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A Handbook for Nurse

Undergraduate Students

Fitri Kurniawan.,S.Pd., MRes.Edu.


Puji syukur hanya milik Allah SWT yang atas ijinNya, sehingga buku
pegangan kuliah “English for Nursing : A Handbook for Indonesian nursing
student” dapat tersusun.

Buku pegangan ini ditulis sebagai materi ajar bahasa Inggris untuk
mahasiswa keperawatan. Sejalan dengan pentingnya bahasa inggris sebagai
bahasa internasional dalam era globalisasi, buku pegangan ini hadir untuk
membantu menyiapkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris mahasiswa
keperawatan baik written maupun spoken, khususnya istilah- istilah
bahasa Inggris ilmu keperawatan dalam lingkup internasional.

Semoga buku ini dapat bermanfaat, khususnya mahasiswa STIKES

Aisyiyah Surakarta dan mahasiswa keperawatan di Indonesia pada


Surakarta, 10 Oktober 2018


Fitri Kurniawan.S.Pd., MRes.Ed.

Unit 1

Why become a nurse?

Reading Time!

Selecting a job to do for living can be challenging, but becoming a nurse is

one of great decisions. Here are five reasons why you should become nurse

1. Competitive Salary
Nurses make good money. For instance, the average registered nurse earns
more than $52,000 a year. Better still, more experienced and specialized
nurses can earn up to (and over) $72,000 annually.

2. Variety of Workplaces
Nurses can work in many different places in community. Starting from local
hospital in schools, health clinic, beauty care clinic, government agencies
home care facilities and many more.

3. Flexible Work Schedule

Nurse profession has flexible scheduling in practice. Nurse can choose the
shift that best fits their preferences.

4. You Make a Difference

If you're the kind of person who want to help people suffer in the world, you
can be a nurse. You can make a difference for people life, health and

5. There's Always Room for Growth

Nurses have many options when it comes to finding a specialty that
interests them including nurse practi tioner, nurse anesthetist, nurse
leader, and nurse educator.
Key words!
Challenging Susah/tidak mudah

Great decision Pilihan yang tepat

Competitive salary Gaji yang tinggi

For instance Contoh

Earns Mendapatkan (gaji) /


Experienced nurse Perawat berpengalaman

Specialized nurse Perawat spesialis

Annually Setiap tahun

Workplaces Tempat kerja

Health clinic Klinik kesehatan

Suffer Menderita

Patient Pasien

Make a difference Membuat perbedaan

Shift Jadwal piket

Humanity Kemanusiaan

Specialty Spesialisasi

Interest Ketertarikan/ minat

Anaesthetic nurse Perawat spesialis


Nurse educator Penajar keperawatan

Nurse practitioner Perawat praktik

Quiz time

Having read the text above, please choose if the information in each
question is True or False.

Nurse can make good money. (T / F)

Nurse cannot work in many different places in community (T / F)

Nurse profession has flexible scheduling in practice (T / F)

Nurse can work in beauty care clinic (T / F)

Nurse cannot choose the shift that best fits their preferences. (T / F)

Speaking Time

When you are applying for a job , interview session is one of the most
important and decisive footstep if you are accepted the position or not.
The following questions are frequently asked in a job interview.

Practice the dialogue in pairs!

Interviewer Hello good morning.

What is your full name?

Interviewee My full name is Siti Fatimah

Interviewer Can you tell me about yourself?

Interviewee “Well, I’m currently working at Jojo

Beauty Skin Care, where I handle

customers complain and front desk

service. Before that, I worked at local

hospital where I was responsible for

the pediatric wards services. I’m so

excited about this opportunity with

Metro Health Center.”

Interviewer Why you are the best candidate for

the position?

Interviewee I have been working in the hospital

and it gives me experiences and

confidences with patient care in

intensive level

Interviewer Why should I hire you?

Interviewee My academic background help me

with general nursing skill and with

latest work experience in the hospital

will fit in the position offer now.

