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BUMIBAHASA adalah nama yang dipercaya dalam persiapan bahasa
Inggris ke luar negeri di Indonesia. BUMIBAHASA menyediakan
pengajaran online dan tatap muka kualitas terbaik dan dipercaya oleh
banyak mitra dan institusi kenamaan. (wa only:
0878 7775 3771)

Menulis esai IELTS task 2 dengan band 6.5 atau 7 dapat mewujudkan mimpi seseorang
karena ia merupakan syarat beasiswa studi Master di luar negeri. Bumibahasa, institusi
yang dikelola oleh Iswara B Raharja, telah mengajarkan IELTS sejak 2011 di banyak
daerah, serta banyak institusi terkemuka di Indonesia. Terbaru, ia ditunjuk menjadi salah
satu instruktur IELTS dengan tugas mengajar selama 360 jam pada program beasiswa
ELTA yang dikelola oleh Pemerintah Australia dan IALF di Maluku. Ia juga telah bertahun
tahun mengasuh thread IELTS di forum Education kaskus. Di kaskus ia dikenal dengan
nama RAHAN, Enthusiast English Forum dan telah berkiprah sejak 2009.

Untuk belajar IELTS Online dan Tatap Muka bisa menghubungi di WA: 0878 7775 3771.

Iswara B Raharja dengan BUMIBAHASAnya adalah nama yang sinonim dengan

pengajaran IELTS berkualitas di Indonesia.

 Listening: 9.0 Reading 8.5 Writing 7.0 Speaking 8.0 = Overall IELTS 8.0
 TOEFL ITP = 653 (2010) dan 650 (2017)
 TOEIC = 990 (max score)

Buku ini adalah kumpulan tulisan esai task 2 yang dibagikannya di dunia maya dengan
maksud dan tujuan agar menjadi manfaat bagi khalayak ramai yang bermaksud belajar
IELTS dengan kesungguhan. Silakan bagikan buku ini kepada komunitas anda, tanpa
mengubah informasi yang ada di dalamnya. Semoga bermanfaat. Tidak ada
kesempurnaan disini, hanya maksud berbagi untuk Indonesia yang lebih baik.



1 As well as making money, business should have social 8
responsibility. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
2 Recent figures show an increase in violent crime among 9
youngsters under the age of 18. Some psychologists claim that the
basic reason for this is that children these days are not getting the
social and emotional learning they need from parents and
3 How do movies or television influence people‟s behavior? 10
4 Car ownership has increased so rapidly over the past thirty years 11
that many cities in the world are now „one big traffic jam‟. How
true do you think this statement is? What measures can
governments take to discourage people from using their cars?
5 Everybody should be allowed admission to university study 12
programs' regardless of their academic ability.
6 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents 13
are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to
support your answer.
7 People attend college or university for many different reasons (for 14
example, new experiences, career preparation, increased
knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or
8 Some people like to travel with a companion. Other people prefer 15
to travel alone. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and
examples to support your choice.
9 In some countries, teenagers have jobs while they are still 16
students. Do you think this is a good idea? Support your opinion
by using specific reasons and details.
10 Schools ask students to evaluate their teachers. Do you agree or 17
disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your
11 There are more cars on the roads these days and more accidents. 18-19
As a result, some politicians have suggested that people should
take regular driving tests throughout their lives, rather than one
single test.
What do you think are the advantages of repeat driving test? Do
these outweigh the disadvantages?
12 Advantages/disadvantages of consumer goods that have become 20
13 We live in a technological age. However, technology cannot solve 21
all the world's problems. Therefore, some people argue that we
need to place less emphasis on technological solutions and more
on other values.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? You
should use your own ideas, knowledge and experience to support
your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.
14 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Young 22
people enjoy life more than older people do.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
15 Women and men are commonly seen as having different strengths 23

and weaknesses. Is it right to exclude males or females from
certain professions because of their gender?
16 Some people spend their entire lives in one place. Others move a 24
number of times throughout their lives, looking for a better job,
house, community, or even climate. Which do you prefer: staying
in one place or moving in search of another place? Use reasons
specific examples to support your opinion.
17 Nowadays the way many people interact with each other has 25
changed because of technology. In what ways has technology
affected the types of relationships people make? Has this become
a positive or negative development?
18 Governments should spend money on railways rather than roads. 26
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
19 “Prevention is better than cure.” Therefore, a large proportion of 27
a country‟s health budget should be diverted from treatment to
preventative measures. To what extent do you agree or disagree
with this statement?
20 Some people say that the only reason for learning a foreign 28
language is in order to travel to or work in a foreign country.
Others say that these are not the only reasons why someone
should learn a foreign language.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
21 Many countries spend high amount of money on internet access. 29
Explain why is this happening. Do you think it is a good way to use
the government‟s money?
22 Some people think that education separates people into certain 30
classes. Are the people who have education more valuable than
those who don't? Discuss.
23 Some people say we do not need printed paper newspapers 31
anymore. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
24 Some people say that urgent problems in modern society can only 32
be solved with international cooperation. To what extent do you
25 Films and computer games containing violence are popular. Some 33
people say they have negative effect on society and should be
banned. Other says they are just harmless relaxation. Discuss both
sides and give your opinion.
26 Some people say art (music, paintings, poetry etc.) can be created 34
by by any human being, while others believe that only people
with special abilities can create art. Discuss both views and give
your opinion.
27 There are many different types of music in the world today. Why 35
do we need music? Is the traditional music of a country more
important than the International music that is heard everywhere
28 Should wealthy nations be required to share their wealth among 36
poorer nations by providing such things as food and education?
Or is it the responsibility of the governments of poorer nations to
look after their citizens themselves?
29 News editors decide what to broadcast on television and what to 37
print in newspapers. What factors do you think influence these
decisions? Do we become used to bad news? Would it be better if
more good news was reported?

30 Nowadays, private companies invest more on scientific research 38
than the governments. Do the advantages outweigh the
31 Differences between countries are becoming less nowadays. Now 39
people from the world doing similar in fashion, films, drama, and
TV channels. Do you think the disadvantages overweight the
32 The problem with society today is that it is essentially unbalanced, 40
with some people being paid huge salaries to work very long
hours, whilst others do not have a job and have too much time on
their hands. There is no middle ground. Do you agree or
33 Nowadays some people are giving more importance to consumer 41
goods in their lives. What are the advantages and disadvantages
of this development and how do they weigh against each other?
34 Some people think educating children of different abilities 42
together will benefit them. Others think intelligent children should
be taught separately and should be given special courses. Discuss
both sides and your own opinion.
35 University students always focus on one specialist subject, but 43
some people think universities should encourage their students to
study a range of subjects in addition to their own subject. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?
36 Some people think young people should go to university to further 44
their education while others think they should be encouraged to
work as car mechanics or builders etc. to serve society. Discuss
both views and give your own opinion.
37 Some people believe that in order to give opportunities to new 45
generation companies should encourage high level employees
who are older than 55 to retire. Do you agree or disagree? Why?
38 Today‟s parents spend too little time staying with their children 46
and use television to make their children keep quiet. Explain the
reason and results by using your relevant experience.
39 agree or not agree ttg pendapat kalo stay dlm 1 buah job lbh 47
mencerminkan satisfying in work life drpd sering gonta ganti
40 Nowadays parents often let their children play a lot with 48
computers and tablets in order to improve their technological
skills. Do the advantages of the use of these devices from an early
age outweigh the disadvantages?
41 In some countries, it is illegal for companies to reject job 49
applicants for their age. Is this a positive or negative
42 Many companies sponsor sports as a way advertising themselves. 50
Some people think it is good for the sports world, others think that
there are disadvantages to this. Discuss both views and give your
opinion. (1)
43 Many companies sponsor sports as a way advertising themselves. 51
Some people think it is good for the sports world, others think that
there are disadvantages to this. Discuss both views and give your
opinion. (2)
44 It is important for children to learn the difference between right 52
and wrong at an early age. Punishment is necessary to help them

learn this distinction.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
What sort of punishment should parents and teachers be allowed
to use to teach good behaviour to children?
45 Some people say academic subjects should be given more 53
importance in secondary school, while some say practical
subjects should be taught more. Discuss both views and give your
46 Some people think that paying taxes is a big enough contribution 54
to their society, while others think people have more
responsibilities as member of society than only paying taxes.
Discuss both the views and give your opinion.
47 In the past, people liked to store knowledge in books. However, in 55
the present, we prefer to store knowledge on the internet. Do you
think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
48 Some people think it is necessary to travel to a country to know 56
more about it, while some consider it is futile as all the information
is available on internet & other sources. Discuss both views and
give your opinion.
49 There is certainly a difference in thoughts, ideas and actions 57
between children, their parents and grandparents. Why do these
differences exist? Does it cause problems in your community, in
your opinion?
50 Being intelligent is the most important characteristic of a leader. 58
To what extent do you agree or disagree with it.
51 Space travel research is a waste of government‟s fund. To what 59
extent do you agree or disagree?

As well as making money, business should have social
responsibility. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
In a developing country such as Indonesia, there are so many ongoing development
activities in most of the provinces. These activities can be done by the government-owned
companies or the private companies. These companies create lots of revenue and gain
considerable profit from their activities, however, most often than not it is only for their own
advantage. It is argued that every business should share a certain percentage of their profit
to help local citizens develop their economy. I agree with this statement as it can promote a
sense of fairness and help to provide better economy which is crucial to improving the
quality of life.

First of all, it is important to remember that these prestigious companies often create their
plants and factories in the middle of the community. Since the factories need to be operated
by experts in their fields, local citizens are rarely involved in the production process or as a
high-level employee. It is quite common that the available jobs for the locals are low-level
jobs such as security or manual laborers. This fact cannot be denied and unsurprisingly there
will be some sense of unfair treatment to see that all the good positions are given to the
“outsiders”. Therefore, I would say that social responsibility program is crucial especially to
promote a sense of fairness among the local citizens.

Another perspective that can be helpful is to see that creating a good corporate social
responsibility program may develop the economy of the locals. It is not actually an
impossible thing to do, as most of the employees in top companies are experts in exploiting
a business opportunity. For example, the company can set up a training for citizens to start a
bee farm, or to have a batik workshop for the females. In addition, children can be
encouraged to have additional useful lessons such as music lessons, vocal lessons or English
course. The idea is quite simple; with more knowledge and education, people will be more
skillful and will be more ready to seize available opportunities, and in the long-term it will
provide better economy to most of them.

To sum up, there is certainly no harm in maintaining good corporate social responsibility
programs. It can reduce the sense of inequality and it may even strengthen the economy.
Moreover, if it is professionally done, the willingness to share some of the companies profit
may be transformed into a mutual benefit for both parties involved.

Recent figures show an increase in violent crime among
youngsters under the age of 18. Some psychologists claim that
the basic reason for this is that children these days are not getting
the social and emotional learning they need from parents and
The increasing crime is an absolute cause for worry, not only for parents and teachers but
also for society in general. That will be even more scarier to acknowledge the fact that the
increase happened mostly in teenager age-group. Most people related this trend to the lack
of social and emotional learning for the adolescent. However, in my view, it is possible that
other factor such as unhappiness with the family and the government can also be a
significant cause.

The lack of social and emotional learning basically points to how people are raised. They are,
most commonly, brought up by parents and teachers. Everyone will spend some time in their
family, and the rest will be spent with friends at school. Both parents and teachers may fail to
answer the need of a certain child. However, this is only a good answer for a particular
incident where the kid felt isolated and could not relate socially and emotionally with other
people surrounding him/her. But is it really the answer for more than a million crimes? I
think we need to look at other possible causes.

