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Diagnostic Accuracy, Sensitivity, and

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Specificity of Executive Function Tests in
DOI: 10.1177/1073191116646445

Moderate Traumatic Brain Injury in Ghana

Samuel Adjorlolo1

The sociocultural differences between Western and sub-Saharan African countries make it imperative to standardize
neuropsychological tests in the latter. However, Western-normed tests are frequently administered in sub-Saharan Africa
because of challenges hampering standardization efforts. Yet a salient topical issue in the cross-cultural neuropsychology
literature relates to the utility of Western-normed neuropsychological tests in minority groups, non-Caucasians, and by
extension Ghanaians. Consequently, this study investigates the diagnostic accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity of executive
function (EF) tests (The Stroop Test, Trail Making Test, and Controlled Oral Word Association Test), and a Revised
Quick Cognitive Screening Test (RQCST) in a sample of 50 patients diagnosed with moderate traumatic brain injury and
50 healthy controls in Ghana. The EF test scores showed good diagnostic accuracy, with area under the curve (AUC)
values of the Trail Making Test scores ranging from .746 to .902. With respect to the Stroop Test scores, the AUC values
ranged from .793 to .898, while Controlled Oral Word Association Test had AUC value of .787. The RQCST scores
discriminated between the groups, with AUC values ranging from .674 to .912. The AUC values of composite EF score and
a neuropsychological score created from EF and RQCST scores were .936 and. 942, respectively. Additionally, the Stroop
Test, Trail Making Test, EF composite score, and RQCST scores showed good to excellent sensitivities and specificities. In
general, this study has shown that commonly used EF tests in Western countries have diagnostic accuracy, sensitivity, and
specificity when administered in Ghanaian samples. The findings and implications of the study are discussed.

executive function tests, diagnostic accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, brain injury, Ghana, Africa, cross-cultural neuropsychology

Acquired brain injury, especially traumatic brain injury While there is an ongoing debate regarding the localiza-
(TBI), remains a major public health and socioeconomic tions of a set of cognitive functions called executive func-
threat globally (Roozenbeek, Maas, & Menon, 2013). A tioning (EF), it has become a standard practice to refer to
leading cause of TBI in sub-Saharan Africa, including the frontal lobe, specifically the prefrontal cortex, as medi-
Ghana, is road traffic accident (RTA; Adjorlolo, 2015; ating EF. Contemporary evidence suggests that EF is depen-
Casey et al., 2012; National Road Safety Commission, dent on the integrity of the network interactions between
2013). Albeit several regions of the brain are prone to inju- and among several cerebral, cortical, and subcortical brain
ries from sources such as RTA, and falls, the frontal lobe, regions (Alvarez & Emory, 2006; Stuss, 2011). Despite the
however, is particularly vulnerable due to its protuberances lack of consensus on the definition of EF, the construct has
to the floor of the anterior cranial fossa and the medial tem- been construed generally as a high-order cognitive control
poral fossa as well as proximity to the frontal plate of the process relevant for self-regulation and self-directed behav-
skull (for review, see Gennarelli & Graham, 2005; Ylvisaker iors, updating, set-shifting/cognitive flexibility, planning,
& DeBonis, 2000). While neuropsychologists are frequently and holding information “online” (i.e., working memory;
requested to assess patients after TBI for various reasons see Adjorlolo & Egbenya, 2016; Jurado & Rosselli, 2007;
such as insurance claims and litigation purposes, one issue Miyake & Friedman, 2012; Stuss, 2011). EF processes are
that has engulfed the practice of cross-cultural neuropsy-
chology relates to the appropriateness of administering 1
City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong, SAR
Western-normed tests in different cultural or non-Western
Corresponding Author:
settings. The present study investigates the diagnostic accu- Samuel Adjorlolo, Department of Applied Social Sciences, City
racy, specificity, and sensitivity of tests supposedly designed University of Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong, SAR.
to measure “frontal lobe deficits” after TBI in Ghana. Email:

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2 Assessment 

relevant for behavior regulation and in performing basic test stimuli to everyday life, importance of speed versus
(e.g., bathing and brushing) and instrumental (e.g., handling accuracy, and quality of educational experiences may differ
finances, food preparation) activities of daily living that are substantially between Caucasians and other minority groups
necessary for independent living. They also help in main- or non-Westerners, and these may contribute to significant
taining socially responsible and appropriate adult conduct differences in test performance (Lucas et  al., 2005).
(Lezak, Howieson, Bigler, & Tranel, 2012). Consequently, efforts have been made in the United States
Several neuropsychological tests have been developed to to develop neuropsychological tests norms for non-White
tap specific EF abilities espoused by the various theoretical or minority groups. The Mayo’s Older African Americans
models of EF such as Norman and Shallice (1986) model of Normative Studies, which had developed norms for mea-
supervisory attention system (for a review, see Chan, Shum, sures such as the Boston Naming Test, Controlled Oral
Toulopoulou, & Chen, 2008). Consequently, it is difficult to Word Association, Category Fluency, Token Test, TMT,
determine the exact EF processes that are affected after Stroop Color and Word Test, and Judgment of Line
TBI. Notwithstanding this, there is an indication that EF Orientation, is an epitome of this enthusiastic approach (for
processes such as cognitive flexibility, inhibition of inter- details, see Lucas et al., 2005).
ference, and updating which are assessed by the frequently Notably, the obvious cultural, ethnic, and socioeconomic
administered EF tests are highly impaired after TBI. Among differences between Western and sub-Saharan African
the frequently administered EF tests are the Wisconsin Card countries make standardization of Western-normed neuro-
Sorting Test, Trail Making Test (TMT), Stroop Interference psychological tests in the former very imperative. The
Task, Controlled Oral Word Association Test (COWAT), numerous languages and dialects in sub-Saharan Africa can
and the Porteus Maze (Adjorlolo & Egbenya, 2016; Rabin, negatively affect neuropsychological test administration.
Barr, & Burton, 2005). However, these tests have also been Ghana, for instance, has over 46 different spoken languages
criticized for their little or poor predictive value of how a and dialects that reflect the unique history of the various
patient may perform on another test, as well as in complex ethnic groups. These ethnic groups have distinct and out-
real-world situation (the so-called ecological validity; standing cultural practices that can affect the interpretations
Adjorlolo, 2016; Strauss, Sherman, & Spreen, 2006). Yet as well as the meanings conveyed by words, symbols, and
their popularity among neuropsychologists is partly as a drawings used in neuropsychological testing. Collecting
result of their purported sensitivity to frontal lobe lesions normative data on these diverse ethnic groups while respect-
(Lezak et al., 2012; Strauss et al., 2006), although studies ing and accounting for the overt and covert differences
have found that patients with frontal lesions perform within between these groups that might affect performance on neu-
normal limit, while those with nonfrontal lesions perform as ropsychological test is a practical challenge. Just like in
poorly as those with frontal lesions on these tests (Alvarez many developing countries, there are rural and urban areas
& Emory, 2006). This said, there is a fair understanding that in Ghana. These areas differ markedly on several dimen-
EF tests have diagnostic accuracy in Western samples. sions such as the level of socioeconomic and infrastructural
Importantly, studies have found that injury severity signifi- development, and most important on education (Adjorlolo,
cantly correlated with poor performance on EF tests Adu-Poku, Andoh-Arthur, Botchway, & Mlyakado, 2015).
(Demery, Larson, Dixit, Bauer, & Perlstein, 2010; Draper & The rural areas, which are densely populated than the urban
Ponsford, 2008; Ponsford, Draper, & Schönberger, 2008). areas, lag behind in terms of infrastructural and socioeco-
That is, patients with severe TBI performed poorer than nomic development, with a large percentage of the residents
those diagnosed with moderate and mild TBI. On the other being illiterates or without formal education. Given the pro-
hand, those diagnosed with moderate TBI also tend to per- found effects of education on neuropsychological test per-
form significantly worse than patients with mild TBI. formance, it is obvious that rural and urban dwellers in
In contrast, several researchers have argued that many Ghana are more likely to differ in their performance on
EF tests, and more broadly neuropsychological tests, have these tests. Overcoming these challenges will require “eth-
poor diagnostic accuracy when administered on non-White, nic test standardization” to reflect the unique cultural prac-
nonnative English speakers, those who are below middle tices of the various ethnic groups or “rural/urban test
upper class, as well as less educated (Brickman, Cabo, & standardization” to capture the sociocultural differences
Manly, 2006; Kennepohl, Shore, Nabors, & Hanks, 2004; between rural and urban areas (for details, see Adjorlolo,
Manly, 2005; Rosselli & Ardila, 2003). This prevailing 2016). However, this is obviously a difficult task, if not
argument and/or findings partly stem from the observation pragmatically impossible.
that many neuropsychological tests were developed to tap Efforts to standardize neuropsychological tests in Ghana
skills and abilities relevant in White, Western, middle-class are seriously hampered by human resource (e.g., only two
culture, but which may be less valued or evident in other neuropsychologists in Ghana currently), financial, and
cultures (Helms, 1992). Additionally, factors such as logistics challenges. The government of Ghana is notably
information-processing style, item familiarity, relevance of overwhelmed with major public health issues (e.g., malaria,

