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Samantha Stroud


25 October 2018

Title: The Juice Box Bully

Author: Bob Sornson, Maria Dismondy

Summary: Pete joins a new school, before he joins the teacher

asks the class to respect all students and take care of each other.
Children find out that Pete is a bully and Ruby talks to him and
stands up for her class.

How Book Will Be Used: Whole group. Children can read about bullies and what they will
do if there is a bully in the class.

Leadership Skill, Why? Transference of Ability, Ruby knows it is wrong for him to do
what he is doing so she shows him why it is wrong, and tells him how it makes her and her
friends feel.

Title: Marlene, Marlene, The Queen of Mean

Author: Jane Lynch, Lara Embry, A. E. Mikesell

Summary: This book is about a little girl named Marlene is bullying

her classmates until Big Fred pointed out she was only as mean as
everyone else could be and there was nothing really scary about her.

How Book Will Be Used: Whole group, read in a group setting if children are starting to
physically hurt each other.

Leadership Skill, Why? Transference of Ability, Big Fred points out that Marlene is just
like them, she is just not being very nice.
Title: Salt in His Shoes

Author: Deloris Jordan, Roslyn Jordan

Summary: This book shows how Michael learned to get better at

basketball through practice and participation, and working hard to
achieve his goal to be a good basketball player.

How Book Will Be Used: Small group, when children are about to play a sport or if a child
thinks they cannot do something.

Leadership Skill, Why? Self-sufficiency and interdependence, children can see how he
practiced to get better throughout the book.

Title: The Girl Who Never Made Mistakes

Author: Gary Rubinstein, Mark Pett

Summary: Beatrice never makes any mistakes, she soon

makes one by dropping some eggs, and when she does she
tries to find out what she can do that will prevent her
from ever making a mistake again. Beatrice then learns if
she does make mistakes she learn off of the mistakes.

How Book Will Be Used: Whole group or family night, read to children to let them know it
is okay to spill, drop or mess things up. This would be a good book to read while parents are
around too then they could learn from this book as well.

Leadership Skill, Why? Self-sufficiency and interdependence, children will be able to

know that when things happen they can learn off experiences instead of being shamed.
Title: What would you do with a Problem?

Author: Kobi Yamada

Summary: This book is about a little boy who has a problem who
keeps on ignoring it, when he finally overcomes his problem he
realizes facing his problems isn’t so bad.

How Book Will Be Used: Small group, let children talk about a
problem they have and how they overcame it.

Leadership Skill, Why? Self-sufficiency and interdependence, children will see facing
problems come out to a better outcome rather than growing to a bigger problem.

Title: What do you do with an Idea?

Author: Kobi Yamada

Summary: This is about a book who has an idea and pushes it to the
side because he is scared people will judge him for his ideas. Some
friends tell him it won’t be anything but he still goes through with it
and it turns to something

How Book Will Be Used: Small group, maybe when children are building things. Or whole
group, when children are learning a new activity or subject.

Leadership Skill, Why? Self-sufficiency and interdependence, this book will be used so
children can work on their own ideas without feeling intimidated.

Title: The Colors of Us

Author: Karen Katz

Summary: Lena is going to paint a picture of herself, and the teacher

asks her to think more in-depth about it and look at the actual colors
instead of plain brown.

How Book Will Be Used: Small group, maybe in the art center.

Leadership Skill, Why? Reflection, Children will reflect on skin colors and diversity and
get a better understanding of diversity, along with self-reflection.
Title: Bob The Artist

Author: Marion Deuchars

Summary: This book is about an artist who has skinnier legs than anyone
else so he tries to be more like them. He then realizes he likes the way he

How Book Will Be Used: Whole group, with children who maybe feel insecure about each

Leadership Skill, Why? Reflection, Children can reflect on themselves.

Title: Did I Ever Tell you How Lucky You Are

Author: Dr.Suess

Summary: This address’ how a child will overcome a bad day, it shows
children how to be grateful, and to appreciate what they have because
some have less.

How Book Will Be Used: Small group, this book is a doctor sues book so his is lengthy, so
small group would be the best for less distractions.

Leadership Skill, Why? Values, because it is addressing what a child should be grateful

Title: A Bad Case of Stripes

Author: David Shannon

Summary: Camilla hid her love for lima beans because she didn’t want
kids to make fun of her. Since she has hidden her secret she get a
bad case of stripes which changes her colors from what is going on
around her.

How Book Will Be Used: Whole group, this book will introduce individuality to children in
the classroom.

Leadership Skill, Why? Values, because children can see it is okay to be themselves.
Title: Anything is Possible

Author: Giulia Belloni

Summary: A sheep has an idea, but the wolf says it will never work.
They go through trial and error to try to find out how to make it
work and they eventually do.