I would argue that it is likely for a significant number of teenagers to feel unhappy with their
current situation. They might do well at school, good at most of the subjects, but still they
have no real sense of purpose to exist in this world. In the world where people measure
others by the amount of worldly treasure that they have, good education and good
personality tend to be marginalized. These teenagers, who feel that they have nothing to
lose, will start to act according to what they believe. In other words, they react to the world
around them. I think it is safe to say that current system of the world these days frustrates
and depresses a lot of people.

Teenagers are in the vulnerable period of their life. Of course, they need good guidance and
communication. However, parents and teachers are not always suitable to give advice
because they cannot win the heart of the teenager itself. Rich parents are usually hated
because they work too much while poor parents are usually hated because they tend to be
lazy or the father might be an alcoholic bum who is useless as a breadwinner. Teachers are
not very different. It is so rare that a teacher can earn respect from their students. In this
case, most teenagers do not have a role model that they need.

To sum up, I believe that if we really mean to solve the problem of crimes done by
teenagers, the first solution is to make ourselves worthy of communication. Parents and
teachers cannot communicate with teenagers as long as they enforce their worldly view to
them and not treating them like an adult.

How do movies or television influence people‟s behavior?
People have various choices of things to do in their leisure time. Watching television should
be placed in one of the higher ranks in that list of activities. It is often said that people need
to be aware of the effect of television as it may affect people‟s behavior. Movies are also said
to have the same effect. In my view, both television and movies can influence people in an
explicit and an implicit way.

What I mean by the explicit way is the situation when an audience is affected by what they
see on the screen. Let‟s say a romantic scene or a sad scene that may make some people
blushing with happiness or filled with great sadness. What is seen on the screen is
spontaneously delivering a reaction as the emotion feels proper.

The second way is the implicit way, or perhaps, the one that is rather indirect compared to
the first one. When people are always fed with bad news such as corruption and tragedy, this
kind of news may affect people implicitly. For the teenagers, they may think that corruption
is an okay thing to do since they see all the arrested corrupt politician smiled widely to the
camera. For the adults, they may think that tragedy is a common thing and in the long term,
it will reduce their sense of empathy. This does not happen in an instant, and therefore,
rather implicit.

To sum up, media such as television or cinemas obviously have the power to convey
meaning to their audience. Unfortunately, these meanings are not always as good as the
intention of the broadcaster. I think there are some urgent needs to study the effect of
media for children, teenagers, and adults.

Car ownership has increased so rapidly over the past thirty years
that many cities in the world are now „one big traffic jam‟. How
true do you think this statement is? What measures can
governments take to discourage people from using their cars?
The recent improvement in the economy of most countries in the world leads to higher
number of people purchasing automobiles for their personal use. Luxurious vehicles are
known to be some kind of status symbol in the developing countries due to the lack of
awareness from the government to educate their citizen to put an emphasis on using public
transportation. Some people believe that traffic in some capital cities, such as in Jakarta and
Beijing, are no longer tolerable or, at least, anyone can admit that they are far from effective.
However, there is still hope in forms of education and good city planning which will be
discussed below.

People in developed countries are capable of using their education and logic to think that
the road space will not be able to keep up with the buying power of a growing economy. To
follow this, they know that building an effective and efficient public transportation system is
crucial in determining the flow of traffic in cities and inter-cities. If people are allowed to buy
vehicles without limitation, they will surely buy more than two or even three vehicles per
household. Ultimately this will lead to traffic problems and there is no doubt that the main
contributor of the traffic is the citizen itself (along with improper government ruling). I
maintain that if the government is more capable of implementing some strategies to restrict
the number of cars to be purchased, there will be less traffic in the city.

To be fair about the whole matter, one must consider the reason for people‟s ambition to
own cars in their household. As strange as it may seem, when someone owns a car, it can be
a decisive and influential factor in determining how other people see that person. It raises
the social status and what even more is that this new car owner will be more respected in
many ways. This kind of motive is quite strong in the society of developing countries where
success is primarily measured by the worldly belongings that one owns such as the size of
the house and the brand of cars. Understanding this, it is apparent that people‟s perspective
on the definition of success needs to be changed and the only way to change how and what
people think is by education.

The urgency to implement certain city regulations cannot be dismissed. The government, be
it the governor or the mayor, should adopt some strategies that will work effectively to
regulate the number of cars in particular time so that road traffic will not be too severe.
Providing favorable public transportation is no doubt a must do and for this purpose, buses,
underground services, and bike lanes can be some alternatives. It is important to note that
although infrastructure is vital to the public and the public demands for it, sometimes it can
cause an inevitable conflict. For example, in some regions where there is no longer empty
land to create road space, some people have to be evicted from where they live and this
kind of action will usually be opposed by the victimized public. However, this need of public
transportation system is vital and even more so in the future, so all government plans and
efforts toward this should be supported and are therefore justified.

To conclude, the solution to solve traffic problems (and to prevent people buying cars) lies in
the willingness. These are the willingness of the public to adapt to public transportation, the
willingness to let go the chance to improve their status by purchasing cars, and the
willingness of the government to help create better city atmosphere.

Everybody should be allowed admission to university study
programs' regardless of their academic ability.
The right to obtain an education should be given for every human mainly because education
is a vital tool to improve people's quality of life in general. If someone becomes more
educated, there is a likely chance that he / she will be more useful to the society compared
to if this person is uneducated. The ability to provide benefit to the public and to oneself is
the primary reasons why people must be granted their rights for education.

When someone has already finished their compulsory education from primary school up to
the senior high school level, they usually have the options to join the workforce or to
continue pursuing an education in the college or university. If they choose to work, they will
be considered as unskilled workers and, therefore, will be likely to receive a lower overall
salary. In contrast, if someone has the qualification of a bachelor degree, he or she will be
viewed as educated and can work in places where they are trusted to serve the public. For
example, teachers, doctors, and engineers which are valuable members of the society, all
have their qualifications from studying in the university. Therefore, it can be said that
graduating from university will enable everyone to give more positive impact as a member
of the society.

When someone enters the university life, they have the chance to build a good social
network with equally educated people with same interest and study background. They have
the chance to reflect every day and be more aware of how competitive the world actually is.
With this advantage, people can have the option to live the life as they plan and see fit. They
are not forced by the situation nor do they become a follower. They have the chance to
inspire and also to embrace their dream. This kind of freedom will be significant in
improving people's degree of happiness as opposed to having restricted and limited life as
the result of lower education qualification and the lack of chance to grow with the
intellectual and competitive mind. Having said that, I argue that if people are more
educated, they can feel more satisfied with their life and have more opportunity to do things
as planned.

To sum up, I would say that it is essential to allow everyone and to help them obtaining a
degree from the university. University's qualification and education can be the key that
people need to help them develop as the better partner for developing society. In addition,
it allows them to have a better personal life as opposed to being uneducated.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents
are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to
support your answer.
Most people will agree that parents have the utmost responsibility to care for their children
and raise them properly. There is even a proverb that said „the apple does not fall far from
the tree,‟ which basically means that a child will follow or imitate the sample given by their
parents. That is why we need to understand how to be a good role model for children and
what is the effect if parents fail to become a good figure for their children. Nevertheless,
some people are of the opinion that it also means that parents are the best teacher for their
children. In this essay, I will argue that although parents are required to be a role model, it
does not necessarily mean that they are the best teacher for their children.

It is important to understand that both parents and school play an essential role in a child‟s
life. Any kid will significantly be affected by the behavior of their parents and the school
where they spend most of their youth. For example, parents have more time in the early
years of the children life and, therefore, can guide them to learn simple value such as
honesty, courage, wisdom and so on. However, it is only after the children reach the school
that they have the chance to actually implement and apply all these values taught at home.

Now, we need to analyze whether teaching means building children character or integrating
knowledge of a certain subject. If teaching means character building, then, of course, parents
have to be the best teacher since children will imitate them most of the time. When a father,
for example, shows aggression at home, the kids will be likely to take after him and also be
aggressive at school. When a mother teaches about the importance of saving money, the
kids will probably spend less of their pocket money at school. These are values and norms,
not school subjects.

On the other hand, if teaching means integrating academic knowledge and skills of a certain
subject, then it is highly unlikely for parents to be capable in all subjects like math, chemistry,
physics, or biology. Subjects need to be taught by professional with a degree in education.
Becoming a teacher requires experience and professional career approach. It is not
something that can be done by parents easily.

To sum up, I truly believe that we need to have proper figure both in instilling value and
norm to our children and also professional teachers to get them academic achievement that
they will need in the school so that they can be grown-up with full potential.

People attend college or university for many different reasons
(for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased
knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or
The idea of going for further education is to be more specific and specialized in one field.
These days people have different economic progression where the bachelor degree is no
longer suitable to meet the expectation of advancing standard both in workplaces and for
own businesses. I believe that people go to college for more education to improve their
financial prospect and to build a proper social network.

The first advantage when people have a master degree is that they are acknowledged as one
of the experts in certain fields. With a very few exception, almost all workplaces would
certainly pay more for people with advanced or specialized knowledge and expertise in a
certain field. Having this knowledge, therefore, can be said as a fundamental move to extend
one‟s career in the right direction. A good education can be the key that you need to get
that promotion you want.

The second primary reason is to extend our social network. When people go to college, they
have the chance to meet up in a professional and educated circle with a similar background,
and as a result, they will connect with important people in the same work field. The shared
background may be proven as beneficial in the future when we need particular help in a
certain matter. It is important for us to know that making friends in the modern era,
especially where people tend to get very busy in their own circle can be somewhat difficult.
Therefore, connecting with our colleagues and classmates from the same education
institution will surely be helpful.

To sum up, I believe that every adult will put their career success on top of anything else.
That is why, the advantages that can be gained from pursuing postgraduate education in a
reputable university are something that can give your career a significant boost, and
therefore worth your best effort. This sums up my understanding of why people have chosen
to go to university

Some people like to travel with a companion. Other people prefer
to travel alone. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and
examples to support your choice.
Travelling to a certain region to enjoy the holiday or what is popular as „having a vacation‟ is
a serious mission for everyone and most people usually try the best to make this experience
as wonderful as possible. However, the key question is whether to travel alone or to travel
with a group (let‟s say groups of friends, colleagues, or family members). I would explain
about the pro and cons of both practices of travelling in this essay.

When people travel alone, they are not restricted by any itinerary. They can follow whatever
their instinct leads them to. If they want to spend more time in a certain tourist attraction, it
is possible to do so. In addition to a better sense of freedom, travelling alone is also cheaper
in a way, since it is not necessary to spend money for the other members. The disadvantage
of travelling alone is that there is no one to share your excitement and you also might feel
lonely sometimes.

On the other hand, travelling in a group offers a joyful ride from one place to another. Every
tourism object seems more fun and great. For example, when going to the beach with a
group of friends, even simple activities like building a tent and singing near the bonfire can
be very memorable. However, if there is a problem such as personal disagreement between
group member it can ruin the mood of the trip.

If I have to choose, I would rather travel in a group because I enjoy companion in my

journey. However, it is important to make sure that everyone know each other well and will
not fall out in the journey. The journey also needs to be carefully planned to minimize the
possibilities of something unwanted happened.

All in all, I believe the old saying, “The more the merrier,” when it comes to a vacation trip.
So long as it is well-planned, there is a promise of a joyful and unforgettable experience.

(Ini esai 20 menit - artinya fokus pada speed - dibuat di bawah 20 menit dan belum
diedit. Masih banyak kelirunya, tapi lumayan untuk latihan menuangkan ide.)

