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Epidemiology of gout and chondrocalcinosis

Article  in  Reumatismo · January 2012

DOI: 10.4081/reumatismo.2011.207 · Source: PubMed


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3 authors:

Giovanni Ciancio Alessandra Bortoluzzi

University of Ferrara University of Ferrara


Marcello Govoni
University of Ferrara


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Reumatismo, 2011; 63 (4): 207-220 review

Epidemiology of gout
and chondrocalcinosis
G. Ciancio, A. Bortoluzzi, M. Govoni
Sezione e U.O.C. Reumatologia, Dipartimento di Medicina Clinica e Sperimentale Università di Ferrara,
Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria, Ferrara, Italy

Gout is the most common cause of inflammatory arthritis affecting at least 1% of the population in industrial-
ized countries. It is closely associated with hyperuricemia and is characterized by formation and reversible
deposition of monosodium urate crystals in joints and extra-articular tissues. Several studies suggest that the
prevalence and incidence of gout are rising. Numerous risk factors may in part explain this increasing trend
including dietary and lifestyle changes, genetic factors, diuretic use and comorbid conditions such as hyperten-
sion, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, chronic renal disease and the metabolic syndrome.
Chondrocalcinosis is characterized by the deposition of calcium pyrophosphate crystals in articular tissues, most
commonly fibrocartilage and hyaline cartilage. Sporadic chondrocalcinosis is a common condition in the elderly
and frequently associates with osteoarthritis. Hereditary haemochromatosis, hyperparathyroidism and hypomag-
nesaemia are metabolic disorders that predispose to secondary chondrocalcinosis.The prevalence of chondrocal-
cinosis is still rather uncertain and varies depending on the diagnostic criterion used in different studies.

Key words: gout, CPPD, chondrocalcinosis, epidemiology, incidence, prevalence.

Reumatismo, 2011; 63 (4): 207-220

n Introduction arthritis is the third most common inflam-

matory arthritis (4, 5). Based on the recent

G out is the most common inflammatory

arthritis in men and in older women
(1). It is closely associated with hyperuri-
EULAR recommendations, ‘CPPD’ should
be adopted as the umbrella term that in-
cludes acute calcium pyrophosphate (CPP)
cemia and is characterized by the forma- crystal arthritis, osteoarthritis (OA) with
tion and reversible deposition of mono- CPPD and chronic CPP crystal inflamma-
sodium urate (MSU) crystals in joints tory arthritis (4). Chondrocalcinosis (CC)
and extra-articular tissues (2). The gold defines cartilage or fibrocartilage calcifi-
standard for diagnosing gout is the finding cation, most commonly due to CPP and is
of monosodium urate crystals in synovial usually detected by conventional X-ray, but
fluid during the gout attack (2). Recent epi- its definitive diagnosis relies on identifica-
demiological studies have reported a rising tion of CPP crystals in the synovial fluid
prevalence and incidence of gout world- (SF).
wide over the last two decades, especially
in industrialized countries. Risk factors for
hyperuricemia, such as obesity, hyperten- n PREVALENCE AND INCIDENCE
sion, extensive use of diuretics and alcohol OF GOUT
intake, may in part explain this increasing Corresponding author:
Marcello Govoni
trend (3). Since hyperuricemia represents the major Sezione e U.O.C. Reumatologia
Calcium pyrophosphate disease (CPPD) is risk factor for gout, epidemiological data Dipartimento di Medicina Clinica
e Sperimentale
characterized by the deposition of calcium regarding these two conditions are strictly Università di Ferrara
pyrophosphate crystals (CPP) in articu- related and cannot be treated separately. Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria
Corso della Giovecca 203
lar tissues, most commonly fibrocartilage However, in this review, epidemiological 44100 Ferrara
and hyaline cartilage, and CPP associated data have been analyzed and reported tak- E-mail:

