Anda di halaman 1dari 16

*" r,*, * U i *v,t {t*p t* r'!

Lake Humane Society & Adoption Center

7564 Tyler Boulevard Bldg. E
Mentor, Ohio 44060 USA
http ://wwrv. la keh u m
Tel.: 440-951 -6122 | Fax:440-951-6144
Printed: 0412312019 09:21Atr/ By: KrisH
*e+t*t W*tl;,atlw

Crse #. e$19730{i}2 C;rss lfaielTime: {}tl0;t120'!X 11 :lSAM Reilfirled:

llele rence #: l"$l?t)11-16S Jurisdiction: Eastl;*ke
Slatusr f;losed AdcJitional lnfo: Animal Re**u* Cent*r n*t 6ivinE anirnals prnper medleal treatffiont.

Ci;ter;r:ry: lnvestigation 361]70 Vine $lrael . EA$TLAKE . 4'J0S5 . Ohir: . Lirriled .ltalss
Type: eruelty/Negleel
Suhtype: tuledical tr*atment
needed Direclions:
0ffir:er: Ashley Malaney Flesuit: By: DatelTime;
ldevrow Di:1e' liesult Coniments:

ilr*ated lly. beinni* Animal Info:

*rraleci: 1?l?S/2fi1? l1 :334M
Last LJprclaled 8y: {eanne Person lnfo:
U;lc1alet1 : {}41 1 *l 2*1 4 "l 0 : 58,&,M

il;tse Fqrs**s

F*rs*n #: Fff$411861 | l'ladine Bechtel

{-1ili.i:i""1],it$j l\ladineBechrel,216-476-043336370VineSrreer
EASTLAKE. 44095, Eastlak*, LAKE, OH - Honr* Primary Rale:$i_rsp*ci S*concJary Roi*t Suspect
Aninral Owner: lilo ^ Person Reporling:hk: ,Properly Owner:Nlo

il;*t** W*:rn*{x}

&ds.iln-dvas Cr*stsd
# fteference t",pdslcd Revisw
tu]e_ntgl 4gferen*m fl ereatuc{ By QpSaIed*H){
Date/Time uatel I rme FAtelTimo
----t''.--**-' - .-"....""i.-
04,0912014 441092a14
2,175'108 Case I!l Comolaint ! lsann0 le a nnrl
04:20PM 04;"l6Pkl

An2l4i11 l!'lelss* Furman celled io nrake a cnmplaint abcJutARC. She sai{i that clogs;rnr.l cat$ are lefl in cages without loorj orwater.
$hn also slated that A.ftC is ve ry rlirty and gross anrl the odor is $trong. ,Me ljssa also $ti-iie(j that th* anirnals aru not rece ive proper vei


Case Slfilen"lent$ 04ii{112a14

leanno nN10t?a1,l
Viciim 11 :1 3Ah4

read "Thin irody cfindilion. slightly pothe llieci. Bloody, nrucoid diarrhea vr:ided in trealment area +? piyalism, NI,i.-, Jl_1, dull
appearancelnrarkerjiy obtunded. h&-rcoid discharge OU. [ars unremarkable. Fluid/gas palpablc ir intestine. mride rately',ropy,, l*el lo
intes'linss-su$pert generalizeo inflrlntntailon. Nc oi:vior.le free fluid. rnass or s,_ispe cted intussusce ption at ihis tiine. Ver.y weit<ty

reac as: "Addendum-Owner nnlled in evening later and had qilestions regarriing iecent raicinalion causing possible false pcsitive resull
cr1losl. Ov!,nor harJ ialked 10 rescue afte r ieaving clrnic. ;lnd notilierl regcue (ller the ir wriltetl requost) of neerJ ior m*dlcal lrer.itment for

{:luo to r€rent vaciination. ArjviseC nwner tirat lat+sl rosoarclr doBs not supppo{ lik+*llhood ol fasle pcsitive dlt recenl vaccinaii*n. and
that a litigln vaccinatt0n {or parvo is not iikely to Lie lully protective rn most cil$es. There are Iii.ely othor pups in th* vicii"rlty at risk.
in[ilbalion prlriod is variai:lo. and lhis diagno*i$ ol parvo is hiahly unlikely to he ialse hasod on hislr:ry, specifictl-visonsilivity nf tcsl rnd

ovuner. Ownsr was sEr;l hr:nre with cjrsinfedir:n i;Lrirlelinos. Vetorrn:lrian-Si.rsan Curr.:i, ilVlr,t Lp

247$ilr;1 Slatamenls leanni 44110i241.1 leann{t

I 1 r1 0All '11 r14Alt ll
On 8i 301101 1 J*n S;rnrry re coived a {ax from rhe Ea$ta ke po lice Depa rtile nt, Ot1 Bllt)i 11 lhoir r,vas a d i.";tr: rbance cnl] reporled k)

tnvolved. The dispule was over a pLlppy beinlj adopted yesterC;:y and irad to lle plit rlown lorli:y due tcparvo. Retijncj was provi.jec{ anrl
partie$ Ieft. Employer.:s-Br:nny Lovich and Nadine Bechlol. Olher p.jdy: Katherjne 1,1 genfield i1r1d Duaro f Gregg, Lp

Cas€ Case 4q1frt2fr14 A4l1Al2l1tt

leanne Ieanne
11:lJSAu 11.2gAiil

$n Bill0;11 Jen $perry $poke with Ruth at the Cily ol Fastlake " Jen fnunci ilul that AiiC dr:es nnl have a pernril{or thr: clinic or anlmal
hrusing. On 8130111 at 2:20-Jen Sperry 3p1 Ashley it4alaney arriur:rj at ARC" On the bark rjolr lf ihe building ther was a sign that rear,i

$iie Visit
Ciise 44i14t2il14 a4l1at2a14
We{[ar* leanne leannc
l'1 ;$0Ah'1 11 :364it",1

An 9l2l'11 at !:57 Jerr $pe rry arrd Ashle .v lr"4alancy arrivrci al ARC. Thoy wcre told by Nadirrc lhal she irse s Gatevray Anirrral Clinic arcl

blrt lh* cdie were al| hor,rsed lolJelhsr. Jen airC Ashle y cbserved ilral the peo6:le i,.,,ho wer* r:leariing in the iriflt raanl were no1 lqrefirinq
gloves ana tlrey were also $otting lord dishesllitterboxes ln the flonr. ihe clearrers we,"e also hcldinn tite cats up aoainsi lheirshirls.

oid. TitLrs ;rnC Tamrny, urho r,v*re irr lhe ljlter lvilh Sartc {who cjierl lrorn irarvn on lii28) and Ashlr:y ohserved lhat one ni lh* puppi_.s harl a
f*ggy eye N0dine staled thal they were going into fosbr" There was a jsck Russeil pup nanled i{ramer. who had a iare injury-he was
irlso gonfi Io lre {o.itsrsd by Dr- Annio. Aridie-black ond whit* dog had a wouna on he r left srdc, bling lreatecl yrith cephalexin. ,Accorclirrg
l. Jerr iri nd Ashley'$ rifrle s, there werr: 7 p|rppies. 2 pcorilo i^ntxe$ ffnd ?_ ts:rrier nt ixes, a il arJults. f hc rtl were i]lso 1 g oat$ ilp front. 5 oi

cal and a tabby killen and a Tortl. Ashley noted ihal lhe cats can touch each other it the cafier. Lp

