance and reactance diagram?

(b) What is per unit normalization and the advantages of per unit in power system?

Q2. (a) Fig. 1 shows the schematic diagram of a radial transmission system. The ratings and reactances of the

various components are shown therein. A load of 60 MW at 0.9-power factor lagging is tapped from the 66

kV substations which are to be maintained at 60 kV. Calculate the terminal voltage of the synchronous

machine? Represent the transmission line and the transformers by series reactances only. Choose generator

ratings as base ratings.

Fig. 1

(b) What is the significance of symmetrical component transformation and derive an expression for the

symmetrical components of 3 phase quantities?


Note: All Questions carry equal marks (𝟒 × 𝟑 = 𝟏𝟐 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐬)

Q3. (a) Derive an expression for converting the per unit impedance expressed in one base to another.

(b) Three generators are rated as follows:

Generator 1: 100 MVA, 33 kV, X = 10%

Generator 2: 150 MVA, 32 kV, X = 8%

Generator 3: 110 MVA, 30 kV, X = 12%

Choosing 200 MVA and 35 kV as base quantities, compute per unit reactances of the three generators
referred to these base quantities. Draw the reactance diagram and mark per unit reactances. The three
generators are connected to common bus bars.

Q4. (a) Draw the pu impedance diagram for the power system shown in Fig. 2. Use a base of 100 MVA, 220
kV in 50 Ω line. The rating of the generator, motor and transformers are:

Generator: 40 MVA, 25 kV, X" = 20%

Motor: 50 MVA, 11 kV, X" = 30%

Y – Y Transformer: 40 MVA, 33 Y/220 ∆ kV, X = 15%

Y – ∆ Transformer: 30 MVA, 220 Y/11 ∆ kV, X = 15%

Fig. 2

(b) Compute symmetrical components of the three phase voltages

Va = 100 00; Vb = 110 – 1000; Vc = 115 1100


Note: All Questions carry equal marks (𝟐 × 𝟓 = 𝟏𝟎 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐬)

Q5. (a) What do you understand by the instantaneous maximum momentary current for line? Explain it with the help

of derivation and suitable diagram.

(b) Obtain pu (positive, negative and zero) sequence network for the power system shown in Fig. 3 below:

Fig. 3
Generator supplies a number of synchronous motors over 64 km transmission line having transformers at

both ends. Series reactance of transmission line is 0.5 Ω / km. Select the generator rating as base in generator circuit.

Assume zero sequence reactance of transmission line is j0.5445 pu and zero sequence reactance of transformer T 1

and T2 are j0.0857 and j0.0915 pu respectively. Neutrals of machines G1 and M1 are grounded through 5% reactance

of their own ratings.

MVA Voltage
Equipment 𝑿𝟎 𝑿𝟏 𝑿𝟐
rating rating
Generator 𝐺1 300 20 kV j0.08 j0.2 j0.2
Motor M1 200 13.2 kV j0.05 j0.2 j0.2
Motor M2 100 13.2 kV j0.05 j0.2 j0.2
Transformer 𝑇1 350 20/230 kV j0.0857 j0.1 j0.1
Transformer 𝑇2 300 220/13.2 kV j0.0915 j0.1 j0.1

All the Best

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