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Lesson Planning Form for Accessible Instruction — Calvin College Education Program

Teacher: Tara Perry

Date: April 2 2019 Subject/ Topic/ Theme: Sound in our lives Grade: 1-3

I. Objectives
How does this lesson connect to the unit plan?
Students will be able to define sound and sound pollution in their lives.
cognitive- physical socio-emo
Learners will be able to: R U Ap An E C* development tional
● Define sound R
● Define sound pollution R/U
● Come up with a real world approach to changing sound pollution in their everyday lives. C X
● Work together in a productive and engaging way. X X
● Make sound makers C
Common Core standards (or GLCEs if not available in Common Core) addressed:
● R12: Central Ideas Identify or determine a main idea and the key details that support it.
● CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.1.2​: Write informative/explanatory texts in which they name a topic, supply some facts about the topic, and provide some sense
of closure​.

(Note​:​ Write as many as needed. Indicate taxonomy levels and connections to applicable national or state standards. If an objective applies to particular learners write
the name(s) of the learner(s) to whom it applies.)
*remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, create

II. Before you start

Identify prerequisite ● Students should be able to define what sound is.
knowledge and skills. ● Students should know how sound moves.
● Students should be familiar with filling out rubrics for behaviors.
Pre-assessment (for learning):
● Students as a class with discuss what they previously learned about sound through questions
and a group activity.
● Ask students in small groups if they know if sound can be harmful to are ears? If so when
does this happen, and what should we do to prevent this from happening? Have them write
their answers on a scrap piece of paper and share it with their elbow partners.
Formative (for learning):
● Students will work in groups of three to five to do activities about sound pollution and the
Outline assessment sounds we should avoid.
(applicable to this lesson) Formative (as learning):
● Students will fill out a rubric for behaviors
● Students will fill out a quick quiz that is not graded.
Summative (of learning​):
● Students will write a journal on sound pollution and how they would like to correct the
● Students will write in their packets how they will begin to listen to softer sounds and how
they will begin to do this.

What barriers might this Provide Multiple Means of Provide Multiple Means of Provide Multiple Means of Action
lesson present? Engagement Representation and Expression
Provide options for self-regulation- Provide options for comprehension- Provide options for executive
expectations, personal skills and activate, apply & highlight functions- ​coordinate short &
strategies, self-assessment & Students will complete a journal long-term goals, monitor progress,
What will it take – reflection and modify strategies
and read it to the teacher about
neurodevelopmentally, Students are answering a critical Students are writing, drawing, and
how they are going to apply
experientially, emotionally, thinking question on sound talking about why they need to use
what they learned in their lives.
etc., for your students to do pollution around them and what a specific type of sounds.
this lesson? they can do to limit the amount of

sound they hear and those around
them hear.
Provide options for sustaining effort Provide options for language, Provide options for expression and
and persistence- ​optimize challenge, mathematical expressions, and communication- ​increase medium
collaboration, mastery-oriented symbols- ​clarify & connect of expression
feedback language The respect wall
Students will be actively writing
and working with numbers to
work with same and unsafe
Provide options for recruiting Provide options for perception- Provide options for physical action-
interest- ​choice, relevance, value, making information perceptible increase options for interaction
authenticity, minimize threats Doing multiple activities within
Relating sound to their life and a group setting.
the health of everyone in the

● Handout
Materials-what materials ● Posters with different items that make sounds
(books, handouts, etc) do ● Video about sound pollution
you need for this lesson ● Projector
and are they ready to use? ● Rubric for behaviors
● Cell Phone
● Sound Mini Book
● Students will be in a restorative circle to begin the lesson
● Students will move into small groups to do the activities closer to the front of the room
How will your classroom
● Students will spread out individually to write a journal on sound pollution
be set up for this lesson?

III. The Plan

Describe​ teacher​ activities AND ​student​ activities
Time Components for each component of the lesson. Include important higher order thinking questions and/or
● The teacher will instruct students to sit in
15 the circle correctly and that today they are
minute going to be talking about the importance
s of sound in our lives.
○ The teacher should ask one
student if they can be the writer ● Students should be discussing the
for defining sound. questions with people nearby them and
○ The teacher should instruct then sharing their ideas with the class. one
students to talk with the people or two students should be writing what
next to them and define what students say on the board and if they need
sound is. Have three groups share help then their classmates will help.
and have the writer write the
definitions on the board. ● Every student should be reading the
○ The teacher should ask for definitions that are written, so just in case
another student to write on the they are called on they can read. Any
board and the teacher should ask students that are confused should ask their
these questions: questions when prompted.
■ How does sound move?
■ How do we hear sounds?
■ Has anybody heard of
sound or noise ● Students should be discussing the
pollution? questions with people nearby them and
■ Does anybody know if then sharing their ideas with the class. one
sounds can be harmful or two students should be writing what
for our ears?
● The teacher should then instruct students students say on the board and if they need
to look at the respect wall. Then call on help then their classmates will help.
students to read each of the points. The
teacher should tell students they are ● Multiple students will read the bulleted
working in groups of four today and to points that are on the respect wall to the
keep these in mind because they will be whole class and then they will say one or
filling our a rubric for how they treat two to a person sitting next to them.
others and how others treated them.
● The teacher should place the students in
groups of four or five (if needed). The ● Students should take turns reading the
teacher should hand out a mini book to mini book that has been put together for
each group. Instruct them to read the mini them. They then will answer two questions
book and raise their hands when they are about different soundt types.
done. Then have students answer what is
sound pollution?
○ Hand the group two pieces of
colored paper. One of the papers
should be titled good sounds and
the other bad sounds. Have the
group write a definition for sound
pollution on the bad sounds paper
and put their hands on their heads
when they are done. Instruct
students after collecting the paper
to reread the book or relax, but to
remain quiet.
○ After each group is done have ● A student that has not talked to the class
one group member read their yet should read the definition their group
definitions and examples to the came up with to the class.
○ Asks students if they can define
(the largest
what a decibel/decibels are?
component or
■ Have three students take
main body of
a guess and then play the
the lesson)
youtube video about
noise pollution.
● https://www.yo
● The teacher should pull out her cell phone
or use the projector and instruct students
to close their eyes.
○ The teacher should play a rock
song that has a lot of sound. Ask
students with their eyes closed
how this sound feels on their
ears? How might we feel if we The students should be listening by themselves
listened to this for hours? visualizing the noises and how they make them
■ Repeat this with other feel.
types of sounds:
Transportation that is
loud, birds chirping, a
fan turned on, a
thunderstorm, and etc..
■ Ask students to raise
their hands if need noise