?478486 Siitt0rrlanls 44i1412t14 t)41141?{11ti

l*anne lei:nnc
09:1 5Alrl 00:09Alt4

sifit*ci "Yorr primary ncnc*rfi now is fh*l lhr:re are repealsd reports n{ puppi*s beinrl adouieri lvho have Darvo: some oiwhcm die shorlly
allrr odDpl,{rn. Nadine is in de nial abolrt the pi'olllsm. &nC is nrt laktn! your ltilvice abttil nlaiintaitiq proper quarenlile and cleantng

detnillng titose recornmenr:jatrorrs and warnings. Hanil deliverti.le l*tterto Nii.lrne. Witir lurk, she wiil learn and clrange h*rways. if she
dilB$n'1, then we have lho lstt{rr to use in pr:rsuing charg*s in lhe lutirra." Lp

C;ls* Complaint leanne

09:31A1\'1 0S:15A[4

(Jr, )ecenrber ).1nd.2A11,,lenniler $perry r"eceirred afi emai! frorn "Jess." ln her enrail, she stntecJ she ilscpled a cal irlm ARC on $i1!,11j
Slre ststed lhat \tuhen slre was at AllC it was "dir1y, cri:r,rrderj arrd jusi soomed very unoi"ganrzed." Je$s, $tated that she xsed to volunteer
*l ilre Serea Animai $helter, so sher had understardrng in how a shslter *perates. Jes$ stateC lhat th{, cat she picked ln iidopi harj some

she nad gafiecl. "less stated that she has had her lc the vei 3 tinres. The tirst yet she tock h*r to, yCA Anirn$l Hospilal" stated that slre
wls uilder#eight (onlv ebout 5 p.unds and slte i$ all'riosl 2 yrs.)and thal $he was in ovorall poor healthy and had a horrinle ear inleclinir.
{Llo\r 12ih was y:ireil shn was al the vct). Thc cat has becn back to lfre vel 2 ljrnes sinco lhon lfor the car in{eclion) and thc vct slatos

vet |rllls anrJ she is w*rrisd thal her ial is sufiering. $he staled ihal her cat is illr;tbl.) ln y/a,k sl.aighl aild she seem$ to be rn pain when
sii* eals. Jesr slat*d tlral she lras talked to otirer people whn harre had sirnilar proble.nrs r,vtth ARC. LP

Lake Humane Society & Adoption Center
7564 Tyler Boulevard Bldg. E
[/entor, Ohio 44060 USA
http ://www. Ia keh u ma n e. org
Tel.: 440-951 -6122 | Fax:440-951-6144
Printed: 0412312019 09:28AIt4 By: KrisH
f -- ". ['\--&^,!,"

Care #; *{)140{235 Case Dai*llinre: {)210,tr12fi 1$ E5:33Fkl Renr:i"teil

[deference #: t-liX]1 4-4fi Jurisrjintion: f; *stlak*
Sl;tllrs. Closecl

Cat.ji{iry: nvestiEution
I 36370 Vin,:r Stroel , E:ASl'l-AK[ . 4409lt . Ohic . lJrilr:rj $lales
Sruelty I l{*glect Lo.alian )"ype: *usineso
$uirtype: Meriieal tr0af rfi unt Direc lrr:n s:
Offict:r: Lsanne Pika Result: No violation *hserved #v. [*e*nnr* Fike l]atel"limr,:. *31A3&*14 05:3$FM
lleview nate: Resirll Cnnrment*:

Creat*d BI,: leanne Anirnal lnfo

Created: fi 3124.1301 4 S5:37PM
Lusl Uprlated 8y: leanne Person lnfo;
U;:daied: 041021201 4 03:00PM

uase M0ms(si

t$eso Tyre
0reatert Uplale$ Boview
[t derenee Heiryrcxee S Meme
Date/Time ereated By Updaied-&y"

1"11$ / uJ,1 gir)LerYrenis a4ia1l2t)14 iranne ilAtui?a14 leann*

11:5'lAll '11:31AM

t ARC r:n 21112O"r4. $he s;id that when she vLrilr irl ARC sne pickcr,l uul e iruppy out o{ a litlr}r rf live. The puppy $he picked out was
"s.ra!!ny ;rnd lris rhs wero sir*v,/l're." The volr.rnieers iold h6r that "DeFUty" (vulro Linda re nanred Sarfisni) was tho flurt ol thc litl*r and
ihili ,../a$ why ne ,vas small, Lincla al$o ohsorvcd lor:so stool in his r:agc and lhc volr-inlccrs s;'iid ihal he h;id had sornme loose stools and

inslructed not to put the dcg nn the flc,nr. l..inda also said lhat she had tr lvillk throuOh a back parl ol tlra building and sne w6s dislurbed
ihal there was large white garbage bags piled very high1ha1 seemed t0 be iillsii with feces and rrrine. She sald thai rne oithe bags wa$
L-.pcn aild slro nc,-rlri s*e feccs and r-rrlne in thc b€ia. Linda saicl ihal shl} was also uncler the irrprei:sion lhat Sargenl wr{s parvo tsstorl orr

thern know h*r conrerns lor Sar0e rrl and that she wu$ lakin{,.1 hirn 1o lhe vet. When L inda took Sar!}efit til thc vet, they diaOnossd hlnr wilh
Crlilis, URI an{-i Otitis externa {only occasional yeast). They rlid a $tool sample arrd Sargenl was negative fcrwormslparasites. The vel
g;ve Lirr*a FodiFloril Canrne (for diarrlrea) an Doxyi:yrliire- Linda silrrj thilt she took Sargenl h.rpr* llut his sympioms continued arrd got
lvorse. Sargenl olsc slarted lc vo,nit in adrlilio.r to llre woiery stools. Linda made another fippointment and took him back lo tsal1fiold on
2l4l?-*14.Thevetct:ndi.rcterjaParvosnapieslwhichrarnebackposilive.TlrevelCiscL.rssedtr-.afmenloptionswithiro.rnowevef srre
.rptefl for euthanasia, becai:se r:{ ihe r-rnpredictallie outcome anrl exp*nses f,lr lrealment" Linca saro thal she called ARC an2i4l14 atstl
leit th*m a me{;$age regardrng Si:r'ge nt anri tlret they euthanized hiJx becars* he was Parvr pcsitive, LF

$lfiternenl$ Mta2tZfr14 a4lczt2a14

! 24ijs21r I*anne ieanne
Victim 03:3SPl\4 u,J:.-i.Jl l!1

$h* sard thal lladin* i:f.lered no apologies abcut whai lhey had bee n lhrough and only irlaffed the pup6;ies previnus owners for the
paruo. Nadine also qirestiorred why Linda rlidn'i ask ficre qLrestion$ aboul $argents loorie bov;els, Nacline staterl that Linda never called
lrer oir Sunclay and ri she had, she woilld've called her back ri0ht arcay. Nadins did admlt tlrat one of llre other puppies in the lrltsr that !

leld hc*n adople d oul testerl positive lor parvo. Nadine r0arl the coniracl lo L]ncia and offai'erl huf the aCoptiorr lee hack. t-inda fcit like was Iittle resolve in her c,onversalion wilh l.iadin-.. I asked Linda kr lax *ver all ci her paperudork she received koni AllC. 2!1fr 14 al
l;:7 I iL*anre Frike) rcturne d Linda's call. Linda siatcd thiil shc caliEd Dr. $olonan ai Baniietj *'ho saw Sargenl on -frresday" Or.
Soioman lcqked overall r:f ARC's papemcrk and confirnter:l that ha could notflnd anywhefe irl the paperw*rk thalARC had corlciuolod a :

da! ihal walks lhro,-r(.]l) lh* door.


