Anda di halaman 1dari 8

Enabling IoT platforms for social IoT applications: Vision, feature mapping, and


5G Virtualized Multi-access Edge Computing Platform for IoT Applications

5G-enabled devices and smart-spaces in social-IoT: An overview

From 4G to 5G: Self-organized network management meets machine learning

Information and resource management systems for Internet of Things: Energy

management, communication protocols and future applications

Teknologi 5G membantu implementasi

revolusi industri 4.0
Kamis, 6 September 2018 21:45 WIB

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Teknologi koneksi 5G dinilai dapat membantu implementasi

revolusi industri 4.0 di Indonesia dalam beberapa waktu ke depan.

"5G merupakan salah satu enabler (elemen pembantu) untuk revolusi industri 4.0 maju, karena
kalau kita melihat semakin besar bandwith komunikasi semakin memungkinkan aplikasi yang
lebih luas lagi," ujar Country Manager PT. Symantec Security Indonesia Andris Masengi di
Jakarta, Kamis.

Dia menjelaskan, teknologi 5G memungkinkan pengembangan aplikasi teknologi informasi,

seperti virtual reality, inventarisasi stok dan pengembangan Internet of Things secara lebih luas
jika dibandingkan sekarang.

"Teknologi 5G merupakan enabler dan ini sesuatu yang kita sebagai orang Indonesia mesti mulai
berpikir secara kreatif bagaimana menggunakan teknologi itu tadi. Pada saat teknologi ini
muncul, kita sudah siap untuk menggunakannya," kata Andris.
Regional Vice President Asia DSI, William Chaylis, menyampaikan bahwa teknologi 5G
memungkinkan banyak aktivitas dilakukan dengan robot atau drone tanpa perlu adanya
kehadiran manusia secara langsung di sana.

"Teknologi 5G ini akan membuka banyak area yang sebelumnya belum pernah ada atau
terjamah," ujarnya dalam konferensi pers tersebut.

PT. Metrodata Electronics Tbk kembali menggelar kegiatan tahunan yakni Metrodata Solution
Day 2018 yang mengusung tema Industry 4.0: Digital Revolution. Kegiatan tahun ini membahas
materi-materi teknologi informasi seputar Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, cloud
computing hingga cyber security.

"Perkembangan teknologi informasi saat ini terlihat luar biasa cepat, berbagai aplikasi dapat
dengan mudah ditemukan dan diunduh melalui cloud services dan digital business platform. Saat
memasuki Industry 4.0, kita harus secepat mungkin mulai memetakan dan melaksanakan
revolusi digital, jika tidak maka kita akan tertinggal jauh. Sekarang atau tidak sama sekali," ujar
Presiden Direktur PT. Metrodata Electronics Tbk Susanto Djaja.

Pewarta: Aji Cakti

Editor: Alviansyah Pasaribu

6 Ways 5G Will Empower the Digital


By David Roe | Apr 11, 2018

CHANNEL: Digital Workplace

5G may be a technology of the future, but that is set to change. Dallas-based AT&T has said that
it is aiming to be the first US carrier to launch standards-based mobile 5G services to customers
later this year. For smartphone users this means faster access to more apps. For enterprises it
means a faster, data-driven digital workplace.

While the digital workplace has been driven by data since enterprises started moving online 20
years ago, the release of 5G as a workplace and consumer technology could revolutionize the
way we work in much the same way the internet did. But will it? Here are six ways the digital
workplace will change over the next two years, according to analysts and experts.

1. Latency

Roger Nichols is 5G program manager at Keysight Technologies, a Santa Rosa, Calif.-based

company that manufactures electronic test and measurement equipment and software. He points
out that the enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB) facet of 5G will help workers move data at
speeds much faster than existing networks. However, 5G is about not just faster download and
upload, but also much lower latency. The combination of these two will enable approaches to
information management not feasible in the legacy mobile environment. The “carry your office
anywhere” can be enhanced by an augmented reality

Complement these two with network operators using network slicing technology to provide a
particularly secure or high-reliability network service through real-time provisioning, and the
applications go well beyond that of an augmented teleconference.

2. Connected Everything

This will be augmented by ubiquitous connected "things." Even legacy networks will have
facilitated an Internet of Things consisting of perhaps 20 billion devices by the year 2020 and 5G
will be set to augment that with new network capability, rolling out right around that same time.
As 5G becomes a reality, emerging technology will impact us on a massive scale, especially in
the workplace.