to do their homework?
Ask students to raise
their hands if they need
it to be quiet when they
do their homework.
● The teacher
should explain
that sometimes
we need noise
to concentrate,
but that it
should be
quietly playing
in the
● The teacher then should hand out the cards
with different types of sound makers and
have students put them into columns and The students will be categorizing different
explain why they did this as the teacher noises and then they will be randomly
walks around. called on to explain their choices.
○ The teacher then should ask three
groups to share why they put a
specific item in the category they
did. Ask them to talk about
decibels and how it sounds to our
○ The teacher should mention that
it is important we limit the
amount of loud noises we hear
because it can cause us to lose
sleep, get headaches, become
anxious, and make us feel mad or
● The teacher should hand our materials to
each group. Tell them that they have to Students should create a soft sound maker
come up with a soft sound maker and a and loud sound maker in their group
hard/rough sound maker. Tell them they through using movement and frequency..
must define why they think their items are
the way they are and be able to
demonstrate it to the class. Tell them they
only get three minutes to do this, so they
need to work together.
○ The students groups all get two
minute to demonstrate through
movement how their sound
makers work.
● Then pass out the rubrics for every student
to fill out and place upside down on the
carpet rug in the front and instruct them Students should fill out two rubrics. One for
not to talk. DO NOT release them yet. behaviors and how they treated others and how
○ The teacher then instructs others treated them and then rubrics on if they
students to not get their daily understand the content being taught.
binders that they have to do a
journal. The prompt will be on
the handout that they are given. Students should be finding their own

space in the room and begin working on their
journal. They should know they have to use
complete sentences and punctuation.

10 Closure ● Students will read their journal to a peer ● Students will read their journal to one peer
minute (conclusion, and then to Miss Perry once they are done. and then to the teacher.
s culmination,

Your reflection about the lesson, including evidence(s) of student learning and engagement, as well as ideas for improvement
for next time. ​(Write this after teaching the lesson, if you had a chance to teach it. If you did not teach this lesson, focus on the
process of preparing the lesson.)
This lesson was taught as the third lesson in the unit because the students did not have their homework

completed, so if you need to switch two lessons around this one and light in our lives can be flipped without

creating a problem. For this lesson we began with going over the respect wall and many of the students are now

enjoying the wall. They are expecting their friends to treat them in a manner if respect and that is what I want to

be happening. I has a lot of students absent because of illness and then more got pulled out for testing. This was

in the afternoon time, so although we try to have all the students present sometimes things are out of are control

as educators. This lesson was done as a class, in small groups, and then individually. To begin the class we

refreshed our minds on what sound is to us, how do we hear sounds, and other critical questions they students

already have a prior knowledge on from the sound lesson plan. We then went into reading a page out of the

book they already read about noise pollution. As a class we discussed bad sounds and then in small groups they

played a matching game and I went around the group and asked them to answer the question of why is it a good

noise, or a bad noise. All of them could answer the questions. For my third graders this was less challenging, so

there were a few behavior problems, so if I could try to make it more challenging next time for them I could

have them come up with their own examples. Having the students create a sound maker with the items in the

classroom all around them was fun. You must tell them they cannot break anything, but that besides that there

are no rules as long as they are being appropriate. Every groups make a soft sound maker and loud sound

maker. They enjoyed this part of the lesson and I gave them only three minutes to complete this task. The

students then wrote a page on sound pollution in their lives and how they are going to cut back. This was harder

for my students than I expected. For my first graders many of them did not complete it and I think that is okay. I

might instead have them fill out a template and then read that to a peer and then to me because it was too much

for them. The students as they were writing were pulled away and watched a noise pollution video. Many of

them liked the video and then began working. For the writings I got they were really good. Some of my students

wrote what they has learned that day and others expanded on it and write more about their own lives. For this

being the first time they have to do this it went fairly well. I want to make this lesson more engaging for the

students, so using more technology could accomplish this. The time I thought this lesson would take was very

accurate and I am unsure of if this is because of the size of the group, or the tasks themselves.

Junction, L. (2018, May 16). Retrieved April 01, 2019, from ​


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