Reumatismo 4/2011 207

review G. Ciancio, A. Bortoluzzi, M. Govoni

ing gout rather than hyperuricemia as main 8.24

index variable. 1964

Prevalence per 100 people %

6.00 1988 NHIS
Prevalence 4.48 1992 NHIS
In the USA, the prevalence of gout is more 3.36
1996 NHIS
than doubled between the 1960s and 1990s 2.24

(6). Epidemiological studies conducted in 1.12 1988-1994

the 1960s, such as the Framingham Heart 0.00
Study (1964; subjects aged ≥42) (7) and the NHANES
Sudbury Study (1972; subjects aged ≥15),
showed an overall prevalence of 1.48% and
0.37%, respectively (8). Figure 1 - Prevalence of gout in US: increas-
ing trend from 1960 to 2008.
However, these were relatively small stud-
ies, carried out before the development
of ACR criteria, including populations of NHANES III (1988-1994) (%)
NHANES 2007-2008 (%)
different ages and limited to specific geo- 14

Prevalence per 100 people

graphical regions (6). 12
Subsequent studies using self-reported 10
information from the National Health In- 8
terview Survey (NHIS) showed an overall 6
prevalence of 2.7%, 2.9% and 3.08% in 4
1988, 1992 and 1996, respectively, in peo- 2
ple aged 65 years or over, confirming an 0
20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 ≥80
increasing trend (6). Age group (years)
In the US National Health and Nutrition
Examination Survey (NHANES) III, car- Figure 2 - Prevalence of gout among US
ried out between 1988 and 1994, the over- adults: comparison between NHANES III
all prevalence of gout in subjects aged 20 (1988 - 1994) and NHANES 2007-2008 ac-
years or over was 2.7%, with a progressive cording to age.
rise according to age (from 0.4% in sub-
jects aged between 20 and 29 years to 8% Gout NHANES III (1988-1994) (%)
and 5.9% among those aged 70-79 and 80 Gout NHANES 2007-2008 (%)
years or over, respectively) (9). Hyperuricemia NHANES III (1988-1994) (%)
In all ages, there was a clear prevalence of Hyperuricemia NHANES III (2007-2008) (%)

male gender, especially in the age group 25

between 70 and 79 years (11.6% male and
Overall prevalence per 100

5.2% female), with the exception of the age
group between 20 and 29 years, in which 15

there was a prevalence of female (0.5%)

over male sex (0.2%) (9). 10
Furthermore, the overall prevalence of hy-
peruricemia (defined as serum urate level 5
>7.0 mg/dL in men and >5.7 mg/dL in
women) was 18.2% (9). The most recent
Overall prevalence
data about the prevalence of gout and hy-
peruricemia in the US population confirm
this increasing trend is continuing (10) Figure 3 - Prevalence of gout and hyperuri-
(Figure 1). cemia (defined as serum urate level >7.0 mg/
In the latest US NHANES survey, con- dL in men and >5.7 mg/dL in women) among
ducted in 2007 and 2008, the overall preva- US adults: comparison between NHANES
lence of gout among US adults was 3.9% III (1988-1994) and NHANES 2007-2008 ac-
(which corresponded to an estimated 8.3 cording to overall prevalence.

