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Darrian Prescott

David Pack

COMM 1010

Myself as a Communicator

Communication is something that is so crucial in this world. It’s really the keystone in most

aspects of our lives. Honestly before this class I didn’t realize how much it took to communicate

effectively with others. I feel that there are so many tools that we tend to overlook but are so

important. We can compare it to following a recipe for making a cake, there’s all these different

ingredients you need to make the perfect homemade cake which tastes way different than a

cake from the box. A homemade cake has so much more flavor but we wouldn’t be able to

achieve that if we didn’t have all those ingredients. The same goes with communication, there

is so many different areas that we need to pay attention to really be the best at

communicating. Through this paper I hope to reflect on my communication skills to not only

help you see how I communicate with others but also help myself know what areas I need to

improve on.

I am a huge people pleaser which really stops me from fully communicating about my

opinions, how I feel, concerns, etc. I am nervous that if I say something someone will take it the

wrong way and get offended by it. This causes me to constantly think about what I am going to

say even after I say something. I will think, “hopefully that wasn’t rude, or hopefully that didn’t

come off the wrong way.” Keep in mind, I am a very nice person and I never say something with

the intention to hurt someone. I know for improving myself I am trying to speak my mind more
because I know my intentions are good. I think being like this has stopped me from saying

things that I felt strong about. Little by little though, I am trying to come out of the bubble and

I’m learning that talking about your opinions, your views, concerns is so important and if

they’re different from another person that’s okay.

As a listener, I have a lot to work on. I honestly thought I was a great listener but after

taking the test I realized it’s definitely one of my weaknesses. I do try my best to listen to a

person because I want to make them feel like I genuinely care. At the same time though, I tend

to when someone is speaking to me assume what they’re going to say next so I cut them off, I’ll

say it, and most of the time I’m completely wrong. My mind also tends to wander and I get

distracted so easily that I’ll miss some points of what someone is telling me. I definitely want to

work on this. I want when is someone is talking to me to really listen and not cut them off. I

need to pay more attention and actual attention, not the attention where I just assume where

the story is going.

Nonverbal communication on the other hand is one of my strengths. I give so much eye

contact when someone is talking to me. I get close to someone so they know that I am

interested in what they’re telling me. I speak with my hands 99% of the time and my voice

changes depending on what I am expressing. I want to be approachable so I am always smiling

when someone is speaking to me. When I talk to someone, I want to make them feel

comfortable and important.

Ultimately though my biggest strength would have to be I have a very open mind and I

am not judgmental. I always try to not make assumptions about people and give them the
benefit of the doubt. I really get to know someone and understand where they are coming

from. This is so important to me, because you never really know what a person is going through

or who they really are. Although listening is a weakness, I also tend to hold off any advice I have

unless they ask for it. I feel that frequently a person just wants to be heard instead of receiving

information so I try my best to just listen to the person.

If you were to have a conversation with me, you would get a lot of hand gestures, mixed

with facial expressions and many jokes that may not even be all that funny just too lighten the

mood. I tend not to be too serious unless I need to be. There would be so much laughter and a

huge heart willing to show you that I genuinely care. I try my best and make you feel so

comfortable, as if we’re best friends. I have a lot to work on but I definitely appreciate the

strengths that I do have.

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