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ELSEVIER Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 13 (1997) 1-25


The current state of research on automotive

lean NO, catalysis
A. Fritz, V. Pitchon*
LERCSZ, Laboratoire d’Etudes de la Rt!activitt Catalytique, Surfaces et Intelfaces, URA 1498 du
CNRS - Institut le Bel, Universite Louis Pasteur; 4, rue Blaise Pascal, 67070 Strasbourg, France

Received 15 May 1996; received in revised form 26 October 1996; accepted 30 October 1996


A predominant challenge to both industrial and academic research institutions is the selective reduction of NO, during lean
exhaust conditions. Despite a proliferation of publications, papers and reviews, a large number of catalysts fall short of a
credible and consistent diesel application. Herein are reviewed systems designed specifically with the goal of assisting
researchers in their assessment of catalytic performance. By way of conclusion, three principal types of catalysts active for
HC-SCR are discussed.

Keywords: Lean NO,; Decomposition; Reduction; Zeolites; Noble metals; Oxides

1. Introduction these measures have proved less than sufficient and

so, to prevent pollution, an exhaust after treatment has
Nitrogen oxides (NO,) are emitted primarily become necessary. With this in mind, several technol-
from transportation and other industrial sources ogies have been developed in order to decrease the
and contribute largely to a variety of environmental harmful NO, emissions. They can be classified
problems: the formation of acid rain and the re- according to their use or non-use of a catalyst. The
sultant acidification of aquatic systems, ground-level aim of this paper is to review all possible catalytic
ozone (smog), and general atmospheric visibility candidates for the further development of this very
degradation. For these reasons, NO, emissions are necessary technology.
In respect of the severe regulations imposed, the
motor car manufacturers have had to decrease con- 2. Origins and effects of nitrogen oxides
siderably the NO, emissions from their vehicles.
Initially, this was achieved either through action upon 2.1. Origins of nitrogen oxides
the nitrogen contents of the oil or by a modification of
the engine’s combustion chamber. More recently, The major source of nitrogen oxides is the combus-
tion of fossil fuels such as coke in electrical power
*Corresponding author. E-mail: plants or petroleum in the engines of vehicles and

0926-860X/97/$17.00 0 1997 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

PZZ SO926-3373(96)00102-6
2 A. Fritz, V PitchonIApplied Catalysis B: Environmental 13 (1997) l-25

aeroplanes. In both cases, the processes are so fast that bon from unburned gasoline. This oxide is poisonous
the thermodynamic equilibrium (C02+H20) is not for the respiratory system, provoking both lung infec-
reached. For this reason, the exhaust gases contain tion and respiratory allergies since it is able to diffuse
products of an incomplete combustion such as soot or through the alveolar cells and capillary vessels of the
carbon monoxide. Nitrogen oxides are also formed. lungs and damage their structure through their pro-
Among them, nitrogen monoxide (NO) accounts for pensity towards oxidation [5]. Epidemiological stu-
95% of all nitrogen oxide emissions. From a thermo- dies have revealed that concentrations of nitrogen
dynamic point of view, this compound is unstable oxides having hazardous effects for people in good
[l] (NO + ;Nz + iO2; A($ = -86kJ/mol). The health are above 0.05 ppm for an exposure of over
majority of NO is formed by the reaction between 24 h [6]. Nevertheless, this value is often exceeded in
nitrogen and oxygen following the mechanism estab- towns with dense traffic during peak hours or during
lished by Zeldovich [2]: the summer.
N*+O* dNO+N* (1)
2.3. Impact on the environment
N* + O2 + NO + 0* (2)
Nowadays, the deforestation of the northern hemi-
N2+02+2N0 sphere by contamination is considered one of the most
By assuming a constant concentration of N* radicals important ecological problems. Although responsibil-
and a large oxygen content when compared to NO ity might be directed towards a variety of factors, that
concentration, the following equation is obtained: of acid rain remains a major contributor among them
[7]. In this process, nitrogen oxides play an influential
d[NO]/dt = 2 k exp( -EA/RZ’) [Nz] [O*] (3) role in the photochemistry of both strotosphere and
Eq. (3) shows that the formation of NO is essen- stratosphere [8]. The chemical transformations of
tially controlled by reaction (1). It also reveals the nitrogen oxides are summarised in Fig. 1. Nitric oxide
importance of both temperature and atomic oxygen is rapidly oxidised by ozone while radicals such as
concentration. The oxidation of organic nitrogen com- OH* and HO2 are transformed into N02, HN02 and
pounds from oil is not significant from the point of H02N02 191. Acid rains usually form high up in the
view of NO production [3]. cloud, a locality where nitrogen oxides react with
water, oxygen and other oxidants. These compounds
2.2. Effects on health are transformed into HN03 which then acidifies rain,