208 Reumatismo 4/2011

Epidemiology of gout and chondrocalcinosis review

million of people), with a clear prevalence non-modifiable and modifiable risk fac-
of males (5.9%) over females (2.0%) (10). tors such as increased longevity and the
As in NHANES III, the prevalence of gout increased frequency of risk factors for hy-
increased with age (from 0.4% in subjects peruricemia such as obesity, hypertension,
aged between 20 and 29 years to 12.6% in extensive use of diuretics and alcohol in-
subjects ≥80 years) (10). The overall preva- take (22-24). However, other possible ex-
lence of hyperuricemia (as defined above) planations must be taken into account. In
was 21.4% (~43.3 million individuals). many of the epidemiological surveys, the
Compared with the estimates from diagnosis of gout is based on clinical as-
NHANES III, these were significantly sessment, patient self-report (such as in
higher, with differences of 1.2% in gout the NHANES studies), general practice
and 3.2% in hyperuricemia, although these diagnosis and medical record/database
differences were substantially reduced af- review rather than on microscopic identi-
ter adjusting for body mass index and/or fication of MSU crystals, which remains
hypertension (10) (Figures 2 and 3). the “gold standard” for the diagnosis of
Notably, a significant association was gout (25). Another explanation could be
observed between a recently established a suboptimal management of gout in pri-
Hmong population of Minneapolis/St. mary care, which may contribute to the
Paul and gout (11). Compared to the gen- rising prevalence of clinically significant
eral US population, the prevalence of self- symptomatic gout (25).
reported and physician-diagnosed gout
was about 2-fold higher (6.5% vs 2.9% Incidence
and 2.8% vs 1.5%, respectively) (11). The The incidence of gout has been evaluated
adoption of a westernized lifestyle may by several studies. In the UK general popu-
have undoubtedly played a key role in the lation, the incidence of gout between 2000
high prevalence of gout in this population, and 2007 was estimated using The Health
but further investigation is important to Improvement Network (THIN) UK pri-
clarify the relative roles of genetic and ac- mary care database (26). The overall inci-
quired risk factors. dence rate was 2.68 per 1,000 person-years
Epidemiological surveys from the UK among subjects aged 20 years or older
found that the prevalence of gout in the (4.42 in men and 1.32 in women) and in-
1990s had more than tripled compared to creased with age, with a peak between 80
estimates from the 1970s, increasing from and 89 years of age (9.81 in men and 4.45
0.26% in 1975 (12) to 0.95% in 1993 (13) in women per 1,000 person-years) (26). If
and 1.4% in 1999 (14). A retrospective study restricted to subjects aged 40 years and old-
using medical records of general practition- er, the estimate of incidence (3.5 per 1,000
ers in the UK and Germany between 2000 person-years) was in close agreement with
and 2005 found the prevalence of gout to be another recent UK study, undertaken at
1.4% (mean age 60 years) (15). the Royal College of General Practitioners
The prevalence of gout has been reported Weekly Returns Service between 1994 and
to be rising also in New Zealand (16), 2007, which estimated an incidence rate of
urban African communities (17), Germa- 3.2 per 1,000 person-years (27).
ny (15), China (18, 19) and Greece (20, In a further cohort study conducted be-
21). In an Italian population sample (the tween the years 2000 and 2007 in a UK
MAPPING study) an overall prevalence general practice database (The Health Im-
of 0.46% was found (5). An accurate and provement Network), in which all 18-89
detailed summary of the prevalence of year old patients with gout were included,
gout in different countries and regions of the overall incidence rate was 2.68 per
the world was reported in 2010 by Smith 1,000 person-years (28).
and colleagues (3). An additional study, undertaken in the UK
These epidemiological trends can be ex- using the General Practitioner Research
plained by the high prevalence of new Database (UK-GPRD) between 1990 and

Reumatismo 4/2011 209

review G. Ciancio, A. Bortoluzzi, M. Govoni

Table I - Incidence of gout.

UK USA China New Zeland Maoris Czech Republic
Author Author Author Author Author
(Reference) (Reference) (Reference) (Reference) (Reference)
Cea Soriano ≥20 yrs: 2.68‰ Arromdee - 1977-78: 4.5‰ Lin (31) 18.83% Brauer (32) - M: 10.3% Hanova (33) 0.41%
(26) ≥40 yrs: 3.5‰ (29) - 1995-96: (5-year - F: 4.3%
80-89 yrs: 9.8‰ 6.23‰ cumulative)
Elliott (27) ≥40yrs: 3.2‰ Bhole (24) - M: 4‰
- F: 1.4‰
Rothenbacher - 318-89 yrs: De Vera (30) - M: 5.7-7.5‰
(28) 2.68‰ - F: 2.4-2.8‰
Mikuls (14) - 1991: 1.2‰
- 1994: 1.8‰
- 1999: 1.31‰