Interviewer Are you the best person for the job?

Interviewee The academic background I have and

work experience will match the job

and the skill I have. And I am the

person who has high motivation and

eagerness to learn.

Nurse Phrases Time!

If you’re a nurse, you have many opportunities to use English! Whether

you are using a reference book or treating an English-speaking patient,
these words and phrases are for you.

Do study over the meaning and practice the dialogue with friends!
1. You won’t feel a thing Anda tidak akan
merasakan apa-apa

This won’t hurt a bit Ini tidak akan terasa


No, I will not give you sponge bath tidak, Anda bisa mandi

Doctor, sorry to wake you, but Maaf pak Dokter saya

bangunkan, …

Nurse vocabulary Quiz!

Please look up your dictionary and find the meaning of the following
words in Bahasa Indonesia!
1. abdominal










Language focus
Yes and No question – is a question that needs only Yes or No answer or
short answer.

Yes / No question Short answer/ Long answer

am +I
Am I right? Yes you are (right)
Am I wrong? No you are not (wrong)
is + she/he + noun/adjective?
Is she okay? Yes she is (okay)
Is he angry? No she is not (angry)
Are + you +noun/adjective?
Are you hungry? Yes I am (hungry)
Are you happy? No I am not (happy)
Do + you + verb + adj?
Do you feel okay? Yes I feel (okay)
Do you drink alcohol? No I do not drink (alcohol)
Do you smoke? Yes I do (smoking)
Does + he/she/noun + verb + adj?
Does she have pain in her back? No she does not have
Does Doctor Fatimah come today? (back pain)
Yes she come (today)

Write a Yes / No question with the words given
Number one has been done for you.

Apakah kamu merasa sedih? (sad)

Do you feel sad?

Are you sad?

Apakah Latifa pintar? (smart)


Apakah kamu minum kopi? (drink)


Apakah dia (perempuan) sudah sembuh? (recovered)


Apakah Pak Kurniawan merokok? (smoke)


Apakah kamu mahasiswa keperawatan? (nurse student)

Unit 2

What is nursing?

Reading Time

Nurse is profession which involves autonomous and collaborative care of

individuals of all ages, families, groups and communities, sick or well and in
all settings.

Simply put, nurses are life-savers. There are more than 3 million registered
nurses in the United States. In fact, nurses outnumber doctors 3:1 in the
health care industry. While doctors often specialize in one area, nurses are
able to coordinate the care for all aspects of a patient’s overall health. A
patient experiencing chest pains, for example, might have a cardiologist, a
nephrologist and an internal medicine specialist. Each of these doctors
would diagnose, treat and prescribe medications solely for their area of
expertise. The nurse, though, would be the care provider responsible for the
patient’s full care, ensuring prescriptions don’t negatively interact with one
another, and that a patient understands and is prepared for treatment.
When diagnostic results come in, it’s the nurse who reads them first and, if
necessary, immediately notifies the appropriate doctor.

In briefs, it is believed that nurses are life-savers. While doctors frequently

specialize in one area, nurses can organize the care for all aspects of a
patient’s general health.
Key words!

1. autonomous care Perawatan mandiri

2. collaborative care Perawatan kolaboratif

3. all age Segala umur

4. sick or well Sehat atau sakit

5. life-savers Penyelamat hidup

6. registered nurses Perawat bersertifikasi

7. outnumber Melebihi

8. specialize Spesialis

9. internal medicine specialist Speisalis obat dalam

10. cardiologist Spesalis penyakit


11. nephrologist

12. patient’s overall health Kesehatan pasien

secara umum

13. diagnose Mendiagnosa

14. treat Merawat

15. prescribe Memberi resep

16. medications Pengobatan

17. expertise Keahlian

18. care provider Praktisi kesehatan

19. full care Perawatan penuh

20. treatment Perawatan

Quiz time

Having read the text above, please choose if the information in each
question is True or False.