$tatenronh 04iQ2t2A1,1 c4la2i7a14 legnn*

2,1S9246 Case leanne
V0klrtilarifir ill]:57P14 0:l::i0PhI

*n ?11? 14 at 4:04, I spoke with nawn. a receptioilisl al Banfield. I asked her i{ slra cou}d lax all of Satgents nreCirei raccrrls *ve r as wsll
as a wrillcn roporl frcm ihc vet rcgarding SarEcnt. Dalvn said tlral shc wor-rid hc lax r:ver all r.}r0dical reccrcis anrj olrc wouirl ask lhc vrts

fnl{owing review oi the docllmonlalisn, lhey werg oonccrned as to why rr,re had no1 perir:rnr*r1 a oarvo lesl r:n Srnday when Sargenl firsl
pre $enled. I cxplained that I was not here on Sunday" bL.rt thal rny unrle rstilndinq iracl becn thi:rt $argcnl had a nc[ati,rc parvo tor;l j;l lhs

lre had already br:en infecled with lhe viru$. rhe O uranted 1r: knolv il SfrrCenl'$ or:tcome lri:uld have beerl heil*r ha,;J we dx parvo on
Sunday, llnlorlunalely, i tolfl her I was unable to say. Faruo is a complex and unpreclir:table clisease and I cafi't spe.ulate as lo hDw
$ar"qrnt wrluld hav1} dc,ne wrtlr lreiltn]ont, despile v/n*n lhat lfealment hegtn. I tokj her thtrt wr:
'nculi:j b* happy to cooperalr wilh the
invostigrlliorl and tlrat thoy ooul0 ca ll Lts ;,il a ny lime _" ln adCillon to ihal re porl. ther* ,,,!i]$ a repa* ,.rrritto n r:n Zl5114 th al yrfi5 an

anri cor;ghir-rg noted. F was nol dehydratEd r:n exarnirration ancl appearsd BAfi (war playlui and itirfi). Basnd on notalion fln papenvoi"k
nf ir0ing parvr neq. finc p presentatiolr. parvr iest,ras not run atl., rjeterinirlefl anrl rlrscrissed rryiil 0 that if p rines nel ifirprove or

cliarrlre;, and sllglrt lethargy. Haseti on that cnnvr:rsation and p prese ntetion Or. Saiorn.n opted io test p {or parvo vlrus, and discussr:rj
wilh 0 lhal uiiils may noi have be€n $hedCinll when iested prevrousl_y but may he n*w. arrd may rrol have been shqddln! when
prirscnlcd an ?"!2 '14 since ir was BAR and lh.llr$ht to (based an doci.lmontillion) to hevc jir$l bccn losted and found neE. ll'l ADOITIOI{

,ririrs rrns disclrssed by Dr. Salor.I]orr whsn p p!.esen1*d at ?_14.114" l_.P

?460?8{l Case Sialements fr4102t?-t14

leanne 04tt2t2014 le;:nne
nd I I Ph,l Ca:00Plvi

in tlreir ronduct, anil therr negligence caused un]ustiiiahle sr"rffering. ln oli-rer words, Parvc was transr-riitted dr:* to nrgligenr:e. Jeff
iilQSe$tsd thal we talk ts ff ,iet and find Out how to treal ilfirvo. 0lrd Uol riil ol parvo rn a shr,,:1tnr. He also gairj that w* c:oi.rld g*t

mqel wiltr iladiie al ARC and give her prope. cjfrumci,rlafir:n on how to olean/trea\Pat.,ro. ]f 7i21i141 (L_eanne Pike) ca!1ed lrlarJine and
leit hr:r a r-nessaqe regarrlinq settin.q up an app'Jtntnrent to nrcet with her at ARC- An 7i?-al1a ,t1 '3.7- I I (Leanne Piker; cnlled Nadine
bgcause I had fioi lreard lrom her" Nladlne explatne<i that she \,r,rs at a cnnlerence and lhe nevei ljot the r],lossage. She asked me lo cell
hor on ['1*nr]ay to set up ir trmo lo fficet. On :3i3114 at.llr?5 I cfrlicd Nodine and scl r.iLr ar i,ippornlmonl lo mc{}t wjlh hnr a1 3:30 tho sai|e

$i1q 1r;s11
ij4lAZl2A14 a4tau2a14
246131i1 Case Wellilre tl4:38!'tl\,1 leanne leanne

At"l3lili14 ff1 3r26 wo {Jen Sperry and Learrnc [:]iko) arrived et the above addross. \,1c wi:{kod into the front door arC we oirserve{i lols of

Sai*way) and another yolunleer. Nadine explained thal 11 was the lir$l tifie in lwo years ihirl lhev iriid pu0pies thfif vr*rs diagncsetl wrlh

par.;o, anrJ il h"lppened 2 weeks after tlreir vac.irlss. She sald that 2 ou1 ci4 testeil po$1iive after tlrey were adoptecl cut. Nadine said llrat
orre of lhe iaCios that adopled on€ ol thel paNo puli$ was ln ''breach ol contract because she had the puppy elltlranrzsd." Nacline sairi

intnrmatir:r ajo.urrentefJ and given tc] ths arjopler anC \laCire laid lhat yes. il wor.rlcl i:e" Speci{ically f.ladirre said that ih{} pi}rvo test
wor-rld be on il"re paperwork as wsll as the vac(lne lahels. Nadine said ihat they use ASPCA guirlr:liires {or Porvo, and they nlakrl sure ali
*i thcrr lacility ls clci:ned as we ll as {ostcr homos. $le tcld Nadine ihat \.rc had dccr-mcrrtation ircfi UC Davisr'shelter fit{jdlcino thal w,c

ih*re was flylrapr hanging lronr the ceiling. Nadine shrlled r'rs lha new cilf cfl!f;r; lhey hari reccnlly pr;rchased. {"P

* xq.Wixt"*; W*p*rt

Lake Humane Society & Adoption Center

7564Tyler Boulevard Bldg. E
ffi*. Mentor, Ohio 44060 USA
http ://www lakeh
Tel.: 440-951 -6122 | Fax:440-951-6144
Printed: 0412312019 09;29AM By: KrisH
t;iyi{: #*.'terl#,

Case #: fl0?diSt)23 Case ilate/Tinre: 031'14120'14'11 :4EAM Reporlcd:

Reference #: i-i!?S''l 4-?t) Jurisdiction: f; astlake
$liltus; Sp*n

I nv*:*tiEati*n llS3I0 Vine $lrule1 . EASTLAK[,44095,;rited $tates
Crurlty I l.Jeqloet Location Type: Su*iness
$Lri;lype: Medis:*l treatment
Dire clinris:
l"ll{icer. L*anne F{k* R*sLllt: By: Date,rlime:
Revi*w lJate: Resull C0mftents:

ilr*at*ri By: leanne Animal ln{o

ilr"eateti: *41{}71:SI4 11 ;$34&ll
L**t iJpci*led By; leann* Ilerso.r lnf*:
t"Jpdated: 0fi1'!3i?01 5 11 :S?Afyl

