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Experiential Exercise 1

Name Title Organization Definition of

Jon Cadieux Owner Auto Clinic of In a word,
Green Bay advertising. He
Furthered that by
stating It would
also include
specials and his
and his shop’s
appearance overall
to let customers
know that he is a
professional that
cares about the job
he does.
Cherie Cadieux Coordinating St Vincent’s Give Distribution of
Director. Life program. promotional
materials to make
others aware of the
organ donation
program, and to
push the idea of
feeling good for
helping others to
encourage higher
rates of donation.
Rich Murphy Marketing Fndrskprs Making others
manager aware of your
presence in the
marketplace by
way of direct
advertising and
promotions as well
as communicating
with your
customer base to
determine the
wants and needs of
the marketplace to
provide products
and services that
are wanted.
The books definition of marketing differs from the interviewee’s in that it also
includes the management of customer relationships in a way that benefits both the
customer and business. Otherwise they both vaguely touched on the ideas of
creating, delivering and making known the value of products offered.

Experiential Exercise 2

1: Social changes occur such as in our attitudes, lifestyles and values. These
influence the products we buy, the prices we pay for them and when and where we
expect to be able to purchase them. Some examples of social changes are the
changing roles of women in the family, and the rise of component lifestyles.
Companies like Wal-Mart have capitalized on social changes such as these by
making their store s “Super Wal-Marts” offering such services as: Hair salons,
Portrait studios, auto service centers, as well as offering shopping for home
furnishings, clothes, and even groceries.

2: Demographic factors such as age, race, geographic location, and cultural traits all
influence the things we buy and how they are marketed to us. By offering such a
large selection of goods and services, Wal-Mart is able to serve people of a wide rage
of demographics all in one location.

3: Economic factors: Like consumer’s incomes, recessions, inflation and other

factors affecting the purchasing power of the marketplace. Wal-Mart’s own slogan is
save more live better. Which shows their business really strives to provide excellent
deals even in hard economic times.

4: Technological factors: New technologies such as EDI system have helped Wal-
Mart drive down costs buy streamlining activities in the supply chain from
purchasing to the delivery of goods to their stores.

5:Political and Legal Factors: Wal-Mart has used the effect of globalization to their
advantage by sourcing goods from other countries with comparatively lax labor
laws, enabling them to buy the good for less money while forgoing such pesky things
as safe working environments and living wages.

6:Competitive factors: Because of the fact that Wal-Mart is such a large retailer they
are able to buy in huge wholesale lots and save money and also tend to destroy
smaller local businesses when they move into town thus lowering competition.

Chapter 1&2 Review

1. A
2. E
3. B
4. B
5. B
6. C
7. C
8. B
9. C
10. E
11. A
12. D
13. D
14. C
15. B
16. A
17. D
18. C
19. A
20. C
21. B
22. B
23. E
24. B
25. C
26. D
27. E
28. E
29. E
30. E
31. D
32. D
33. E
34. D
35. B
36. C
37. E
38. C
39. E
40. B

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