1999, reported incidence of gout per 1,000 n MORBIDITY

patient-years in 1991, 1994 and 1999 of
1.2, 1.8 and 1.31, respectively, with a A large quantity of data indicate that a close
prevalence of males (0.19%) over females relationship exists between hyperuricemia,
(0.07%) (14). Taken together, these data gout and renal diseases, cardiovascular dis-
show that the incidence of gout is stable in eases and metabolic syndrome.
the UK.
In the US, a study carried out as part of Renal disease
the Rochester Epidemiology Project com- In chronic gout, renal impairment and uro-
puterized medical records system showed lithiasis were reported in 86.3% and 35-
that the age- and sex-adjusted annual inci- 39% respectively (34, 35) and the preva-
dence of acute gout was higher in 1995/96 lence of urolithiasis has been reported al-
(62.3/100,000) compared to 1977/78 most 2-fold higher in men with a history of
(45.0/100,000), indicating an increased in- gout compared with those without (15% vs
cidence from 0.03% in 1978 to 0.05% in 8%) (36).
1996 (29). In the Framingham Heart Study,
the incidence of gout per 1,000 person- Cardiovascular diseases (CVD)
years was 1.4 in females and 4.0 in males There is a strong association between gout
in a total of 5,209 people examined over a and traditional cardiovascular risk fac-
52-year period (1950-2002) (24). tors, such as hypertension, diabetes mel-
In a Canadian population aged 65 years or litus, obesity and hypercholesterolemia,
over, the incidence rates were 5.7-7.5/1,000 and gout has a well-recognized association
person-years in males and 2.4-2.8/1000 with CVD including angina, heart failure,
person-years in females (30). myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular
In China, a 5-year cumulative incidence for accident, transient ischemic attack and
gout (1991-1992/1996-1997) of 18.83% peripheral vascular disease (14, 37-39).
was reported (31). In a prospective study of However, there is still much debate as to
gout in a New Zealand Maoris population whether gout is an independent risk factor
based on a sample of 388 males and 378 fe- for CVD, since many shared confounding
males (from 1962-63 to 1974), the 11-year factors play a significant role in all these
cumulative incidence rates were 10.3% conditions (25). Gout patients were more
for males and 4.3% for females (32). In a likely to have cardiovascular disease, hy-
population-based study in two regions of pertension, diabetes and chronic renal
the Czech Republic with a total population failure when compared with patients with
of 186,000 inhabitants (2002-2003), the osteoarthritis (14). A 2-year retrospective
annual incidence of gout was 0.41% (33) study examining co-morbidities and medi-
(Table I). cation use among patients with gout/hype-