**** W*r**w*

fier**n #: F"XS1S3$73 N Melinrla *tivera

il1,:-":11i3{li-:: lrlelindaRivcra,44CI-571-1724*73tulaplewnnd firive
I"{ADISON, 44fr57,l-AK[, fiH - i*{orne Primary fioie;$L;specr Seconciary ltole : Surpect
Animal Ownel lrkr . Flnrson Repor{ing:hla ,Property fiwner:Nn

t);u*"* Y&*w*{*'1

Mrlm* Type
ffiemo # &qf"etpnq-e MSm*
Sggsrqs{ erqAted tly UBgsleg up$.uled*my Rnvjeirv
SubtYPg H,*telrimp fiststrims
t"* t
a4t07 t?-Q 14 t41a7t2il.,4
; 24v2895 : Case : Ci:mplaint
12:l SPl\l
leanne le airne

Art 3114i14 al 2:31 I lLeann* Pike) r'etLrrnatl (evin Chapmarr's ctill. fEporled ti)at lre alopt.ri cr puppy ln:rn Al?C nn 3iBi 1.1. Kevin

Chapmar's it w;is a "strcng positrve" and tlr;rt lhev weren't sLrre i{ lhe pip}ly woLrld sur!-i?e. KBVif rontacted ARC anrj thsy lc}lcl f\ir.

Chapnrar to email me all copies of thelr paperwork from ARf and he aqreed tD clo $o" illr. Chapnr;rn al$r asked me to ifilh to his wife
Tlrer*ga. since she wao at lhe vel yr'ith Cooper and hatl mor"e iniormatiort. il141 1i s|2..44 l.aiisd Thor*sa Clrapman. $tro explainerj thirl
Cocpor was ol fiuiCs arrd thc vel r,"las LtnsLlro y;ircihe r cr nol lhe puppy .,lould survive . Thoro-ca $ald lhat thc vol who vras ireating Cr:oprlr

lci"panio, Therrsa said thal ir*r prperurork lronr ARC satrl that the puppy was 9-10 w*eks lrcwevr:r the puppy il realiy srnall. lrily fi
n-r.j flrtr:ii*d ol Coof:0r's siatits. LF

I ii !
i $tatement$ c4 t{)7 t20i 4 r
24 72$l;i Case {
r ; ) )t,\t loanne ,eanne

*n 3l't7ii4 at 9:51 I (Le{lnno Pike) called Pel l''lospital *nd left o me$sag€ lor Dr. Daniorlh rr l}r. Eble to call rne back. Al 10:11 Dr. Eble
calicd back arrd lo{t me a mossalJo. Lat*r tlral clay Dr. ff,lc callcC back. He crplairrcd tlrat (iooplrvras strll alrvr: brrl nct getling any

explaineri thal lhe peopl* who brrrr:ghl the puppy in didn't allow them to treat lhe puppy iiggresisiyely brcause lhey were lvailing lt]r iile
pup!!, io be transfcrr*d to ARC's vet. The puppy died durirrg the day waiting lor tr-anspo{ ar':d Dr. Eble said the puplly wcis not from the
'.rtr'(' l,Ltr'r : l.g.rprr. D, fble said lhat thc puppy ura$ sorre type ol flhihuahr.ia nrix. Dr, Eblc wa:; nnl able lo oivc nie lhe owncr
infr:rmaliorr frr th;ri pupiry.
Si;ltsrnellis 0;i/07/20 14 I leanne A4lC7l2()',4
:4I2$j 0 Case iJiclirrr l*anna
12.2rr1t,\ 12.2.2F11$

opticns 3fe. Therl3-ce saiC ihat Nadine Cid refLind thc ado,rlrDn foc" Lp

; :
Case I
2473457 Case T
i)4ttJ? !').414
I leanne i au07 i?il 14 leann0
?r)la[.,1 02:fl8[rhl

Notes i

*rt 3 17114 I (Leanne Pike)received an smilil irom Kevln Chaprnan with ar attachnrent of his rscord$ from ARC. , l'he papeffiork
included; Pet adoption application. aclclption contract, spay/neuter certificate, veterinarian sxamination. important itr{o on intestinal
parasites hfindout, cafiine diseases handnut. canins medical record ond new fruppy policy handout. l-ooking overthe paperwork I
olrserv*d lhst the intake dale $n lhe canine medical re{:ord was 3/6i14; Coopefs adoplion date was *ni3!8114. On fh* "new puppy
policy" handout 1t ril.ats$ "$$g$ sver 6 monlh$ of fiSe are headworfi te$ted. pilppie$ will be quaranlined and placed in a fostsr home f*r
7-10 days prior to adoption."

44t47i2014 04107 l?l)1r"

leanne I
;t I -) tr+(l Stilklrllenls
leannel l.') ?

ti ---""-"1-*---""-*i

resolved and il rrv* trld tlren: to have all cI their animalE te$l*d. l-ie al$o a$ked tf w* ir;tj a i.,*t wh* ivill say that thr:ir lliiL;rr: lo abide hy

h! .1 qualiiierl professional, and fails to f.rllosr that advlce, leading to an anima{ sr-rffe rng nr d j','r!, \,ve may lrave a casD. 1{ the person
ftllovvs lhal acivicc. n*t sirro we can slrcw that holshe did anyttrrnq nrorl LF
' " '--!-'--""' --" 1"'
1|?q1ai 1
{lase Stateme nls 0jl./0S/2014
A4lA?l;'r14 I leanne
Vlctim 02:24.P1,1 !

repcrted AHC to the Llofrrrtmonl r:l A.c]rir;r-;llure anrl ihr:y rnity frursile oivil oharqe$ allfiinsi ARC. l-P

4449t20.,4 t^,..,",,
02:53P[,1 *?.53r'1.,4

[n]i]y $tated thal he r sister who had visited llre Paruo D,rl:.r ibef*re lhey knew the do! had p3tua) visiied with Imily'si lirppy',vho als*
came dru;rr r,vith Parvo and dr*d. L? An 3l2el14 Enrily calied back. She Explained ih;rt h*r $isiers frisnd Sot a do.t irorn Af{C, Enriiy's
siriler playL..j witil her daq atler she played with the ARC puppy. End f inily i$ tl0irrin0 lnal hcr puppy qrl Far';c lroir lhe AltC riocr. Linlly

thafi her sisier who played with lhe ARC doq. Emrly staied thal she tised FLrclrri Anrnral Clinrc ix l..akeland Boulevard. l.,P

')"47 521)',:t o4/as/2414 leanIe 84i0}i?.i)14

0a$e I leanne
03:08PlV C2- 5{Plri

.l',,1',;r \r.,.r'-11 U,-.'tr r4il{!r) '-|,rlflir(,:irl,ryIlp.hAr,€:. lllsnece:iiaryto$howpr0t{ihailh.}parv0famefr0,Ithcsh*llef.dlteto

rieglige nce of nat cleaninE properlv and not f.llalyrr! illo vcts i:rCvico. He aiso saicl that it woulc be advisable to frncl out wlrat foster home