In some countries, teenagers have jobs while they are still
students. Do you think this is a good idea? Support your opinion
by using specific reasons and details.
Many people believe that education is the only way that will enable someone to gain success
in their life. However, it is not rare that teenager would like to start earlier to taste their own
money. To pursue this, they would like to allocate some time for their job and, as a result,
they are not fully dedicated to the education. In my opinion, it is a good idea to learn how to
make money as long as parents give them enough supervision and education is still
considered as important.

The advantage of the working experience is to make the teenager becomes more
responsible and be better in their management skill. Time management and financial
management are something that can only be possessed when there are pressures. Without
these two abilities, it will be difficult for them when they have reached the phase of

The disadvantage, however, may come in the forms of reduced exam scores and lack of
interest in education. It is possible that after their first success in generating some amount of
money, they will be more motivated to get more money than to care for their school. This
can be a dangerous trend if parents do not supervise these teenager‟s business activities.

Parents need to explain that when someone has already gained their basic education which
is a bachelor degree, then they can choose to seriously work or to get more education.
However, without a bachelor degree, it will be difficult to pursue further education. In fact,
statistics have shown that people with a university degree, in general, have more income
than those who are only graduated from secondary school.

To sum up, I think there is nothing wrong with a teenager trying to have a job. However,
what most important are parents‟ supervision and communication about education

(Ini esai 20 menit - artinya fokus pada speed - dan belum diedit. Masih banyak
kelirunya, tapi lumayan untuk latihan menuangkan ide.)

Schools ask students to evaluate their teachers. Do you agree or
disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your
Feedback for performances is one of the most important things in assessing employee in a
company or in an organization. Without any feedback, it will be quite difficult to know which
things we need to improve. For schools, especially the headmasters, it is necessary to
evaluate teachers‟ performance in delivering the subjects to their students. As teachers are
the core of education itself, then it is guaranteed that we want to improve our teachers‟
performance. This essay will analyze the importance of students' opinion in relation to
improving their teachers‟ work quality.

Asking students for their opinion on how a teacher satisfies the need of the students is quite
similar to asking the customer about the service provided. They will of course honestly
answer and this answer might not be the most acceptable things to face. However, criticism
is necessary so how should a school encourage positive critics and whether the students are
able to give balanced evaluation or input in this matter. These are some of the questions
that must be considered before opting for students as the way to improve the teacher.

Other things that need to be considered are the fairness and justice system in the school
itself. If the schools can practice good voting system or questionnaire to make the voters or
the people who comment remain anonymous then the criticism can be said openly.
However, if there is no way to guarantee that the facts told in the criticism will remain a
secret, students may be unwilling to tell the truth about their teachers.

All in all, I agree to use students‟ comment as a way to improve teachers‟ performance but
only if the privacy is respected. Teachers do not need to have access to these criticisms as it
may affect them directly or indirectly. The headmasters and the supervisor may use this
criticism separately along with other criteria to analyze teacher‟s quality of work.

There are more cars on the roads these days and more accidents.
As a result, some politicians have suggested that people should
take regular driving tests throughout their lives, rather than one
single test.

What do you think are the advantages of repeat driving test? Do

these outweigh the disadvantages?
I n some countries, people are required to take a driving test before they can legally go on
the road with their new cars. In some other countries, however, it tends to be involved with
corruption practice, and people can just pay for their license without having to attend any
real driving test. In this case, I would be on the pro side when it comes to introducing the
regulation of regularly scheduled driving test, as there are more advantages to it than the

When people have mastered the driving skills, they are also required to have a wide
knowledge about the regulation of the road. Things like what to do during rush hour, how to
fix certain mechanical problems, how to help during accidents are some of the things that
may happen on the road every day. If a driving test is scheduled annually, then the
government can see how to have the individual or the candidate progressed on his / her
skills. We may expect an increase in mastery and knowledge. Nevertheless, there is also a
chance that people forgot what they have learned or getting worse in their skills.

If it is scheduled once in a year, the driving test can also be served as a community
gathering, a time to get to know each other, and the government should encourage this to
ensure safety habit in traffic. It is also a common fact, that there may have been a change in
street, road, or a slight change in traffic regulations. With this event, people can ensure
themselves to keep up-to-date with the latest info about their city and about progress in the
community at the same time. I would say that this is a total benefit that everyone wants.

However, the government needs to train professional instructor and ensures the quality of
the test itself. A professional instructor can give a sense of achievement towards the
audience. An unprofessional one, in contrast, may insult or annoy the test-takers and give
them a feeling of boredom during the whole test session. Similarly, the test needs to be
transparent and everyone needs to understand why they are asked to improve their driving
skills. The tape recording the drivers session while passing the test, for example, can be
given as a gift or as a way for the candidate to review his / her driving performance at home.

To sum up, I see no harm in a properly scheduled event of driving test. It has the main
advantage to reduce traffic accident, and it also has a secondary advantage such as
tightening the sense of belonging to the community and to have the sense of achievement
for any individual.

(versi draf 1. - Dibuat dalam 11 menit)

Advantages/disadvantages of consumer goods that have become
Business has always been for profit and that is the core of capitalism economic system. For
this reason, profit in producing goods and distributing it to the consumer has always been
the number one target of many companies. However, the recent trend has shown that there
is a decline in the price of some consumer goods. I believe that price reduction for consumer
products has its advantages and disadvantages even if it is commonly understood as a sign
of positive thing.

The public, in general, does not always understand clearly about the negative effects that
may happen if a price is set so low. When a product reaches the consumer, the product has a
price that should cover the production cost and some profit margin. For a product to be able
to reduce it price, there is a need for efficiency, and sometimes this might include laying off
the unnecessary human resources, which have lost their place against modern production
machinery. In other words, some people might lose their job for this price reduction to
happen. For agricultural products, the same condition usually puts farmers at a disadvantage
as they receive the lowest possible price for the harvest that they produce. These are two
minor examples of what phenomenon might happen behind a price reduction.

In a capitalist system, those who are at the bottom of the pyramid are the one that actually
put on physical work to make something. The middle-class economy is filled with people
who work as civil servants or private sector employees. People who work hard and earn their
salary without having to produce anything will absolutely rejoice should there be a price
decline of consumer goods. By contrast, there is a small chance that the working class share
the same sentiment as their work is rendered obsolete and that it would be much more
difficult for them to get a new job after they are made redundant. When a country
progresses toward a better economy, it would mean that the government is capable of
increasing the public financial ability to buy things. Therefore, although the public always
welcomes price reduction, it is necessary to ensure that such phenomenon happened as the
result of the competitive economy instead of a massive effort in human resource efficiency.

To sum up, for an economy to be prosperous there is a need to constantly improve the
national economic indicators and increase the human resource capability in general.
Although it is clear now that price reduction is mostly perceived as a positive situation, we
need to achieve this without sacrificing those who are at the bottom of the economy.

34 menit 440 words

Catatan: tadinya mau maparin bahwa advantagenya penurunan harga barang konsumer itu
nggak seberapa dan nggak terlalu ngefek biasanya - tapi karena di tengah jalan bikin yang
kepikirnya ini .. ya jadi inilah hasilnya ... sebenarnya juga gak mau ribet mikirin konten ...
karena IELTS biasanya lebih ke bahasa daripada "makna" esainya

We live in a technological age. However, technology cannot solve
all the world's problems. Therefore, some people argue that we
need to place less emphasis on technological solutions and more
on other values.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? You

should use your own ideas, knowledge and experience to support
your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.
The rapid development of technology has given many people new access to information.
This, in turn, leads to a better functioning society as the information flows easily to all
around the world. However, some people would argue that technology is not the solution
for world‟s problems. It is agreed that technology is a tool that helps make life become
easier and that it is more of a medium rather than an end goal.

The problems in people‟s life are so many that we might not be able to count it, even if we
try. Now we have a global concern of what to do when our oil supply is no longer capable of
meeting the demand of billions of cars all around the world. Technology answers that
problem in the form of electric cars. People used to have problems with books being
expensive, and we are worried about our trees that turned into a pulp to create paper for
books and other printing needs. Technology gives the solution to that problem in the form
of an e-book. Technology can be used for positive things.

On the other hand, modern people also worry about their bank account being hacked. In
addition, identity theft can make someone very miserable these days; a new form of crime
that we never imagine twenty years ago. Bullying used to happen in the school classroom,
but now it has moved to a various channel of social networks. Bandits are still trying to rob
our money; however, they are doing so now by tapping to digital cookies in our browser.
The government, network provider and criminals watch our browsing habit closely.
Technology, along with all its advantages, has also created a false sense of freedom and has
made us vulnerable to a certain degree.

We all want to believe that technology is the key to ending all the existing injustice in this
world. However, it is not and it never will be. I believe what we need is to be more tolerant of
others. There are poor people out there who live in poverty and unhealthy living conditions
without any possibility to change their life. It is time for us to use our smartphone to obtain
some money and make some charity and donation for the unfortunate people. If we refuse
to let technology rules over us, we will be able to use it to make this world slightly better.

To sum up, it is obvious that from the long discussion above, I have shown facts of
technology according to its advantage, disadvantage, and how we need to react. However, it
is important that we hold a realistic expectation of what technology can and cannot do
instead of looking at it as a quick fix for any problems. In the end, we are the one who utilize
technology and decide whether it leads to a good thing or to a bad end.

482 words - 39 menit

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Young
people enjoy life more than older people do.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

The idea of having a memorable life is shared by many and it can be said as the common
goal in life. However, the notion of happiness is somewhat abstract and people have been
debating whether older people or younger people that tend to enjoy their life more. It is
disagreed that the age is the key deciding factor of happiness in life. I believe the concept of
happiness relies on people‟s nature and expectation.

The main question of life, happiness, and age will push us to answer this particular question:
how is someone's nature contribute to his / her happiness? In other words, what does old
age have to do with being happy? When people are in their old age, they have gone through
lots of major key points in their life. This ranges from their first job, wedding, having a child,
building a house, sending the child to the university, having a granddaughter and so on.
These experiences may or may not make them enjoy their current moment. In addition to
this, if someone still has lots of unfulfilled ambition despite their old age, he /she may be
unhappy with their life.

The position of an adolescent is not very different to that of an old man. A young man can
possibly be born in a rich family or in a poor family. This nature will influence the major
opportunity in their life. However, it is also true that a man can change his life by his actions.
Therefore, it is not necessarily true that a teenager from a rich family will have a more
enjoyable life to the opposite life of his peers. Moreover, most teenagers have great
expectation for the future of their life. If they do have this motivation then it can push them
towards greatness.

All in all, life offers many things: the past, present, and future. The attitude of a person comes
from their own perception to their nature. Their expectation also holds the key to their
happiness. Together, these two factors build up people's happiness regardless of the length
of life they have lived.

dibikin dalam 26 menit. Band = ga tau band berapa mungkin 6.5 / 7

Women and men are commonly seen as having different
strengths and weaknesses. Is it right to exclude males or females
from certain professions because of their gender?
Modern time has seen rapid advancement in people‟s lifestyles; a situation which is
suspected to happen due to progress in technology and globalisation. This has also affected
people‟s preferences for their career. Instead of being fixated on the traditional career path,
modern people tend to explore many new fields and areas where they can follow their
dream even to the point which was unimaginable three decades ago. This essay would
further analyse the correlation between gender and occupational preference and its future

Women have been considered as inferior to men in terms of physicality and this view may
very well have some truth in it. It seems that even the slightest depiction of alternative
prehistoric situation where the females hunted for food and slaughtered wild beast will be a
cause for a nightmare. Common people would like to believe that a woman is a mother
figure, and therefore, it is simply deplorable to visualize the hands that hold the baby would
also have the capability to kill animals mercilessly. That is why the posts for servant, maid,
nurse, and kindergarten teacher become commonly associated with women and the fact is
obviously based on the belief that women are more suitable as a carer.