210 Reumatismo 4/2011

Epidemiology of gout and chondrocalcinosis review

ruricemia across the United States reported briefly review some particular aspects re-
that 57.9% had hypertension, 45.3% had a lated to this subset of patients.
lipid disorder, 32.5% had both conditions Elderly-onset gout (EOG) is defined as a
and 19.9% had diabetes mellitus (39). A re- disease with onset at 65 years of age or
cent cohort study found an approximate 2:1 over, and represents a special issue with
prevalence ratio of essential hypertension, notable epidemiological, clinical and ther-
hyperlipidemia, diabetes mellitus without apeutic differences from the typical mid-
complications and coronary atherosclerosis dle-aged form (52). In the US, among sub-
in patients with gout compared with those jects aged 65 years or older, the prevalence
without (38). Similar co-morbidities were of gout and hyperuricemia was 9.8% (~3.5
also seen in gout patients in other areas of million US citizens) and 31.4% (~10.7
the world, such as northern Thailand (3). million US citizens), respectively (10). Al-
Hyperuricemia per se has also been associ- though the prevalence of gout is higher in
ated with an increased risk of CVD (40-43) men than in women (6), after the age of
but its role as an independent risk factor 65 this gender difference is less evident,
for CVD is still under debate (25). Data and after the eighth decade, EOG is found
obtained from a review of 14 large popula- almost exclusively in females (29, 53). At
tion studies (44), and a meta-analysis of 15 onset, women are generally ten years older
other studies (45), favored hyperuricemia than men (54, 55). From a clinical point
as an independent risk factor for CVD. of view, the main differences from the
middle-aged form are the more frequent
Metabolic syndrome (MS) subacute/chronic polyarticular onset with
High prevalence of MS has been reported hand involvement, the unusual localization
among gout patients (46). In a study on the of tophi superimposed on ostheoarthritis
relationship between the first gout attack (OA) nodes, and the frequent association
and the diagnosis of MS it was found that with drugs that reduce renal urate excre-
the first attacks of gout may precede the tion (diuretics and low-dose aspirin) and/
diagnosis of metabolic abnormalities and or with primitive renal impairment (52).
associated diseases (47). Because of the frequent atypical presen-
tation, EOG can easily be confused with
other diseases (i.e. rheumatoid arthritis,
n MORTALITY OA, pseudogout and spondyloarthritides)
(56) thus often remaining misdiagnosed or
An association between hyperuricemia diagnosed later in its clinical course (52).
and gout with cardiovascular mortality has Even when recognized, its treatment is of-
been reported. Hyperuricemia is associated ten difficult or unsatisfactory (52).
with an elevated relative risk of death from
all causes, above all coronary heart disease,
stroke, hepatic disease and renal failure n RISK FACTORS FOR THE
(48, 49), and it is a considerable risk fac- DEVELOPMENT OF GOUT
tor for reduced life expectancy (3). In men
with gout, the increased mortality risk was Hyperuricemia
primarily due to an elevated risk of cardio- As mentioned above, hyperuricemia is
vascular death, especially coronary heart considered the most important risk factor
disease (50, 51). for the development of gout (25) and the
risk of gout increases dramatically with in-
creasing serum urate level (24, 29, 31, 57,
n ELDERLY-ONSET GOUT 58). However, a large majority of people
with hyperuricemia do not have gout while
Since epidemiological data demonstrate an hyperuricemia is much more common, im-
increased prevalence and incidence of gout plying that other factors must be involved
among elderly people, it is of interest to in the pathogenesis of gout (59).

Reumatismo 4/2011 211

review G. Ciancio, A. Bortoluzzi, M. Govoni

Genetic factors Dietary factors

Although a strong familial predisposition The close link between diet and gout has
to primary gout has been recognized for been well known for centuries and sev-
centuries, especially in males, the genetic eral studies have highlighted not only the
basis remains largely unknown (1). Renal predisposing but also the protective role
mechanisms involved in urate handling and of certain foods towards the development
transportation appear to play a central role of gout. A recent study of 5,003 subjects
in determining hyperuricemia. More than randomly recruited from 5 coastal cities
70% of the body’s uric acid is eliminated of Shandong province in Eastern China
by the kidneys, while approximately only showed a higher prevalence of hyperuri-
30% is excreted into the intestine (25). The cemia and gout in urban than in rural resi-
usual mechanism of hyperuricemia in pri- dents, and in the more developed than in
mary gout relates predominantly to a rela- the less developed cities, suggesting the
tive inefficiency in excretion rather than possibility that dietary and lifestyle chang-
overproduction (25). In addition, twin stud- es may be directly responsible for these
ies support the hypothesis that genetic fac- variations in the prevalence of gout (18).
tors exert an important control on the renal Foods associated with an increased risk of
clearance of urate (60, 61). These data ex- gout include meat and seafood (75), sug-
plain the deep interest recently focused on ar-sweetened soft drinks, fruits with high
genes regulating renal urate transport (62, fructose content and fruit juices (76, 77).
63). SLC2A9 (GLUT9) and ABCG2 are Conversely, dairy products (75), coffee
urate transporters located in the proximal (78) and higher total vitamin C consump-
renal tubules which are involved in the re- tion (79) were seen to be protective against
nal excretion of urate and are, to date, con- the risk of hyperuricemia and gout.
sidered the two major regulators of serum Results of recent studies may explain the
uric acid (SUA) levels (64-66). Several lowering of the risk of gout in individu-
studies have reported that individuals with als consuming dairy products. It has been
GLUT9 or ABCG2 polymorphisms were reported that full cream milk has an acute
associated with higher SUA concentrations urate-lowering effect by increasing the
and gout risk (67-69). Polymorphisms fractional excretion of uric acid (80), and
in the SLC17A1 gene, which encodes for both lipid and protein fractions of dairy
NPT1, a sodium-dependent phosphate co- products may inhibit the inflammatory
transporter (68) and in the SLC17A3 gene response to monosodium urate crystals in
(encoding NPT4, a proximal tubule so- animal models (81). However, the protec-
dium/phosphate co-transporter) (65) have tive effect against high SUA levels intake
also been shown to be associated with gout. was seen for low-fat dairy products but not
A polymorphism of SLC22A12 gene encod- for high-fat dairy products (75).
ing for human urate transporter 1 (URAT1), As far as coffee is concerned, a modest
which is critical in controlling reabsorption inverse association between decaffeinated
of uric acid from the proximal renal tubules coffee intake and SUA levels was shown,
(25, 70) has been associated with hyperuri- while total caffeine from all sources and
cemia in German Caucasians (71). tea intake were not associated with hyperu-
Other genetic associations with hyperuri- ricemia or the risk of gout (78).
cemia have been recently reported, such as Consumption of purine-rich vegetables ap-
the 677T allele of the methylene tetrahy- peared not to be associated with hyperuri-
drofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene (66) cemia and gout (75).
and the 64Arg variant of the β3-adrenergic
receptor (ADRB3) gene (72). Alcohol consumption
It is likely, although not yet proven, that Several studies and recent epidemiologi-
individuals with a greater number of urate- cal data support the important relationship
associated genes develop gout at a younger between alcohol consumption and risk
age than average (73, 74). of incident and/or prevalent gout (24, 31,

