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honorable juries

ladies and Gentlemen

Good Morning ..!

First of all let us pray together to Allah SWT the Almighty who has been giving us His Mercies
and Blessings. without stoping days to days, hours to hours, even seconds to seconds. shalawat
be to our Prophet , Muhammad SAW who has given us a lot of teachings to live in this world
until now.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In this excellent opportunity, I would like to deliver my speech about "juvenile delinquency in
Indonesia". Before we are going to the topic, I want to ask you, is there any who feel proud to be
an Indonesian? if yes, please raise your hands! Please hold for a while! (down from the stage),
are you sure you're an Indonesian? You proud to be an indonesian? Nice One! Yes , ladies and
gentlemen this is it the champion of the smellest armpit contest .. give applause! (apologize, just

Ladies and gentlemen,

We are really should be proud to be an Indonesian youths. Why should we be proud of? What
should we be proud of? Yes, of course we should be proud because, the Indonesian teenagers
who will bring the fruitfulness for interests of the nation, because of this reasons it can add our
confidence in achievement and certainly in advance of this nation.

Well, in this modern time, probably only a handful of teenagers who can implement their pride.
why? Well, we can see around us, that many teenagers who don’t behave appropriately,
example they use drugs, smoking, violence, bullying and many more. Maybe not just the
teenagers do it, but also the minors were already applied it. This fact has not denied again.

Adolescent age is the age that is filled with passion and high curiosity, maybe it could be said
adolescence is a time for searching our identity. As said Hurlock, that we will feel the change in
the physical, psychological, and social. right? (this just for adolescent). Along with these changes
comes the deviant behavior among teenagers or better known as juvenile delinquency.
Delinquency was defined as actions that deviate from the norm, legal, social, customs, and the
most significant is the religion. And according to a scientist father of sociology itself Kartono
that juvenile delinquency are pathological symptoms caused by forms of social neglect.

Concrete examples of juvenile delinquency in Indonesia evidenced by the juvenile crime rate, for
example are the student who caught drinking the alcohol, even they also being a party drug.
Worse, juvenile delinquency women today more rampant as to became pregnant outside of
marriage. while the Quran explained in surah al-Isra ', verse 32 :

which means : And do not approach unlawful sexual intercourse. Indeed, it is ever an immorality
and is evil as a way.

Well, Why this problems happened? Actually, there are many reasons that can made the their
behaviour like this. one of them is that they were imitated many foreign cultures. As we know
that foreign culture is a culture with freedom about sex.

Rapid technological development is also likely to influence, where the children of this modern
time free for internet connection. It can be seen, from the number of teenagers who have
advanced gadgets. (like this: keluarin HAPE). We can see now, that every children everywhere
always bring his/her gadget from start waking directly holds his/her gadget then take a picture
(…..), while in the bathroom brings his/her gadget then updated status “oh my god, cold here” ,
until they say “OH, my handphone I can’t LIVE WITHOUT YOU” Naudzubillah,. Actually it
is not always be negative effect from this technology, but we are too obsessed and we losed our
control now, so that can be create negative effect.

Let us not be enslaved by this advanced technology.

In the modernization, we are as the nation's future should be able to control it, do not let we be
lulled by it. Therefore, increase our faith as the foundation of our lives and than always ask for
guidance and strength in order to avoid the negative things. Besides, it is also the role of the
family, the family exactly must be really real and tight so that the teenagers do not deviate from
the social norms and religious norms.

Starting today, in this moment we as teenagers Indonesia, comeon together to build good
character, increase our faith and piety, and show that we are able to fight the negative things
around us.would you mind to stand up now? (thanks), please raise your hand and listen these
words. We as a generation of Indonesia ready to be good behaviors for more bright future for
indonesia, MERDEKAAA !!!!

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