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The Carrying Capacity of


population a group of the same species that inhabits a geographical area

carrying capacity

invasive species

a direct or indirect interaction between organisms that harms each other's chances of
securing vital resources

In this lesson, you will _______________________________________________________________________

Measuring Populations
When scientists use the term population, they are usually referring to the _____________ of individuals of the
same _____________ that live in an area.

Population Size and Distribution

Population size: the __________________ of individuals in a population

Population density: the _____________ number of individuals per unit area

For example, 12,600 spiders are in

a region of 525 square meters.
= Population
density =
population area density

= spiders per square meter

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Population distribution (or dispersion): the _____________ in which individuals space themselves within
the region.
Distribution Types

Uniform • Individuals can live anywhere in their habitat and ____________

______ to use the available resources.

• Individuals form ___________ in their habitat. Few or none are

found between the clusters.
• Common in __________ organisms and when resources are few
and _____________ distributed.

• Individuals are dispersed ______________ and capable of living

anywhere in the habitat.
• Found among many _____________ species.

Population Growth and Limits

Three factors influence the growth or number of individuals in a population:

1. __________________: the number of individuals born over a given time period

2. ____________ ________: the number of individuals that die over a given time period
3. Migration: the movement of individuals
• __________________: individuals moving out of the population
• __________________: individuals moving into the population

Birth and immigration increase population size, while death and emigration reduce population size.

Limiting Factors on Population Growth

Factors that prevent populations from growing indefinitely are called limiting factors.

Resource availability
___________________ _______________ ___________________

the amount of resources an increase in the number of the frequency of reproductive

available regulates a predators can ______________ ___________ in a species’
population’s growth the population size lifetime and the ___________
e.g. __________, water, and of ______________ produced in
________ a single reproductive event
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Minimal Viable Population
The minimal viable population (MVP) is a measurement that biologists use to determine the ______________
number of individuals a species needs to reproduce successfully and remain _________ without facing
________________. Biologists estimate the MVP of a population for a particular time period.

Survivorship Curves
Survivorship curves are graphs that show the ________________________ of a species, an important factor in
calculating a species’ minimal viable population. It helps scientists predict how an environmental change may
affect a population.

Type I
▪ indicates a _______ death rate and a
_______ survival rate for most of an
organism’s lifetime
▪ _______ individuals reach
_______________, but the number of
those who survive into old age then
rapidly declines

Type III Type II

▪ found in species that have a _______ death rate at an ▪ ______________ death rate
__________ age ▪ individuals die ________________ the
▪ only a _____ individuals reach _______________, and live ____________ of the species
to old age

Carrying Capacity
Carrying capacity (K) is the _________________ _________________ _______ that a particular habitat can
________________ indefinitely.
• Environmental conditions and resources affect a habitat’s carrying capacity. The __________
__________________ resource determines the carrying capacity.
• Carrying capacity isn’t a __________ number. A change in resource availability could change it.

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Population Growth Models Exponential growth model describes populations
with a constant birthrate and ______________
any ______________ ____________.
▪ The population grows slowly, then the growth
rate _______________ ____________.
▪ All populations show this pattern until a
limiting factor affects them.

Logistic growth model describes populations that

experience a _____________ factor.
▪ The growth slows as resources become scarce
and population numbers reach the habitat’s
_____________ _____________.

Monitoring Beetle Population Trends: A population of beetles currently has 11,500 individuals on a
wildlife preserve of 115 hectares, with a carrying capacity at 14,600 individuals.
Part A: The population increases 5% Part B: What will likely happen to the beetle population during the
each year. The population will reach next year if the resource level stays the same?
or exceeded the carrying capacity
during year _______.

Part C: Given uniform distribution, in year 1, how Part D: At carrying capacity, a flood decreased the
many beetles are there per hectare? How many population to 77 beetles per hectare. What is the
beetles per hectare were there at carrying capacity? total estimated beetle population after the flood?

Part E: After reaching carrying capacity, pollution made 55 hectares of the land uninhabitable for the
beetles. How will the estimated carrying capacity change due to a decrease of 55 hectares of habitat?

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Changes That Affect Populations
Environmental changes may affect a population’s ability to access resources and be beneficial or harmful.

The Effect of Environmental Changes

Environmental Change Effect on Populations

Natural Disasters are geological or • can reduce a population directly through ____________
_______________ events that devastate • can have the indirect effect of destroying sources of food and
an area, such as hurricanes, __________
_________________, wildfires, floods, and • may limit access to resources
_______ _______. • can ___________ populations, preventing separated groups
from intermingling
• can ___________ populations if done without limits
Human Exploitation by
• change the way the ecosystem functions, directly impacting
• removing organisms for _________, to
population numbers
keep as ________, or for other products
• altering the natural landscape for
_______________, logging, construction

Habitat Loss due to natural disasters and • causes ______________ ______________ for available
human alteration can make the habitat resources which lowers the habitat’s ____________
_________________ or inaccessible. ____________, and the population decreases

Disease • can cause population numbers to ________ drastically

• if a species develops resistance to a particular disease, its
population will increase

Climate Change is causing an increase in • some species may suffer, while others might benefit as
average ____________ _______________, previously inhospitable areas now become suitable
which affect a species’ ability to survive in • changes an area’s ____________ ________________, as
an area and disrupts ecosystems. some species die or emigrate while others immigrate
• affects the ecosystem balance

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Invasive Species
Invasive species are organisms that are _____ __________ to the location where they live. They often have
few ____________ ____________, allowing them to quickly spread. Invasive species can affect populations of
native species in several ways, including:

• ________________: The invasive species can feed on a native species and ____________ its
population or even drive it to ______________.
• ________________ for resources: Invasive species may be ___________ ____________ to use the
resources, leaving few for the native species.

Invasive species can enter a habitat in several ways. Most involve humans:
Intentional introduction Unintentional human-caused Loss or changes to habitat
Species can stow away in cars,
boats, trains, and planes and be
brought to new places. Pet trade
and horticulture introduce foreign
species into a new area, and can
become invasive when pets or
seeds escape into the wild.

Careers in Science: Systems Ecologist

Systems ecologists study the entire ecosystem and how the system as a whole reacts to change. System
ecologists evaluate the _____________ and determine how they affect the ecosystem. The ecologists then
theorize how changes will affect the ________________ of ecosystems as a whole. System ecologists are
especially concerned with how ___________ ____________ affects ecosystems.

Think of a change that can occur to an ecosystem and the populations that live in that area. In what ways can
the different populations be affected? How does the change affect the carrying capacity of the populations?

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