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cholera, diarrhea, sanitation, and HIV/AIDS), provision of (Eritrea = 46,640, Nigeria = 31,532, and Somalia = 21,861).
health care infrastructure, as well as ensuring availability of These newly migrated individuals are distinct in that they
medical personnel (e.g., doctors and nurses), resulting in may not share the same or similar characteristics with
less commitment to the provision of neuropsychological already known minority groups such as African Americans
services. These practical constraints, which daunt interest in or “acculturated immigrants.” Refusing them neuropsycho-
practicing neuropsychology, are evident in other African logical services may be inappropriate and unethical as the
countries, leading some (Kriegler & Skuy, 1996) to ques- “Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code Conduct”
tion the essence of psychological testing in sub-Saharan (American Psychological Association, 2002) admonish
Africa. Yet the absence of psychological testing will impede psychologists to safeguard and provide care to people in
insight into the effects of HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other need by taking into account their cultural background. To
“regional diseases” on neurocognitive functioning. Most this end, accumulation of evidence regarding the accuracy
important, in the absence of neurocognitive assessment, it of neuropsychological tests to detect neurocognitive defi-
would be difficult, if not impossible, to institute appropriate cits in African samples can provide invaluable information
intervention to mitigate the adverse impacts of neurocogni- to Western-based clinicians who may need to assess immi-
tive deficits on psychosocial functioning. Obviously, apart grants from Africa.
from adding to the repertoire of empirical knowledge, stud- The overarching goal of the present study is to investi-
ies of neurocognitive functioning in Africa can have signifi- gate the diagnostic accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity of
cant policy implications geared toward improvement in three commonly administered EF tests (i.e., the Stroop Test,
patients’ quality of life. COWAT, and TMT) in TBI patients in Ghana. Second, the
As a result, Western-normed tests are administered on study examines the ability of EF composite score to distin-
individuals suspected of or at a high risk of neurocognitive guish TBI patients from healthy controls. As part of this
impairment (e.g., those diagnosed with malaria, HIV/AIDS, study, the diagnostic accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity of
sickle cell, TBI) in several African countries, including in a general cognitive screener, Revised Quick Cognitive
South Africa (Ramlall, Chipps, Bhigjee, & Pillay, 2013, Screening Test (RQCST; Mate-Kole et al., 2009), is investi-
2014), Nigeria (Akolo et al., 2014), Kenya (Carter et al., gated. Although this screener is validated in samples from
2005), Democratic Republic of Congo (Kashala, Elgen, the United States, it is often used in Ghana. However, to
Sommerfelt, Tylleskär, & Lundervold, 2005), Zambia date, no study has examined its diagnostic validity in TBI.
(Hestad et al., 2012), Senegal (Boivin, 2002), and Uganda Additionally, given that the RQCST assesses global cogni-
(Sacktor et al., 2013). The few studies investigating the tive functioning, we sought to demonstrate the diagnostic
diagnostic accuracy of neuropsychological tests in demen- accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity of neuropsychological
tia have found that Western-normed tests are not necessarily composite scores created from EF test and RQCST scores.
inaccurate when administered on African samples (see
Ramlall et al., 2013, 2014).
Continuous administration of these tests in sub-Saharan Method
Africa is one mechanism to determine their appropriateness
in African samples. Likewise, information gleaned from
administering these tests can inform and shape efforts to For detailed methodological descriptions, see Adjorlolo
adapt or standardize neuropsychological tests in the region, (2016). Briefly, a total of 50 (male = 35, female = 15) TBI
granted the availability of human resources and other logis- patients was recruited from the outpatient clinics at
tics. In addition to serving local needs, the outcomes of Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital (KBTH; n = 30) and 37
studies of these sorts have indirect ramifications for neuro- Military Hospital (n = 20) in Accra, the capital of Ghana.
psychological assessment of “recent” African immigrants KBTH is the main referral and the oldest teaching hospital,
in Western countries. Although this is a generational issue, while 37 Military Hospital is the only military hospital that
current development in terms of the number of immigrants also serves as a national disaster center. These hospitals
in Western countries should perhaps rekindle interest in were chosen because they provide treatments to a high
cross-cultural neuropsychology. Of note, the number of number of TBI patients. Patients recruited from the 37
Africans embarking on the perilous voyage to escape con- Military Hospital were civilians, just as those recruited
flicts and tribal wars, poverty, unemployment, and human from KBTH. The average length of hospitalization was 10
right abuses (e.g., violence against homosexuals) and who months (SD = 3.52, range = 3-15 months) and 9 months
intend to seek asylum in Europe has soared in recent years. (SD = 2.90, range = 1-13 months) for TBI patients recruited
According to the European Asylum Support Office (n.d.), from KBTH and 37 Military Hospital, respectively. The
1,349,638 applications for asylum had been received by the presence of TBI and its severity in Ghana is mostly deter-
European Union in 2015. The number of applications mined using neuroimaging scan, as well as neurological
received from sub-Saharan Africans was over 100,000 examination indices obtained from Glasgow Comma Scale