In recent years, studies from within a variety of the

biological sciences have converged to reveal the
importance of NO to the living organism. One of
these reports [4] described NO as an essential mes-
senger, which transmits the necessary information to
the white corpuscles within the bloodstream to destroy
tumour cells and assorted bacteria and, in a second
role, to the neurotransmitters to dilate the blood
vessels. However, while the biologically active NO
is a poisonous product of the in vivo enzyme-catalysed
transformation of the amino acid, arginine, and is
maintained only at beneficent concentrations, that
emitted freely from a car engine presents a real hazard
of toxicity.
In the presence of air NO is oxidised to NO*, which Fig. 1. Chemical transformations of atmospheric NO,: (===>)
is a rapid conversion at high concentrations, further photochemical processes, (- >) thermal gas-phase processes,
accelerated in the presence of sunlight and hydrocar- (“*.a) dry deposition, and (- ->) heterogeneous reactions [5].
A. Fritz, VI Pitchon/Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 13 (1997) 1-25

snow or fog because of its solubility in water. These

acid precipitations perturbate the aquatic ecosystems
greatly and can cause the biological death of lakes and
Nitrogen oxides also contribute to photochemical
pollution by promoting the formation of ozone via the
reactions [ 10,111:
NO2 + hv(X < 415 nm) + NO + 0*
oz+o* +os

Other compounds such as peroxyacetylene nitrates

(PAN) formed by photochemical reaction have been
found [ 121. These are produced by a chain-reaction
process, described as follows:
H20+0* --) 2OH*
CHs -CHO + OH* + CH3 -CO* + HZ0
Fig. 2. European norms for IDI diesel emissions (source: S.A.
CH3-CO* + O2 -+ CHs-CO; Renault).

CH3 -CO; + NO2 + CH3-C03-NO2

lished gas-exhaust precedent. However, with the intro-
They contribute significantly to global photo-oxi- duction of a new series of EC objectives in 1993,
dising pollution and have been shown to be more whose restrictions will become even more severe from
harmful than ozone towards both human and plants. 1996, it appears that the production of diesel vehicles
Their principal source is the automobile. not in possession of an exhaust treatment will not be
possible in the very near future.
2.4. Legislative aspect The norms represented in Fig. 2 for diesel vehicles
with direct injection show that the amount of
As discussed above, NO is the starting material for HC+NO, must be decreased, within seven years, by
the production of both acid rain and photochemical a factor of 2.15 from 0.97 to 0.45 g/km.
smog. As a result of these unfortunate ecological
consequences and continuing breaches of the legally
established threshold of NO, in air, a directive towards 3. A catalytic approach to NO, de-pollution
renewed efforts from the motor car manufacturing @eNOx)
industry has been welcomed such that the NO emis-
sions are projected to comply with the EC-proposed 3.1. The catalytic decomposition of NO
guidelines by the year 2000.
Since 1982, EC regulations concerning spark igni- Nitrogen monoxide is thermodynamically unstable
tion vehicles, more powerful purveyors of hydrocar- (NO -+ $N2 + ;O z, AGF = -86 kJ/mol). Theoreti-
bons (HC), NO and CO pollution than diesel, were cally, it should decompose as soon as it is formed.
established to conform their engines to the extent of However, the decomposition reaction is inhibited by a
unburned HC, CO and NO, legislated for. This was high activation energy of 364 kJ/mol [ 11. Therefore, a
achieved by the further development and implementa- catalyst is necessary to lower this activation energy in
tion of exhaust devices and three-way catalysts. Reg- order to facilitate this decomposition. Research in this
ulation of diesel engines was introduced in 1988, domain is extensive and this section will review the
though mainly for particle emission, since this type various catalysts which can be divided into three
of engine was already in compliance with the estab- groups, i.e. precious metals, oxides and zeolites.
4 A. Fritz, V Pitchon/Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 13 (1997) 1-25