[ierilire ai ARC i:r:d presenl lier u;itl lhe plan. If she do*s trr:l work wlth us or reius*s lc, riv* *]ulc] {ake that kno'1rl,i;0e to lhe puhlis and

aqlicull:rrre. l. P

{ 1
! I T
I ! l4il)11/2;14 loanne
!1,1 153I3 l C*se ^^^^ leanne
0iJ:5€Flll U.:4Ur',;VI :
i I

()n 3/20,/i4 .len Sperry and I (Leanne Pike) dld som{) rrjsaarcl.r ori the Yel wha sxalllined both Sirriient;rnd Cooprr il1 At{C. H*r"namc orl

airC ulry I was r:allirrg. Lindsay trlrJ me lhat Lrsa Wllson does no1 do any vetling for ARC. She explained thal llrere w.r& another vet ri^r tlie

license # 75:i&. Vv* coiiid nol fifid olrt whare sh8 pri1c1rce.l, hcwavar we found her pr+flle on Lrnkeeiin anrl her crirrert ]cb tille is "Staff
Surgeon ai (:leveland APL." LP

*;t:** Wi*,,u Y4-*p*t1

Lake Humane Society & Adoption Center

N.S - 7564Tyler Boulevard Bldg, E
;r-W lw*
Mentor, Ohio 44060 USA
ffiuemmm,* I ' u m a
http ://www. la keh
I r:lr::....i. I r!rlfli4 Tel.: 440-951 -6122 | Fax:440-951-6144
Printed: 0412312019 09:29AN4 By: KrisH
***-* ffit:t*iXw

Law ii, e$4fi"l$S*S Case DatelTinre: Sdll$12016 t2:$?FM R*portea:

Ileierence #: l-{i201fi-St J urisdicf ir:n : E*:ltlake
Additional lnfo: (Ju*sti*rnfihls treetmririt ;lt &ninra{ [tes*ur] eenter, puppies s*f{ering from Parvo; nert
Stalu*r el*srld
tr#iltsd by Vet
Col*gory: lnvesti{]ati(}n 30370 Vine $lreet , IASTI-AKf , ,{4005 . Ohi* , lJniteri Slates
Type: Cru**ty 1 Negisct Lfi cali0n Type: ffi r.**ines*
Sillilyp{}: $,,ledical treatffi ent
n**rded Directions: Anrmal Rescue f,enler
Ofircer: i*eanne Piks llesuit: By; DalelTinrs:
Review Date: Result Ccnrm*nls:

ilreat*rJ fiyr l*anne Anirral Inf*r Fupp:irs suffering from Farv*, dog$ S*ttin$ adopleci fiul afld fiot Seiling *een hy Vet" per
fireateC : *fi l;.4.1 2*1 $ *$ ;{fi FM
l.;lsi ,Jprlate d llyr l*ranne la*rson lnfo: !-*uran 4d$.34?-1111{i ieiay} 44S-47*"331}* {c*!li
l"ipdaald : SSI?41fi {.}1 6 *9:4&Pfd

*w** &"r,*i'.ritl*n

*slivrly {l 381 6255 l;q;nditions: LJJIIEPv / il


Clos*ci Jnriqdlctiorl: f astlak€ faMleree:

]yrrylSlbtypx: ilispatch - Slfitarrei 0

P4qrly* l'1,:rrnal $rea!.q-d-Pia!$Ilrtue l 09107/201610:51FlVl e reated Sy: leanne

{qe,Yie},{."pllt* I AglATtZ}l6 10:50Ftul L"ssl.#Ed-ale(l


Leanne reiurned Lauren's phone call and lqft her a mc$$a$jo. On klay 1Oth, CcrmpJainant did not call back and Leanrrc rlid not
{q!!lt!"*19. receive any other complaints" Closin6i case. hll

$tfrtl]s F'l $tatil$ llatfrlTime 0r,ryne!" Stfilris nei0/Tim* $tatils

fndBd i)4 i ?A i 7 | 1 6 L)i :06P1'l 1,*anre Pike (il12412C16 05:06Pll l..ernnrre Pike

ff*cim Viww W***r*

Lake Humane Society & Adoption Center

7564Tyler Boulevard Bldg. E
lrlentor, Ohio 44060 USA
u m
http ://www. la keh
Tel.: 440-951 -6122 | Fax:440-951-6144
Printed: 0412312019 09:30AlV By: KrisH
#x** ffi*{ails
Case #. fr*4$S7Sfi{) Case DateiTinte: 1'110412017 *2:15FlVl R*porl*d.
Bei*fenc* #,: ["{13{}''l 7-?$E Jurisdicti0n: Iastlak*
Ariclitinnal lnfor f;omplaintr r*$;*ue with riogs in stacked cages; dmE* *re in *aE*s with fefes and
Stalu*. 0lused
urin*, rro f*od or wxter; 2{}-*S d*gs; srnell i* t*rrihle in huikiing

Cair;.iory; lnvo$ti$ati6n 30370 Vlre Slreet , IASTLT\KI , ,140!5 , Ohiti , Unit*d State$
Type: Sruelty I Neg;lect
Subtyp+:: lnadequate c*nfinement Dtr*ctionn:
L)fficer: Leanne Fiko ft*lsult: fiy: DatulTime:
Itrevier.v Eate: Reclll Carnrnents:

Cr*alcd By: leanne ,Animal lnio.

*rtatori:'11/frfi1?S.i7 fi*;1$PM
-"rrr '"l"lrl-rcC Bv. luannn Persan lnfo: Lynn Chiiciers 31S-S7ti-S401
l.Jlrdaled. 1X fi ei2817 fr 4:44FM

$-giv_[y".tl 43219$4 {ai'!qlrliqq$.: &qq{,9{?

$lsrs: 0pen ,.iuriiid ictiern: Eastiak* ei!-t{cl iffer


fy.p"el$$&xymj Dispatcir - e reqq Slr{:}et$; &"ul*-re*: 0

fli !qri.ty: I'Jorrnal fueslqd-Uslcllgls; i1l13i?A17 03:09Plv] .q-r"c+{*qri By; leantle

Las! lJpllqlfri :t 12fi 17 illl:OliPi\l LasLUpdexed l*arrne

ry,qYirw Palql t"Ictc/ I tmc:
1 1I 1

Arrlved at 2rligpm. Knooke{l on fronl (oor arrrl hearti nlultipl+ dollr! lrarking. A vollrnteer (,,^rsarrnq a rrapei"qown) carfle lo tho rlilor

Tnere was a definite odor corring olrt cf the $heller ulhen slie op*ned atrd closed th* rioor. Volunler:r said lhai she was cleaning.

She canle b,ack oui and gave me a piece ol paper with Nladines number on \\.*440-429-215t. She asked lor rny name and I told her;
and thanked her arrd left. I could see that th€re wa$ cats on tlre righl side of the building in cages.


:: Statu$ History $tatus DatelTirne Own*r $tatus Datr:/Tirr* $tatus U

lr l-- '-
t: :

,, :
*"* 11 11. 3i?0 17 (13:D4Pl,'l Leilnne Piker '11 I 1
312417 0ll:0.{ Prl Leanne Pike

&ettv$v-f,, ii 43221ee rl Conditionsr :: frqn$qt?
,, i|

li ti ll
$g.qiqi ii spen i:
Jurisdiction: ;i Eastlake F_atrill Arer:

Dispatch -
rytrm :
Bistanc*: 0

Frioritv. Normal f,r0atBd fiate/Time: 11t13!2A17 05:15PM Creat**i By; learrne

rl L.o$t Upgalqd 1111Y2A17 05:14FM L*sl-Ul.r&:!ed lfitnfis
t1 S*telTirne: D,.

