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The Origin of Electromagnetic Induction

Article · January 2012

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1 author:

Kjell Prytz
Malardalen University


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The Origin of Electromagnetic Induction In Ref. 3 it was shown that the magnetic force is a pure mo-
tional consequence of the electric force, so that the horizontal
Abstract: The acceleration dependent electromagnetic force,
force in Fig. 1 becomes
known as the Weber inductive force, is derived by considering
the detailed dynamics of the interaction between two charges in
parallel motion. We find that the Weber inductive force is a mo-
tional consequence of the electric force, and we show how it
fem =
1 q1q2
4πε0 R*2
R̂ =
1 q1q2
4πε0 R 2
1 − v2 / c 2 R̂ ) (1)

leads to the Faraday-Henry induction law.

which is the Coulomb force acting over distance R * equivalent
Introduction: It was shown already in 1912 [1] that the mag-
to the sum of the electric and magnetic forces acting over dis-
netic and inductive field equations follow from the Coulomb
force law, or equivalently from the Gauss’ law of the electric tance R . The speed of light is here c , being equal to 1 µ 0 ε0 .
field, simply by applying the Lorentz’ transformation to the elec- The process considered is assumed to occur over such a short
tric field. Magnetism and electromagnetic induction were thus interval of time that the distance R between the charges is ap-
shown to be pure relativistic effects of the electric interaction. proximately constant.
We will show here that it is quite feasible to obtain this result Formula (1) is in accordance with the conventional magnetic
working with Galilean transformation rules, together with the force law [4].
fact that interactions are mediated at the speed of light. After all, The inductive force: The above result can now be used to
this is exactly what is meant by a Lorentz transformation. derive the induction law. We will do this by first deducing the
We consider the interaction between two same-sign charges Weber inductive force [5]. Weber formulated the electromagnetic
in parallel motion at equal and constant speed as in Fig. 1. It can theory as pair-wise interactions, i.e. without fields. He showed
be shown that this special kind of motion actually corresponds to that the Faraday-Henry induction law implies an acceleration-
the interaction between charges in closed conductors [2], so that dependent term in the general force between electric charges.
our results are valid only for this case. In the pair-wise interaction, Fig. 1, the electromagnetic force
is along the connection line between the objects R , and not
t3 along the line of force mediation R ′ . Since the interaction is mu-
tual, we see from Fig. 1 that the vertical components of the force
are cancelled, as they must since there is no vertical acceleration
find ftot in the problem.
t2 This vertical force is actually the induction phenomenon. The
fem inductive force is the force one has to overcome when trying to
accelerate a charged (mass-less) object, i.e. it acts in the same di-
s = vt R*=ct mension as the motional change. Its role in this particular prob-
Velocity v lem is, for the upward force, to accelerate the object from zero to
velocity v and for the downward force to decelerate from v to
t1 0, during a time interval t , see Fig. 1. As a consequence, the po-
tential acceleration due to the upward (or downward) inductive
R force is a = v / t .
The inductive force, being acceleration dependent, can now
be deduced from the electromagnetic force, Eq. (1). From the
Fig 1: The pairwise interaction at three instants of time. The
geometry of Fig. 1, we see that
momentum is transferred along the dotted line, creating a
force with horizontal and vertical components corresponding
vt at 2 a R *2 q1q2
to the electromagnetic and inductive forces respectively. f ind = f em = f em = (2)
R R R c 2 4πε R *2
This latter force is canceled by a corresponding downward 0
force (not shown) generated in the next step (from t2 to t3 ) The upward acceleration of object number 2 is correlated
of the interaction. with a downward acceleration of object number 1 so a =
In order to derive the magnetic and inductive forces from the −dv1 / dt , which gives
electric force we make two assumptions: q1q2
• Interactions take time and are mediated at the speed c. find = − dv1 / dt (3)
4πε0c 2 R
• The interaction speed is independent of the motion of the
charges This is the Weber inductive force on object nr 2.
These statements are alternatively derivable from the known The Faraday-Henry induction law Weber’s inductive force
electric and magnetic forces. (3) may be used to derive the Faraday-Henry induction law [6].
2 Author: Short Title Vol. ?, No. ?
The infinitesimal work done by the inductive force on object Outlook
number 2 is dW = find ids2 , where ds is a length element. In- Finally, we have two remarks.
troducing the current element I1ds1 = q1 v1 and assuming the 1) We point out that Weber deduced his inductive force using
length element to be at rest, we obtain data from Faraday-Henry kind of induction, i.e. dealing with
closed conductors including permanent magnets. For free

