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Student-teacher relationship is when students perceive that teachers and other adults in their school
care about them, as learners, and as individuals. Teachers often talk about how hard it is to connect with
and get to their students. They say students view them as out of bounds; hence according to students,
teachers cannot understand them. This is a wrong and dangerous assumption on the student's side, and
teachers should do their best to debunk this myth and form connections with their students.

II. Summary/Discussion

The class describes ten dimensions of teaching that are linked to student achievement and social
development. Each of the ten dimensions falls into one of three broad categories: emotional support,
classroom organization, and instructional support. First, emotional support refers to the ways teachers
help children develop warm, supportive relationships, experience enjoyment and excitement about
learning, feel comfortable in the classroom, and experience appropriate levels of autonomy or
independence. Second is the classroom organization. It refers to the ways teachers help children develop
skills to regulate their own behavior, get the most learning out of each school day, and maintain interest
in learning activities. Lastly, instructional support. It refers to the ways in which teachers effectively
support student's cognitive development and language growth.

III. Reaction

Having an interaction between teacher and students and keeping the relationship positive can help
children develop warm, supportive relationships, experience enjoyment and excitement about learning.
Student would work better in class if they felt that their teacher valued and cared for them. We all would
want to feel loved and cared for, and so do students.

Reflection for Professional Readings and References

For me, as a future teacher, we must know how to interact with their students because this could affect
their work inside the classroom. After reading this article, it made me realize that it is important to know
and understand how to develop a good and positive relationship between teacher and student.

I've learned that we need to support and valued our students. I've learned that teacher's who have
positive interactions with their students create classroom environments more helpful to learning and
meet student's developmental, emotional and educational needs.

It is important for teachers to know that there is more to students than their grades in class and it is
even more essential if the teachers showed interest in other aspects of the student's lives outside the

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