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4 Assessment 

(GCS), Loss of Consciousness (LOC), and Posttraumatic controls. These individuals had no history of TBI, and were
Amnesia (PTA). These indices, which are used to ascertain subjected to the inclusion and exclusion criteria of the TBI
injury severity, are obtained on the first day the patients patients (see Table 1 for background information of the
were admitted, except for the PTA which is monitored groups). The groups do not differ on gender (p > .05) and
beyond the first day. Mild TBI was defined as GCS score reading ability (p > .05). However, TBI patients attained
between 13 and 15, LOC <30 minutes, and PTA <24 hours significantly higher education than the control group, χ2(1)
(Kay et al., 1993; Teasdale & Jennett, 1974), moderate TBI = 10.11, p = .018, and were (M = 36.28, SD = 7.20) signifi-
as GCS score between 9 and 12, LOC between 30 minutes cantly older than the healthy controls (M = 27.98, SD =
and 6 hours, or PTA between 1 and 7 days (Bond, 1986; 6.75), t(98) = −5.95, p < .001. The leading cause of TBI was
Lezak et al., 2012; Teasdale & Jennett, 1974), and severe RTA (n = 36, 72%), followed by fall (n = 7, 14%), sports
TBI as GCS score <9, LOC >6 hours, or PTA >7 days injury (n = 4, 8%), and last, assault (n = 3, 6%). The partici-
(Bond, 1986; Gerstenbrand & Stepan, 2001; Kay et al., pants came from the major ethnic groups in Ghana such as
1993; Teasdale & Jennett, 1974). Akan, Ewe, and Ga-adangbe, and their native languages
The majority of the patients were diagnosed with moder- included Twi, Ewe, Ga-adangbe, Guan, Fante, Chumbru,
ate TBI (n = 63) and few in the mild (n = 5) and severe TBI and Bono.
categories (n = 4). Therefore, to maintain sample purity,
only the moderate TBI patients were included in the study.
Other inclusion criteria were (a) 18 years of age and above;
(b) ability to read and understand English or follow simple The Stroop Color and Word Test (Golden, 1978).  This test
commands in English; and (c) willingness or competent to measures selective attention and interference control
give consent, or availability of legal decision maker to give (MacLeod, 1991; Stuss & Levine, 2002). It consists of three
consent. The exclusion criteria were (a) history of neuro- sets of stimuli for three trials: (a) color words printed in
logical disease (e.g., Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, black ink, (b) color patches or colored Xs, and (c) color
and stroke); (b) speech, motor, or perceptual deficits likely words printed in incongruous colored ink. In the first trial,
to interfere with assessment; (c) history of substance abuse the participants read color words printed in black ink. In the
(e.g., alcohol, drug); (d) neuropsychiatric diseases (e.g., second trial, they named the color of “Xs” printed in col-
psychosis, impulse control disorders–tic disorders); and (e) ored ink, whereas the third trial required the participant to
history of neurodevelopmental disorder, learning disability, name the color of ink that the color words were printed in
or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Seven patients and not the word (e.g., the word “green” is printed in yellow
who lack information on both LOC (n = 3) and PTA (n = 4) ink and the participant must say “yellow”). The number of
fell within moderate TBI category based on their GCS. items correctly named in the Word, Color, and Color–Word
Because the GCS is the most widely used injury severity trials in 45 seconds was used in the present study as total
estimator (Lezak et al., 2012), these seven patients were scores (Lezak et al., 2012; Strauss et al., 2006). Interference
taken as belonging to moderate TBI classification. Besides, score was calculated based on the ratio of color to color–
there was no statistical significant difference between these word (i.e., Color/Color–Word; Lansbergen, Kenemans, &
patients and others in the moderate TBI category on demo- van Engeland, 2007).
graphic characteristics, EF test and RQCST scores (p >
.05). Majority (n = 42) had frontal lobe injury, with the Controlled Oral Word Association Test (Spreen & Benton,
remaining reporting nonfrontal lobe injury. No statistical 1977). This test required the participants to produce as
significant results were found between the frontal and non- many words as they can, beginning with the letters F, A, and
frontal lobe injury patients in the preliminary analyses, S. During the task, the participants were prohibited from
hence, the decision to include the latter in the main analy- saying proper nouns such as names of people and places
ses. The mean interval between date of injury and participa- (e.g., they were not to say America, Foster, Stephen) or say-
tion in the study was 4.03 months (SD = 1.12, range = 2-10 ing the same word using a different ending (e.g., Teach,
months) at which time there is less variability among recov- Teaching). Errors such as wrong letter and word repetitions
ery trajectories. This also eliminates as much as possible (Perseverations) and intrusional errors were not included in
confounding factors that might contribute more directly to their scores (Benton, des Hamsher, & Sivan, 1994). The
quality of life and activities of daily living such as the trial for each letter lasted 60 seconds. The number of correct
effects of peripheral injuries and balance disturbance (see words produced across all the three trials was used as the
Roebuck-Spencer & Sherer, 2008). correct total (Lezak et al., 2012).
A total of 50 (male = 29, female = 21) significant others
(defined here as spouse/partner, relative, caregiver, or close The Trail Making Test (Reitan & Wolfson, 1995).  The TMT is a
friend) who accompanied the TBI participants for a review test of speed processing, sequence alternation, cognitive
at these clinics were included in the study as healthy flexibility, visual search, motor performance, and complex

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Table 1.  Demographic Characteristics of the Study Participants.