On the other hand, as the superior gender, at least when it comes to strength, men are
burdened with jobs that require physical strength. This can be seen in common practice in
most of the army training ground, mining site, and logging in the sawmill or lumber yard.
However, as time goes by, this reality has not changed significantly as some people might
expect. It is, therefore, safe to assume that physically demanding jobs will continue to utilize
manpower in the future and it is highly doubted that any progress in gender equality and
rights would impact this tendency seriously.

How would the gender development influence career choice in the future? Is it possible that
women will finally do the job that used to be done only by men? Will men have the
willingness to do the task that is traditionally associated with women? The answer to these
questions is open to debate. Maybe if it is applied in a tiny percentage then the possibility
can be a reality. However, to completely change the traditional mindset would be nearly
impossible as people do not change their instinct and intuition drastically and this statement
is also true in this context.

To sum up, I don‟t think anyone has the power to exclude people from particular jobs due to
gender reasons. It is more of a perception problem than a permission problem. Most men
would not want to do women‟s jobs (that involve caring) whereas women would hate to do
men‟s jobs (that require lots of physical strength). From the discussion above, it is only
logical to admit that gender change in profession is a probability and it is possible to see a
change in the near future. Still, there are jobs that are perceived more suitable for specific
gender and it seems that there is a logical reason behind all of these phenomena.

Some people spend their entire lives in one place. Others move a
number of times throughout their lives, looking for a better job,
house, community, or even climate. Which do you prefer: staying
in one place or moving in search of another place? Use reasons
specific examples to support your opinion.
Some people like change while some other try as much as possible to stick to the pattern
that he/she knows. This essay will discuss how people decide to make or not to make

When someone decides to settle in the same workplace for many years, he might have felt
very comfortable in the job, both in terms of financial, career prospects and job satisfaction.
As for those who decide to settle in the same place to stay over the years, it is very likely that
he feels he has a very close relationship with the neighbors of family, the neighborhood
where he had brilliant childhood, and he also wants to raise his future children and
grandchildren in the very same area. The decision to stay is taken on the basis that the
change will not necessarily produce something better than the conditions that exist today.

When a person decides to move jobs, he could be focusing to explore his abilities to adapt
to the new environment and the demands of a new career, where the current trends in the
career require that someone should be able to do many things with the quality of work that
is just as good. As for those who decide to settle in a new place every few years, he could be
looking for experience in new places, where exploring new areas and get acquainted with
new people is felt as refreshing, pleasant and not restricting. The decision to move requires
the ability to receive ourselves as citizens of the world who are not constrained by the limit
of any city, country or language.

In my view, I am not quite graceful in adapting to change. This can be seen from the type of
career that I choose, which is teaching, and this allows me to deal with only one subject over
the years. The feeling of certainty in the job and in the neighborhood makes me feel easier
to settle rather than to explore a new career or a new living environment.

In conclusion, there are many ways to interpret a person's decision to stay at the same place
or to go somewhere new. In the end, people will do what they think is beneficial for
themselves and their immediate family.

Score prediction: 6.5

Nowadays the way many people interact with each other has
changed because of technology. In what ways has technology
affected the types of relationships people make? Has this become
a positive or negative development?
(esai ditulis dlm 14 menit - taksiran 6.5)

Technology advancement helps people shape their progress beyond many aspects. I think
technology has delivered a very positive overall impact on easing human to introduce and to
maintain new relationships and old relationships.

In the past, we did not have the chance to send a letter to someone and hoping to get a
reply in the same day. The telephone was used for a direct communication in the old days
while the letter was meant for a formal and personal communication as it takes lots of time
to deliver a snail mail. As we more commonly use the e-mail to manage our business,
personal lives, these things have now become more manageable than ever, and we become
more organized as a society.

In the past, we did not have a method to send a picture to someone else in a short time.
Well, actually we had the technology called facsimile, however, it was complicated to use
and not every household had one. Nowadays, using mobile phone we can send any picture
that we want to our communication partner, they will receive it in an instant, and this makes
us more flexible in many aspects.

It was very difficult to get an entertainment that could be enjoyed together as a social
experience three decades ago. Today, however, online games are able to connect many
people all at once. These changes bring many people from all over the world together as
global citizens and we are less restricted by geographical boundaries.

In conclusion, technology has made us, based on the examples I have given above, more
organized, more flexible and more integrated compared to past situation. I truly believe this
is an advantage and we should improve our ways to manage the use of technology.

Governments should spend money on railways rather than roads.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
ini esai sampel jawaban saya - draft - dalam kisaran 25 menit

One of the crucial needs in the developing countries is to attract people to the city in order
to boost the economy. In my country, this has happened naturally when the majority of
people flock to the capital, Jakarta, every Eid Fitri, as there is a stream of newcomers after
homecoming season ends. However, this has also created a problem in the form of
transportation difficulties. Traffic jam has been a regular and an inevitable thing in the street
of Jakarta. Some people believe that it is already time to build a more effective
transportation system in the form of trains rather than relying on expanding roadways. I
entirely agree with this view, and will further analyze the reasoning below.

Cars have long been a symbol of success for many people. In reality, as the economy is still
growing, many people find themselves with more money than they have ever had. As the
result, they tend to spend this money buying more than one cars although it is apparently a
total waste to do so. Financial restriction to buy cars is not seriously developed by the
government. This shows up in the ever increasing number of cars up and running in the
street of Jakarta. All this goes to show that people won't stop buying cars, so by the same
proposition, expanding the road will never be an effective way to give a better

The train is a public transportation that carries a lot of people going the same way together
in a rapid manner as there is nothing preventing the route that leads to its destination. The
only challenge of the train is how to make it more comfortable. As trains have become more
comfortable and more reliable as parts of a bigger scheme in public service, people
satisfaction towards train will also increase. When a majority of people choose to take the
train as their preferred mode of transportation, we can hope that traffic will be lesser than

In conclusion, it is not effective to keep expanding the road as the data show people always
buy more cars. Building railways for the train is a way to develop more reliable community
service, one is profited by many people rather than benefiting only several of the riches who
can afford cars.

“Prevention is better than cure.” Therefore, a large proportion of
a country‟s health budget should be diverted from treatment to
preventative measures. To what extent do you agree or disagree
with this statement?
The concept of healthy public is something that is expected by the government as citizens
clearly play the important role of human resource to run the country. A nation with healthier
citizens tends to be more stable and may develop its economy without obstacles. However,
achieving this with a limited budget will be difficult. Some believe that the fund should be
invested towards preventative medicine, yet this will likely lead to less funding for treating
people. This essay will look at the reasoning behind a well-planned health program and my
opinion about it.

First of all, preventing unwanted things is always better and we all know that this is true. If a
fire or natural disaster can be prevented it would be better for everyone. As for the illness,
this means that efforts such as educating the society and improving the general condition of
people who have poor living standard should be the fundamental step. For example, people
could be asked to wear a mask to avoid smoke in the polluted air like in Beijing. Another
example is the program to distribute mosquito net in endemic areas such as in sub-Saharan
Africa. These efforts would be very beneficial compared to the risk of time and financial loss
resulting from lung cancer or malaria.

Nevertheless, people do not always act the best according to the healthy lifestyle or
regulation and suggestion for that matter. People do things that are unhealthy like eating
junk food, smoking and drinking excessively. What even worse, viruses may mutate and be
advanced and, for this very reason, every country should prepare a budget for the best
research and development team to help improve the effort to find a cure for these diseases.
In 2002, the SARS outbreak happened globally and many people were affected badly. If the
country does not have any team to act swiftly in this condition, it can lead to a total disaster.

In conclusion, I believe that the budget should be equally divided. Preventive measures are
surely essential in order to cover and protect ourselves before an incident takes place.
However, without any effort to build a good curative team led by experts in the world of
medicine, there is an obvious risk that none of us would like to face.

Some people say that the only reason for learning a foreign
language is in order to travel to or work in a foreign country.
Others say that these are not the only reasons why someone
should learn a foreign language.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

The mastery of foreign language has become more important these days than ever before as
the world is becoming more of a global village. In the sense of financial reasons, some
people have the absolute opinion that learning another language should be to improve
one's economy situation or to expand their geographical knowledge. In other words, it is for
working and travelling purpose. However, there are others who believe that learning foreign
languages can be based on other reasons, which are not money-related. This essay will
explain both opinions and my view about learning a foreign language.

Travelling or working in other countries share the same basic characteristics. Both will be
much more enjoyable and beneficial if supported by the good handling of the language of
the new places. For example, those who move to France or Japan will not be able to absorb
the intricacies of their new cultures should they be unable to speak the language. People in
these two countries tend to ignore people who only rely on English as their means of
communication. As a result, the visitors often feel left out or perhaps unwanted. This
situation can be prevented and the only reasonable way to do that is to work on your
language skills before you visit these kinds of countries.

It is undeniable that learning a language can be advantageous from the financial

perspective. It helps you to connect with many different people from various places in the
world. This, in turn, leads to a whole lot of opportunities to be seized. Nevertheless, there are
other reasons to learn a language other than for travel or work. For example, in many Islamic
countries, people learn the Arabic language for a better understanding towards the Qur'an,
the holy book of Moslems. In addition, there are others who learn English just so they can
read masterpieces of literature, such as Shakespeare's sonnet or Coleridge's poetry, in their
original forms. This goes to show that, learning a foreign language can also be based on the
spirit of knowledge pursuit.

In conclusion, there are many reasons to learn a foreign language. I strongly believe that,
without any doubt, learning a new language will be very beneficial whatever the reasons we
have when we start it. It helps us understand many things that we previously don't have any
knowledge whatsoever, and this can only be a good thing.

Many countries spend high amount of money on internet access.
Explain why is this happening. Do you think it is a good way to
use the government‟s money?
The progress in technology has caused an unpredictable surge in almost every area of our
life. People use the computers and the backbone of the internet to get connected to other
people and therefore construct a major part of both their social life and working life. It is
understandable if a country should maintain an adequate service providing high-quality
internet access to its citizens in order to improve the flow of communication in all related
aspects. This is a demand of the new era and government should put maximum effort to the
best of their ability to provide these services.

The way people today obtain their information has changed so much compared to two
decades ago. We are no longer passive and just waited for the news in the television every
nine p.m. like in the past. (In Indonesia, this is called World News). As a change, people can
access the latest news from various social media and news channel. It is supposed that
people are in a dire need of getting specific information. Only by using the internet can we
get all the information that we need and therefore maintain a good balance between our
social life and career demand.

There are a lot of things to decide when our representatives in the Finance Ministry meet
and decide what to do with the country‟s budget. There are lots of fields to cover with a
limited budget; education, health, tourism, religion to name just a few sectors that need
attention. As long as it is useful, I honestly think that this money and the use of it to provide
the internet service will be a good thing rather than a bad thing. Other countries have better
quality in the internet service and we should not be left too far behind.

To sum up, the effort to provide decent internet service is essential as the world now relies
on information and we cannot live completely abandoning these new trends. In addition, the
internet is a way of communication and the more we invest in it, the better the quality of our
country is.

