Anda di halaman 1dari 4

1. Menurut pakar proses belajar dengan pendekatan inkuiri ditandai dengan, kecuali....

a. Mengunakan proses IPA

b. Waktu tidak mejadi masalah
c. Anak- anak mempunyai keinginan lebih
d. Proses pembelajaran berpusat pada guru
e. Proses pembelajaran berpusat pada siswa
2. Pengembangan sikap inkuiri pada anak sebenarnya telah muncul sejak kecil, yaitu........
a. Suka bertanya
b. Suka meminta
c. Suka menangis
d. Suka bermain
e. Suka tantangan
3. Menurut Sund dan Trowbridge, ada 3 macam pendekatan inkuiri, yaitu....
a. Inkuiri terikat
b. Inkuiri terpimpin
c. Inkuiri terkoordinir
d. Inkuiri tergantung
e. Inkuiri terbatas
4. Pengajaran dimana guru dan anak-anak mempelajari peristiwa-peristiwa ilmiah dengan
pendekatan dan jiwa para ilmuwan (scientist) merupakan pengertian pengajaran……..
a. Pengajaran berbasis problem based learning
b. Pengajaran berbasis pendekatan inkuiri
c. Pengajaran berbasis cooperative learning
d. Pengajaran berbasis computer
e. Pengajaran berbasis jigsaw
5. Secara etimologi kata inkuiri berasal dari bahasa inggris “inquiry” yang artinya ….
a. Pertanyaan
b. Jawaban
c. Pengelompokan
d. Penyelidikan
e. Pendekatan
6. Penggunaan pendekatan inkuiri memberikan kebaikan-kebaikan bagi perkembangan
pendidikan. Merupakan pendapat pendekatan inkuari menurut…..
a. Kuslan
b. Stone
c. Plaget
d. Jerome Brune
e. James Squat
7. Menghadapkan para siswa pada masalah merupakan.....
a. Peranan Guru
b. Strategi Guru
c. Peranan siswa
d. Free inquiry
e. Quided inquiry

8. Anak-anak berhasrat sekali untuk menemukan pemecahan masalah, kalimat tersebut

merupakan ciri-ciri proses belajar dengan pendekatan inquiri yang dikemukakan oleh....
a. Kuslan dan Stone
b. Kuslan dan Jean Plaget
c. Plaget dan Stone
d. Plaget dan Trowbridge
e. Trowbridge dan Kuslan

9. Perhatikanlah pertanyaan dibawah ini

1) Pertanyaan yang bersifat divergen atau konvergen
2) Pertanyaan yang berdasarkan taksonomi Bloom
3) Pertanyaan yang berdasarkan proses-prose IPA
Pernyataan diatas termasuk kedalam......
a. Tiga macam pendekatan inkuairi
b. Mengembangkan sikap inkuairi
c. Peranan dan jenis-jenis pertanyaan dalam pendekatan inkuairi
d. Strategi pertanyaan inkuairi
e. Undangan inkuairi

Translate :
1. According to the expert of learning process with inquiry approach is indicated by, except ....
a. Use the IPA process
b. Time does not matter
c. Children have more desires
d. Process of teacher-centered learning
e. The learning process is student-centered
2. The development of inquiry attitude in children has actually emerged since childhood, that is
a. Likes to ask
b. Likes to give
c. Like cry
d. Likes to play
e. Like challenges
3. According to Sund and Trowbridge, there are 3 kinds of approach inquiry, which is ....
a. Inquiry is bound
b. Inquiry is guided
c. Coordinated inquiry
d. Inquiry depends
e. Limited inquiry
4. Teaching where teachers and children learn to twist with the approach and the soul of scientists
(scientists) is the understanding of ...... ..
a. Teaching based on problem-based learning
b. Teaching-based approach inquiry
c. Cooperative teaching-based learning
d. Computer-based teaching
e. Jigsaw-based teaching
5. Etymologically the word inquiry comes from the English "inquiry" which means ....
a. Question
b. Answer
c. Grouping
d. Investigation
e. Approach
6. The use of the inquiry approach provides good for the development of education. It is the
opinion of the inquiry approach according to ... ..
a. Kuslan
b. Stone
c. Plaget
d. Jerome Brune
e. James Squat
7. Facing the students on the problem is .....
a. Teacher's Role
b. Master's Strategy
c. The role of students
d. Free inquiry
e. Quided inquiry
8. Children are eager to find the solution of the problem, the sentence is the characteristics of the
learning process with the approach of inquiri put forward by ....
a. Kuslan and Stone
b. Kuslan and Jean Plaget
c. Plaget and Stone
d. Plaget and Trowbridge
e. Trowbridge and Kuslan
9. the according statment
1) Questions that are divergent or convergent
2) Questions based on Bloom's taxonomy
3) Questions based on IPA processes
The above statement is included in ......
a. Three different approaches of inkuairi
b. Develop an attitude of inkuairi
c. Roles and types of questions in the approach of inkuairi
d. Inkuairi question strategy
e. Inkuairi invite

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