Demographics TBI Healthy control Statistic p

 Male 34 (68%) 29 (58%) χ2 = 1.56 .211
 Female 16 (32%) 21 (42%)  
Ageb, M (SD) 36.28 (7.20) 27.98 (6.75) t = −5.95 <.001
National Adult Reading Testb, M (SD) 103.62 (4.90) 103.36 (4.09) t = −.29 .774
  Junior secondary 3 (6%) — χ2 = 10.11 .018
  Senior secondary 13 (26%) 26 (52%)  
 Vocational 11 (22%) 11 (22%)  
 Tertiary 23 (46%) 13 (26%)  
 Employed 45 (90%) 45 (90%)  
 Unemployed 5 (10%) 5 (10%)  
After injury
 Employed 20 (40%) —  
 Unemployed 30 (60%) —  
Marital status
 Single 13 (26%) 39 (78%)  
 Married 30 (60%) 11 (22%)  
 Divorced 6 (12%)  
 Widowed 1 (2%)  
Cause of injury
  Road traffic accident 36 (72%) —  
 Fall 7 (14%) —  
 Assault 3 (6%) —  
  Sports injury 4 (8%) —  
Injury severity
 Mild —  
  GCS (13-15)  
   LOC <30 minutes  
   PTA <24 hours  
  Moderate 50+  
  GCS (9-12)  
   LOC (30 minutes to 6 hours)  
  PTA (1-7)  
 Severe —  
  GCS <9  
   LOC >6 hours  
   PTA >7 days  

Note. TBI = traumatic brain injury; LOC = Loss of Consciousness; PTA = Posttraumatic Amnesia; GCS = Glasgow Comma Scale.
Gender and education were compared using Pearson’s χ2. bAge and performance on National adult reading test were compared using Independent
samples t test. Junior secondary = 9 years of education, senior secondary = 12 years, vocational = 12 years, and tertiary = 15 or more years of
education. + 7 TBI had no information on LOC and PTA.

attention. The test comprised two parts: Part A requires the subsequent correction by the participants was used as the
participants to connect numbers (1-20) positioned on a total scores. Additionally, because Part A and B are timed,
sheet of paper using a pencil in a numerical order or in an EF can be confounded by processing speed (Periáñez et al.,
ascending order as quickly as possible and Part B requires 2007). As a result, a derived score, B/A, was calculated
the participants to connect and alternate between numbers using the ratio of Trails B—Trails A)/Trails A.
and alphabets in a sequential alternating order (i.e., 1-A-2-
B, etc.). The time (in seconds) used to complete both Part A Revised Quick Cognitive Screening Test (Mate-Kole et al.,
and B, including the time used to point out mistakes and 2009).  The RQCST was developed as a short yet a reliable

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6 Assessment 

screening test for individuals suspected of general cognitive ongoing study and invited to participate. For patients who
deficits. This test screen for deficits in several neurocogni- expressed interest and willingness, their clinical folders
tive domains, including (a) Orientation, (b) Attention/ were reviewed. In addition, a short structured interview was
concentration (verbal), (c) Attention/concentration (visual), undertaken to determine their eligibility using the inclusion
(d) Memory: Immediate recall (verbal), (e) Spatial neglect, and exclusion criteria noted earlier. Where a TBI patient
(f) Arithmetic, (g) Constructional praxis, (h) Memory: met the inclusion criteria but the significant other did not,
Immediate recall (visual), (i) Vocabulary, (j) Naming, (k) arrangement was made for another significant other to be
Abstract reasoning: Similarities, (l) Abstract reasoning: examined for eligibility. Otherwise, the TBI patient was
Analogies, (m) Unusual views, (n) Spatial orientation, (o) excluded from the study. All eligible participants were
Memory: Delayed recall (visual), (p) Memory: Delayed scheduled for data collection on different days. On the day
recall (verbal), and (q) Memory: New learning. The factor of data collection, the TBI participants underwent standard
structure of this test was established by Mate-Kole, Major, institutional review board–approved informed consent pro-
Lenzer, and Connolly (1994). Participants were instructed cedures, followed by the collection of demographic infor-
to perform several tasks designed to assess these neurocog- mation via structured interview, neuropsychological tests
nitive domains. For example, they were instructed to name administration, and last, questionnaire-based measures.
or write the names of objects such as umbrella and butterfly This same procedure was repeated for the healthy control
(i.e., Naming), copy a specified drawing (i.e., Construc- group. The tests were administered in English language
tional praxis), or make a stroke through the middle of four using the standard instructions contained in the test
differently positioned lines (i.e., Spatial neglect). The 12 manuals.
items measuring orientation were summed to obtain the ori-
entation score, while the scores on verbal and nonverbal
items were added to generate verbal and nonverbal scores,
Statistical Analysis
respectively. These scores were then summed to obtain a Data were analyzed using IBM SPSS (version 22), with a
global score. The Cronbach’s alphas reported in the present two-tailed significance set at .05. As a norm in clinical
study for the TBI participants versus healthy controls, research, data normality was examined using Shapiro–Wilk
respectively, were (a) Verbal = .73 versus. 61, (b) Nonver- test, and the results indicated normal distribution (p > .05).
bal = .62 versus .65, and (c) Global = .82 versus .70. Descriptive statistics were computed for demographic vari-
ables. The groups were compared on the demographic vari-
National Adult Reading Test (Nelson, 1991). The National ables using independent sample t test and Pearson’s χ2, where
Adult Reading Test was used to provide an estimate of read- applicable. As corrected normative data are unavailable in
ing ability. It consists of a written list of 50 irregular words Ghana, the use of the raw scores of the EF tests and RQCST
presented in increasing order of difficulty. Participants were may affect the relative range between the variables such that
asked to read these words aloud. Errors made while reading relationships may differentially emerge given the statistical
the words were taken as an estimate of reading ability. properties of each variable (see Roebuck-Spencer & Sherer,
2008). Consequently, the test scores were standardized using
z transformation and subsequently converted to T-scores
Procedure using the formula, T = (z * 10) + 50, producing a mean of 50
The data reported here were collected as part of a project inves- and standard deviation of 10 (Iverson, 2011). T-scores are
tigating the ecological validity of EF tests in Ghana (see somewhat preferred since z scores include negative values
Adjorlolo, 2016). The data collection process complied with and decimal places which tend to create problems in com-
the guidelines and regulations of the University of Ghana munication and sometimes awkward to work with (see also
Medical School Institutional Review Board. Because of the Crawford, 2005). The relationships between the test scores
unavailability of bedding place, the hospitals mostly admit TBI were examined using Pearson product moment correlation.
patients in critical conditions (e.g., coma), while those found To compare the groups on the EF and RQCST measures by
medically stable are discharged and treated on outpatient basis. controlling for the effects of age and education, and Type I
Some patients and their families also opt for treatment from the error, multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) was
house because of the relatively high cost associated with hos- conducted. Wilks’s Λ F statistic was reported and effect sizes
pital admissions. Patients with mild and moderate TBI fall in were estimated with partial η2. This was interpreted based on
this category. These individuals are mostly brought to or Cohen’s formulation of .10, .30, and .50 representing small,
accompanied by their significant others for reviews. As a medium, and large effect sizes, respectively (see Field, 2011).
result, the participants in the study were recruited at the outpa- Univariate analysis of variance was used as a follow-up on
tient departments of KBTH and 37 Military Hospital. the significant MANCOVA results.
The TBI patients and their significant others awaiting Receiver operating curve (ROC) was used to investigate
medical review at these centers were informed about the the diagnostic accuracy of the EF tests and the RQCST.

