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Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society

/988, 26 (4), 36/ -364

The measurement-statistics controversy:

Factor analysis and subinterval data
Early Intervention and Developmental Evaluation Services, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

(John Gaito, Sponsor)

For over 40 years now the relationship between measurement scales and statistical procedures
has been debated, with some theoreticians arguing that parametric statistics require interval
or ratio data, as opposed to nominal or ordinal data. This debate has occurred simultaneously
but independently in the univariate and factor-analytic literatures. It is argued in this paper
that subinterval data are amenable to factor analysis when correlation matrices are based on
product-moment coefficients (rho, point-biserial, phi). This is demonstrated with data of known
factor structure. Data were transformed by downgrading and mixing scale properties, and skew-
ing and mixing distributions. Despite increasingly tenuous variable interdependence, factor struc-
tures remained highly robust across scales, distributions, and populations. The findings offer fur-
ther support for the thesis that measurement scales are irrelevant in statistical analysis.

The origins of the measurement-statistics controversy ful factors from the standpoint of content, and reasonable
are generally traced to Stevens's (1946) postulation that communalities. Nevertheless, the "difficulty factor" alle-
measurement scale determines the appropriateness of gation resulted in the virtual abandonment of phi in factor-
statistical treatment. Thus, nonparametric tests are ap- analytic work (Comrey & Levonian, 1958). Moreover ,
plicable to data measured with nominal and ordinal scales, the argument was generalized to all forms of subinterval
whereas parametric procedures require the use of inter- data, and one frequently sees this assumption that one can-
valor ratio scales. Stevens's view was recently reiterated not use factor analysis with subinterval data espoused in
and expanded by Townsend and Ashby (1984) and the literature without supporting documentation or refer -
challenged by Gaito (1980 , 1986; Gaito & Yokubynas , ences (e.g ., Roth & Ingram, 1985; Thorley , 1987).
1986). It is true that under most circumstances continuous data
It is interesting to note that Stevens 's (1946) argument analyzed with Pearson product-moment coefficients form
also emerged independently among factor analysts, spe- the ideal basis for factor analysis. As the scale is down-
cifically with regard to the use of dichotomous variables. graded, information is lost and correlations become more
Thus Carroll (1945) , Cattell (1952) , Ferguson (1941), tenuous and vulnerable to distortion of the distribution .
Horst (1965), and Wherry and Gaylord (1944) maintained The purpo se of this paper is to demonstrate that nominal
that the use of binary data would yield artifactual dimen- and ordinal scales are amenable to factoring nevertheless .
sions known as " difficulty factors. " The reasoning was This is because the underlying probability distribution,
that as marginal splits in dichotomous data deviate from and not the measurement scale, is important to the statisti-
.50:.50 proportions (i.e ., as p deviates from q), the range cal analysis itself, and the normal distribution provides
of the phi coefficient (-1.00 to +1.00 whenp=q) be- an excellent approximation of the exact probabilities given
comes increasingly restricted. Therefore, the correlation even by the binomial distribution (Gaito, 1980, 1986).
between two dichotomous variables is affected not only Moreover, the phi coefficient may offer a good estimate
by the actual relationship between them, but by the degree of correlation even when the distribution is distorted with
to whichp deviates from q. Hence, the extent of the rela- a split of 90 %: 10% (Rummel, 1970). Thus , phi (for
tionship is necessarily misrepresented. binomial data), point-biserial (for one binomial and one
A formal mathematical justification of this position was continuous variable) , and rho (for rank-ordered data), all
never offered , and its validity has been questioned (Com- of which are product-moment coefficients (e.g. , Harman ,
rey & Levonian, 1958; McDonald, 1985). By factor- 1976; Nunnally , 1978; Rummel , 1970), can be used to
analyzing dichotomous items (from the Minnesota Mul- measure correlation and provide a sound , albeit attenu-
tiphasic Personality Inventory) with a variety of coefficients ated , basis for factor analysis.
developed for binary data, Comrey and Levonian (1958)
demonstrated the consistency of factor-analytic findings. METHOD
Furthermore , the phi coefficient analysis yielded meaning-
The argument that subinterval data can be validly factor analyzed is
The author ' s address is Early Intervention and Developmental Evalu- best demonstrated using data with known factor structure. Since its in-
ation Services, Surrey Place Centr e, 2 Surre y Place, Toronto , Ontario troduction . there has been substantial interest in the factor structure of
M5S 2C2, Canada . the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (W AIS-R; Wechsler.

