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Internship Journal

November 7th, 2018

Nursing internship- U of P
The start of this internship was a tour of the entire campus of University of Portland. One of the
student tour guides was currently enrolled in the nursing program that U of P offers, which is
rigorous and many do not get accepted into the program. Once the tour ended we headed to the
campus nursing building, the floor where my group was taken was to the sim lab. The sims in the
lab appear to look like CPR dummies, however, they have arms and legs. They also are
programmed to have different conditions; some have heart murmurs, breathing problems, and
some sims need catheters in them. I also got to take someone's blood pressure (which isn’t as
easy as it looks), we also got to use dopplers to hear our pulse on our wrists.

November 14th, 2018

Non-hospital careers
The entire group of students that I was with heard three presentations this day. It was very
informational since I was not that educated on these jobs. The first presenter worked in hospice
care, she traveled around helping those who are ill and couldn’t take care of themselves. The
second presentation was psychiatric mental health nurse who help individuals, families, or
groups to help communicate their mental health and how to work through it. I never knew that a
nurse can travel around helping those who are chronically ill, and that a registered nurse could
help be a “counselor” to work with those who are dealing with mental health issues.

November 28th, 2018

Triage & Emergency Nursing
Going into this day, I had no knowledge on these professions of the medical field. The presenter
previously worked in the ER and gave a lot of information about it. When you first arrive you go
to triage where they decide if someone has a life threatening wound, urgent but not immediate
wound or less urgent. Then you get examined by a nurse who takes information from you, and
later a emergency-medicine physician who as well gets more detailed information from the
December 5th, 2018
Rehabilitation & long-term care nursing
This was another field trip to a long term living care home for the elderly. We went to West Hills
Health & Rehabilitation Center they want to make the emotional stress of moving into the home
easier and more comfortable for them. If an elderly person needs rehab they provide physical
therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and they also do outpatient care.

December 12th, 2018

Women’s health
This was my favorite out of all the days, because it was the most hands on that we had been.
What I took away most from this day was learning about being a Midwife. I thought becoming a
midwife was easy to become, I only thought a license was required to qualify as a midwife.
However, it takes 8 or more years to get your license. You need to be an RN with at least 1 year
experience, then you have to get into a midwife program, then take your national exam, after all
of that schooling and you get your license you must maintain your license.

February 8th, 2019

Dental assisting
When I was in my junior year of high school I thought dentistry was a field I would like, but
after my wisdom teeth surgery it grossed me out. So I was not looking forward to this internship,
however, looking back it was the most fun that I have ever had during my internship process.
The first day we counted teeth and learned the three different sections of the tooth, we helped
first year students clean other first year students teeths. We also go to take x-rays of a dummies
teeth, which was real interesting. At the end of each day we ended with a small presentation, and
learned about PCC’s dental program.
February 15th, 2019

Dental Lab
This day made my hands cramp so much, we had to take the test the students take to get into
dental lab program. We had to take a small piece of wax and shave them down to what the
professor wanted us to make. The lab is where crowns are made, or fake teeth are made. It is
more of the artistry side of the dental program. Sadly next year in 2020 the dental lab program
will no longer be offer since it is very expensive and not many know about the program.

February 22nd, 2019

Dental Hygienist
This was the day where we meet real patients, since PCC does have a dental office for the
students to get experience before leaving the college. Many patients know the students and they
just get regular cleaning, some do get x-rays or fillings and only second year students can work
with patients. We could not work with them, we could only observe what they were doing. I also
got work with fillings on the plastic teeth they have. The molar filling was the easier compared to
the front tooth I has to fill. Fillings you need to match color to the patients teeth color so it does
not look fake, and you need to make it as realistic as possible so it is comfortable for the patient.

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