Some people think that education separates people into certain
classes. Are the people who have education more valuable than
those who don't? Discuss.
Education is pursued by most people mainly to improve their socioeconomic condition and
it is vital to have a higher education since almost all jobs required it. However, higher
education means specialization and the knowledge itself will be more specific and exclusive.
I believe the value of education is flexible and fair for everyone regardless their economy

People with a postdoctoral degree have made their own contribution in their specific fields
and for this reason, they are regarded as eminent contributors to the advancement of the
society. With their insight and superior visualization ability, they are able to map the
problems that society face and solve it through the implementation of a mechanical
solution, the inspirational lecture, and via several policies proposed towards the government.
It is obvious that they should be considered as valuable members of the society for these

On the other hand, those without an advanced degree or even basic education can still make
a valuable involvement to the community. They provide various services to improve the
condition in their neighborhood. These people might work in a security team, a cleaning
business, or maybe as street vendors who sell food at night. The existence of such service in
a certain area gives a sense of wholeness. That being said, their contributions are of the
same importance with the influence of those academic graduates.

To sum up, I believe that education certainly shapes who we are and what we think about
this life. However, we should not let the lack of education shape the way we value ourselves
or other people in our surroundings. Humans are created equal and we should strive for the
equality rather than widen the gap made by education.

Some people say we do not need printed paper newspapers
anymore. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Today, people have more sources of information compared to the situation 20 years ago.
With the advance of digital technology, there are many channels of media to choose from
including newspapers publishers, which now convert to digital content by means of website
or apps that can be accessed widely. This is a form of adaptive transformation, which is
beneficial both for the publishers and for the users.

Traditional information providers such as radio broadcaster, television channels, and

newspaper publishers are trying to adapt with the latest technology advancement. Current
information channels are no longer restricted to use traditional media such as printed
papers. For the newspaper companies, this is a good news from the perspective of resources
and cost efficiency, mainly from eliminating the cost of paper, which is expensive and hard
to get. By removing the cost of printing, now they can use this fund for marketing so they
can reach new subscribers and maintain their old subscribers who have moved to the digital

In the past, people read their newspapers before they went to their workplace. Recently, the
trend to get information is done while people are commuting to their workplace, for
example, on a train full of passengers through the use of mobile phone, which does not
need lots of space. These target consumers will subscribe to their preferred media with an
affordable price and they will still get high quality content from the same journalist. From
the perspective of media users, this is a long-awaited progress, due to the clear difficulty of
carrying and reading a newspaper on a crowded train; this is a good example why the
readers have left behind old printed-paper version.

In conclusion, I agree that this transformation is advantageous for everyone and therefore is
unavoidable. The practical benefit to both the publishers and the readers are clear signs that
this change will continue in the future.

Some people say that urgent problems in modern society can
only be solved with international cooperation. To what extent do
you agree?
There are many challenges faced by modern society. These problems are unemployment,
social problems, and limited resources. International efforts can help to resolve some of
these issues.

Widespread use of technology brings many positive effects in various spheres of life.
However, human position has also been replaced by technology in many jobs. The solution
to this problem should be considered as a whole. To give up the jobs which have been done
for years will not be an easy task for anyone. If jobs are lost, poverty will increase, and
increasing poverty is a signal of increasing crime. This is a problem that is closely related to
the uptake of technology policy of a country so that is the responsibility of a country to use
technology wisely.

The use of technology can have a negative impact on social interactions. Many teens are not
able to form a good social relationship with the surroundings. People preference to chat in
the social network rather than visiting each other means that a chance to build meaningful
interactions is wasted. Eventually, people will feel that they become increasingly
disconnected with their surroundings. This is an underlying cause of stress and depression. I
believe that this problem is closely related to an individual policy in using technology for
social interaction so this is an individual responsibility.

The problem of limited resources, as well as increased pollution, has been increasingly
dominant lately. Many people are concerned about global warming and deteriorating air
quality. Moreover, both water and oil are valuable commodities, yet they are unevenly
distributed among countries. These issues should be addressed through cooperation
between the governments of the world because they are related to global security. In the
event of the 3rd World War on the struggle for resource-rich areas in South China Sea, for
example, it would have a broadly disastrous impact. This is a problem whose solution must
be achieved by many countries so that peace is maintained.

In conclusion, the urgent issues facing modern society are multi-dimensional problems, and
these problems are to be solved by the individual and the state. However, the problems
which relate to the interests of many countries must be resolved through international
cooperation to keep the peace.

Films and computer games containing violence are popular. Some
people say they have negative effect on society and should be
banned. Other says they are just harmless relaxation. Discuss both
sides and give your opinion.
Popular media might contain violence act as shown in many films and computer games. This
issue becomes a hot debate as people seem to have different opinions about it; one looks at
it as fun stuff while the other argues that it promotes violence. It is apparent that both sides
clearly have merits to their argument and they are reasonable.

People are generally interested in things they know little about. Looking at the glimpse of
violence offered in the display satisfies their curiosity and gives them knowledge on the
violence itself. It can be understood that people need a certain maturity to act this way and
not everyone can be considered as mature. Violence exists and the display of violence
should only be regarded as a representation of things that exist and not as a support to the
act itself.

On the other hand, some people believe that the display of violence has a connection to the
rising numbers of dangerous actions in the society. They argue that people might imitate
things that they see if such things are presented regularly. However, such opinion simply
ignores other factors, such as poverty and the failing role of society as a community. Shifting
the blame to the display of violence on TV and PC games will be a failure in understanding
the root of the problem.

In conclusion, I believe that people need to be more mature and understand that displaying
violence is not the same as advertising it. Banning games and movies, therefore, will simply
be a wrong move based on a faulty reasoning.

Some people say art (music, paintings, poetry etc.) can be
created by by any human being, while others believe that only
people with special abilities can create art. Discuss both views
and give your opinion.

The public interest in art often sparks a debate, especially about the artists. Some people
think that anyone can create works of art. However, others believe that it takes a special
talent to be able to become an artist. In this case, the appreciation of the artists needs
impartial observation to understand the duality of this opinion.

First, the appreciation of art requires the initial trigger. Sadly, the ability to give birth to a
work of art is often mistakenly seen as something that happens instantly. In essence, anyone
had time to grow, and in this growing phase, there will be an interest in a particular art
channel. If this interest has been given a follow through, of course, there will be continuous
activities that support towards the achievement of greater artistic achievement. However,
had this initial passion not been explored further, then surely there would be no good work
from the individuals concerned. From this perspective, it can be said that anyone can create
art as long as he has both the affinity and interest to pursue it.

The second standpoint believes the romantic idea that artists are special individuals; the
notion that artists have been blessed with some special abilities that are not given to others.
This lavished praise to the persona is actually just a representation of gratitude to those who
introduce us to a special form of beauty. Therefore, in order to honor the beauty of the art
itself, the community emphasizes more value for the individual who creates a work of art.
Even so, these days artists are not only those who were coming out of nowhere. Modern
artists are the product of the forging between universities and colleges, and with a
combination of science and aesthetics, they sprang beautiful works of art.

In conclusion, I believe that not all people have the courage to live as an artist. Being an
artist requires a strong honesty and willingness to follow the passion and in the current era
where more people pursue wealth than personal instinct, it can be understood if people
think that art is the work of superior individuals. The artists are superior because they have
the guts and bravery to live in a way that is avoided by many people who targets only
worldly wealth.

There are many different types of music in the world today. Why
do we need music? Is the traditional music of a country more
important than the International music that is heard everywhere
In every walk of life, it may be difficult to imagine a day in which we have no engagement to
music at all. Whether it is as a direct conduct where people listen to music intentionally or
during a situation in which music served as a background included as a byproduct, music
always has its ways to slipped into our activities. Both ways of consuming music, consciously
and unconsciously, are an affirmation of some people opinion that music, undoubtedly, is
inseparable part of our life. Traditional music which mostly plays the role of a culture
heritage is often compared to the international music, which apparently is a beautifully
mixed product of industry and technology. Observing the differences and the similarities of
these two types of music surely equals to a better insight on how to respect music as a

For some obvious reasons namely the preservation of culture and the respect for ancestors,
people keep doing all they can to maintain the existence of traditional music. This type of
music, which usually accompanied by traditional dances, can really make the people of the
culture glowing up with pride as they are being performed. In addition, traditional music
means identity. No one wants to lose an important value of identity. Clearly, traditional
music is of a crucial value.

International music, on the other hand, is a term which closely relates with industry and
technology. More than thousands people will flock to see a concert of an international
performer. Latest technology is heavily used in this industry, lighting and computer, to name
two examples. International music means business and business means good money, hence
the importance of this type of music.

In conclusion, it is easy to say that people can identify themselves with both types of music.
They are both important. Not only can they be entertaining but also regaling the audiences
with an indescribable gaiety.

Should wealthy nations be required to share their wealth among
poorer nations by providing such things as food and education?
Or is it the responsibility of the governments of poorer nations to
look after their citizens themselves?
This world and its population have already experienced many things through a period of
time. Perhaps it is a bit naïve to say that the world balances itself by nature, however, it is
usually a good description of the situation. In addition to what is usually categorized as
developed countries, there are also developing countries and underdeveloped countries.
Among these three types of countries, however, the intricacy and complexity of aid and
grants perhaps weigh differently in comparison to simple gifts and favors interchange out of
friendship in daily life.

It is possibly acceptable to say that a bilateral donation will positively improve the
relationship between two countries involved in it. Politically speaking, there will be take and
give which in turn will affect the way a country perceive the other country. A considerable
influence of a country can be clearly seen, for example, in the relationship between South
Korea and the USA. Of course, it is more than just food and education that is being
discussed here. South Korea had left the situation of being an underdeveloped country a
long time ago and it is crystal clear that it had a successful transformation into one of Asian
economic giants.

On the other hand, the governments of poorer nations do have their own responsibility.
They need to be focus in developing their countries. There should not be civil war of any
kind. Other parts of the world can only help them to a certain point. Most of the work is still
waiting to be done by them. It takes a lot of hard work to be able to have a significant
economy growth. Poor countries which still undergo basic needs difficulty are desperately in
need of help in many aspects. It is not unlikely that they will have to exchange all that aid for
some degree of freedom as their policy will be heavily influenced. If this happen,
intervention from the donor country in the future time is to be expected.

To sum up, economically speaking, in the short time the aid is likely to be very useful.
However, from the political perspective, in the longer time the very same aid might give a
counterproductive result.

News editors decide what to broadcast on television and what to
print in newspapers. What factors do you think influence these
decisions? Do we become used to bad news? Would it be better if
more good news was reported?
In every media, particularly the one that is considered as influential, the news editor holds a
pivotal role. Selecting what information to be displayed on every headline is a responsibility
that needs to be thoroughly planned to ensure that it is the most appropriate of all available
options. There are some factors to consider such as accountability and appropriateness of
the headline.

Several hours before the deadline, the editorial team gather up and discuss which piece of
news they should publish as a headline. Accountability of the news is crucial because posting
news with inaccurate facts will put the credibility of the newspaper in a black spot. It is not
uncommon that an erroneous headline leads to a charge of libel. Therefore, it is crucial for
the editor to get their facts right.

A headline should meet certain level of appropriateness. It should represent the newspaper
style and fulfill the reader‟s curiosity. In addition, there is also a matter of preference
between publishing good news and bad news as a headline. It is widely believed that there is
a tendency of bad news dominated the headlines these days. As a result, there is a concern
that such a situation can only lead to widespread apathy.

To put it in the nutshell, the content of the news which is broadcasted in the television or
published in the newspaper is obviously important. This strategic value of media can
construct public opinion in so many different ways. In this perspective, it is fair to say that
headline is somewhat similar to a pickup line. Most importantly, there is a need of balancing
bad news and good news publication, and in turn this reflects the significance of the
editorial team in newspaper and television industry.