361 Copyright 1988 Psychonomic Society, Inc.


1981). A three-factor solution, consisting of verbal comprehension (VC), mon variance. However, the adverse effect of scale and
perceptual organization (PO), and freedom- from-d istract ibility dimen -
distribution transformations on variable intercorrelations
sions, has not pro ven entirely consistent (Gutkin, Reynolds, & Galvin,
1984 ; Parker, 1983; Silverstein, 1982). However, a two-factor solu- is indicated by decl ining X2 and MSA values and increas-
tion , co nsisting of VC and PO factors , has been extracted across the ing AlC values as these are applied to the tran sformed
nonnativ e sample (see Table I ; Gutkin et al. , 1984; Parker, 1983; Sil- matrices. Although Ale values suggest that in every trans-
verste in , 1982) and a large variety of clinic sampl es (for review s see formed matr ix the unique variance is excessive (see
Hill , Redd on , & Jackson , 1985; Leckliter , Matarazz o, & Silverstein ,
1986). Th e VC factor has its highest load ings on the WAlS -R verbal
Dziuban & Shirkey , 1974, for deci sion rules), the more
subtests (l nfonnation, Digit Span , Vocabul ary , Arithmetic, Compre- liberal Bartlett's and MSA measures indicate that all ma-
hens ion , Simil arities), whereas Performance subtests (Picture Compl e- trices remain appropriate for factor analysi s .
tion , Picture Arrangement, Block Design, Object Assembly, Digit Sym- With this assurance, the matrices were factor analyzed.
bol) load highly on the PO factor (see Table I , nonnative matri x) .
Table 2 shows the normative and untransformed low-IQ
As part o f the attempt to val idate the WAlS -R factor structure, At-
kinso n and Cyr (in pre ss) factor-analyzed the WAlS-R subtests of 136 sample factor matrices , as well as the rotated factor ma-
individual s with lQ s between 50 and 80 (see Tab le I) . Th ese data were tr ices based on the transformed low-IQ sample data.
adopted for the pre sent stud y using the ori ginal interval scale as well Visual inspection of the matrices reveal s the clear extrac-
as a number of transformations: (I ) subtest sco res were rank ordered; tion of PO and ve factors in every case-across samples,
(2) half the subtest scores were dichotomized , such that p , q '" .5 , and
half the sco res were left on the interval scale ; (3) all subtest score s were
measurement scales, measurement scale mixes, and dis-
dichotomized , such thatp, q '" .5; (4) all subtests were dichotomized, tortions of the distribution. Although there are minor dis-
suc h that for half the subtests p , q '" .5 , and for the remaining subte sts crepancies in factor structure based on the transformed
p > .9 , q '" . 1; (5) all subte sts were dichotomized , such thatp '" .9 , data (i.e ., Digit Span and Arithmetic did not always load
q '" . 1. Thu s, scale properties were down graded and/or mixed and, as highly as expected on the ve factor ), it is interesting
in so me cases, the distributions were skewed .
In orde r to test the effec ts of these manipulations, the interrelated - to note that these two subtests are the lowest loading of
ness of the variables within the correlation matrices was then tested with all ve subtests in both the normative and untransformed
Bartl ett' s (1950) test of spherici ty, the Kaiser -Me yer -Olkin measure of low-IQ sample data . Digit Span and Ar ithmetic generally
sa mpling adequacy (MSA; Kaiser, 1970), and inspection of the off- load on the freedorn -from-distractability factor , when this
diagonal elements of the ant i-image covariance matri x (AlC ; Kaiser ,
third factor is extracted. It is because factor analysis based
1963) . Each of these measures pro vides an estimate of the degree to
which the co mponents of a corre latio n matri x can be considered to share on sub interval data gives " adequate but not 'best'''
common variance . As scales are downgraded and distributi ons distorted , (McDonald, 1985, p. 201) estimates of factor structure
we would expect these measures to reflect the decl ining psychometric that McDonald recommended the term " heuristic factor
adequacy of the mat rix . analy sis. " In any case, when factor matri ces extracted
Following these procedures, eac h matrix was analyzed , with two fac-
tor s speci fied a priori , using two factor extraction techniques (principal
from transformed data bases are compared to those de-
co mponents, unweighted least squa res) and two types of rotat ion (vari - rived from the untransformed low-IQ sample data , con-
max , oblique) . Two extraction and rotation techniques were used to en- gruence coefficients range from .95 to .99 (see Table 3),
sure robustness of solution. All factor solutions were then compared accounting for between 90 % and 99 % of the variance .
statistical ly (Arme nakis, Field, & Wilmoth , 1977) with factor structures
When the factor matrices based on tran sformed data are
based on the untr ansfonned sa mple data as well as the untransfonned
nonnat ive data (de rived from Wech sler , 1981 , Ta ble 16). compared with a second sample, represented by the nor-
mative matrix , congruence coefficients range fro m .88
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION to .96, explaining between 78 % and 92 % of the variance.
Although not reproduced here for lack of space , results
Table 1 shows the measures of psychometric adequacy were almost identical when alternative factor extraction
for all correlation matrices. The normative matr ix con- (unweighted least squares) and rotation (oblique) proce-
sists of highly interdependent variables, with very high dures were used . This is impressive evidence indeed for
x2 and MSA value s, and with few AIC values> .09 . the use of dichotomous and ordinal data in factor anal-
Although less impressive, values for the untransformed ysis. As Rummel (1970) argued, " The recognition of .. .
low-IQ data still reveal that var iables share much com- scales helps one to understand the flexibility of factor anal-

