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Hannah Joy Cruz

Ms. Martinez
Sex Trafficking

“An estimated 30,000 victims of sex trafficking die each year from abuse, disease,

torture, and neglect. 80% of those sold into sexual slavery are under 24, and some are as young

as six years old.” (Lehnardt, 2016) It is tragic to see the age difference to as old as 24 and as

young as 6. They must go through different people each day and they are suffering. Some of the

women and children have had to live with it most of their lives and others have it just come into

theirs. Sex trafficking is just like slavery that is occurring everywhere globally. The traffickers

will most likely use extortion, promises of a better life, and a debt bondage to lure their victims

to follow them.

All men do this “business” of sex trafficking for the money. They don’t care about the

women and children, only about themselves. “You could buy a woman for $10,000 and make

your money back in a week if she is pretty and young.”(This is how much a trafficker can make

just by selling one innocent women). Do you think they’d pass on the opportunity to make that

much money? They don’t care about the women and children that they sell. All they care about is

the money and how much they make. Excerpts assert that traffickers earn 20 times what he or

she paid for a girl. In a different light, I believe that this is not a something that should be

happening here on earth and it is very dangerous to all victims of sex trafficking. There are better

ways to be able to get money without hurting anyone or getting in trouble with the law in the


People that pay for the women and children just do it for the sex. They want to enjoy and

they don’t care how old. All men want them to be their slaves and they want to be their master.

“Up to 300,000 Americans under 18 are lured into the commercial sex trade every year.” Doesn’t
Hannah Joy Cruz
Ms. Martinez
matter the age. On the other hand, it is bad that there are women and children out there, being put

through chaos. They shouldn’t have to put children and women old or young through forced sex.

“2 million children are subjected to prostitution in the global commercial sex trade (UNICEF).”

Do you see how many children are going through this?

Lastly, the traffickers do this business just because they enjoy it. They want to have fun

with this, they make them work for them and they make money for them. They don’t care who

they manipulate, they just do it for themselves. “They forced me to sleep with as many as 50

customers a day. I had to give [the pimp] all my money. If I did not [earn a set amount] they

punished me by removing my clothes and beating me with a stick until I fainted, electrocuting

me, cutting me.” (Kolab, sex trafficking survivor from Cambodia) Look at the abuse they have to

go through and imagine what other girls have to go through.

Overall, sex trafficking is just not a good idea and people need to work hard to stop this

from happening because there are women and children out there that need help, but no one is

doing anything. “An estimated 80% of all trafficked persons are used and abused as sexual

slaves.” (Michelle Bachelet, UN Women Director & Former President of Chile) This “business”

is not something that people can do to make money for themselves. There are more better ways

that follow the law and won’t get anyone hurt. Sex trafficking is a very dangerous thing that

everyone on earth needs to discuss and figure out what needs to be done for it to stop.
Hannah Joy Cruz
Ms. Martinez

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