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The heart is a small hollow muscular organ that weighs about 11 ounces and it
is incharge of pumping blood throughout the body and to other organs as
well.It names a lot of part where the blood circulation occurs like the superior
vena cava, where the blood entries. Goes right in the right atrium surging into
the tricuspid valve and flows out right into the pulmonary artery. There are
other alternatives like the pulmonary vein, enters the left atrium then
penetrates to the left ventricle sucks on the tube called the aorta that releases
the blood out on different parts of the human body


His words are jokes that is double-ententered, not knowing his oblivious
expression to others punctured right into the fragile hearts of the victims that
mortified the explicit reformed sadness in their saccharine succumb minds,
resulting a mutilation on their names that startled the bully hounds on
debuting their reputations

As fast as their throws could be, there are several distinct similarities between
the pitching baseball ball and the basket ball, for instance, both requires an
amount of force for the balls to reach their destination. The way it moves in the
air, either in maximum acceleration or in a normal rate where it will land safely
to the catcher, or into the destination itself, both have persons who catches
the ball on their given corresponded positions


While proceeding to a medical exam,a doctor and a nurse have different time
intervals on the taken exam,
The nurse will take its time on answering the exam where they could be stuck
on some difficult questions because of their lacking knowledge on some
medical questions whereas the contrast on the doctors who takes the exam
could complete it within some given limited times because of their advantage
on their years taken on being professionals therefore they could make it in
time and take it in ease

My Grand Father’s Clock

My Grand Father’s antediluvian clock was years placed at the center of the
interstice, tinted wallpaper pointed nearby the cranny bordered walls. Still and
never been touched or handed to anyone. He always comes to this house to
clean it carefully, harnessed and polished thoroughly like his life depends on its
every Ticks. Now, not even once did he put his feet in this nostalgic house,
wondering through the corridors before leaving the clock perfectly in place.

Its been years since his last visit to this old place, not even once he came to
clean the mechanics inside of it or just to clean the exteriors as well.
Reminiscing his narration on his clock that once it became the center of his life
and a replacement of his heart as it was gifted by his wife before passing away.
The clock was slowly fading its signs of movement as it gains age, seeing the
pendulum’s ticks closing its sounds to the silence from hearing the tick again.

My phone beeping from the weeping silence of the echoing corridors started
ringing and receiving a call from my grandfather’s peers that he passed away,
right from the moment when the pendulum stopped from its motion.

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