Table 1 of oxygen in the gas stream, the platinum is partially

Study of NO decomposition over noble metals (after Iwamoto and
oxidised and suffers a reduction in its activity. In the
Hamada [22])
absence of oxygen, the rate of decomposition is con-
Reference Catalyst stant since the molecular oxygen formed by decom-
1131 R wire position of NO is immediately desorbed.
[I41 Pt and Rh wire Wu et al. [21] have studied the effect of gold or
Cl51 Pt and Rh wire silver addition to a palladium-based catalyst. When
U61 Pt-Ni/AlaOa palladium is dispersed alone onto alumina, the results
u71 PtjAlaOa
are similar to those obtained with platinum: no activity
[181 PtlAlaOa
[I91 Pt/AlaOa, Pt foil occurs for temperatures lower than 773 K. The con-
r201 Ptwire version becomes substantial above 1023 K, at which
WI Pd-Au, AglAlaOa palladium oxide is decomposed producing some oxy-
gen. The addition of gold or silver leads to the for-
mation of Pd-Au or Pd-Ag alloys. The oxides of these
3.1.1. Precious metals alloys are decomposed beginning from 973 K and,
The majority of the decomposition studies have therefore, favour the NO decomposition at lower
been carried out either upon platinum metal alone temperatures, more than that with palladium alone.
or have engaged a bimetallic or alloy, both incorpor- Unfortunately, the catalyst inhibition due to oxygen
ating a second transition metal. Table 1 summarises has not been studied in this work.
their findings.
Studies upon the kinetics of the reaction have 3.1.2. Oxides
included experimental observation of parameters such The most active catalysts for NO decomposition are
as the partial pressures of oxygen and NO. The con- metallic oxide compounds. The principal studies are
clusions drawn from these enquiries are in support of summarised in Table 2.
the generally accepted mechanism which invokes a At a given temperature, the parameters and rate of
first step of NO adsorption and its subsequent in situ NO decomposition are found largely to depend upon
dissociation into nitrogen and oxygen atoms. Then, those of the oxygen desorption step. Also, a good
desorption of the newly constituted molecular nitro- correlation between catalytic activity and isotopic
gen and oxygen provides the sites for a new adsorp- exchange reaction between 02 and the surface has
tion: been observed [32], suggesting that the activity of
oxides as catalysts is strongly related to the strength of
NO (ads) + N (ads) + 0 (ads) the metal&oxygen bond in the lattice. The reaction
2N (ads) + NZ (g) shows strong similarities to NzO decomposition,
implying a first step of NO adsorption onto sites
2 0 (ads) + 02 (g)
formed by adjacent anion vacancies [23]. The overall
The desorption of oxygen from the surface is
strongly temperature dependant. Below 773 K, the Table 2
desorption is difficult. With a progressive covering NO decomposition studies on metallic oxides
of the surface by oxygen atoms, it becomes inactive
Reference Catalyst
for the adsorption of NO, until when the coverage is
complete so that the catalyst becomes totally inert. For ~231 40 metallic oxides
~241 Oxides of Cr, Fe, Co or Ni
the temperatures in the 973-1473 K range, Amimazmi
~251 BaO, SrO, CaO
et al. [ 191 have established the following rate equation: SrFeOa
r = d[NO]/dt = k[NO]/(l + K[02]). ~271 BaaYCuaO,
The decomposition reaction has an order equal to 1281 La, Sr-Co, Mn, Fe, Cu-0,
unity towards NO and a negative order towards oxy- 12% Ag/Co304
I301 Rare earth oxides
gen; the reaction is therefore inhibited by oxygen. This
[311 Cuprates
might be explained by the fact that, with the presence
A. Fritz, V Pitchon/Applied Catalysis B: Environmental I3 (1997) 1-25 5