1. Nurse is profession which involves care of individuals (T / F)

2. Nurse cannot work in many different places in community (T / F)

3. Nurse profession has flexible scheduling in practice (T / F)

4. Nurse can work in beauty care clinic (T / F)

5. Nurse cannot choose the shift that best fits their preferences. (T / F)

Speaking Time

A nurse is on duty checking on the patient’s recovery progress. The

patient expresses her feeling and asking the nurse if she can eat ice

Read the dialogue and practice it with your friends!

Interviewer Tell me about your weaknesses?

Interviewee In the past, I have a problem with

planning and schedule management,

but now I try to use planner and

organizer to solve it.

Interviewer Are you team player?

Interviewee I am a team player. I can work in

team. In fact, In my previous job, I

had opportunity to work in a project

with many others workers in team.

Interviewer Tell me, what is your strength?

Interviewee I never give up and I like learning in

a new environment. I believe I can

contribute well to your company.

Interviewer How is your education prepared you

for the job?

Interviewee My academic background help me

with general nursing skill and with

latest work experience in the hospital

will fit in the position offer now.

I worked in Metro Hospital in 2020

And also worked in Larissa Beauty

Clinic in 2021

Interviewer Tell me why you do you think you

are qualified for the job?

Interviewee The academic background I have and

work experience will match the job

and the skill I have. And I am the

person who has high motivation and

eagerness to learn.
Nurses Phrases Time
How can I help? Apa yang bisa saya

May I help Apakah anda butuh


Sit down please Silahkan duduk

Please stand up Silahkan berdiri

Nurse vocabulary Quiz!

Please look up your dictionary and find the meaning of the following
words in Bahasa Indonesia!
1. coherent









Language Focus

How – question has many functions, one of them is to ask information

about situation or condition of something

To ask about means (way)

Untuk menanyakan keadaan atau cara atau bagaimana sesuatu

dilakukan. How is / are + Noun?

For instance:

How is your back?

Bagaimana keadaan punggung mu?

How is your stomach?

Bagaimana keadaan perutmu?

How is the medicine?

Bagaimana anda dengan obatnya?

How is the pain?

Bagaimana rasa nyerinya?

How are you?

Bagaimana keadaanmu?

How is the patient?

Bagaimana keadaan pasiennya?

Translate the sentences into English. Number one has been done for


Bagaimana keadaan kakimu? (foot)

How is your foot?

Bagaimana keadaan kepalamu? (head)


Seberapa sakit pinggangmu? (hip)


Bagaimana perasaan mu sekarang? (feeling)


Bagaimana keadaan gigimu? (tooth)


Bagaimana liburanmu? (holiday)


Bagaimana kuliahmu? (study)


Bagaimana PR mu? (homework)


Bagaimana makan siangmu? (lunch)


Bagaimana pekerjaanmu? (job)


Bagaimana lututmu? (knee)

Unit 3

What do nurses do?

Reading Time!

What do nurses do? They are continuously monitoring and evaluating

patients, nurses must be smart, adaptive, educated and skilled in critical
thinking. Through the different types of care, a nurse’s capabilities extend
past their stereotypical personas.

Specifically, here are some of the things nurses do on a typical day:

 Conduct physical exams

 Take detailed health care histories
 Listen to patients and analyze their physical and emotional needs
 Provide counseling and health-care education to patients
 Coordinate care with other health-care providers and specialists
 Stay update with progress in health care options, medications, and
treatment plans
 Draw blood, and perform other health-related testing
 Check a patient’s vital signs
Words to understand from the text

continuously Secara terus menerus

monitoring mengawasi

evaluating patients Mengevaluasi pasien

smart Pintar

adaptive mampu beradaptasi

educated berpendidikan

skilled berkemampuan

critical thinking berpikir kritis

through melalui

capabilities kemampuan

extend melampaui

Stereotypical anggapan yang tidak

selalu benar

personas kepribadian

typical day kegiatan sehari - hari

conduct melakukan

physical exams uji fisik

care histories rekam medis

emotional needs kebutuhan emosional

medications pengobatan

vital signs tanda - tanda vital

Quiz time

Having read the text above, please choose if the information in each
question is True or False.