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Table 2.  Mean, Standard Deviations, and Range of the Raw Scores of TBI Patients and Healthy Controls.

TBI patients Healthy controls

  M (SD) Range M (SD) Range

 Orientation 46.78 (13.14) −13.71-54.72 53.22 (2.86) 47.88-54.72
  Verbal score 43.43 (7.59) 24.31-60.74 56.57 (7.50) 44.71-73.85
  Nonverbal score 46.57 (10.49) 17.09-63.16 53.43 (8.24) 25.73-66.04
  Global score 44.07 (9.24) 12.55-59.30 55.93 (6.69) 44.69-71.96
Stroop Test
 Words 43.57 (8.83) 23.41-55.52 56.43 (6.31) 44.01-72.49
 Color 44.19 (7.12) 32.70-62.05 55.81 (9.08) 44.68-83.63
 Color–Word 43.89 (7.34) 30.71-65.28 56.11 (8.48) 40.74-75.31
 Interference 45.67 (10.33) 17.40-61.33 54.33 (7.55) 35.14-68.09
Trail Making Test
  Part A 43.21 (8.19) 24.80-58.26 56.79 (6.41) 36.66-62.92
  Part B 44.97 (10.39) 5.72-59.61 55.03 (6.52) 37.37-64.88
 B/A 47.60 (12.02) −5.93-76.78 52.40 (6.77) 34.48-63.89
COWAT 45.02 (6.90) 33.10-59.32 54.98 (10.19) 35.48-76.01

Note. TBI = traumatic brain injury; RQCST = Revised Quick Cognitive Screening Test; COWAT = Controlled Oral Word Association Test.

ROC, a graphical technique of plotting sensitivity (true pos- other test scores, high scores on the TMT indicate worse
itive rate) of a test on the y-axis against 1 − specificity (false performance. To ensure uniformity in the interpretation of
positive rate) on the x-axis, is one of the frequently used the scores, the signs of the TMT scores were reversed, by
statistical techniques to investigate the diagnostic accuracy multiplying the original values by −1. In this way, high
of neuropsychological tests (Godefroy et al., 2011; Ramlall scores indicate better performance.
et al., 2014). The ROC is not influenced by the base rate or
prevalence of the outcome of interest, in this case TBI. The
area under the curve (AUC) of the ROC provides a measure
of the overall performance or accuracy of a clinical diag- Correlations of the Executive Function Test and
nostic test. The AUC value ranges between .5 (no discrimi- Revised Quick Cognitive Screening Test Scores
native power) and 1.0 (maximum discriminative power).
Given the absence of a universal standard for interpreting Table 3 summarized the results of the correlations between
the AUC values, Swets’s (1988) stringent recommendations the test scores. As can be seen, the EF test scores were sig-
were used in the current study. Accordingly, AUC value of nificantly correlated (p < .05 or p < .01). The RQCST scores
.5 = noninformative; .5 < AUC ≤ .7 = less accurate; .7 < (e.g., Orientation, Verbal, Nonverbal, and Global) showed
AUC ≤ .9 = moderately accurate; .9 < AUC ≤ 1 = highly significant correlations with the EF test scores (all ps < .01),
accurate, and AUC = 1 = perfect test. with the exception of Nonverbal score and Stroop color
Sensitivity and specificity were estimated using the opti- scores which were not significantly correlated (p > .05).
mal cutoff points for the various tests. These cutoff points The EF tests and the RQCST correlated significantly with
were determined based on Youden Index, J (Youden, 1950), composite EF and neuropsychological scores (all ps < .01).
which is defined as the maximum vertical distance between
the ROC curve and the chance (diagonal) line. That is, J = Comparison of Traumatic Brain Injury and
maximum [sensitivity + specificity − 1] (for a review, see
Schisterman, Perkins, Liu, & Bondell, 2005).
Healthy Participants on Test Scores
Composite EF score was created from the EF test scores MANCOVA analysis revealed significant main effect of
(i.e., Stroop Test scores, COWAT, and TMT scores; see group (i.e., TBI vs. control) on the EF and RQCST scores,
Table 2) using factor analytic approach. This approach was Wilks’s Λ = .38, F(10, 87) = 14.29, p < 001, η2 = .62. The
also used to produce neuropsychological test score from covariates (i.e., age and education) were not statistically
both EF test and RQCST scores. This is in accordance with significant. As can be seen in Table 4 (see Table 2 for means,
the fact that neuropsychologists mostly based their clinical standard deviations, and ranges), the TBI patients per-
judgments, inferences, and recommendations on a number formed significantly worse on the EF test and RQCST
of neuropsychological tests. It should be noted that unlike scores (p < .05, p < .01, or p < .001), with effect sizes

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8 Assessment 

Table 3.  Correlations and Descriptive Statistics of the Executive Function (EF) and RQCST Scores.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

 1 Orientation —  
 2 Verbal score .55** —  
 3 Nonverbal score .56** .56** —  
 4 Global score .70** .93** .80** —  
Stroop Test
 5 Words .45** .61** .44** .62** —  
 6 Color .38** .46** .1 .39** .66** —  
 7 Color–Word .37** .45** .30** .45** .72** .69** —  
 8 Interference .35** .51** .38** .53** .85** .40** .24* —  
Trail Making Test
 9 Part A .40** .62** .45** .62** .59** .37** .50** .45** —  
10 Part B .39** .51** .49** .56** .56** .36** .48** .42** .75** —  
11 B/A .27** .30** .38** .36** .38** .26** .33** .29** .36** .89** —  
12 COWAT .29** .61** .42** .59** .44** .24* .30** .39** .50** .53** .40** —  
13 EF score .49** .70** .48** .70** .87** .71** .81** .60** .80** .80** .57** .62** —
14 EF + RQCST score .58** .78** .57** .79** .86** .68** .77** .62** .81** .80** .56** .66** .99**

Note. RQCST = Revised Quick Cognitive Screening Test; COWAT = Controlled Oral Word Association Test.
*p < .05. **p < .01.