Nowadays, private companies invest more on scientific research
than the governments. Do the advantages outweigh the
The field of science and technology have always progressed rapidly and in recent years it can
be seen that private companies are more active in doing research. The government, which
should be at the forefront, seems to be slow and passive. This is understandable because
when the government acts more as a counterweight that enforces the rule, a great benefit
shall be gained by allowing the private sector to actively pursue innovation.

Private companies rely on profits they make from their business to be able to survive in the
competition. The pace of technology demands continuous improvement so that consumers
do not switch to other products. This situation means that private firms will not hesitate to
spend big money on research and product development. The result is a new product with
the latest technology at an affordable price. This is certainly a good news for everyone.

Furthermore, a successful private company may provide income to the state if its products
can be exported to other countries. Companies, especially those who excel in the field of
research, can sell their products to other countries and may even help the cooperation
among regionals. This will provide a comparative advantage in the form of foreign exchange.
This is another reason why the situation is advantageous.

In conclusion, the government does not need to worry and it should provide space for the
private sector to participate in scientific research. This will benefit all parties in general, as
long as the government imposes clear regulations so that competition still runs fairly.

Differences between countries are becoming less nowadays. Now
people from the world doing similar in fashion, films, drama, and
TV channels. Do you think the disadvantages overweight the
It is interesting to see how people from all around the world can enjoy the same food, wear
the same fashion items, and entertain themselves with things that are provided for the
global audiences. This means we have a lot more similarity and therefore we have more
things in common than we used to have in the past. I believe that this trend towards a
unification of preference is generally a good thing.

First of all, people are divided geographically and in the past, there was nothing they could
do about it. However, as airplane trip becomes more affordable, companies have the chance
to spread their influence abroad and the world soon becomes familiar with the term
„globalization.‟ People eat similar fast-food and drink similar coffee from the universal outlet.
There is a sense that people are becoming global citizens of the world and that has made us

Furthermore, it is important to understand that culture is something organic that develops

and grows. Some people believe that this globalization attacks their culture and it makes
teenagers forget about their own roots. This perceived disadvantage is unreasonable
because the nature of the world is about progression. Hence, if traditional culture is
considered important, there should be a real effort that is significant enough to attract the
teenagers toward it. Otherwise, young people might be more interested toward the modern
stuff that globalization offered to them.

In conclusion, I disagree that this trend carries more disadvantages as there is a crucial need
to become part of the global world. While I believe it is harmless to lean more to the future,
our cultural identity also needs to be strengthened and be prepared for the future. People
will always follow the transformation in the world, and the unification of preference seems to
be the future trend.

The problem with society today is that it is essentially
unbalanced, with some people being paid huge salaries to work
very long hours, whilst others do not have a job and have too
much time on their hands. There is no middle ground. Do you
agree or disagree?
It is said that the society we live in is out of balance, as there are rich people who have to
work long hour in their jobs, and there are also unemployed people who waste most of their
time doing nothing. While it is true that an ideal world would be equal in many aspects, I
disagree if we have to force that balance into existence.

To begin with, people live quite a different life. Some people were born into wealthy families
while others were born in abject poverty. Some people can afford education and turn their
life to be better, yet others might not be able to do so. Quality parents also influence their
children tremendously in a positive way, while bad parents might neglect their children since
those kids were born. Some people are lucky enough to have an illustrious career, while
others have to struggle making a living on a minimum wage. This is the reality of life that
everyone should understand; it is far from the imagination of the equal world in our utopia.

On the other hand, most people are given the same amount of time. Not only that, most
people have also been blessed with complete body parts that allow them to earn a living. In
my view, everyone needs to struggle in their life and should not expect to be rich from the
start. Although most people might be tempted to measure their success by financial success,
I think there is more to this life than just having a luxurious house and purchasing a brand
new sports car. It is a shame that most people have a shallow mind and hold the belief that
poverty equals laziness and that wealth equals success. Being obsessive towards materialism
is the root of the problems as people start looking for a shortcut to be rich even if it is
achieved through illegal means.

In conclusion, I disagree if the lack of balance in the society is considered as the problem
and I think we don't need any middle ground. It is only natural that life leans to one side
than another. In my opinion, poverty does not mean a failure and being rich is not the same
as successful

Nowadays some people are giving more importance to consumer
goods in their lives. What are the advantages and disadvantages
of this development and how do they weigh against each other?
Modern people tend to have a very busy life in which they have to balance between their
hectic working life and, on the other hand, to maintain their family life. This situation is the
primary cause of stress and the reason that it is stressful is probably because people these
days emphasize too much on wealth as the only measurement for success. As it can be seen,
this leads people to shopping malls as they feel the need to show off their purchasing
power. In my opinion, this condition has more disadvantages in it than advantages.

Generally speaking, purchasing things makes people happy. However, this is not true
happiness as it seems that this kind of happiness is very temporary. In the beginning, people
try to fulfill their basic needs. Nevertheless, when these basic needs have already been
fulfilled, they start to want more things to satisfy their bottomless craving towards products.
They want more expensive clothings, handbags, shoes. When these are not enough, they will
start wanting luxurious cars and they might even choose to live in a very expensive
residential area. Unfortunately, not all people are able to make a good priority and financial
management, and they might have the risk to fall into the trap of debt. Without proper
financial arrangement, the love towards consumer goods can be a risky habit that might lead
to trouble in both career and personal life.

On the other hand, the rise of purchasing power is a good sign when it is viewed from
macroeconomics perspective. When people have a good period in economy, and they can
buy more things than they did in the past, these are markers of a good economy. Companies
gain more profit and sellers are happy because people buy the product that they sell. Even
so, those who tend to be more careful towards their hard-earned money might want to
invest their money in a safe investment or maybe an insurance. This way they are protected
against inflation, and are insured from the unexpected accident.

All in all, people need to manage their priority and finance. It is important to remember a
Malay proverb, “prepare the umbrella before it rains” to describe how we should maintain
our spending on consumer goods just enough to live and start investing for the future

Some people think educating children of different abilities
together will benefit them. Others think intelligent children
should be taught separately and should be given special courses.
Discuss both sides and your own opinion.
In the world of education, some people believe that it is better to mix students with different
level of abilities in one group. However, others believe that such combination will be a recipe
for disaster as it is likely to hold back the brighter students from achieving their potential
and therefore support same-ability grouping. Both approaches have advantages and
disadvantages that will be discussed thoroughly in this essay.

When students are combined in a certain group without looking at their abilities, they will
most likely promote tolerance and learn a lot about differences. This is said to be the
greatest advantage of a mixed-ability approach. If such an approach is adopted carefully, the
expected result is that students will have more awareness of social differences and may show
more patience, kindness, and empathy. This is because they learn how to make a solid group
through cooperation. Unfortunately, this approach is not viewed as the best possible move
from the perspective of maximizing the bright students‟ potential and they will suffer from
this plan and deliver a less optimal academic performance in comparison to what they could
have achieved in a same-ability group.

In contrast, there is a belief that bright pupils should be put into a grouping based on ability
as this will allow them to compete intensively with other students that match their
intelligence. Another advantage of this setting is that it allows students to unleash their
maximum potential as all lessons are tailored to their level accordingly. Nevertheless, it is
also viewed that a plan like this will only widen the gap among the bright students and the
rest of the group. It is feared that those who are in the middle or bottom level will have less
academic achievement.

In conclusion, I believe that both approaches have different strength and should be applied
carefully only after considering factors such as teachers‟ abilities, resources availability, and
the competence of school administrators. If winning competition is perceived as the key to
success then a school streaming needs to be adopted. Yet, if achieving equality is seen as
the most wanted result of an education, then the mixed-ability grouping is the better

esai band 7. Drafting dalam 26 menit.

University students always focus on one specialist subject, but
some people think universities should encourage their students
to study a range of subjects in addition to their own subject. To
what extent do you agree or disagree?
Higher education is the level of education where students choose majors in accordance with
their wishes. This level of education tends to constitute an area of specialization; however,
there is also an assumption that the students should learn some other subjects outside their
field. Although this practice is generally seen as positive, particularly as students become
more comprehensive as they can look at a phenomenon from different vantage points, it
may also have some negative points.

The positive side of studying things other than one‟s area of expertise is the additional
perspective that may be beneficial in the realm of the working world. For example, a person
who works in the field of public health may be benefited from acquiring knowledge from the
time when he studied accounting and auditing as extra courses. This additional knowledge
will enable him to address a public policy, not only from a public health perspective, but also
from analyzing its pros and cons along with its practicality viewed from the accounting
viewpoint. This understanding, gained from studying multi-disciplinary courses, will refine
one‟s ability so that he or she can play a more important role in society.

Aside from the knowledge-related ability, one could also benefit from expanding personal
and professional relationships. Additional subjects studied at university indirectly means an
expansion of social network. Building relationship in the college is priceless. Oftentimes, the
good relations lead someone to another important figure, or maybe just a friend who is able
to give the right advice at the right time and this may prove to be the key to one‟s success.
Making friends is a valuable investment for the future that can be done easily by those who
spend their time wisely, particularly by meeting and interacting with more people in the

However, not everyone has the ability to manage time well. Some individuals might not be
able to concentrate on many subjects, and thus, the grade obtained for the courses may be
comparably lower than if they focus purely on their specialties. Moreover, from the financial
perspective, there will be additional expenses when more subjects are taken. This is the
primary factor that limits people from studying subjects outside of their main interest.

In conclusion, studying additional courses is something I consider as invaluable, especially in

terms of gaining more knowledge and expanding the list of acquaintances. Despite the
additional costs and the risk of divided attention, I wholeheartedly agree that this activity
offers far more advantages than disadvantages.

Some people think young people should go to university to further
their education while others think they should be encouraged to
work as car mechanics or builders etc. to serve society. Discuss
both views and give your own opinion.
Nowadays, education has become more valuable than ever and is seen as the key to success.
Therefore, the young adults are considered to have better prospects of success if they
continue their studies into higher education. Nevertheless, there is also the view that thinks
young people should directly look for a job as working means serving the public. Choosing
between education and employment is something that should be considered with caution as
it will determine the direction of the younger generation.

The value of success in life is usually determined by financial achievement. This has a
positive correlation with the level of one‟s qualification because salary is commonly
determined by the level of education as one of the main factors. It is only logical that people
should opt for continuing their education whenever possible as this will unlock the
possibility of better income later in life. In addition, having more educated people in a
country is a good thing. This contradicts the opinion that believes encouraging people to
study is a waste of money. Educating young people is a form of investment that is essential
to improve the quality of a society in general.

On the other hand, there is nothing wrong with directly heading to the job market after the
completion of secondary education. However, the salary that is earned by a junior worker
usually will not be as high as the salary of those who have graduated from the university.
Even so, someone who is hardworking, talented, and creative may be able to expand his
business in the span of four to six years that are commonly required to earn a degree. It is
possible that in less than six years, the business will have reaped a large profit. It can also be
said that working at a young age is a way to be independent as well as to gain valuable
experience. The government, therefore, needs to appreciate, support, and provide training
and workshop for young people who choose to work so they can have skills for the job of
their choice.

In conclusion, I believe that parents or governments representative should give a clear

explanation to all individuals at the age of 18, particularly about career and education; this is
so that these young adults understand what the future holds for them. Only after this lecture
is given can they make a responsible decision for their life.

Some people believe that in order to give opportunities to new
generation companies should encourage high level employees
who are older than 55 to retire. Do you agree or disagree? Why?
The plan to retire those who have passed the retirement age of 55 is believed to be a good
plan that needs to be supported by everyone. However, I disagree that it will be all positive
as this plan may also have several negative points that are also important to be considered.