Table 1
Adequacy of Correlation Matrices
Low-IQ Matrix*
Nonnative Rank Dichotomized ( p '" q) Dichoto mized ( p ",.5 or .9 , Dichotomized
Measure Mat rix Untr ansfonned Ordered and Cont inuous ( p, q "'.5 ) q "' .5 or . 1) (p"' .9 , q"' . I)
Bartlett ' s x' = 7441 X' = 603 X' = 20 1 x' = 545 x' = 402 x' = 306 x' = 309
p < .ooooi P < .ooooi P < .oooos p < .oooos p < .oooos P < .oooos P < .oooos
MS A .94 .86 .6 1 .84 .82 .79 .73
AlC (% > .09) 9.1 25 .5 4 1.8 29 . 1 29 . 1 40 .0 45 .5
Note-Bartl ett ' s = Bartlett' s test of sphericity; MSA = measure of sampling adequacy ; Ale = inspection of the off-diagonal eleme nts of the
anti-image covar iance matrix. *These data were adapted from Atkin son and Cyr ' s (1987) facto r anal ysis of the Wech sler Adult Intell igence
Scale-Revised subtest sco res of 136 individuals with lQ s betwee n 50 and 80 .

Table 2
Factor Structure of the WAIS-R (Principal Components, Varimax Rotation)
Low-IQ Matrix
Normative Rank Dichotomized (p == q) Dichotomized (p== .50r .9, Dichotomized
Matrix Untran sformed Ordered and Continuous (p, q== .5) q== .5 or . 1) (p== .9, q== .I)
Information .25 .84 .22 .77 -.06 .67 .28 .69 . 16 .67 .0 1 .81 .0 1 .79
Digit Span .30 .59 .39 .40 . 13 - .07 .41 .35 .38 .24 . 19 .49 .00 .26
Vocabulary .27 .87 - .01 .85 - .32 .72 .04 .84 . 12 .80 .11 .67 .07 .68
Arithmetic .40 .67 .55 .36 .45 .07 .68 . 15 .74 .04 .42 .2 1 .29 .35
Comprehension .26 .81 .42 .64 .25 .57 .48 .58 .54 .38 .41 .50 .52 .44
Similarities .34 .76 .23 .6 1 - .03 .53 . 18 .72 .17 .72 .32 .50 . 19 .65
Completion .64 .43 .47 .52 . 16 .55 .56 .37 .58 .36 .62 .33 .56 .45
Arrangement .49 .48 .72 .28 .59 .24 .70 . 19 .68 .2 1 .72 .05 .70 . 15
Block Design .79 .34 .85 .20 .78 - .03 .81 .22 .69 . 13 .75 . 14 .77 .02
Assembly .87 . 14 .81 .04 .66 - .11 .76 .07 .68 .04 .61 . 16 .67 -.10
Digit Symbol .49 .43 .74 .23 .52 .06 .68 .23 .66 .23 .62 . 15 .63 . 13
Eigenvalue .96 6.09 4.86 1.34 2.09 1.95 4.66 1.27 4.04 1.24 3.59 1.17 3.34 1.46
% Variance 25.8 38.4 30.89 27.7 19.0 17.7 31.6 22.4 29.3 18.7 24.7 18.8 24.0 19.5
Note-WAIS-R = Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised; PO = perceptual organization factor; VC = verbal comprehension factor .

ysis ... and to apply it within substantive domains that cient to use. However, this is not the only correlation
