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20 People vs Pancho
Uploaded by Vince Llamazares
Bestsellers Lupango on Feb 14, 2017

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People vs Pancho Ponente: Perez, J

G.R. No. 206910 Plaintif: People o6 the

Philippines vs

October 14, 201@ !cc"se#: $"liet Pancho


&e'bers o6 the (ri'inal )nvesti*ation an# intelli*ence +"rea" o6 (eb" (itL con#"cte# a
search in the ho"se o6 acc"se#-appellant an# her h"sban# Na'"el Pancho locate# in Nistio
Plasti/an, +aran*aL P"lQo-%ati'a, (eb" (itL. Police N"perinten#ent Pablo Rabra serve# the
search 3arrant on acc"se# appellant. Therea6ter PO1 5eloso, #esi*nate# as the searcher,
PO1 )la*an, #esi*nate# as the recor#er an# three baran*aL tano#s, as 3itnesses procee#e#
3ith the search. The search Liel#e# three bi* plastic pac/ets o6 s"specte# shab" 3ei*hin* a
total o6 14.49 *ra's, 3hich 3ere recovere# "n#er a Qe3elrL boV place# on top o6 a cabinet
#ivi#er. PO1 5elasco han#e# the pac/ets o6 shab" to PO2 )la*an 3ho recor#e# the' in the
con7scation receipt an# 'a#e 'ar/in*s on the plastic pac/ets. PO1 5eloso acco'panie#
PO2 )la*an in han#in* over the sei8e# articles an# the letter reY"est to the Philippine
National Police (ri'e RaboratorL. The PNP (ri'e Rab later iss"e# (he'istrL Report No. P-
1Z;1-200@ con7r'in* that the three heat seale# transparent plastic ba*s, 3ei*hin* a total
o6 14.49 *ra's, 3ere teste# positive 6or the presence o6 'etha'pheta'ine hL#rochlori#e.

On Nepte'ber 22, 200@ an in6or'ation 3as 7le# a*ainst the acc"se# 6or possession o6
ille*al #r"*s <Nection 11, !rticle )) o6 R! No. 916@. !6ter the prosec"tion an# the #e6ense
presente# their respective evi#ences, the Trial (o"rt convicte# the acc"se# 6or the cri'e
char*e#. ! notice o6 appeal 3as sent to the (o"rt o6 !ppeals, 3hich later on a=r'e# the
#ecision o6 the Trial (o"rt 3ith sli*ht 'o#i7cation 3ith respect to the 7ne <re#"ce# to
This document is...
On appeal, the acc"se# ar*"e# the inconsistencies 3ith respect to the testi'onies o6 the
Read books, audiobooks,
One o6 theand more
prosec"tion 3itnesses. o=cers Useful Not useful
3ho con#"cte# the search testi7e# that theL 7rst
Scribd the secon# ?oor o6 the ho"se, 3hile the other o=cer testi7e# that theL 7rst
searche# the
½ 7rst ?oor o6 the ho"se. The acc"se# 6"rther ar*"e# that the baran*aL tano#s
sho"l# On been
have the App Store
'a#e to testi6L to corroborate the testi'onies o6 the police o=cers
relative to the search, %"rther'ore the reY"isites "n#er section 21, para*raph 1, !rticle 21
o6 R! no. 916@ 3ere not co'plie# 3ith. RastlL, 6or 6ailin* to i''e#iatelL s"rren#er the
sei8e# ite's be6ore the (o"rt 3ho iss"e# the search 3arrant p"rs"ant to Nection 12 o6 R"le
126 o6 the R"les o6 (o"rt.

)ss"e: @hether or not the acc"se#-appellantAs *"ilt has been proven beLon# reasonable

Bel#: Ces, the ar*"'ents o6 the acc"se# lac/s 'erit. @ith respect to the 7rst assi*n'ent o6
error, the (o"rt r"le# that s"ch inconsistencies are trivial in nat"re. )n the case o6 5alleno vs
People, the (o"rt en"'erate# the reY"isites in or#er 6or prosec"tion 6or ille*al possession o6
a #an*ero"s #r"* to prosper, to 3it: 1. The acc"se# 3as in possession o6 an ite' or an
obQect i#enti7e# to be a prohibite# #r"*, 2. N"ch possession is not a"thori8e# bL la3, an# Z.
The acc"se# 3as 6reelL an# conscio"slL a3are o6 bein* in possession o6 the #r"*. )n this
case all o6 the ele'ents are present. @hile it is tr"e that the #r"*s 3ere not 6o"n# on
acc"se# appellantAs person, nonetheless the acc"se# 3as #ee'e# to have in constr"ctive
possession o6 the pac/ets o6 shab" beca"se theL 3ere "n#er her control an# 'ana*e'ent.

@ith respect to the secon# assi*n'ent o6 error, 3hile it is tr"e that the above state# la3
reY"ires that s"ch articles sei8e# be 7rst photo*raphe# in the presence o6 the 'e#ia an#
PO$, 3hich 3ere not 6ollo3e# in this case, nonetheless the )'ple'entin* R"les o6 R! 916@
ofers so'e ?eVibilitL in cases o6 Q"sti7able ca"ses in cases o6 nonco'pliance. The onlL
reY"ire'ent is to properlL preserve the inte*ritL o6 the sei8e# ite's 3hich the (o"rt 6o"n#
to be in or#er. RastlL 3ith respect to the last assi*n'ent o6 error, the (o"rt r"le# that the
6ail"re o6 the rai#in* tea' to #eliver the sei8e# ite's to the Q"#*e 3ho iss"e# the 3arrant
beco'es i''aterial beca"se recor#s sho3 that the chain o6 c"sto#L is intact.

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