212 Reumatismo 4/2011

Epidemiology of gout and chondrocalcinosis review

73, 82-88). In a study carried out over a and for gout flares (14, 24, 101, 102), as
period of 12 years (1986-98) using twice they may induce hyperuricemia trough in-
yearly questionnaires, a strong associa- hibition of renal urate excretion (103, 104).
tion between alcohol intake and gout was Cyclosporine use has been associated with
reported, with the greatest risk for beer an increased risk of new-onset gout after
consumption and, albeit to a lesser degree, renal transplantation (105). The risk is
for spirits; moderate wine drinking did not, higher than that observed with tacrolimus,
however, increase the risk (86). Excessive and the incidence of new-onset gout ap-
alcohol intake is an important risk factor pears to be increasing even while the dos-
for gout also in women; in the Framing- age of cyclosporine is decreasing (104).
ham Heart Study cohort, alcohol use was Aspirin is known to have a bimodal effect
associated with a 3-fold higher risk of in- on SUA levels, high dosages (>3 gm/day)
cident gout among women and a 2-fold being uricosuric while low dosages (1-2 gm/
higher risk in men (24). Furthermore, it has day) cause UA retention (106). One study
been reported that alcohol intake may trig- showed that low-dose aspirin (75mg a day)
ger attacks of acute gout typically within may also be a risk factor for gout, causing
24 h after its consumption (89), besides significant changes in uric acid management
being associated with a higher risk of gout in a group of elderly patients (107).
flares per year (73). Notably, it was found
that alcoholism was significantly increased Drugs and substances which can induce
in gouty patients compared with non-gouty hyperuricemia (CANTLEAP)
patients (84). The intake of alcoholic bev- • Cyclosporine
erages may predispose to gout by several • Alcohol
mechanisms, such as increasing the avail- • Nicotinic acid
ability of the substrate for urate production • Thiazides
(accelerated degradation of purine, high • Lasix (Furosemide) or other loop diuret-
purine content of beer) or reducing renal ics
urate excretion through lactic acidosis (90). • Ethambutol
• Aspirin
Metabolic factors • Pyrazinamide
Gout has an important association with
the metabolic syndrome, the prevalence of Renal disease
which is significantly higher in individu- Chronic renal disease is an important risk
als with gout (62.8%) compared with those factor for gout (14, 101). In a retrospective
without gout (25.4%) (46), obesity (24) and study, the incidence of gout was 5.4% in
diabetes mellitus (14, 91). Hyperuricemia is the first year of dialysis and 15.4% in the
a common finding in patients with metabol- first five years (108).
ic syndrome (92) and SUA levels are usu-
ally more elevated (by 0.5-1.0 mg/dL) in
subjects with metabolic syndrome than in n PREVALENCE
controls (93, 94). It has been hypothesized OF CHONDROCALCINOSIS
that insulin-resistance syndrome could be
the common denominator shared by these The prevalence of chondrocalcinosis
conditions. Previous studies have shown a (CC) is still rather uncertain and varies
close relationship between hyperuricemia depending on the diagnostic criterion used
and the insulin resistance syndrome (95- in different studies, i.e. X-ray or synovial
97), and higher insulin levels are known to fluid examination. In the Framingham
reduce renal excretion of urate (98-100). Knee Osteoarthritis Study, a large popula-
tion based study of the elderly, the preva-
Medications lence of radiological knee CC was 8.1%
Diuretics, including thiazide and loop diu- in a sample of 1,425 subjects aged over 63
retics are a significant risk factor for gout years (109).