Callnd anri spoko with ll;rdire. $he sald that the alk:qatinnl aru nol lrue. ;incj thal thsy are always clean: th*y havo i:leaners ail llre
$omeonc r.ras l{rere on lne r:f liretr $pefi days nrr Frirjays, anrJ sire rlir)rrl r*rpond 1o thaf. She saitj that pLlpr:r*s pee and poop" $o
$omBtinr*s yc;i..r r.vill s*e that in a cage h*t th* do$s are nnt liring in fices rir r,rrine. I askeri ji yre could set up an appolllnenl anrj shB
6"ruu*s*"H. eCreed 1J lirve ma on Wedneslay el 2:00.



:; $tatus Hi*{r:ry Stati,$ *at*/Time
Owner $talLrs DstelTinl{r $tat{rs
, New 111131?-fr17 05,12FM [.eanne Pike 11I 1 3I?_0 17 A5.1 2.?r.,4 i,earne Fike

&ctivitv #: ,132416fi Sqrd.i!!qn.s-. Dar$qr?

* *':r
0pcn Jflrsdrsgsr H*$tlak* PqY*l $1gj;

]yp*l$si:lyr:*-i qf()$$ $t"fe"e-t$.: ,i Bistance: 0

Pn$ntv: i lrjr,: rrt a I

Sreslsd Dslelli$s; 111152A17 11i43A1"4 {:!"*atfd Byj , leanne
t, I

il Laet ul?SBXsd
ffate: Lfl$LUft.$sled
r R*view l
1111512017 11:43/,[/

I returneri lrer s;l1l on 11115 at 11:28; lt*ld ner that ihe rornplsir'tl was re!arillng nrultipl* do!l hrrused in iillh_v c*nditions (feceslurin*)
and rn access tr iortl anrJ walpr. I alsa litated that thcrt raas a cr:rrrpliiirrl;rfrcul lhe odor irr the blilciing. Sho asked if iomplalnt wa$
would lr: lheri: al a;:poirtlfironf todi,::r. af ll anrJ I raid I r.vor.llrj $o!j llor lher:.
, :!
i li

::: ii

Status lli Sfatur 0atelTinic *wnrr $talu$ DatelTlma St&tus

1111412017 11:40Ah4 Lc,lnn0 Pike 11 1417A17 11:40,AM Lrilnn{i Fike


: Aativity Si e oneiitii:n*: tl Ieng*r?
: :i

'$tate: t: {.ul!edl!Esl, Eastlake

lvusr$up"lv*e'l 0fo$s,$!!Eqn.; Iiis!si1$s; {)

ffimi,tv; i: Normal ({$aJSd D,ele/Tirnr:r 1111512417 04:45PL4 ${.*e"tsg*nvi leanne

$qyiq-u *alq; 11115,2017 04:44Pl.A
telelllrye: BY:

Aslri*ylrtlalancyandlarrivedat2:00pni. Avollnleercpen*dthedc,orand le1 r.rsinanrl lr.rr:tl.,ladineandh*raflornoy.'10-12dags
n the area behinrl ihe padioneC rrall" There rorar an uirpleasanl ncilr in t,ro lrilikirn!. All of tho alU$ r.vero in 'rrrre crates or in rnurli
banks, all had food and wlter airij their c;lEn$ were cleaned. T[*ro rria:, I pii buli pulrpy narrrtll "Leo" whl rl:ld $ofi1r1 rnissing fur,

r*yrrr:lCsi:urq. i'he oiher dogs all lor:ked gond bt.rl sr:me rf lhcrr were nlralchinq. I(adine $lijtrd lhat she gives ilea nrerjic*tion.
Nadine sairi that the pup|jiet; aro in foster lronres. $le said tlrat when they aro ope n cn Fridayr;. sometimes the ci*gs in tiril smaller
banks they r*ntovc ihe walsl sn they donl spill it everirwhe re. $hr,r tiald thai the ft?$1 thoy fitc',/e tho iood and wirler to lho bfiok oi ihs

qr:ing t* allow fhem to Lruild ke nnels in thal arc:a. hJadinc said lhft tnev dr)oi keep their biuusr *o1;s at ARf rathr:r thev br.rard lhern al
Tl-C p*i io<ige, ancl they irnng ihe dogs in for lrlday i,iCoptions and Srllrday adoptlons at petsmart. $he said that 6he normally only
keepr i0-12 dogs in lhe huilriinq at a tlmc- l{adino said that she ilets a ftatornity lrom Case i.ilo$tern to cofia a|rd walk the dogs o|r
a normal hasrs. lihc said thai sh* rlr:*$ nol lai{o r:wnrr nr;rrcrdor dcqs. thc pulll dogs froryr contrai and sr,i;itrcrn Ohic hur xili

anlnlirls, Bhe wa$ jrret* on iie 3rd" I askeC il we i*uiil s*e the sat$i she said nr] rnly b*car;sfi th*y lnrerr: intL\g cled*ed by
volunteeis (ihere warf 4-5 voli,lr.orr rr l'rrr ?".a1 ( she al$D ke*pr ln f()ster. she l.u:ts rdltil aals ai ARC and she also lras
li.lonr al pctsmajrl. ldarlinr $aid ltrat $f me of hsr mcn dog/pupp"r ll,t"e$ ,|ti,ilcille,J it ruy;.thnga and $u!InI1 coilnly.

l{1hrle lhere is an ccilr, the place appr:erecl cle an end lhe cl*gs,r*d pftitty lJrod. l]oesnt anpear that lh+ra are drains an the
grounrl anrt ther., is ,r linoleu*r ill:ar. I drnt tlrink she ,,?ould h* rihle !o cul d*wn cn lhf iirell ilnle$s she had e lDt lewer i!nimal$.

Ooirrg to closs il-re case ior ihe !r{}sont,

,: LP

tr Status Stnltlq tr:lr l,lnl0 Own*r S{3tr}$ l..l DalelTinrt

lJew 11115i74i7 04:19Ptui Leanne Pike 11 15.2t17 04ri9P]'rl l-canne Prke

Lake Humane Society & Adoption Center
7564Tyler Boulevard Bldg. E
ffie" lVentor, Ohio 44060 USA
,.i;r;":i.; i@
6 Sq#t f ,il'i i"\s\
NWS $:-'.::. -...r
Ir!.1r--,::r::'i' http ://wwiv. lakehu
Tel.: 440-951 -6122 | Fax:440-951-6144
Printed: 0412312019 09:31AlV By: KrisH
!-:1 ,C -1tl.lil1,

lase il: f;t)47flS433 Case DaleiTrnre: fi*l1flZ*'1S 0{i:38$l{ Reported:

Relerence #: l-'li3S1 &-fr6 Jurisdiclicn: Iastlake
Ad{litioftfil lni*: con'lplatnt: friend adept*d *at, *;tt fTad e*mjuncitivits, pu** *onxiil11 $L,t of eyf , 0fi1 h;}{:l
5lrltli;: #6:en
flea*. doEs wer* in feces, r$eBlorahle con*litiein*