1. Nurse should check on patients continuously (T / F)

2. Nurses must be smart, adaptive (T / F)
3. Nurse have to listen to patients (T / F)
4. Nurses do not check patient’s vital sign (T / F)
5. Nurses never conduct physical exams (T / F)

Speaking Focus

Nurse Assalamualaikum, good afternoon

Mrs Sinta, how is everything today?
I am Ida on duty today

Patience I feel dizzy this morning

Nurse Have you had your breakfast?

Patience No, not yet

Nurse That explains why you feel dizzy

Patience I just don’t feel hungry at all

Nurse You have to eat to recover soon. Try

eat something

Patience Fruit salad please, I just don’t want

something heavy

Nurse That’s no problem, we will have it for

your meal tonight

Patience Thank you so much

Nurse that’s fine, see you later

Patience See you

Nurses Phrases Time

Raise your arm please! Silahkan angkat tangan

kanan anda

Please get up! Silahkan berdiri

We would like to make a bed Kami akan

membersihkan tempat

Could you get up by yourself? Apakah anda bisa

berdiri sendiri?

Nurse vocabulary Quiz

1. hypertension

hypo tension








Language focus

How – question is has many functions, one of them is to ask information

about To ask about frequency (time)

To ask about frequency (time)

How often +do/does+ noun (I,we, she, he, they or name)+verb+noun?

For instance

1. How often do you drink mineral water?

Seberapa sering kamu minum air mineral?

2. How often do you eat fruits?

Seberapa sering kamu makan buah - buahan?

3. How often does she eat the medicine?

Seberapa sering dia makan obatnya?

4. How often Ahmad take a nap?

Seberapa sering Ahmad tdur siang?

5. How often does the doctor visit the patient?

Seberapa sering dokter mengunjungi pasien?


Translate the following sentences into English in the form of how

often - question! Number one has been done for you.

1. Seberapa sering kamu makan daging merah? (red meat)

How often do you eat red meat?

2. Seberapa sering kamu minum jus jeruk? (orange juice)


3. Seberapa sering kamu berolah raga? (exercise?


4. Seberapa sering kamu makan makanan cepat saji? (junk food)


5. Seberapa sering kamu merokok? (smoke)


6. Seberapa sering kamu begadang? (stay awake)

Unit 4

Things Nurses do not say to patients

Reading Time

Like others professionals in health services, being a nurse is a demanding

occupation with commitment and dedication. There are things that can be
done but there are also things that nurses do not say to patients. At least
there are three things a nurse should never say to patients.
Nurse should never complain about another nurse or caregiver.

Nurses work with other caregivers and nurses. There may be personal
issues among them. However, a nurse should keep this confidential before
the patients.
Keep your personal issue to yourself.
Nurse is human with complex personal life. However, a nurse should never
talk about personal life to patients. All the privates beliefs should remain in
the nurses’ life
A nurse should never act too busy to give attention and care

Humanity comes first. A nurse should put the patients’ need in the first
place at any situation. Therefore, a nurse should always be ready for the
patient care.

Words to understand from the text

Health services Layanan kesehatan

Being a nurse Menjadi seorang


Demanding (bersifat) menuntut

Dedication Dedikasi

At least Setidaknya

Never Tidak pernah

Complain Mengeluh
Care giver Petugas kesehatan

Issues Masalah

Personal Prbadi

Among Diantara (lebih dari


Confidential (bersifat) rahasia

Before Sebelum

Yourself Diri (anda) sendiri

Human Manusia

Complex Rumit

Beliefs Kepercayaan

Act Bersikap

Humanity Kemanusiaan

Care Pelayanan

Quiz Time

Having read the text above, please choose if the information in each
question is True or False.