Table 4.  Comparison of Healthy Controls (n = 50) and Traumatic Brain Injury Patients (n = 50) on the Study Tests.a

Test Df F statistic η2
 Orientation 1, 96 7.57** .07
  Verbal score 1, 96 63.30*** .40
  Nonverbal score 1, 96 12.11** .11
  Global score 1, 96 46.18*** .33
Stroop Test
 Words 1, 96 49.74*** .34
 Color 1, 96 26.45*** .22
 Color–Word 1, 96 46.15*** .33
 Interference 1, 96 14.42*** .13
Trail Making Test
  Part A 1, 96 61.54*** .39
  Part B 1, 96 27.83*** .23
 B/A 1, 96 6.23* .06
COWAT 1, 96 31.18** .25

Note. N = 100. RQCST = Revised Quick Cognitive Screening Test; COWAT = Controlled Oral Word Association; df = degrees of freedom.
See Table 2 for means and standard deviations of raw scores.
*p < .05. **p < .01. ***p < .001.

ranging from .13 to .34 for the Stroop Test scores, .06 to .39 [.836, .969], p < .001) for Part A. In terms of diagnostic accu-
for the TMT scores, 07 to .40 for the RQCST scores, and .25 racy, Part A was highly accurate, Part B and the derived score
for the COWAT score. B/A were moderate. For the various Stroop Test scores, the
AUC values ranged from .787 (CI [.698, .876], p < .001) for
the Stroop Interference to .898 (CI [.841, .955], p < .001) for
Diagnostic Accuracy of the Test Scores
Stroop Word, indicating moderate diagnostic accuracies. The
The AUC values of the ROC showed that the EF tests discrimi- AUC value of the COWAT was .787 (CI [.698, .876], p <
nated between the TBI participants’ and healthy controls (Table .001), which also suggested moderate diagnostic accuracy.
5). The AUCs of the TMT scores ranged from .746 (confidence The AUC values for the RQCST scores were .674 (CI
interval [CI] [.543, .812], p < .05) for TMT B/A to .902 (CI [.568, .780], p < .01) for Orientation; .714 (CI [.613, .816],

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Table 5.  Receiver Operating Curve Analysis of Executive Function (EF) Tests and Revised Quick Cognitive Screening Test.

Test AUC [95% CI] p Accuracy level Cutoff Sensitivity Specificity

Stroop Color and Word Test
  Stroop Word .898 [.841, .955] <.001 Moderate ≤51.58 .80 .78
  Stroop Color .867 [.797, .938] <.001 Moderate ≤46.48 .76 .90
  Stroop Color–Word .880 [.809, .950] <.001 Moderate ≤48.00 .80 .84
  Stroop Interference .793 [.624, .822] <.001 Moderate ≤51.61 .74 .63
COWAT .787 [.698, .876] <.001 Moderate ≤55.75 .97 .57
  Part A .902 [.836, .969] <.001 High ≤55.83 .94 .88
  Part B .804 [.717, .892] <.001 Moderate ≤52.52 .83 .76
 B/A .746 [.543, .812] .001 Moderate ≤60.56 .71 .69
EF factor scorea .936 [.890, .983] <.001 High ≤.46 .94 .84
 Orientation .674 [.568, .780] .003 Less ≤51.30 .52 .78
 Verbal .912 [.856, .969] <.001 High ≤49.81 .84 .86
 Nonverbal .714 [.613, .816] <.001 Moderate ≤50.20 .62 .76
  Global (total) .874 [.807, .941] <.001 Moderate ≤49.07 .70 .92
Neuropsychological scoreb .942 [.899, .985] <.001 High ≤.26 .90 .92

Note. COWAT = Controlled Oral Word Association Test; TMT = Trail Making Test; RQCST = Revised Quick Cognitive Screening Test. Accuracy
level based on Swets’s (1988) criteria: area under the curve (AUC) value of .5 = noninformative; .5 < AUC ≤ .7 = less accurate; .7 < AUC ≤ .9 =
moderately accurate; .9 < AUC ≤ 1 = highly accurate, and AUC = 1 = perfect test.
Composite EF score. bComposite neuropsychological score.

p < .001) for Nonverbal; .874 (CI [.807, .941], p < .001) for A neuropsychological score was similarly created from
Global; and finally, .912 (CI [.856, .969], p < .001) for the EF tests and the RQCST scores. The determinant of cor-
Verbal. The Orientation score was less accurate in discrimi- relation (.018), Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin measure (.85) and
nating between the groups, whereas both the Global and Bartlett’s test of sphericity, χ2(21) = 383.74, p < .001, of the
Nonverbal scores were moderately accurate. The Verbal PCA were all satisfactory. The scores showed good factor
score, on the other hand, was highly accurate. loadings ranging from .66 (COWAT) to .86 (Stroop Word).
To create EF composite score, the EF test scores were The factor, which explained 59.14% variance in the underlin-
subjected to principal component analysis (PCA). Based on ing general cognitive function, showed excellent diagnostic
the theory of unity which asserts there is a single underlying accuracy, with AUC value of .942 (CI [.899, .985], p < .001).
ability or universal EF executive ability, one component or
factor was extracted (Van der Elst, Van Boxtel, Van
Sensitivity and Specificity of Test Scores
Breukelen, & Jolles, 2008). The derived EF scores (i.e.,
Stroop Interference and TMT B/A) were not used in this Using Youden Index recommended cutoff points, the EF
analysis because of singularity (i.e., high zero-order corre- and the RQCST scores, as well as the composite EF and
lations with other variables; see Table 3). The results from neuropsychological scores showed adequate to excellent
the PCA showed that the determinant of correlation of .04 sensitivities and specificities (Table 5). Briefly, the Stroop
was greater than the necessary value of .00001, suggesting Color–Word achieved a near balanced sensitivity (.80) and
no problem with multicollinearity (Field, 2011). The specificity (.84), with a cutoff score of ≤48. The Stroop
Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin measure of .82 showed sampling ade- Word had a sensitivity of .80 and specificity of .78 at the
quacy (Hutcheson & Sofroniou, 1999). Bartlett’s test of cutoff score of ≤51.58. The Interference score also had a
sphericity, χ2(15) = 307.26, p < .001, indicated sufficient relatively high sensitivity (.74) but low specificity (.63).
correlations for PCA. The EF scores exhibited good factor While the COWAT was highly sensitive (.97), it was at the
loadings, ranging from .63 (COWAT) to .89 (Stroop Word). expense of specificity (.57) at the cutoff point of ≤55.75.
The eigenvalue for the extracted component was 4.39 Part A of the TMT had a high sensitivity (.94) and a near
(54.86%). The factor score was saved using the Anderson– high specificity (.88) at the cutoff point of ≤55.83. The
Rubin method which produced standard scores (M = 0, derived score of the TMT nearly achieved a balanced sensi-
SD = 1). The value for the composite EF score (i.e., compo- tivity (.71) and specificity (.69). The EF composite score
nent score) was .936 (CI [.890, .983], p < .001), indicating had a sensitivity of .94 and specificity of .84 at the cutoff
high diagnostic accuracy. point of ≤.46.