Nichols points out that 5G will allow technology to connect the workplace and keep it running
efficiently — providing a huge boost for the future of work. Resources like smart conference
rooms, office automation and the integration of AI into everyday technology will not only
become the norm, but will be taken for granted in maximizing workplace productivity. Office
collaboration will grow, complex challenges will become easier to tackle, and the assistance of
the technology may even improve work-life balance.

“The switch to 5G will be colossal for businesses, and those that embrace and adapt to what 5G
offers will thrive. The vision requires innovation and persistence, and this is why the
development and implementation phases of 5G is crucial to where we will find ourselves in the
coming years,” Nichols said.

3. Improved Bandwidth

Mobile access, in general, has been critical for enterprises with regards to their efforts to adopt a
digital workplaces. This is especially true in the Asia-Pacific and Japan region, where Redwood
City, Calif.-based SAP Jam — a collaboration company owned by SAP — typically sees 80
percent of the usage of its collaboration products entirely on a mobile client, according to
Stephen Hamrick, vice president of product management.
What’s astonishing, he said, is that despite many stories about how great mobile coverage is in
emerging markets like Asia-Pacific, the majority of smartphone uses aren’t even at 4G speeds,
while a good number are stuck at 3G.

Right now, he points out, with limited bandwidth and coverage, employees will either choose not
to share or will wait until they can find a nearby WiFi hotspot. “Given how important digital
content is not finding its way into a company’s digital workplace today, it’s clear that better
speed will always be welcome,” he said. “Given the current state of coverage for 4G, we’ll have
to wait and see if 5G sees the roll-out and coverage necessary to make a significant impact. In
the meantime, companies are relying more and more on local WiFi coverage.”

4. Collaboration and IoT

Don MacLeod, practice director at TEKsystems Telecommunications, a Hanover, Md.-based

provider of IT staffing and IT services, points out that the addition of 5G capabilities will
immediately impact the speed of communications, helping increase productivity across the
distributed workforce. “Collaboration takes time, and with a distributed workforce, interactions
that are typically scheduled and time bound can become more ad-hoc and real-time. 5G will
allow near real-time collaboration, which will reduce the requirements of organizing these
interactions and lead to increased productivity and efficiency," he said.

He adds that 5G capabilities will power an advanced IoT which could allow real-time
collaboration between people and things. It will also drive advancements in augmented reality
and virtual reality (AR/VR) allowing them to become fully realized collaborative technologies.

The delay in moving toward a decentralized workforce is predominantly due to the limitations of
current technologies (4G and wired networks) being able to support these real-time interactions.
5G could usher in the death of the non-productive work space, and the collaboration and
enablement that occurs with 5G can fully support a decentralized workforce.

5. Real-Time Synch

Paul Alick, an electrical engineer with Campad Electronics, an Australian-based mobile

technology provider. He says that the difference between what happens on your device and what
happens in the cloud will become unnoticeable because of 5G. Cloud processing will be able to
be done in real time giving users access to potentially unlimited data storage and access to
massive processing power via the cloud. The productivity and benefits of this are huge. This will
also enable real-time video interaction.

“Real time video interactions will become standard. Video calls won’t buffer due to 5G's
massive bandwidth delivery. This means that remote trouble shooting, doctor conferences,
business meetings will be a possible. This gives flexibility and reduces travel time,” he said.
This all means more portability, faster bandwidth in the field and home and will allow
organizations to save on operational costs for remote workers.
6. Network-as-a-Service (NaaS)

It will also be possible to increase the number of networks used in the enterprise, according to
Steve Dietch, Chief Revenue Officer at Mountain View, Calif.-based Pensa, having previously
occupied senior management roles at Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Compaq, IBM and Booz-Allen
& Hamilton.

He says that with 5G technology, service providers will be able to partition a single physical
network into multiple virtual networks allowing the service providers to offer optimal support for
different types of services across different customer segments. This means providing enterprises
with network as-a-service which will reduce time to market, provide the right service to the right
customer at the right time, and create significant cost effectiveness for service providers. “Most
importantly,” he added, “this will deliver targeted services on-demand to end users, which is a
great idea for an efficient digital workplace.

How 5G may Transform HR?

December 12, 2018 Sonali Sengupta

The demands of the modern business world, where large number of organizations have global
footprint and a large section of workforce are mobile working beyond limitations of geography
and time zone, is to have 4G technology enabled cloud computing, mobile business conferences,
cost effective data calling services, web browsing at all hours from anywhere.