have yet to develop interval or ratio scales" (p. 223). In coefficient upon which factor analytic work can or should
this regard, Rummel argued that sometimes subinterval be based.
data may be superior to interval data for factor analysis. It is important to note that all factor analyses in the
For instance , in the case where measurement is unrelia- present paper were based on product-moment
ble, it is better to rank order observations or dichotomize correlations-phi, rho, point-biserial, or Pearson . Other
them rather than enter substantial error variance into the forms of correlation have proven less reliable . Phi-over-
factor analysis. Excessive error variance may result in phi-max, a coefficient specifically designed to overcome
spurious but seemingly interpretable factors (Armstrong the "difficulty factor" problem, tends to overestimate the
& Soelberg, 1968; Horn, 1967). Or again, in the case degree of correlation and produce inflated factor loadings
where two distributions are of vastly different shapes, the (Comrey & Levonian, 1958). Biserial and tetrachoric
Pearson product-moment coefficient underestimates the coefficients also exaggerate the degree of association. In
degree of association between the variable involved. In addition, they are mathematically impoverished (Nun-
this case, converting the data to rank order form may ac- nally, 1978), and the latter have very stringent normality
tually prove more powerful than factor analysis of the in- assumptions (Christoffersson, 1975; Rummel, 1970).
terval data. This is not to say that the Pearson product- In sum, I argue that subinterval data are appropriate
moment coefficient with continuous data is not generally for factor analysis. This was demonstrated with a num-
the best (i.e., most powerful and most accurate) coeffi- ber of measurement scales, scale mixes, and distortions

Table 3
Factor Solution Congruence Coefficients
Low-IQ Matrix
Rank Dichotomized (p==q) Dichotomized (p==.50r .9, Dichotomized
Untransformed Ordered and Continuous (p, q== .5) q== .50r .I) (p== .9, q== .I)
Untransformed Low-IQ Matrix
PO .95 .99 .98 .96 .95
VC .95 .98 .95 .97 .98
Normative Matrix
PO .96 .92 .95 .94 .95 .93
VC .98 .88 .95 .9 1 .94 .94
Note-PO = perceptual organization factor ; VC = verbal comprehension factor .

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