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A prophetic, Franciscan, Catholic community welcoming all people through prayer and outreach.

We extend a special welcome to everyone visiting the Shrine for the first time.

Saturday, April 27 - Friday, May 3, 2019

Telephone: 617-542-6440
Prayer Request Line: 617-553-4100
The Good Word: 617-542-0502
Text-to-Give text “DONATE” to: 617-712-2233
April 28, 2019
Second Sunday of Easter

Greetings of peace. Our thanks to Margaret Shea for organizing the Divine Mercy celebration today. Many
people like to go to confession in conjunction with this event. Here are a few general thoughts that I have
about the sacrament of confession. Some of you have heard these before, but they bear repeating.

1. Consider the frequency. The law of the Church is that we should go to this sacrament at least once a
year. On the other hand, if you’re going more than once every two weeks, you’re probably going too often.

2. Don’t be afraid. Even if you haven’t been to this sacrament in years, or if you think you’ve done
something terrible, don’t be afraid. The friars who hear confessions here at the Shrine are really good and
very kind. If you don’t remember the sequence of events in the confessional, the priest will help you. If you
don’t remember the Act of Contrition, there is one in the confessional that you can read.

3. There is a “before” and an “after” to confession. After going to confession, the penitent does the
penance assigned by the priest. Before going to confession, the penitent should do a thoughtful, prayerful
examination of conscience. As part of the examination of conscience, one should take a courageous look at
the sin in one’s life. Sometimes this examination requires some work, and even some imagination. Are there
sins of omission? What are the ways in which we participate in society’s sins? Racism and sexism would be
examples. There are many different ways for us to fail to love our neighbor.

4. Respect the Sacrament. Stay on topic. The matter at hand is the penitent’s sins. As tempting as it may
be, try to avoid going into sinfulness of other people. At Arch St, there is often someone else waiting to go to
confession after you, so we want to be respectful of that person’s time as well.

The practice of confessing sins to others is an ancient tradition of the Church. In participating in this
sacrament, we join others in our effort to grow in holiness, and become one with Christ.

Fr. Thomas Conway, OFM

Executive Director

Br. Sebastian’s Sandal Shop

Open Sundays in the first floor lobby from 9am to 1pm

Or by appointment 857-206-7200.

Hand-crafted leather goods (belts, purses, wallets, and more!)

make great Mothers Day and Fathers Day gifts.

All items made personally by Br. Sebastian Tobin, OFM

3:00 PM in the 1st Floor Church
The celebration will include a musical recitation of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy followed by Vespers,
Benediction and Reverencing of the Divine Mercy Image.
The Feast of Divine Mercy Sunday is an international feast day promoting Jesus’s message that He is
merciful to everybody and that we should all trust in his mercy.
As Jesus said to his Disciples, “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy”.

Please come and join us in the celebration of Divine Mercy Sunday. All are welcome.


The Divine Mercy Chaplet, The Divine Mercy Novena, and Image of The Divine Mercy are gifts of our Lord Jesus
Christ as a means of salvation for souls, given to us through our Lord’s Saint, Maria Faustina Kowalska during the
early part of the twentieth century.

The first Divine Mercy Sunday was on April 28, 1935, in Vilnius, Lithuania, and was celebrated the first Sunday after
Easter. The Feast of The Divine Mercy was instituted by Pope John Paul II and during the canonization of Saint
Faustina on April 30, 2000. Pope John Paul II declared that “the Sunday after Easter…from now on throughout the
Church will be called “Divine Mercy Sunday”.

The sacred image of Our Lord Jesus, known as “The Divine Mercy” is displayed on a side altar in the first floor chapel
at Saint Anthony Shrine. It shows one hand in blessing and the other hand pointing to the wounds of Our Lord’s
Passion, especially the wound in His Heart, which is the source of a whole ocean of graces of His mercy, which he
desires to pour out on all of humanity. From that heart two rays of light shine, representing blood and water. The
image bears the words, “Jesus, I trust in You”.

