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Part - I (Objective Portion )

Note: Candidates were not allowed to take away the Question Paper of MCQs portion. The
following MCQs are recalled by members of CSSForum.

~Japan is called:

-Land of earthquakes
-Land of rising sun
-Land of rivers

~Which of the following is used to kill rats?


~Which planet of our solar system is called as Morning star?


~What is the diameter of the earth?

-12 756.2 kilometers

~ Opium is found in?

-Drug made from the juice of a certain poppy, used esp. as an analgesic and narcotic.

~Opium is used to make the following


~Which one of the following book was written by Ibn-al-haisham?

~Speed of light is?

~Which of the following energy in converted into electric in a generator?


~Diamond is the refined form of

- Carbon

12) Dry Ice is?

~Telephone was invented by?

-Alexander Graham Bell

~Name the instrument used to measure electric current?


~Ascorbic is vitamin?

-A, B, C, K

~Total number of bones in human face are?

~Name of vitamin C: Ascorbic Acid

~The sky appears blue due to: Tyndal effect

~Fat soluble vitamins

~Mixture used for welding - Chemical composition

~(which of the following is not a thermoplasic? Bakelite

~Hematite (a mineral) is the important source of? Iron

~fat soluble vitamins are? A,D,E and K.

~Bauxite is the mineral of? Aluminium.

~Abu Ali Sina, Al Biruni, Ibn Al Haitham belonged to which century - 10the

~Bakelite, Polyester are which type of plastics - Thermosetting plastics

~Bronze is an alloy of - Copper and tin

~which of the following is an invertebrate - Insects

~identify the animal - rudimentary wings, long bill, lives in burrows - Kiwi

~Largest organ of human body - Skin

~Vaccine for T.B - Bacille calmine gurette ( BCG )

~Power house of cell – Mitochondria

This is what i remember:
17-Name of vitamin C: Ascorbic Acid
18-The sky appears blue due to: tyndal effect
19-Fat soluble vitamins
20-Mixture used for welding (its chemical composition)
21-Muslim scientists belonging to different centuries (i cant remember the name of the
22-thermoplastics (which of the following is not a thermoplasic? the answer was bakelite)

1)haematite(a mineral) is the important source of?

2)fat soluble vitamins are?
ans:A,D,E and K.
3)Bauxite is the mineral of?

Q..Abu Ali Sina, Al Biruni, Ibn Al Haitham belonged to which century

ans………. 10 th century
Q…Bakelite, Polyester are which type of plastics
ans………….Thermosetting plastics
Q…………..bronze is an alloy of
ans………copper and tin
Q………which of the following is an invertebrate
Q………identify the animal,,,,rudimentary wings, long bill, lives in burrows
ans……….. Kiwi
Q………Largest organ of human body
Q………Vaccine for T.B
ans……….. bacille calmine gurette ( BCG )
Q…………….Power house of cell
ans…….. mitochondria

i think some answer need correction


BCG stands for

Bacille Calmette Guerin

and largest organ in the body is

51.Abu Ali Sina, Al Biruni, Ibn Al Haitham belonged to which century
10 th century
52.Bakelite, Polyester are which type of plastics
Thermosetting plastics
53.which of the following is an invertebrate
54.identify the animal,,,,rudimentary wings, long bill, lives in burrows
54.Largest organ of human body
55.Vaccine for T.B
bacille calmine gurette ( BCG )
56.Power house of cell
55. Japan is called:
Land of earthquakes
Land of rising sun
Land of rivers

56. Which of the following is used to kill rats?


57. Which planet of our solar system is called as Morning star?

Venus is called the morning star because it is the brightest planet in the solar system and it
is the closest planet to us.
58. What is the diameter of the earth?
The diameter of the earth at the equator is 12,756.32 kilometers or 7,926.41 miles.
The diameter of the earth through the poles is 12,715.43 kilometers or 7,901.00 miles.
Thus the earth is 59 km or 25 miles wider than it is tall, giving it a slight bulge at the
This shape is known as an ellipsoid or more properly, geoid (earth-like), or oblate spheroid
(squashed sphere).

59. Which one of the following is not invertebrate?

(This was a wrong question which was later corrected...correct options were not given,
invertebrate are those animals or insects which don’t ha backbone)

60. Opium is found in?


61. Opium is used to make the following

8)Whcih one of the following book was written by Ibn-al-haisham?

62.Speed of light is?

299,792.458 kilometers per second.

63. Which of the following energy in converted into electric in a generator?


64. Diamond is the refined form of

i) Carbon
ii) Coal

65. Dry Ice is?


66. Telephone was invented by?

Alexander Graham Bell, a Scottish
March 7th 1876

67.Name the instrument used to measure electric current?


68.Ascorbic is vitamin?
vitamin, C

69. Total number of bones in human face are?

There are 14 bones in the face of a human. Obviously, it would be different for other

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