The next focus is now on 5G technology and it is expected that 5G networks will operate with
mobile data speeds that will be 1000 times faster than 4G with low latency. This will increase the
responsiveness and pave the way for a wide variety of new applications, and use cases. The
target time for launching of 5G is 2020 and according to HUAWEI the Chinese telecom giant the
5G network will enable communication between people, processes, content, in an entirely
flexible way. Network stability will enable people to have the experience of virtual office almost
anywhere. This, in itself, will lead to a transformational shift in how workforce operates and
could bring about a sea change in both organizational HR environment and policies as well and
HR services in various industries.
At this stage, the 5G based application deployment is still some time away and needs to have the
required infrastructure and spectrum capacity but all major telecom companies like AT&T,
Verizon, Qualcomm are gearing up with full focus to bring it into use as early as 2019. It is
expected that China will have the 5G technology commercially available by 2020 and India will
most probably have it available by 2022.

Let us look at the industries which will see the most impact -:
Automotive Industries –

Connected cars, improved GPS, instant traffic and map updates.

Manufacturing Industries –

With 5G, devices will last longer and appliances will be greener as consumption of power will be
lesser and batteries will last longer. The entire manufacturing industry could see remarkable
change in terms of new models of factories and plants.


Delivery of products to market, faster production, remote monitoring and servicing through

Safety and Security –

Provision of greater security at lower cost and via connected devices using network slicing to
provide secure priority communication during any emergency situation will be possible. Remote
controlled vehicles will make is possible to reduce human presence in dangerous places,
Hazardous jobs like that of miners will be benefited as they may be reached faster, it will make
situations safer, more productive. This will lead to in safer wok environment for hazardous
industries and faster disaster recovery.

Medical and Health care –

There will be improved delivery of medical aid services and provisions and facilities, remote
surgery with cutting edge technology. This will benefit people in times of calamities. Pollution
and air quality in cities have become a menace and is the root cause of many terminal or chronic
ailments. The 5G technology will help to control air quality in cities and faster update on
smartphones on air quality and faster response to air quality hazards will be a reality.

Financial services –

This will get a boost in areas of mobile trading, blockchain technology based transactions in any
financial transactions
Online retail Services –

The online shopping will provide customer greater access and options and experience.

Travel Industry –

The travel services be it local, domestic or international along with related services which
sustains travel will see a phenomenal shift in terms of offerings and processes. There will be
more expansive application of internet of things on 5G – smarter connected cities, with better,
smarter, safer transport systems, route planning, traffic re-routing and congestion handling, better
estimation of travel times, disaster handling, better patrolling of streets and thereby more
efficient controlling of crimes.

Media and Gaming industry will get a boost through UHD technology and improved virtual
reality, 360-degree content on mobile devices.

In the HR space –

the recruitment sector is estimating that the advent of 5G will create about 3 million jobs in the
technical sector. There will be a huge demand for wide ranging cloud-based skills, security
skills, machine learning skills, Big data skills and IOT design skills. There will be a huge
demand for telecom engineers and electrical engineers. It will also trigger flexibility in
workplace norms and work hours.

Workplace will no longer mean office workplace as it will be possible to work from anywhere.
Likewise work hours will also span flexible hours during the 24 hour span. Anytime and
Anyplace work will be the new norm. Customers will expect support and response faster and
more instantly leading to a more continuous model of support. Needless to say, all this will
necessitate new policies and changes in existing policies in the HR space. Employees and
employers need to recognize the signs of time and gear up to adapt to it. One can conclude by
stating that 5G will create one of the biggest disruptions in the coming years.
Nine ways 5G and the IoT will harm humans, the environment, and Earth

 Health – The robust and growing independent science shows harms to our health from
microwave radiation
 Privacy – The invasion of our privacy from the collection and mining of our digital data
 Cyber Security -The fast growing and devastating cyber security risks
 Environment – The harms to wildlife, particularly bees, butterflies and other pollinators
 Energy – The huge energy consumption to produce and power a wireless Internet of Things
 Brains and Humanity – The effects on our brains and humanity from humans increasingly
inhabiting the cyber world
 E-Waste – The astronomical e-waste that will be generated from connecting virtually every
“thing” to the Internet
 Conflict Minerals – 5G and the IoT will vastly grow our dependence on conflict minerals, which
have brought about the death of close to 6 million people
 Ethics — Ethical issues arising from the IoT. New human rights laws are being being considered;
how should humans relate to robots and AI? The blurring of what was once a clear delineation
between technology and humans

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