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10 Assessment 

Of the RQCST scores, the most balanced was the Verbal The COWAT was moderately accurate in terms of diag-
score, with sensitivity of .84 and specificity of .86 at the nostic validity, with excellent sensitivity but poor specific-
cutoff point of ≤49.81. At the cut-point of ≤50.20, the sensi- ity. It should be noted that the diagnostic accuracy of the
tivity and specificity of the Nonverbal score were .62 and COWAT in the present study was higher than what was pre-
.76, respectively. The RQCST Global score had an excellent viously reported in patients with dementia (AUC = .552),
specificity (.92) but nearly at the expense of sensitivity (.70) but similar to those with mild cognitive impairment (AUC
at the cutoff point of ≤49.07. The neuropsychological com- = .714) in South Africa (Ramlall et al., 2014). While studies
posite score had a sensitivity of .90 and specificity of .92 at have generally demonstrated the diagnostic efficacy of the
the cutoff point of ≤.26. COWAT (i.e., phonemic fluency) in TBI patients (for meta-
analytic review, see Henry & Crawford, 2004), its utility in
Discussions detecting EF deficits in individuals suspected of dementia
has been equivocal or varied in Africa (Roos et al., 2010)
Early detection of neurocognitive deficits after TBI in and elsewhere (for meta-analytic review, see Henry,
developing countries with competing health priorities Crawford, & Phillips, 2004). The finding of the present
requires the use of neuropsychological tests with good diag- study concurred with the observation that lesions to the
nostic capabilities. The present study investigated the diag- frontal lobe most often tend to induce cognitive inflexibility
nostic accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity of the Stroop that result in reduced phonemic fluency (Lezak et al., 2012).
Color and Word Test, the COWAT, the TMT, and the Interestingly, a meta-analytic study has found phonemic
RQCST scores in Ghana. In general, these scores discrimi- fluency scores as more sensitive to neurocognitive deficits
nated between “English-speaking” Ghanaian TBI patients after TBI than even the scores of the Wisconsin Card Sorting
from a healthy control group, with AUC values ranging Test (Henry et al., 2004).
from .674 to .942. These findings have added to the reper-
Expectedly, the EF and neuropsychological composite
toire of emerging empirical evidence regarding the utility of
scores discriminated significantly between the TBI patients
Western-normed tests in African samples.
and healthy controls, with high sensitivities and specifici-
The Stroop Test scores were moderately accurate in dis-
ties. Of note, the diagnostic accuracy of the EF composite
criminating between these groups. Interestingly, the AUC
score far exceeded those of the individual EF test score.
values of the Stroop Color, Word, and Color–Word scores
Importantly, this observation lends support to the unity
were almost the same, suggesting no superiority in terms of
hypothesis of EF, and also previous findings that EF com-
diagnostic accuracy. In this study, the Stroop Interference
posite score was useful in detecting EF deficits in clinical
score, which was estimated based on the ratio of color to
samples (Gibbons et al., 2012; Hart, Whyte, Kim, &
color–word (i.e., Color/Color–Word), was highly accurate,
thus supporting previous “Western-based meta-analytic Vaccaro, 2005; Kim et al., 2005), and even in individuals
investigations” (e.g., Hervey, Epstein, & Curry, 2004; van with antisocial behaviors (e.g., criminal offenders; Ogilvie,
Mourik, Oosterlaan, & Sergeant, 2005). The approach Stewart, Chan, & Shum, 2011). The obvious clinical impli-
above ensures that slowness on both speed of naming colors cation is that clinicians’ can accurately distinguish between
as well as word reading does not undermine the estimation patients with and without EF deficits using a group of EF
of interference (Lansbergen et al., 2007). The Color–Word and neuropsychological tests assessing different neurocog-
score was the most balanced in terms of sensitivity and nitive domains.
specificity, while the others showed fair to good sensitivi- In summary, consistent with previous studies conducted
ties and specificities. In general, the findings of this study in Western countries (e.g., Cicerone & Azulay, 2002;
corroborated previous findings that TBI patients or patients Demery et al., 2010), and in Africa (Ramlall et al., 2013,
with brain injuries performed poorly on the Stroop test (for 2014), tests of EF have a wide range of AUC values, sensi-
meta-analytic review, see Dimoska-Di Marco, McDonald, tivities, and specificities. In this study, tests with strong pro-
Kelly, Tate, & Johnstone, 2011). cessing speed component (TMT) and those involving
In keeping with the finding of a previous study (Cicerone incongruent task or interference (Stroop color–word task)
& Azulay, 2002), Part A of the TMT showed a high diagnos- were better than others in detecting EF deficits in TBI
tic accuracy, with AUC value of .902. Part B, which is patients. Notably, all the tests used in this study depend to
mostly used to index cognitive flexibility or set-shifting and some extent on speed of processing. However, that of the
attention (Cicerone & Azulay, 2002; Lezak et al., 2012), TMT is comparatively high as this tends to include the
showed moderate diagnostic accuracy. The sensitivities and speed with which the examinee comprehends and makes
specificities of Parts A and B were good. Although the the necessary changes to the errors pointed out by the exam-
derived score of the TMT (i.e., TMT B/A) differentiated iner before proceeding with the rest of the task. In general,
between TBI and healthy controls, with good sensitivity the findings of this study have confirmed the widely
and specificity, its effect size was relatively low (i.e., .06). reported findings that EF tests differ on their usefulness in

