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Dear Malcolm,

I have really enjoyed your class and I think I have grown as a writer
as a result of taking this course. At the start of the class "I thought that okay another
English class how fun" sarcastically of course, however as the course progressed
and I got to write about what I cared about my thought process changed and I really
was enjoying writing. Now I have learned about many vocabulary terms, but that's
just like any other english class what I really learned was how I should write and
research and how my process is different from what my school system had taught
me. Before I took this course I was afraid to write anything bad,which includes a first
draft, however one of the most important things I have learned in this course is that it
is okay to write a shitty first draft because it’s very easy to take anything and make
something better out of that. Not only has my writing process changed my thinking
process has also changed because I used to think about the answer to a topic
before I actually researched so I could look for just justify myself, but now I look at
the actual topic first and formulate my opinion as I research and then once my
opinion is fully developed I go back and look to see if my opinion is valid before I
finalize it and if it isn’t valid I will go back and see where I went wrong the first time
and then proceed to formulate a valid opinion and I am able to see topics in a new
light this way as I become educated on the topic as I go and I love it I have learned
so many new things this way and I feel much more confident in my opinions as a
result of this. As the we got to close to the middle of the course I really enjoyed the
peer review sessions and all the group discussions which I now know is a great way
of generating ideas from just a bit of group discussion I was able to come up with a
title for my EIP which I really liked and probably would of rejected had it not been for
outside input from my table members, I want to make it a habit of shooting ideas off
others when I need a second opinion on what to do for a paper or assignment. Now
as the year is coming to a close I look at my work from the of the course and what I
am writing now and I can see major improvements, as I can truly speak my mind
about a topic that I enjoy and to conclude this letter I have to thank you Malcolm for
giving me the opportunity to discover how much better of a writer I can be and I truly
mean this this is the first time I have ever felt this confident in my own writing.

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