Firstly, replacing these older workers with younger employees would certainly cost
companies a lot because they will have to pay some amount of money to these newly retired
even when they are no longer actually performing for the company. Even if it is paid by a
well-arranged contract, there is also the risk of stuttered performance. There is no guarantee
that the new employee will be able to give a performance that matches that of their
predecessors. It is safe to say that, from this perspective alone, any company will have to
calculate all the possibilities that may affect the business.

The company potential problem is clearly something to think about; however, even more
important is the possible effect of this policy to a country. If countries that are dominated by
elderly population, such as Japan and Italy, suddenly lose many of their workers due to the
new policy, there is a significant risk for the whole nation. This policy may cause the inability
to replace those older workers with the new one, simply because no one can hold the job
and those positions are not allowed to be filled without certain experience.

However, most people seem to have thought that this policy is clearly a good policy,
especially because old people are considered to be lacking creativity and cannot adapt to
the new technology. The younger generation who is going to replace them is said to be
more ready for the new challenge as they have more advanced knowledge when it comes to
the globalization and modernization.

In conclusion, I believe that this new pension plan policy is not suitable to be applied to all
countries. The decision to implement such a crucial policy needs to consider the
demography of that country and the readiness of the company and the nation itself
including fiscal cost of ageing and supply of labour. If all aspects have been calculated
carefully, there is no reason not to implement this regulation.

Today‟s parents spend too little time staying with their children
and use television to make their children keep quiet. Explain the
reason and results by using your relevant experience.
In some of the modern families, it is not rare to see children spend time in front of the
television. Television is seen as a shortcut to make them quiet. The reason that often arises is
the busy parents or perhaps it is more appropriate to say that the parents are uninformed
and know nothing about the dangers of television for children. Television can actually be
very detrimental if it becomes the center of attention without time limit.

In the circumstances when parents are busy with their work, for example, in families
experiencing financial constraints, the parents usually do not pay attention to their children
so well. Nevertheless, even in the affluent family, without the knowledge of the importance
of childcare, parents tend to show a lack of attention in children. When parents let children
do anything they want, they will turn to the only thing that they find interesting, and in many
families, this is the television in the living room.

Television offers a wide range of interesting programs interspersed with a few ads. However,
not all broadcast or programs on television are suitable for young audiences. Any program
that contains adult content, nudity, violence, and crimes can give bad influence on the child's
psychology. One time, my cousin kicked the back door to enter his house, without any
reason, and as a result the door was totally destroyed and broken. When he was
interrogated by his parents, he said he learned it from a movie scene on TV and thought it
was a cool thing to enter the house that way. From this example, it is clear that parents'
presence is essential so that television can be the beginning of discussion and
communication between parents and children.

To maximize its positive impact, television should be used with a certain time limit.
Organizing and planning programs that will be watched by the children is an excellent idea,
followed by a discussion after watching the said programs. When watching has become a
restricted activity, children can be nurtured towards they interest in reading or writing.
Reading, writing, and exercising are some positive activities for a child‟s cognitive ability. My
family always applies the rule to read three books in one month, which is an activity that we
like very much. Going to the bookstore to buy a new book has always been a long-awaited
activity. In addition, our family members also take turns writing articles on the family blog
and share it with our extended family on social networks.

In conclusion, television is a medium that needs to be filtered by parents in its usage. Poor
parental supervision is the main cause why children watch television all the time. It is not
wise to let children linger in front of the television without supervision. Whatever the case, it
is always a good idea for children to have other activities as complements to watching

agree or not agree ttg pendapat kalo stay dlm 1 buah job lbh
mencerminkan satisfying in work life drpd sering gonta ganti
berikut sampel band 6.5 versi saya

To hold on the work or to change it to another one is a choice of decision we might

encounter once or twice in our lives, and for some people this could be a positive thing,
while for others it could be a disaster. There is a widely-believed opinion that staying in the
same job over a lifetime gives more satisfaction compared to being a job hopper. However,
an ideal job is a job on which people can depend their livelihood on and as the world
changes rapidly, people should be more prepared towards the possibility of a change in
every aspect of life.

Working in the same type of work for one‟s career lifespan has its positive underpinnings; a
stable job with a steady income offers one a sense of security, especially in today‟s highly
competitive society, as well as the feeling of „togetherness‟ that comes from working with
the same colleagues for many years. However, on the negative side, doing the same work in
the same company with the same people in the same environment may well breed a kind of
lethargy, a lack of motivation or job satisfaction; it may be difficult to generate fresh zeal or
energy towards work after so much time.

If one were to move frequently from one job or job area to another, it is possible to learn
and gather diverse experiences from different companies and different jobs. The new
working environments could turn out to be a great opportunity to show one‟s talent and
abilities and to gain confidence in oneself. However, new colleagues may take time to bond,
and to get to know them well may prove difficult. It could also take longer to establish a
rapport with the manager.

Overall, I disagree with the opinion that says staying in a job equals better satisfaction. There
are cases where people can suffer from lack of motivation because they always face the
exact same thing time and again. It potentially numbs them from feeling satisfaction and
they might feel stuck without real progress in their life having spent all their life only in one
career. It is important to understand that people who choose only one thing might give up
all other things they could accomplish and it can make a gifted person feel stuck, feeling like
following only one or two of their ideas, as giving up on the hundred other ideas.

Nowadays parents often let their children play a lot with
computers and tablets in order to improve their technological
skills. Do the advantages of the use of these devices from an
early age outweigh the disadvantages?
SAMPLE DRAFT 6.5 versi saya

Parents play an important role in their children‟s development. Kids these days are no
stranger toward gadget and computers as their parents always use one of these devices.
Some people think that this is good to help improve children‟s skills in technology-related
matter, but some disagree with that opinion.This essay discusses the advantages and
disadvantages of technology usage in young children.

The skills that can be trained using tablets are reading skill and coloring skill. These children
can find some applications that are appropriate with their age and this is hoped to help
introduce numbers, letters, and colors to them. Some parents utilize this media to teach their
children how to draw. This device attracts children attention because it usually has bright
colors and interesting sounds made by it.

However, there are parents who think that too much playing this device will reduce the time
for children to socialize with their friends and families. There is also a concern of eye-
problem such as short-sightedness if they stare a bright monitor for too long. In addition,
too much playing with gadgets may give a negative impact as kids tend to be lazy to pay
attention other things, for instance, the nature and the surrounding environment. This
anxiety is not without reason and support the negativity toward introducing technology in
young children.

In conclusion, parents need to monitor and limit the time allowed for the children to play
with their gadget. If kids play with this gadget properly then it is advantageous, yet, it can be
negative if it is played for too long.

In some countries, it is illegal for companies to reject job
applicants for their age. Is this a positive or negative
The idea of worker‟s age limit in the job market is something that has been discussed heavily
in these recent years. In fact, some countries have announced new regulation that will make
it illegal for any company to reject a job-seeker on the basis of age. It is essential to discuss
and observe closely about this issue to understand whether this is a positive or negative

First of all, the positive side of an age-limit regulation is not always clearly understood by
many people. For example, we do not complain when a young lady works as the greeter in
the cinema, but one would surely notice if an old woman does the same job. It means that,
on the basis of appearance, an older woman is considered as no longer attractive, hence, the
younger women are hired rather than the old ones. This situation is understandable but it is
not really appreciated.

However, if a country suffers from the lack of job opportunity, it will be very problematic to
apply such regulation. In this case, any limitation toward employability should be removed
and age limitation should be reconsidered. It would be an unpopular policy to reject people
from earning their legal income especially when they are able to work properly according to
the job description.

To sum up, I disagree that this is a positive development. In my opinion, any job should
always consider the age of the applicants in any circumstance. It is for the betterment of the
society that such regulation exists in the first place.

Many companies sponsor sports as a way advertising
themselves. Some people think it is good for the sports world,
others think that there are disadvantages to this. Discuss both
views and give your opinion.
In order to be competitive, sports individual or team will need a significant amount of
investment from external funding and this is known as sponsorship. From company‟s point
of view, this channel of advertising may offer substantial benefit. On the other hand, there is
also some opinion that believes this is not the most appropriate way to use company‟s fund.

There are several examples that show how beneficial it is for a company to advertise in the
sports world. Research has shown that advertising in a sports team improves company
image and reaches a wide range of audience. For instance, the Fly Emirates and Samsung
have invested a significant sum of money in English football clubs, and as a result, they are
perceived as high-quality brands. Another example is that every football match will be
broadcasted all over the world, hence many people will see their brands. Both examples
show the advantages for any company that chooses to invest their capital in financing
famous sports team.

If this issue is perceived from another point of view, there is a need to consider several
negative points that might occur when a company decides to advertise in an athlete or a
sports team. It is important to remember that any team will not always be successful in
achieving their best achievement and, individually, an athlete will not always be on their best
behaviour. Both achievement and behaviour of the athlete are the x-factors that will affect
the company‟s image. For example, the cheating scandal that was done by McLaren several
years ago made the team punished by the court and automatically their sponsors earned a
bad reputation for supporting this team. To give another example, the famous golfer Tiger
Woods had endured a crisis related to his gambling and domestic problem and this problem
was also very damaging for his relation with the endorser. Based on several points above, it
is apparent that advertising in the sports world is closely related to the achievement or the
behaviour of the endorsed team or athletes and it can sometimes go sour.

To sum up, while advertising in a sports team sometimes gives positive association and
reaches a wide audience, there are also drawbacks such as damaged reputation and the
intangible risk that need to be considered.

Many companies sponsor sports as a way advertising
themselves. Some people think it is good for the sports world,
others think that there are disadvantages to this. Discuss both
views and give your opinion.
The sponsorship in the sports world is a common phenomenon in today‟s business world. As
sports athletes and teams have many fans and followers along with the fact that every match
is broadcasted to a wide range of audience, advertising in sports teams can be seen as
promising. However, there are people who think that it can also affect the sports world
negatively, and this essay will discuss both points of views.

The main advantages for the athletes are quite apparent. The endorsement will give them
financial earnings and they will be asked to star in TV or magazine advertisement and this
will make them more popular. In addition, they will get various apparel, jerseys, shoes and
other products related to the companies that endorse them. For the viewers, their favorite
team financial will be better and perhaps these teams can be more competitive. These are
some positives from advertising in sports.

On the other hand, there are some apparent negatives. The famous stars will need to take on
a role as a public figure and promote the company products. This might affect them
negatively as they may lack time for practice or be stressed because of the new
responsibility. Moreover, for the audiences, if the team that finances their club is against
their moral belief or preferences, they might have a mixed feeling about it. This is true for
the case of a cigarette company or a beer company which is considered as illegal and
unethical to promote for sports teams.

In conclusion, although there are some positives and negatives, I fully support the decision
to put some advertisements in sports teams as the advantages outweigh the drawbacks.

It is important for children to learn the difference between right
and wrong at an early age. Punishment is necessary to help them
learn this distinction.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

What sort of punishment should parents and teachers be allowed

to use to teach good behaviour to children?
Children these days are in dire need of parental supervision as these kids have more
exposure to media and information, unlike in the past. The way children behave is a
reflection of the upbringing being held in a certain household. Thus, there is a major opinion
in the society that states children need punishment to help them notice when they do
something wrong. Although this statement may have some truth in it, the types of
punishment that are imposed on these children need to be educative.