Reumatismo 4/2011 213

review G. Ciancio, A. Bortoluzzi, M. Govoni

In a Spanish primary care-based study, the men, 7.7% in women) (116). Moreover,
crude prevalence of CC in subjects aged wrist chondrocalcinosis was very rare in
over 60 years was 10%, as confirmed by elderly Chinese subjects (prevalence 0.3%
both knee and wrist X-rays (110). in men and 1.0% in women) (116).
In a large UK community study (1727 in- Data on CPPD incidence are lacking. Some
dividuals; 1,084 women, 643 men, mean information comes from studies which an-
age 63.7 years), a prevalence of CC of 7% alyzed the seasonal pattern of occurrence
was reported, with a strong age association of acute attacks of CPPD and these will be
(from 3.7% in people aged 55-59 years to reported below.
17.5% in those aged 80-84 years). There
was no difference according to gender
In a population of elderly Italian subjects THE DEVELOPMENT
from Northeastern Italy, the prevalence OF CHONDROCALCINOSIS
of radiological chondrocalcinosis of the
lower limbs was 10%, and this increased Genetic factors
with age, rising from 7.8% in subjects aged A familial form of chondrocalcinosis has
65-74 years, to 9.4% in those aged 75-84 now been widely recognized and two ge-
years, and to 21.1% in subjects aged over netic locations have been identified: the
85 years (112) (Figure 4). CCAL1 locus, located on the long arm of
The prevalence of CPPD is much higher chromosome 8 and associated with severe
when SF is examined for crystals: 25-43% osteoarthritis; and the CCAL2 locus, which
of SF obtained from patients undergoing has been mapped to the short arm of chro-
total knee arthroplasty contain CPPD crys- mosome 5 and identified in families from
tals (113-115). the Alsace region of France and the United
In a recent study, the comparison of CC Kingdom (117).
prevalence between Chinese subjects (Bei- The responsible gene at the CCAL2 locus
jing residents, ages >60 years) and US has been identified as the ANKH (ankylo-
white subjects in Framingham (MA, USA) sis human) gene, whose mutations are be-
showed a much lower prevalence of knee lieved to cause familial CC (117). In con-
CC in Chinese subjects (1.8% in men, 2.7% trast, the role of genetic factors in sporadic
in women) than in white subjects (6.2% in forms of CC has not yet been fully estab-
lished (118).