Our Lord has promised that those who recite the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and Novena Intentions for nine days before
the Feast of Mercy starting on Good Friday and go to Mass, Holy Communion and Confession close to the Feast Day
the Lord will receive complete forgiveness of sin, and of punishment.

Mothers Day Mass Cards

On sale now ($10)
at the Information Booth
in the 1st Floor lobby or
online or by phone:
Br. Daniel Murray, OFM
617-542-6440 ext 250
Sunday, April 28 at 5:30 PM
Refreshments in the Shrine basement, followed by 7 PM Mass.
Contact Rachel and Matt at with
questions or to RSVP.
Seniors at Arch Street
MASS SCHEDULE Wednesdays 10:30am – 1:00pm
3rd Wednesday 10am: Anointing Mass
Saturday Mass: 12PM
10:30am: Refreshments
Saturday Vigil: 4PM , 5:30PM 11am: Presentation/Activity
Sunday Mass: 6AM, 7:30AM, 9AM , 10:30AM , 12pm: Lunch
12PM (Spanish Mass 1st Fl. Church) May 1 - Presentation: Safety During Ambulation
12PM , 4PM , 5:30PM , 7PM by Betsy Quinn
May 8 - Presentation: Community Programs and
Weekday Mass: 6AM, 7AM, 11:45AM, 12:30PM, 5:15PM Volunteerism by Kaitlyn Butler
3rd Wednesday of every month: Anointing Mass 10AM of Jimmy Fund/Dana Faber
May 15 - Exercise with Patti D’Angelo, certified
personal trainer in senior fitness
May 29 - Movie
1st Floor Church Emmaus Ministry: Serving the
Saturday: 10AM - 4PM Spiritual Needs of Grieving Parents
Monthly One-Hour Retreat
Sunday: 1:30PM - 3PM at St. Anthony Shrine
Weekday: 10:30AM - 1:30PM, 4PM - 5:30PM 1st Sunday of Every Month
after the 10:30am Mass.
*Please note: Additional Wednesday Confession: 6:30AM - 8AM For more information, call Diane at
617-542-8057 or visit

Monday Thursday
OA Meeting (Open), 2nd Floor Classroom 12:15pm St. Augustine Group (S.L.A.A.) (Closed) 12:00pm
A.A. 12 Step/12 Traditions Meeting (Closed) 5:45 pm Rosary Prayer Group, 1st Floor Chapel 12:30pm
Men’s Spirituality Group (2nd and 4th Thurs) 5:00pm
Tuesday Lectura y reflexión del evangelio 5:30pm
A.A. Discussion Meeting (Open), Auditorium Foyer 12:00pm A.A Big Book Meeting (Closed) 5:45pm
Charismatic Prayer, Mezzanine Group Room 12:00pm
Wednesday S.A.12 Step Meeting (Open), Auditorium Foyer 7:00am
Remembrance Day for Deceased (3rd Wed.) All Masses O.A. Meeting (Open), 2nd Floor Classroom 12:15pm
Anointing of the Sick - Mass (3rd Wed.) 10:00am
S.A. Meeting (Open), Auditorium Foyer 7:00am Saturday
Seniors Program, Auditorium 10:30am Secular Franciscans Formation (2nd Sat.) 10:30am
Women’s Spiritual Refl. Group (2nd & 4th Wed) 12:30pm Centering Prayer Group (1st & 4th Sat.) 12:00pm
LGBTQ Spirituality (3rd Wed) 5:30 pm Vietnamese Secular Franciscans (2nd Sat.) 1:00pm
A.A. Discussion Meeting (Open), Auditorium Foyer 5:45pm Secular Franciscans Fraternity Meeting (2nd Sat.) 1:00pm

Emmaus Ministry Prayer/Discussion (1st Sun.) 11:30 am
Healing Service (2nd Sun.) 1:00pm
Latino Ministry Social, Auditorium 1:00pm
Rosary, Vespers, Benediction 2:55pm
Hispanic Secular Franciscans (1st Sun.) 3:00pm

100 Arch Street, Boston, MA 02110
Telephone: 617-542-6440 Prayer Request Line: 617-553-4100 The Good Word: 617-542-0502 Text GIVE to: 617-712-2233

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