How Book Will Be Used: Whole group, I could read this to children when introducing
another challenging activity or standard with the children.

Leadership Skill, Why? Vision, the sheep and wolf create something that they imagined
would never work.

Title: Amazing Grace

Author: Mary Hoffman

Summary: Grace wants to be Peter pan in her school play, all of her
classmates say she cannot because she is a girl, and she is African
American opposed to peter pan who is a boy and white. She shows
everyone she can be what she wants to be.

How Book Will Be Used: Whole group, this book promotes diversity and leadership, by
her standing up for herself, and to keep trying for her goal.

Leadership Skill, Why? Vision, she sees something she wants and she goes for it.

Title: Stand Tall, Molly Lou Melon

Author: Patty Lovell

Summary: Molly has some abnormalities of her own that make

her who she is, her grandma teachers’ way to remember how to
flaunt her flaws. Molly goes to a new school and stands up for
herself against a big bully.

How Book Will Be Used: Whole group, could address bullying in the classroom, also
promote children standing up for themselves.

Leadership Skill, Why? Advocacy, Children will see how they can advocate and stand up
for themselves if someone is not doing something nice to them.
Title: Ron’s Big Mission

Author: R Blue

Summary: Ron wants to check out a book at the library but he can’t
because only white people can check out books. He works and stands up
for what he wants and turns into a scientist when he grows up.

How Book Will Be Used: Small group, I think this book could be brought to children when
learning about history.

Leadership Skill, Why? Advocacy, Ron advocated for what he wanted until he made a

Title: The Day the Crayons Quit

Author: Drew Daywalt

Summary: When Duncan opens his book he finds nothing but letters
about how the crayons feel and that they are quitting.

How Book Will Be Used: Whole Group, I think this is such and interesting book and talks
about why some crayons feel the way they do and that they are no longer being Duncan’s

Leadership Skill, Why? Communication, social, and interpersonal skills, this shows
children it is okay to express your feelings and tell how you feel. A great social emotional
book to read to children.

Title: The Way I Feel

Author: Janan Cain

Summary: This book goes through different emotions of children, really

supporting saying what your emotions are.

How Book Will Be Used: Whole group, maybe to start the morning so the teacher can see
how children are feeling and talk about how they feel after the book was read.

Leadership Skill, Why? Communication, social, and interpersonal skills, this book shows
children they can express how they feel with everyone.
Title: Swimmy

Author: Leo Lionni

Summary: The little fish are afraid of coming out of their hiding
spot, they are scared of the dangers in the water, Swimmy comes
along and shows them with teamwork they can overcome their fear of
the danger.

How Book Will Be Used: Small group, I would use this book before introducing an activity
that children could do together.

Leadership Skill, Why? Team Building, children can see how after the fish worked
together they were more confident.

Title: How the Crayons Saved the Rainbow

Author: Monica Sweeney

Summary: The Sun and the Clouds are mad at each other, so the
crayons work together to create rainbows all over the world and
by working together they bring the sun and the clouds together

How Book Will Be Used: Whole group, I think this book would be good to read to kids
because they can see by working together it can make others happy as well.

Leadership Skill, Why? Team Building, the crayons are working together to solve a

Title: Not All Princesses Dress in Pink

Author: Heidi E. Y. Stemple and Jane Yolen

Summary: This book shows how not all girls where pink going beyond the

How Book Will Be Used: Small group, this book shows children not playing their normal
stereotypical roles.

Leadership Skill, Why? Empowerment, this is teaching children they do not have to listen
to the social norms and can be themselves.
Title: Hands Around the Library

Author: Karen Leggett Abouraya

Summary: Thousands of student stand outside of a library in Egypt

locking hands around the building so it does not get destructed.

How Book Will Be Used: Whole group, this book can be used to promote literacy and also
show children its okay to stand up for what you believe in.

Leadership Skill, Why? Empowerment, these students are standing up for what they
believe in.

Title: Neo Leo: The Ageless Ideas of Leonardo da Vinci

Author: Gene Barretta

Summary: This book reflects the designs Vinci came up with and that
they later influenced creation models on inventory.

How Book Will Be Used: Small group, this could be used in a small group section to show
children they can look to other and they should follow positive people.

Leadership Skill, Why? Followers, the people who created the work after Vinci, looked up
to him.

Title: The Girl Who Thought in Pictures: The Story of Dr. Temple

Author: Julia Finley Mosca

Summary: This book is about young Dr. Temple, she thought she
would never be successful because of a disability she has.

How Book Will Be Used: Whole group, children could look up to her see that she turned
her cants into cans.

Leadership Skill, Why? Followers, this is an example of a positive influence on children.

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