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In the journal of the Clinical Pathology Section of the Sam Ratulangi University School of Medicine, Manado,

about the relationship of hemoglobin levels to platelet counts in patients with dengue hemorrhagic fever
From the Pearson Test conducted in this study, it turned out that there was no significant relationship between
hemoglobin level and platelet count. That is because at the beginning of the fever phase hemoglobin levels are
usually normal or slightly decreased and at a later stage the hemoglobin level will rise following the increase in
hemoconcentration. Platelet counts at the start of the fever phase are still within normal limits. Platelet changes
begin to appear to decline, a few days after heat drops (shock phase). The difference in mechanism between
hemoglobin level and platelet count and unclear pathomechanism of dengue hemorrhagic fever itself can be
concluded that there is no relationship between hemoglobin level and platelet count.

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