1. Nurse should never complain (T / F)

2. Becoming a nurse is a demanding job (T / F)
3. a nurse should always talk about personal life to patients (T / F)
4. Nurse is not human. (T / F)
5. Humanity comes first (T / F)
Speaking Focus

Nurse Assalamualaikum, good afternoon Mrs

Nita, how is everything today? I am
Ida on duty today

Patient I feel so happy

Nurse Off course, today you will leaving the

hospital do you?

Patient Yes exactly, I really want to be home

very soon

Nurse Sure, you are already recovered well

Did you sleep well?

Patient Not really, I was overwhelmed

Nurse Well take a good rest then

Patient What time will I be leaving the

hospital today?

Nurse At 12 at noon today

Patient All right, I can’t wait to go home with

my baby

Nurse Yes , you look so happy, but take a

very good rest

Patient Sure I will

Nurse We will make the bed for you, and be

back later

Patient Okay , thank you

Nurse Your welcome

Nursing Phrases Time

Keep your eyes please Silahkan pejamkan mata


Sit down please Silahkan duduk

Stand up please Silahkan berdiri

Bend down Silahkan membungkuk

Lay down Silahkan berbaring

Breath in deeply Tarik nafas yang dalam

Breath out Hembuskan

Roll onto your side Berbaring miring

Nurse vocabulary Quiz

Language focus

How far– question is the most common way to ask information about
distance (time)

To ask about distance (place)

How far is + noun+ to + name of a place?

For instance

1. How far is your house to STIKES Aisyiyah Mini Hospital?

2. How far is your boarding house to campus?

3. How far is Kustati hospital to Dr. Oen hospital?

4. How far is shopping centre to station?

5. How far is the cinema to your campus?


Translate the sentences into English to form a how far - question. Number
one has been done for you.

1. Seberapa jauh Solo Paragon ke rumahmu? (your house)

How far is Solo Paragon to your house?

2. Seberapa jauh bandara ke kampus STIKES Aisyiyah Surakarta? (

STIKES Aisyiyah Surakarta campus)


3. Seberapa jauh Surabaya ke Yogyakarta? (Yogyakarta)


4. Seberapa jauh kos mu ke gym? (gymnastic)


5. Seberapa jauh rumahmu ke apotik? (pharmacy)


6. Seberapa jauh Jakarta ke Surakarta? (Surakarta)

Chapter 5

Reading Time

Type of nurses

Nurses are skilled in many fields. A nurse may choose to focus their
expertise, specifically in certain types of care. The specific nursing fields
may include geriatrics, critical care, paediatrics, treatment planning and
case management. Hence, nurses will work based on type of nurse career
they choose. The Some types of nurses include:

 Nurse Anaesthetist
 Family Nurse Practitioner
 NICU Nurse
 Labor and Delivery Nurse
 Travel Nurse
 Neonatal Nurse
 Paediatric Nurse
 Ambulatory Nurse
 Clinical Nurse Practitioner
 School Nurse
 Nurse Educator

Words to understand from the text

1. Skilled Berkemampuan

2. Many fields Banyak bidang

3. May choose Dapat memilih

4. Focus Fokus

5. Expertise Keahlian

6. specifically in Khususnya dalam


7. certain Tertentu

8. types of care Jenis - jenis perawatan

9. Specific Khusus
10. nursing fields Bidang keperawatan

11. may Dapat (bisa)

12. include Termasuk (meliputi)

13. geriatrics Perawatan lanjut usia

14. critical care Perawatan kritis

15. Paediatrics Perawatan anak

16. treatment planning Perencanaan perawatan

17. case management Manajemen kasus

18. Hence Oleh sebab itu

19. based on Berdasarkan (bidang


20. type of nurse career Jenis karir perawat

Quiz Time

Having read the text above, please choose if the information in each
question is True or False.