Cal*cor.r,: inv*stigatinn 3fi,170 \line $lreet , IASTLAK[ , 44095 . Ohio , L]niied $tates
Type: eruelty/N*g{eet Locali0n Type: Eusiness
$ubtype : Merii*al tr*atffi snt Directions: ARC
0fl'ic*r: l*eanno Pik* Resuil: By: Daie/Tinte:
Review )ate: Result Conirnen{s.

ijr*altrJ fly. le;:nne Animal lnla;

Ii*;rt*cJ: SAIX?1201 S 06:47FM
Lasl i".lpciatrd ilyt I*mnn* Ferson lnic; Patty B*elnarski d40-7S5-**$f;
Updat*il : *2! 1 Vt?.fi 1 & *6:47FM

#.ati* W*r****

Puruon #: PS3411fiS1 N Nadinm Berht*l

ijrj.*lj"J$fl1 l'Jarjine tsechte1, 21*-476-A433 36370 Vine Strset
HASI"LAKI , 4,1S$5, fa*tlake. LAK[. 0]-1 - Honre Primary Roiet$u*pect $econdary ftole:
Animal Owncr l,'ln , Persoil Reportlng:ltlo ,Propcrty Ornrner:No

,,1r": 4\ilrtvtItd):;

&stivity;t: 44 1 663C $angt-1"?-

Orr, rn Jurisdictialn r Paxr*l Area:

"l.ypei$x.illys llispatr:h - Srsc$*&1.&e1$i 0i$lfru$-r; 0

ii * grsiils"d;8yi.
Xr&$v: Nr:rmal
lt2l 1 3 I 2A 1 09r23A,ltl leanne

**:rsx-*.ale: 1f atelTinr*:
0?113/2018 09:2241\l

$pokeu/ithPotty(complainanl)a1 6r12pm. Sheslaledil.ralherandhergirlfrierrdarrivedalARCrighlwherrlheyopenediasllrir:1ay

{21!) at 4:00pm. Conortions were depiorable. Dr:gs were lilthy. som€ oi tn*nr had leces in their cates. hlo watcr irr the rages.
$onre *{ ihe r.rls lrild puss comrng r:ut ol thrrr eyes. The cat thai ie r frienri arjcnterl Cidnt lcak he althy bi;l dirinl lrrck as sick as

nroLrthing rnLrltiplo vets in fronl ci Patty anri her {rienri and Patty u/irs ve ry Lri-lsei by that. Nadine ai$o stated thi.rl last time ihat lhd
'lrL;nrane aqcnt showed rp' she had 'l'ror iawyer ll"le re and they senl me rrnning out nf there rrilh ;ry tatl betwsen rny lels.' Whon
Patty asked nrho walked tho rjoqs. l{4.}cire repiied'we Cflnt havc marl r,oiilnfeer-s.'

Palty saic that ih8 cat cages looke,:i iai(y clean but sr:rie oltho l]fits looKeti lerril]le. OnB cat. ,Jr'ho fi volunlear'said was founC
'frczcn lo 0 wali'an(j also liad FlV. said via$ so sic(ly. ;lnd wlroir il $hook ils hoad il haC tl..dL\ | irtr ,)i.r'.,{ irc oar$. The
cdls had flea$.

I asked Patty how many cfil$ She entimaterJ were in the LiuilrJing and She said 40, and she thought there was 20 rlog*;' Patty $tated
lhat $he was $o upsel and couldnt h*iieve the oonditions.

$tatus Status Date/Tirne 0wner Status ffat*lTime $tatl rs

New 02i132118 0!rl dAIV l-rRnne Fiko 02!1312018 0Q:14,41V Leanne $rike

lte**li ffi*sult ln Pri H*sult Bat* ft**ult By

Spoke t0 Reporting Farty Ye$ AY13l2A18 0S:224ft,4 Leenne Pike:

-'*' ':: ^"

44 tt)tt4 I $.t$il.* Sq.vuyrlt

$lsls; ;, Open J*ris"djsl"e.fl-i Ea$tlaks Fatr*i AtgS


:!H!]4:i/t: Dispat0h Si*(pflpe: 0

I,"|Lq.fl"lv,: Srrfltqd 0atqlTine: 021fi!2A18 00:33A1,,i1 ftss&-4*ffiv. leanne

ftc"vkw".*.#ql Ls*l-Und*cd fi21131Zfr18 t)8:33Ahl L**l];frfintL*

0., lei.1fin0

I received en smail fforfi Lind:r $p0rio rognrdinl the rdoption ff her frrl. Sne i,vas fccompiilnorl by Pallv v,rh0n she werrl to !]et her

r:vem-helminq sm*ll. $he took h*r cal lr: lhe v*1. on 2112. (adoilliiln nt1 7l*) afld thal the vel {:onrlrmed thal lhe r:at had con juriclivilis
oloneeye,LJRi,andfleas.HerdDlncwhas{leasrshichshsaisoh;rrl laplrrchasellealrealmeilifor. Flerv*l lrc].]tionedthalpecple
who lraire adDirled frorn llris lacility have rome oul ol there willi rllfiessc! ancJ a do! last ycer irllh parvo"

,lrr: :,,;'r' lr) l{, I , jprl.rl ,,1 rrlhugirhv arrd s*w dr. s;rrah shafer, $he i}aritl lhat her ral appearer.l r.rverall healXhy and aleri when sh*
adopted lt.


StatL,$ tr,iiiit(]rv Stiltus ilfit6lTinra 0wner Statil$ AatdlT;fis ${alus

New fi2i13i2418 09:28/rlv1 : Leanrre Pike ,2i1312418 09:28AM l.*ann* Fike

I?esuit Qty Reslrit ls Fri l(esuit Dat* Rcsul{

1 Sttkr,: kr !{eii*riinrt P;lri\r A2 I1 3i 2il 1 I t:i9. :!,:1, A:l,tt Learrrre Pike

4qilvity-#r 44?8fi$t; SffSilkjls: Daqger?

Cpen ,.Iu riscliction: Iasllako

T',"r-,.tr,r"1r,,,", 0ispatch - Crqlsg $treets: misl:{nr:_t: il

l-.:":Y:t: y"" l',lorm;rl Striltli, Q !.s1I-i,ry€ i A 7. i 23 I Zfi 1 I AT : * *? r.t4 Qrtu!t-d- Sy. !*;nne

f.ast updeis"d t-a*!"Updsle"d lc;:in ne

8*vioK ?tlt*: AZiz3l?.01A 07:54Ph,l
[qlsfil"*el Hy;

Arri,/eil at6:03*n1 and nDiltoi 111,?l tlle place lras mostly dark a0d lh$ii'cpErr siln wa5 not on. I parked behifld 1eh lruilrlin! anc "jo"
lhc volr-intoer canrc oui. soh $aid thal liroy vre re closcrl ond sincc Nial.lif'!o 'rvasnt tllcro shc wasrrl ;lt.ttlrorize{'l to icl me ln i a$kcd her

olloilt dirly aagcs and sick f,als enci slrc assured mf tlrat v,/es not lire .asie . She said that tha! nilve rrl bren cpcn 1n 2 wccks anrl l
ll foid h*r thal I knew lhat anC thill tlre c<:irpllrint was fronr the lirrit iiryle llr*:y re,r*re open wirir- .; why I l:amer.
:: i tolcl her I wcr-ricl call Nadir.e.

