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Domain E Literature Review

Julie Lansing

National University

May 2, 2019


For this literature review, I am going over Explaining KIPP’s ‘SLANT’ by Deborah Meier. The

SLANT procedure is used in AVID schools as a way to positively gain the students’ attention

and then keep their attention. This article goes along with the SLANT procedure artifact that I

have posted in Domain E. This procedure helps the students remember to Sit up, Listen, Answer

and Ask questions, Nod, and Track the speaker. I will be discussing how this procedure helps the

students more in my literature review.


Domain E Literature Review

This literature review is on Deborah Meier’s Explaining KIPP’s ‘SLANT’ (2013). After

reading this article it makes it clearer of why SLANT procedures should be implemented into

classrooms. At the beginning of the year, I heard about SLANT from my mentor teacher, she

stated that the schools in our district are big on AVID strategies and that one strategy that could

help me as a first -year teacher was to implement SLANT into my classroom. Once she

explained what SLANT was to me, I thought that was a great idea and decided to try it.

According to Meier, “SLANT needs to be deliberately and carefully implemented; it takes

practice and encouragement at the hand of a teacher.” (2013).

To implement the SLANT procedure in my classroom, I had colorful signs made, one for

each letter and then what the letter stood for on the bottom. I have attached the signs to my

classroom door, so it is in right of the students. The acronym SLANT stands for Sit up, Listen,

Ask and Answer questions, Nod, and Track the speaker. This habit will help students for the rest

of their lives in being able to concentrate in any learning situation. The SLANT procedure will

also maximize learning time in the classroom once everyone is aware of what is expected of


Meier states that the Sit Up aspect helps students become more energetic and also helps

the students show respect for the speaker. The listening aspect is to help process what the

speaker is talking about or was talking about. If you are Listening, you are engaged in the

learning that is taking place. When students are Asking and Answering questions, they are more

engaged also in what is happening in the classroom. When students are able to ask and answer

questions that is when the true learning is taking place. Students are able to demonstrate that they

understand the information and how they are able to connect that to what they are learning or

something that they have previously learned. When the students Nod their head, they are

showing that they are understanding what is being said or taught to them. It also shows that you

respect the speaker and what they are saying. Lastly in the SLANT procedures is Track the

speaker. When you are tracking the speaker, you are following them and that also allows the

speaker to know that you are actively listening. Students have an easier time understanding what

is being taught if they can see the speaker and are looking at them. Tracking the speaker shows

that you can be engaged in the lessons and that helps with the social environment and also helps

the students feel that their instructional time is valuable to everyone.

I feel that the SLANT procedure could be a benefit to many classrooms, and I also feel

that many teachers use these strategies, just maybe not with the specific acronym. For me as a

first-year teacher, this has helped with some behavior issues and I plan to continue using this

strategy each year.



Meier, D. (April 11, 2013). Explaining KIPP's 'SLANT'. Education Week, 1-6.

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