1. Nurses are skilled in many fields. (T / F)

2. A nurse may not choose to focus their expertise (T / F)
3. The specific nursing fields may include geriatrics (T / F)
4. Nurse can be school nurse (T / F)
5. Nurse cannot be educator (T / F)

Speaking Focus

Glossary of Nursing Terms

 Nurse Anaesthetist
 Family Nurse Practitioner
 NICU Nurse
 Labor and Delivery Nurse
 Travel Nurse
 Neonatal Nurse
 Paediatric Nurse
 Ambulatory Nurse
 Clinical Nurse Practitioner
 School Nurse
 Nurse Educator

Grammar Focus

How long /How many (time) – question is the way to ask for information
about length of (time)

To ask about length of (time)

How long /How many will + noun / clause /Subject + Verb + object
(kalimat lengkap)

For instance ;

How long will the surgery?

Berapa lama operasinya?

How many times will I have to eat the medicine?

Berapa kali saya harus minum obatnya?

How many time will I stay in hospital?

Berapa kali saya akan di rumah sakit?

How long will the doctor observe the patient?

Berapa lama dokter mengobservasi pasien?

How long will you study nursing?

Berapa lama kamu akan belajar keperawatan?


Translate the sentences into English to form a how many/ long - question.
Number one has been done for you.

1. Berapa lama kamu akan menunggu dokter? (doctor)

How long will you wait for the doctor?

2. Berapa lama kamu akan minum obatnya? (the medicine)


3. Berapa kali perawat mengunjungi bangsal? (ward)


4. Berapa lama kamu akan menjadi perawat?


5. Berapa lama kamu akan belajar bahasa Inggris?


6. Berapa lama kamu akan mencintai keperawatan?

Chapter 6

Nursing Interview

A. Reading time

If someone applies to become a nurse, interview is an obligatory process.

Here are five questions which frequently asked in a nurse job interview and
responses to them;

1. Tell me about yourself?

Tell about your personality, attitude, and general approach to nursing in a

positive and confident way. Do not tell everything but focus on your

2. Why do you want to be a nurse?

Talk about your motivation for entering the field of nursing and if you are
really dedicated to it.

3. What is your weaknesses?

Mention your weaknesses but cite something positive about them

4. What is your strengths?

It is important to discuss the attributes that will qualify you for the specific
job and set you apart from the other candidates.

5. What are your salary expectation?

If you can, avoid giving exact numbers. You can give a broad range well
within industry standards.

B. Words understand from the text

1. attitude Sikap

2. confident way (dengan) cara yang

percaya diri

3. focus on your strength. fokus pada kelebihan

4. your motivation motivasi anda

5. entering memasuki

6. field of nursing bidang keperawatan

7. dedicated berdedikasi

8. your weaknesses Kelemahan anda

9. something positive Sesuatu yang positif

10. salary expectation harapan gaji

11. avoid menghindari

12. broad range Cakupan yang luas

13. cite Sebutkan (cantumkan)

14. qualify Lolos (sesuai syarat)

15. exact Pasti

16. numbers angka

17. attributes informasi

18. your strengths Kekuatan anda

19. specific khusus

20. industry standards Standar industri

C. Quiz time

Having read the text above, please choose if the information in each
question is True or False.

1. Interview is an obligatory process. (T / F)

2. In an interview, just tell everything about yourself (T / F)
3. In an interview, You should show that you are dedicated (T / F)
4. Telling the amount of money you want as salary is recommended (T / F)
5. Never say your weaknesses in an interview(T / F)

D. Speaking Focus
E. Glossary of Nursing Terms

F. Grammar Focus

G. Exercise

Because your doctor says so Karena dokter anda

yang berkata demikian

How can I help? Apa yang bisa saya


May I help Apakah anda butuh


Sit up please Silahkan sit - up

Lean forward Rebah kedepan

Inhale Tarik nafas

Exhale Hembusan nafas

Move your head please Gerakkan kepala anda

Could you stand up? Apakah anda bisa


Now lift your leg please Sekarang, silahkan

anda gerakkan kaki

Would you bend your back please Silahkan bungkukkan

punggung anda


Anda mungkin juga menyukai