kinetics of the decomposition reaction upon oxides for the decomposition of NO under reaction condi-
could be described by the same rate equation as that tions approximate to automotive catalytic converters
for noble metals. An order equal to unity towards NO have been reported thus far.
is observed and the reaction is also inhibited in the
presence of oxygen. The rate-determining step 3.1.3. Zeolites
remains the desorption of oxygen. Since the pioneering work of Iwamoto et al. in 1972
Oxygen inhibition can be reduced by a judicious [33] demonstrating, by use of TPD, that Cu-Y zeolites
choice of promoter. For example, Hamada et al. have could adsorb large amounts of oxygen which are then
shown that, by adding silver to cobalt oxide, both desorbed at temperatures as low as 846 K, zeolite
activity and resistance to oxygen poisoning are studies have been extensively reported in the litera-
increased [29], as depicted by Fig. 3. The mixed oxide ture. From among a host of possible structures, Cu-
with an Ag/Co ratio of 0.05 is the most active in the ZSM-5 is by far the most studied. This catalyst
absence of oxygen. However, with only 5% of oxygen exhibits a low but constant activity for NO decom-
and at 773 K, the activity of this oxide is reduced to position [34]. Valyon and Hall have compared the
about its half, while the pure cobalt oxide becomes desorption of oxygen on zeolites Y and ZSM-5 [35].
totally inactive. The promoting effect of silver remains The Cu-ZSM-5 zeolite presents four peaks of deso-
the same for catalysts prepared by co-precipitation or rption at 393,493,683 and 803 K, while Cu-Y desorbs
successive impregnations of a silver salt on cobalt oxygen only at 363 and 823 K (see Fig. 4) leading to
oxide. The catalytically active species seems to be a desorption ratios of 0.2 oxygen per Cu atom for Cu-
complex of Co and Ag oxides. The enhancement ZSM-5 and only 0.1 for Cu-I:
observed with silver might be due to its low affinity The zeolites prepared by ion exchange are more
for oxygen. active than those prepared by impregnation. Gener-
Perovskite-type oxides have also been investigated ally, the Naf cations of the Na-ZSM-5 zeolite are
for this reaction [26-28,311. The driving force in the exchanged for Cu2+ cations coming from a solution of
development of these catalysts was the finding that a cupric salt. The amount of sodium exchanged
defective perovskite-type oxides permit easy desorp- depends upon the counter anion; with copper nitrate
tion of a large amount of oxygen from oxide bulk, or sulphate, the level of exchange could reach 100%.
thereby implying that inhibition by oxygen would not The use of copper acetate allows an over-exchange of
be as extensive. Another advantage is the stability of
their structure. Unfortunately, no significant activity

0.05 0.10 0.15 273 473 673 10 20 30

Ag /Co (atomic ratio1 Temperature,K/Time,min
Fig. 3. Effect of silver on Co104 catalyst in NO decomposition Fig. 4. Temperature-programmed desorption of O2 from Cu-zeolite
WI. catalyst [35].
6 A. Fritz, V PitchonIApplied Catalysis B: Envimnmental 13 (1997) 1-25