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detecting EF deficits in brain-injured patients (for a review, diagnostic accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity. This was
see Lezak et al., 2012; Strauss et al., 2006). also true for the neuropsychological composite score cre-
Worthy of mention is the performance of the RQCST in ated from the EF tests and the RQCST. The diagnostic
screening for neurocognitive deficits after TBI. All the accuracy of the RQCST in screening for general neurocog-
scores of the RQCST showed significant discriminative nitive deficits is particularly imperative given its brevity
ability, with the Verbal score being the most valid (AUC = and comprehensiveness to screen and select individuals
.912). The sensitivity and specificity of the Verbal score who might benefit from a more detailed neuropsychologi-
were well balanced, whereas the Nonverbal and Orientation cal examination.
scores as well as the Global score showed various trades- With respect to cross-cultural neuropsychology, studies
offs. The Orientation score was not moderately accurate have underscored the challenges associated with using
partly because it contains fewer items, many of which may results based exclusively or predominantly on Caucasian
not be problematic to patients with moderate TBI (e.g., samples when discussing the diagnostic accuracy, sensitiv-
what year is this and where are you now). Conversely, the ity, and specificity of neuropsychological tests in patients
Verbal and Nonverbal scores tap several neurocognitive from minority ethnic groups (e.g., African Americans), and
domains (e.g., memory, attention, spatial neglect, executive by extension non-Western countries (e.g., African coun-
abilities, and motor functioning) which are impaired after tries; e.g., Lucas et al., 2005; Manly, 2005). The findings of
TBI, hence, explaining their discriminative abilities. The this study imply that the Stroop Test, COWAT, and the TMT
overall score on the RQCST was similarly accurate in and a general cognitive screener (the RQCST) were not
screening for neuropsychological deficits. These observa- inaccurate when administered on English-speaking
tions generally supported the findings of Mate-Kole et al.’s Ghanaian patients diagnosed with moderate TBI. This
(2009) study conducted in the United States. A very inter- partly suggests that Ghanaians in the diaspora can benefit
esting observation is that the optimal cutoff points, based from neuropsychological assessment using the tests above.
the raw scores, of the Orientation (11), Verbal (23), The findings are not necessarily surprising in that the par-
Nonverbal (28), and Global scores (60) of the RQCST in ticipants included in the study were literate who lived in
the present sample were same or similar to those reported Ghana’s capital, Accra, and so may have been acculturated
by Mate-Kole et al. (2009) in their validation study in the due to exposure to some Western cultures. The results may
United States (i.e., 11, 23, 28, 68, respectively). have been different with illiterates from rural areas where
there are no or extremely limited exposure to Western way
of life. Future studies assessing level of acculturation and
Implications of the Study performance on these tests will be extremely useful in this
Given that neurocognitive rehabilitation programs are context. Furthermore, and most important, the various tests
barely instituted for patients with various neurological dis- appear culturally friendly since none of the items appeared
orders in Ghana, majority may have serious EF deficits, unfamiliar or culturally irrelevant or inappropriate. Again,
even though they were medically stable. Unsurprisingly, the this line of reasoning calls for a comparative study between
TBI patients performed poorer on all the EF and general Western and African participants using cultural-neutral EF
cognitive screening measures than the healthy controls, tests such as the TMT and the Stroop Test. This can help
although the effect sizes were small to medium. The present further the debate and fine-tuned discussions concerning
study revealed that the Stroop Test, TMT, and COWAT cultural impacts on neuropsychological test performance.
scores can screen for EF deficits in English-speaking brain- Notwithstanding the above, given that the control group
injured patients in Ghana, and can separate these patients was supposedly neurologically intact, relative to the TBI
from individuals without brain injury. Thus, administering patients, it would be expected that the test scores show
these tests can provide invaluable pieces of information that medium to large effect sizes in discriminating between the
might inform some important clinical (e.g., treatment) and groups. Yet it was observed that the neuropsychological
legal (e.g., insurance claims) decision making. As none of tests produce small to medium effect sizes. This observa-
the measures had AUC value of 1 and sensitivity and speci- tion raises a very important clinical concern with respect to
ficity of 1 (100%), selection of EF tests should be based on the utility of the test scores in detecting neurocognitive defi-
their ability to achieve maximum sensitivity with maximum cits in TBI patients and, by extension, other neurological
specificity, although there is always a trade-off between patients (e.g., sickle cell patients). This is particularly
these indicators at some recommended cutoff points. important given that clinicians hardly compare the perfor-
Moreover, a single EF test may not provide sufficient infor- mance of TBI patients and individuals without brain injury.
mation to make accurate decisions on the absence or pres- Another issue is whether these tests can detect and distin-
ence of EF deficits. In this regard, it was observed that a guish between groups of neurological patients with EF defi-
combination of EF tests evaluating different but interrelated cit. It is possible that the TBI patients will perform within
executive processes (i.e., EF composite score) showed high normal limit on these tests when compared with another

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12 Assessment 

neurological patients group (e.g., sickle cell patients), as after TBI. Yet these variables have not been included in the
noted in a review by Alvarez and Emory (2006). present study.
Unfortunately, the present data do not permit answers to Moreover, it was previously noted that there are over 46
these important issues. Consequently, it is difficult to com- different languages and ethnic groups in Ghana. Consequently,
ment on the clinical utility of the results although a general the participants included in the study came from diverse
conclusion can made that EF and RQCST scores discrimi- background. As noted by Lucas et al. (2005), information-
nated significantly between TBI patients and healthy con- processing style, relevance of test stimuli to everyday life,
trols. Therefore, the cutoff values of the various test scores and importance of speed versus accuracy are elements that
are useful only when comparing TBI patients and healthy can affect performance on Western-normed tests when used
controls, and not when neurological patients are compared in a different cultural context. Granted the above, there is a
or one neurological group is examined. Taken as a whole, possibility that the cultural practices and elements of the vari-
the application of the findings in clinical settings is limited ous ethnic groups have influenced their performance on the
and should be done meticulously. tests. This in part might account for the small to medium
effect sizes of the EF tests and RQCST observed in this study.
Unfortunately, due to the small number participants in the
Limitations of the Study various ethnic groups, it was not possible to examine the
This study suffers from some methodological limitations effects of ethnicity. Future studies designed specifically to
for which reason the findings should be reviewed carefully. examine the effects of ethnic background on neuropsycho-
Although the sample size falls within those normally used logical test performance in Ghana would be informative.
in the literature, a larger sample would have been more In conclusion, this study has provided preliminary data
informative by way of increasing external validity. The on the diagnostic accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity of the
study did not investigate the diagnostic accuracy, sensitiv- Stroop Color–Word Test, TMT, COWAT, and RQCST in
ity, and specificity of EF tests by taking into account injury Ghana. This notwithstanding, given that this is the first study
severity (i.e., comparing mild, moderate, and severe TBI). to have investigated this topical issue in Ghana, greater cau-
This was because of the relatively small percentage of tion is needed in interpreting and applying the findings. In
patients diagnosed with mild and severe TBI at the time of particular, attention should be paid to the demographic char-
the study. Future studies should endeavor to investigate this acteristics of the participants included in the present study.
interesting topic. The findings presented here should serve as initial step in
Furthermore, assessing the diagnostic utility of these conducting a large scale study involving diverse patients
tests by comparing TBI patients with healthy controls does with varying levels and forms of brain dysfunctions.
not really reflect clinical reality. Clinicians are generally
required to determine the presence or absence or the degree Declaration of Conflicting Interests
of neurocognitive deficits in patients with diverse clinical The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with
background. In view of this, investigating the diagnostic respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
accuracy of these measures in clinical samples (e.g., neuro- article.
logic, psychiatric, and sickle cell patients) would be more
meaningful and useful clinically. Ability to read, speak, and Funding
follow commands in English was one of the eligibility cri-
The author(s) received no financial support for the research,
teria. It should, however, be noted that language can have a authorship, and/or publication of this article.
confounding effect as English was not the first language of
the participants (Lucas et al., 2005; Manly, 2005).
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