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5th grade, Mrs.

Hamby’s Class

Chemical Change Café

Teacher will need to prep for this lesson you must have

-Allergen friendly pancake mix and toppings

- Water

- Oil

- Skillet

- Bowl

- Whisk

- 25 Printed note taking sheets

- 25 plates

-25 “chemical changes vs. physical changes” worksheet

- 25 menu packets

*note- you will need to prep skillet and batter before school/lesson for time sake*

Introduction- Review key questions over matter and chemical change in full class discussion

- What is matter?
- What is a substance?
- What is a mixture?
- What is a physical change?
- What is a chemical change?

Guide the discussion of these questions but let the students take the lead

As discussion wraps up ask the final question “what are some examples of chemical
changes in our daily lives?” let a few students answer and explain that this is what we
will be exploring today

Main Lesson

- First students will be given the “chemical changes vs. physical changes” worksheet
to read and discuss within their groups
- Students then receive the menu packet and the note taking sheet
- One table group at a time student will be called up to the teacher
- The teacher will make pancakes on the skillet as the students observe and take
notes on the chemical change occurring
- Each student will receive one pancake
- If the student is not observing the pancakes, they are working on the menu packet
with group members to practice identifying and differentiating chemical and
physical changes

Wrap up

- Ask the questions or equivalent questions depending upon how the discussion
progresses “what did we learn today?” “what kind of change did we observe?”
“How do we know it was a chemical change?”
- Have students write three instances in their daily life in which they witness chemical
changes occurring in their science notebooks
- Clean with the aid of the students *note- the griddle will be too hot to clean at this
time place it on the back table and clean everything else*

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