( )
d 2W = − q2 4πε0c 2 R ds1 ids2dI1 / dt (4)
charges we may expect, as in the case of magnetism, further
terms in the force formula [2]. However, when the motion of the
charges is in parallel, as in Fig. 1, the magnetic force between
As an example, consider the mutual induction of two closed them acts as if we dealt with closed conductors, a phenomena
conductors. The induction voltage ε in conductor number 2, due which is valid also in the case of induction. This result ought to
to a time varying current in conductor number 1, is then be expected since the parallel motion of two charges is equivalent
to two infinite straight parallel conductors.
∫ ∫ (1 / q )d W 2
2) Since this analysis is based on the force between objects at rest
together with the fact that interaction takes time, it can readily be

∫ ∫ (1 4πε c R ) ds ids
dI (5)
dt 
1 2 applied to gravitation. It can then be shown that the acceleration
  = − 0 1 2
= −M12dI1 / dt
1 2
dependent term of the force is directly related to inertial mass [8].
We will treat this problem in a coming article.
which is the Faraday-Henry induction law with the Neumann
definition [7] for mutual inductance Summary
From the interaction between two charges in parallel motion
M12 =
∫ ∫ ds1 ⋅ ds2 4πε0c 2 R (6) we derived the Weber inductive force as a motional consequence
of the static electric force and demonstrated the conceptional ori-
1 2
gin of inductance. It was shown how the Faraday-Henry induc-
ds1 and ds2 may also belong to the same conductor, dealing tion law, relating to the energy concept, follows from the induc-
then with self-induction. From formula (6) it follows directly that tive force.
inductance is mutual, i.e. M12 = M 21 . References
Motional inductance can readily be taken into account in this
[.1.] L. Page, A Derivation of the Fundamental Relations of Electrody-
approach. By letting the length element ds2 vary with time,
namics from Those of Electrostatics, American Journal of Science,
formula (4) modifies to 34 (1912) 57
q2 [.2.] A.K.T. Assis, Weber’s Electrodynamics, Kluwer Academic Publ.,
d 2W = − ds2 ⋅ (I ds ) (7) 1994
4πε0c 2 R dt 1 1
[.3.] K. Prytz, Galilean Electrodynamics, Special Issue 1, p. 11; R.D. Sard,
“The Forces between moving Charges”, Electrical Engineering 66
so that formula (5) becomes (1947) 61
[.4.] H. Grassman, Neue Theorie der Elektrodynamik, Annalen der
ε=− (M12 I1 ) (8) Physik, 64, 1845; A-M Ampere, Mem. Acad. Sci. 6 (1823) 175-388
[.5.] CF Gauss, Zur mathematischen Theorie der elektrodynamische
In general, if there are N conductors interacting, formula (8) Wirkung, Werke (Göttingen), 5, 1867; W Weber, Elektrodyna-
modifies to mische Massbestimmungen uber ein allgemeines Grundgesetz der
N elektrischen Wirkung, Werke (Julius Springer) 3 (1893) 25
εi = ∑ − dtd (M I )
ij j
(9) [.6.] P. Moon, D. Spencer, Journal of Franklin Institute, 257 (1954) 369;
A.K.T Assis, J. Fukai, H.B. Carvalho, Phys. Lett. A 268 (2000) 274
j =1
[.7.] F. Neumann, Berlin Akad. D Wissen., Abh., 1845
for induced voltage in conductor number i . The sum includes [.8.] D.W. Sciama, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
conductor number i for self-induction. 113 (1953) 34; E. Mach, History and root of the principle of the con-
From Fig. 1, we see now the basic origin of induction and in- servation of energy, 1872.
ductance. It is the longitudinal interaction among the charges. Kjell Prytz, University of Gavle, SE-801 76 GÄVLE
When there is an acceleration the balance between upward and e-mail
downward vertical forces is broken and we get a net effect paral-
lel or anti-parallel to the motion, a kind of inertia we call induc-

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