: LP

$tatus $latus llate/Tirrr* ilra'n*r Stfi?rr$ u ffiatelTlrxe $tiltils

l.lew l?- l ?-3 i ?A 1 8 07 r 52PX\"i l-*anne Pike A2l?U?A1P, fr7:52Pl,A L..eanr:e Pike
......." ,."........ ._........._-_*1.*.... -. . .. . .." . ... .. - ....., !

Ar trrirr iJ 40.J 1t\t)4 .qsrydr.tiqts; *xxttst3"

I Jurisdictiori: i:i: E;rsllake I
Palr*N Area: l

Jv"r:*r*s"hJyps; Dispatrh - 0
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up.nanotg a4:42trt1 8,,'
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Wlrcn I canrc inlo work tnis rnonring, Trarcy Ozinga wa$ volunlcilr-rrl and .jleffnin0 f,at ca$Cr. $h* stcppod mc &nd asked me if I

lhevclunteerincharge. iotoldher"thatnhe]!nnrmallvlhereevr:ryda'1 ai 8r3lanr. Tracy;irirllhatthe[ev;erc"'?.dcgsirrthedcg

area, both in vrire dog [a$cs allc tat cago:i. Tracy sarrJ thiri orir .ji thr was laying in a rllrall crate, was r:nvtrcd in herr $sn

statedthatlh€yrlanlaJetfoodorwataf rrlherrcaCesirntil sorn*oneieislotheircafielocreaoirirLlilredog!!r:,'o!or:L;tsrde. Tracy

rf thc dogs icr a run and Jo tclC her'no'bocause thc}, dont
said lhat the dags secmo.J so stir crazy lhrt sho oi{crsrj lo take 5rfiro

rlr*rrh*a" ,1o wa$ not wearing cllorres and haci lecss nn her hancio snd she was wipiri1.l il uF; ',ryilli new$papo[. Trar:y rrherj i{ there
were gloves that she could use ano Jc poinled lo a box oi gl*ve s i:ut said llrat she lr;crked rn ihe medical profession lor 30 years and
shrl rsnt blrlhe,"ed by poop- Tracy askeC il they had ,rapor lowels la clean lvllh arid io told her 'no' they only Lrse donationri aild they

Trany saro thal the doa] crUe$ are s,jparel{;d by ;firdboard axi li're carbnarrl is chewed r:}n l)y ihe dr:gs. TracSr sairi lha{ "}o l*t a dog
olrl lhat was covered lfi diorrh€a-ihe dolj stafied lo fur 1o,r'ard3 iln0lh{ir dog ina oage .rr i I ,' lt, i r,f, ll e jrr lrv the coliar and
held lhc doq Lrp hyiis coliar anC cerricd her aulsidc llral way.

Tracy said that the volunleers use the back door to So in and out and hy the back door lhere ai"e $om€ extrr cat cages with cat$ in
them. She $aid that there was flroLlnd I cats in that erea. Traoy said that thers i$ no separfiti*n for tsh sick and healthy cal$. Traoy
said all in all lhe cats appearod healthy lo her althr:ugh she ditj admil she spenl more tiivre wiih ihe dogs. $he hrrard a cat coughing
and sneezing and $he asked about it but was tokl that lhe cat had polyps in its na$al pas$fioe$- Trasy said thai the 'caltery'area hfid
6-8 cals. Tracy $aid that they theyhave cal condo$ thst heid 1 0 cats in the lront area and thers was al$o 4 dog ca!]es with one cat in
6ach 0f those .€gss.

Tracy said while she was volunteering, she, Jo and Jack were taking; care ol the dogs. Later "fian" showed up to take care of the
cats and an elderly lady slrowedup for th* cats too. Tracy said that she only took lwo dogs clutside while she was tlrere. Tracy said
thfrt one of the dogs she took out wouldnt slop drinking pr-rddle water when they were outside. Tracy $tated that the smell inside was
lerrible. She $aid thsl she askecJ Jo aholrl lhe cleffning prntocol and ,io told her thal everyone C$es it a dilferenl way. Tracy said that
ene o{ teh r{oge tha{ harl e lot oi diarrhea was captured 3 days J:rlor by the lo$t dtg adovocale group. Eeaqle mix. Tracy was
supposed to go back ihe fiext day but was so upset she didni go.


$tatus [-'li*t*ry $tatus il;rte/Tirne ,&*til/lty Owner Statrus Updats {:}al€/Tims} Stfltus Updated my

I'Jcrni C2/2812018 04:l1Pl,l Leanne Pikl i, )n/,n'rL i!l.f
'.)ir' Pike

ltesult Res{rl{ ls It*sult 0ale Result By

SpDke l0 RBirorling P6rly Yeg a2t2a2a18 fr4 4iWA I Leanne Pik*

&c!i rly S.. ,{457755 ffonriiti*rns i uit$*r?

fi;:en Jryiqdi.qtiafi-r I Earstlake l?a rq! At{e*;

llisilatch - i, Cr*sg $treets:
fijstansfl i

ll l.loi"nal A3i2112A18 05:06Pfi/ Qrsslsd-Bv- leanno

firy:c:y 8st , AY21l2A1& 05:u6Pl\l t*sl-Up3#cd leair ng


Patty Bednarsik calied and lefl a messag*. $hn sairj thai she is going to r:all Carl Mr:nday, h*r councilman and lhe news herald.
$he said ihi:t she saw that they are clostid to the puhlir: now find she is so upset. $he wilnled me to call her"

fi!ryryqrl$: l
irer back on lll21 at 5:00 and lefl n*r ff messase,
:i I cnllerj


Dta(u$ ntsrory Status {.}at*/Timc *wner $.talus U D;rtnlTim*r St$til$

Nev,r n3r20/201 E [5:04P|'.il Leanne Fike A3l?01?fr18 05:04llLr |.ranne Pike

&!tiYity 4,. 44134?_4 9-xcIff3

0pen Ju{rqdictrqr, Iagllak*. F1

"rl r, il 4,

Ivrus&sh.lyrs: Dispatuh - $-rp:.q"-&lrset*; ::

$i$tanc*: 0
i :'
l .. . ......

fr.reated fet€lTim{}: 0410$/2tl I :i 0r*siesi-Hy. ls0iln0

frqrity-i l,l'0rmAl 1 1 0:34Ai\,'1

L,ost i..lpdgled ,.0?l 1".lpdat€!,

i}qvisq-gs!s; 04 I OSI2A 1 & 1 0: 33A.1\.'l

fiile&::e" Ilv;^

lhe aninrals over the wq:*hend. She slated ihat she sp:t:ke with a vel ir: l.;tkr-'vrr:o<l who suEger:ler1 lhat she lalkcirJ i:tl ihe Cleveland
ApL, the SB0retery of $lale ch, ernd she also pul a call tnlo The ldews-l-lerald. I drove til i\rc a! ^'A.24 a.m. Thqre vrere t\./n {rar5
perked behinrl tlre building. I p.rked aoross the street eo I coulcl s** inlo the 5l*refront and urrhil* I .lid see p*c!jle tlre lighls'e'ere on

I aninralg. I drd ilol s|r:J l;eoi:i;se Ifeel certarn tlrat thr: ;:lace is not abaildor.
S"a!r: .s*ts;



)4lASiZni8 10:284tu1 L<lanne Pike 04105/2018 10:28AM i-rnnne Pike


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