Ref. 85 (Rx) Ref. 86 (Rx) Ref. 87 (Rx)

Aging and osteoarthritis (OA)
Ref. 88-90 (S.F.) Ref. 88-90 (S.F.) Age and OA are major risk factors for CC
50 (4). It is well known that age is a com-
45 mon risk factor for both OA and CC, and
age-related alteration of cartilage matrix
Prevalence per 100 people

35 encourages deposition of calcium crystals
30 (119). However, the precise relationship
25 between OA and CC is unclear, since it is
20 also known that CPPD could be a primary
15 factor that causes or worsens joint damage
10 in OA.
Chondrocalcinosis Previous joint injury may predispose to
CPPD. The best evidence comes from stud-
Figure 4 - Prevalence of CC in various epi- ies of post-meniscectomy knees in which
demiological studies (Ref: reference; S.F.: sy- the risk of CC is five times greater than in
novial fluid). contralateral unoperated knees (120).

214 Reumatismo 4/2011

Epidemiology of gout and chondrocalcinosis review

Hyperparathyroidism controlled studies involving age-matched

Patients with hyperparathyroidism are controls (128).
three times more likely to have CPPD than
controls (121, 122).
Hemochromatosis (HH) IN THE ONSET OF GOUT
Although there is some evidence to support AND CHONDROCALCINOSIS
the association between hemochromatosis
and CPPD, the relationship between them Some studies have shown a temporal
has not been defined. In a hospital series of variation in the onset of gout and CCPD
54 patients with idiopathic hemochromato- (129-132). In our 1999 study, we showed
sis, 31 had arthropathy, which had a signifi- that the occurrence of gout attacks had a
cant association with CC (123). In another circannual distribution, characterized by
study of 178 patients with hemochroma- a spring peak in April (132). These re-
tosis, the prevalence of CC was 30% and sults were consistent with other studies on
the number of joints with CC correlated chronobiological evaluation of gout (129,
positively with age, ferritin level and serum 131), with the exception of one single re-
PTH 44-68 (124). port in which a summer peak was found
In contrast, in a hospital case-control study, in July (130). Analysis of the distribution
no significant association was found al- of events by gender confirmed such a pat-
though patients with hemochromatosis tern only for males, whereas the extreme
developed CC at a younger age (<60) than scarcity of females did not allow any valid
those without (125). Furthermore, the fre- statistical analysis to be carried out (132).
quency of HH in patients with sporadic CC On the contrary, no significant seasonal
is very low, so systematic genetic testing variation in pseudogout attacks has been
for HH in patients with CC is not recom- demonstrated (131, 132), although in our
mended (126). study pseudogout events showed a higher
frequency peak in autumn (132). Overall,
Hypomagnesemia the analysis of the distribution of events by
Hypomagnesemia associates with in- season showed a significant difference be-
creased risk of CPPD. In a recent cross- tween gout and pseudogout attacks (132).
sectional study, the prevalence of CC was There are still no convincing explanations
found to be markedly higher in patients for this particular seasonal pattern.
with intestinal failure, in whom severe
hypomagnesemia often develops despite
magnesium supplementation, than in con- n CONCLUSIONS
trols (127).
In one community study, use of diuretics Gout is a very common form of arthritis, and
was a risk factor for CC, and this might be prevalence and incidence rates are rising
explained by hypomagnesemia consequent worldwide, especially among industrialized
to increased urinary magnesium loss in- and elderly populations. Risk factors such as
duced by thiazides (111). obesity, hypertension, extensive use of diu-
retics and alcohol intake may in part explain
Other metabolic and endocrine diseases this increasing trend. Hyperuricemia is the
Gout, ochronosis, familial hypocalciuric central risk factor for gout, a key component
hypercalcemia, X-linked hypophospha- of the metabolic syndrome and an independ-
temic rickets, Wilson’s disease and acro- ent risk factor for cardiovascular disease.
megaly have been reported to predispose High prevalence of cardiovascular diseases,
to CC but these are only anecdotal obser- renal impairment and metabolic disease has
vations (128). Diabetes mellitus and hypo- been reported among gout patients.
thyroidism, initially reported as predispos- Chondrocalcinosis defines cartilage cal-
ing factors for CC, were not confirmed by cification, most commonly due to CPPD.

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220 Reumatismo 4/2011

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