The first major threat in this age of information is the things that children imitate. They are at
risk of regular brainwashing from media such as, television, the internet, and video games
that are commonly integrated into their daily routine. The image of violence, improper
behavior, porn, and swearing are some of the things that they might imitate and do to their
peers. This is the reason why bullying, both cyber-bullying and in real life, is becoming more
frequent these days. To handle this, children need to talk to their parents the consequence
of the things they do. They can have punishment such as reduced time in front of the PC, or
television. Another idea is to take away their rights to use the phone for quite some time.
Still, they need to understand the negative effects of the media and the bullying they do to
other people. Only then can they know the impact, and hopefully will stop doing those
improper behaviors.

Some children want things that are too expensive, and they know that their parents will not
allow them to have these kinds of items. Therefore, instead of saving their money or working
part time to earn enough money to purchase the things they want, they steal other people
money. In some extreme cases, they may even rob other people, shoplift, or steal from their
own classmates. The root of this problem is obviously the consumerism. Society now tends
to be polarized into a culture that only appreciates the rich and the wealthy. To deal with this
problem, parents need to take serious action, such as reporting the crime to the police or
make a guilty confession and apologize. After that, children need to be given education
about earning money and why it is important. Only after they realize that earning money is
difficult, they can understand that stealing it is wrong.

All in all, the punishment that parents choose to be given to their children need to be
educative. It needs to touch the roots of the problems and not a temporary act of anger such
as physical punishment. Children, after all, are not entirely evil, they are just lack of attention
and education, and these are signals that parents need to give them more supervision, love,
and caring.

Some people say academic subjects should be given more
importance in secondary school, while some say practical
subjects should be taught more. Discuss both views and give
your opinion.
In secondary schools in Indonesia, students learn seventeen subjects, which are a mix of
academic and practical subjects. Although some people support the opinion that academic
subjects are more important, others have thought that practical subjects should be given
more emphasis. Both views are going to be discussed thoroughly in this essay.

First of all, academic subjects such as Math, Physics, Biology, and Chemistry are the
foundation of our cognitive process. Learning these subjects help students to exercise their
deduction and to pay attention to details of various processes in the world that we live in.
For example, Biology makes students understand the complexity of humans, animals and
plants. Similarly, Physics encourages us to take a closer observation towards the nature of
many things that we may take for granted. It is my belief that these types of knowledge help
us to understand and to be more appreciative of the life itself.

On the other hand, practical subjects such as language, computers, and entrepreneurship
prepare students for what is expected in their future career. Most employers are likely to
require their future employees to have basic skills in international languages and computers.
In addition, not everyone wants to get a job in a company and, for this reason, studying
entrepreneurship is essential in order to better understand the types of careers that they
want. I would say that such subjects are really necessary to give students an overview of the
business world.

In conclusion, academic subjects are essential in that they help us understand the world. On
the other hand, practical subjects provide much insights into the professional life. I believe
that students need both types of subjects, the academic and the practical ones, for the
reason that both are extremely useful.

Some people think that paying taxes is a big enough contribution
to their society, while others think people have more
responsibilities as member of society than only paying taxes.
Discuss both the views and give your opinion.
There are different views about how people should contribute to their nation. Some people
believe that tax is enough, whereas others emphasize the importance of doing more for the
country. Both views are to be discussed thoroughly in this essay.

Tax is one way to contribute in terms of making a financial contribution. The amount of
money that is collected from the tax will be converted into physical development and to
ensure that the development in our country can be run smoothly. Income tax is not going to
make anyone bankrupt. It is only fair that we give some amount of our profit or income to
support the national development. This fund is vital to financing the nation, and therefore, it
is the duty of every citizen to pay tax.

In contrast, every individual who resides in a country can make some improvements in
addition to paying tax. These contributions can be in the form of doing sensible things such
as maintaining our own health and keeping the environment clean. If the citizens stay
healthy, it means that they do not need to use government‟s budget for health care. In turn,
those funds can be allocated to build more hospitals and public health centre in remote
areas. Moreover, keeping the environment clean means that there is less risk of flooding.
Hence, there is no need to waste money on rebuilding. Sensible actions, therefore, may give
significant impact on our nation.

To sum up, paying tax is just one method to give financial contribution so that the
government can have the budget for sustainable development in all areas. Contribution,
however, does not always have to be in the form of financial incentives. Doing things
logically can also help reduce the expenses of the government, save the budget, and
improve overall development in a country.

In the past, people liked to store knowledge in books. However,
in the present, we prefer to store knowledge on the internet. Do
you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
The media that we use to store text or anything that contains knowledge has been changing
over the time. In the past, people store their media in form of printed text or books and
other documents. However, as technology keeps improving the way we live, people
nowadays prefer to store their documents in digital format and put them in a cloud storage.
This essay discusses the advantages and the disadvantages of this recent trend of

The advantages of putting our documents on the internet are clear. The documents can be
shared with anyone and these are easily accessible by people who need it. For example, to
create a thesis or a dissertation, people need to find and read lots of academic articles. In the
past, this means hours of browsing for the right textbooks over the library shelves. After that,
the thick book that has hundreds of pages still needs to be scanned and skimmed carefully
to find the right information that we need to cite. With the huge numbers of journals and
thesis stored in the digital format, such a time-consuming process is no longer necessary
and finding the required information can be done easily by the use of some keywords.
People can also edit a document together over the internet and this makes for more efficient
collaborative effort in revising a vital document, unlike in the past when people had to meet
face-to-face every time to discuss revisions of a document.

The disadvantage of putting files in the cloud storage lies in the security of the file itself. The
use of technology is a double-edged sword, and for the document-sharing society, there are
certain risks need to be borne. First, almost every file can be modified with a dangerous
virus, which later can be used to exploit the target victims. When this happened, a lot of
information can be stolen and there is also the concern of key-logging that can cause
important information to be leaked. Secondly, the security of files on the internet is
constantly at risk and it can be breached by people who have the expertise in hacking. This
vulnerability should be understood by everyone, and therefore, we have to share and use the
files wisely.

In conclusion, I believe that people should take advantage of the file-sharing trend and store
more documents on the internet as long as it is not something that can be considered
extremely important, such as national secrets. By using the improved documents storing
technology, we save valuable time and can function more effectively as a global society.

Some people think it is necessary to travel to a country to know
more about it, while some consider it is futile as all the
information is available on internet & other sources. Discuss both
views and give your opinion.
Traveling to various countries can give people more insight about the world and about
cultures of people outside their local area. Upon visiting other countries, they might learn
many useful things and use that experience to enrich their lives. However, some people think
that traveling is a waste of time as we can learn about these places from the traveling
magazines or from the internet. I disagree with those who see traveling as useless and I fully
believe that there are various benefits can be gained from traveling.

It is true that we now live as a society in an era where any kind of information is easily
accessible from browsing the internet. Some people who live in a village or in a remote area
can still have knowledge about other places in the world. For example, we can use google to
find information about cities and major tourist spots in China or America. We can also find
useful video review in Youtube from people who actually went there and had spent some of
their holiday time in these countries. From the perspective of knowledge gaining and saving
money, it makes sense for people to not go out and travel abroad.

However, traveling is not just about obtaining knowledge of a place. It is so much more than
that. When people travel, they get the chance to share the same experience as the locals
who live in a city for a long time. It is truly different to experience beautiful Hawaii beaches
and looking at one in the magazine. The experience of visiting Borobudur in Indonesia or
Pyramid in Giza cannot be compared to watching Youtube videos about it. I believe that
traveling is a special way to share this culture and excitement and it is impossible to feel the
same using the internet.

To sum up, I believe people need to travel around the world not just for the sake of
expanding their knowledge about the world, but also to have the great and memorable
experience in a lifetime.

There is certainly a difference in thoughts, ideas and actions
between children, their parents and grandparents. Why do these
differences exist? Does it cause problems in your community, in
your opinion?
People think about things differently, especially when they are of different ages. This is
because what people think is mostly based on their situation and their experience in life. As
people have different experiences in life they also get different perspectives about how to
better handle a certain situation.

Kids and teenagers are in the phase of life where they are set to learn about many things in
the world. Therefore, most of their decisions are based on what is enjoyable for them. They
might prefer taking a nap to studying. Teenagers might choose to play computer games
than doing exercise. These are not impulsive decisions. They choose to act like this because
they haven‟t learned about the responsibility of earning money, hence, they only choose
activities which offer some pleasure.

Their parents, on the other hand, are busy with earning money to support the family. They
have to think wisely about the type of activities they do. They need to pay attention to their
health and their children health. In addition, they start saving money for retirement and start
thinking about how to save some money for their children education. For people at this age,
life is all about managing financial and finding the key to financial security so they can have
a better life.

The grandparents are already on the last stage of life. They choose to enjoy their lives rather
than working. Sometimes, they offer to take care and have fun with their grandchildren.
People who are considered as elderly should enjoy their life to the max and no longer be
busy with earning money. They should not make important decisions for their families
anymore and let the family take care of them.

In conclusion, I believe that these differences in thinking do not necessarily cause a problem
in the community. It is only natural for people to act according to their age and these
differences exist simply because they have different experiences and expectation in life.

Being intelligent is the most important characteristic of a leader.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with it.
A leader is someone who can show the way and build a great team to achieve success. It is
said that intelligence is the essential trait of a leader. While this is true in most situations, I
believe that other aspects such as decision-making, patience, and vision are the necessary
virtue of a leader.

Firstly, a leader sometimes is faced with a difficult situation where time is not available.
Under such circumstances, a true leader should be able to make a swift decision that will be
the foundation for his / her team. For example, when a football club has been
underperforming, the team owner should choose whether to recruit a new coach or invest in
new players. This example goes to show that decision making is vital because when the
wrong decision is made, there is no turning back.

Secondly, all leaders need to have patience in maintaining their emotion. Sometimes, leaders
expect instant result and rush to see a progress. It is impossible to gain success in an instant
and patience is key to stay on the right track. For instance, in the investment business
sometimes the market fluctuated a lot and the owner should be patient before selling his
shares or buying a new one. This example shows that patience is very important for every

Finally, a leader must have a vision because without vision they will go without a clear plan
on how to achieve their target. People without vision will give abstract target which can be
very difficult to realize. It is important that leaders share his/her vision with their employees
and go together in the right way.

In conclusion, although intelligence is important it is nowhere to be the only skill that is

needed to be a good leader. Patience, decision making, and vision are also key factors in
being a good leader.

Space travel research is a waste of government‟s fund. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?
When people went to the moon, it is expected that everything would be advancing rapidly.
However, some people reject this idea and said that space travel is a futile effort and waste
of money. I reject such notion as space travel helps a lot in the development of internet and
other technology along with being the catalyst for innovation and create better awareness of
health and environmental problems.

Firstly, the space travel has laid a foundation needed to push the development of better
communication channel. In turn, this has helped the advancement of internet and its
infrastructures. Nowadays, most countries in the world enjoy 4G connection, with 5G
connection should be available in the near future. This development is one of the most
recognizable effects of space travel research.

Secondly, the research to build a spaceship has also become the major driving factor in
creating never-ending innovation. DNA modification, nanotechnology, and antigravity suits
along with a better display of digital media are some innovations which are based on space
travel research. It is undeniable that without this spirit of pursuing knowledge, we cannot
make such great innovations in a limited timeframe.

Finally, space travel is hoped to be the solution as the earth continues to endure damage
every year. The issue of global warming has become increasingly alarming and radiation can
make this earth become uninhabitable. Space travel research has helped us to increase
awareness of the environmental issue that we have on this earth, and that we must do our
best to reduce our impacts.

In conclusion, I disagree if space travel research is considered as a waste of time as there are
many pieces of evidence how it boosts the advance in other sectors.


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