200% [36]. Such a high level of exchange was
explained by the formation of multivalent ion such
as CUDS+, Cu(OH)+, CU*(OH)~+ or Cu3(OH)F,
accompanied by the formation of a proton which acts
as a Bronsted acid site according to the following

xCt?+(s) +yH20 * CuX(OH);‘-‘(s) +yH+(s) 20

The stoichiometry of exchange between the sodium 0

173 373 473 573 673 773 873
and the copper ions was determined by absorption
Reaction temperature / K
spectroscopy. These types of experiment have proved
interesting since a direct correlation between the Fig. 6. Temperature dependence of NO decomposition over Cu-
exchange rate and activity has been established by ZSM-5 [22].
Iwamoto et al. [37], as shown in Fig. 5.
Two proposals have attempted to explain this phe-
nomenon, The first one implies that there are two obtained: those incorporated into the framework and
different types of cation site in the ZSM-5 framework others introduced by exchange. They reported an
and that the one most easily occupied provided less activity towards decomposition which is higher than
activity for the decomposition reaction. In the second that on a zeolite where copper is introduced only by
one, the reaction should proceed only if the two active ion exchange.
sites are adjacent, the probability of these sites’ exis- Fig. 6 displays the temperature dependence of Cu-
tence being higher for high exchange rates. Also, ZSM-5 for NO decomposition [22]. Optimum con-
experiments in the presence of oxygen have shown version of NO is achieved at ca. 773 K. The loss of
that over-exchanged catalysts are less inhibited by activity above this temperature is not due to deactiva-
oxygen than catalysts having an exchange rate lower tion of the catalyst, but rather to the fact that the
than 100% [36]. desorption of NO from the surface becomes favour-
ErCnen et al. [38] have studied the effect of the able.
incorporation of copper within the zeolitic framework The rates of conversion of NO and formation of
during synthesis. By exchanging such a zeolite with oxygen and nitrogen are not equal. This discrepancy
copper acetate, two types of cuprous cations are could be attributed to the formation of NO2 in the gas
stream before the catalytic bed by oxidation of NO in
the homogeneous phase. When NO is totally con-
verted, NO2 formation does not occur. Hence, the
catalytic reaction is really the stoichiometric decom-
position NO + iN2 + i 02. The kinetics of the
decomposition has been studied by Li and Hall
[39], who have described the rate equation as:
r = d[NO]/dt = k[NO]/(l + K[02]i’*),
The order towards NO is equal to unity while that
towards oxygen is negative. The exponent of the
oxygen concentration is 0.5 instead of 1 as in the case
of noble metals. The authors suggested that this
variation is the consequence of a difference in the
recombination of the adsorbed oxygen atoms.
0 20 40 60 80 100
In the same study, Li and Hall observed, by use of in
Exchange level of Cu*+ / 92
situ electron spin resonance, the reduction of a number
Fig. 5. Influence of the exchanged level of Cu(II) ions on the of cu*+ cations to Cu+ during the desorption of
catalytic activity of zeolite [27]. oxygen. Liu and Robota confirmed this by in situ
A. Fritz, V Pitchon/Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 13 (1997) I-25 I

XANES experiments which measured the transition, NO&--Cu+ and (N0)26--Cut during the forma-
ls-+4p, of Cut during NO decomposition [40]. The tion of molecular nitrogen at room temperature;
activity towards decomposition is strongly linked to and
the cuprous ion concentration, suggesting that they ?? the nitrogen formation stops when the concentra-
play an important role in this reaction. tion of NO&--Cu+ and (N0)26--Cu+ species
Valyon and Hall have compared the effect of reduc- becomes constant.
tion by carbon monoxide over the two zeolites, Cu- From these findings, Iwamoto [44] proposed the
ZSM-5 and Cu-Y [41]. With the former, an oxidising mechanism presented in Fig. 7. In this reaction
pre-treatment favoured the presence of Cu2+ while a scheme, the Cu2+ cations exist before the reaction,
reducing pre-treatment, those of Cut. Whatever the while the N06+-Cu2+ species formed following the
pre-treatment, both reported the presence of both Cu+ introduction of NO are not represented. The NO
and Cu2+. The Cu-Y zeolite did not behave similarly adsorption on Cu+ cations leads to the formation of
as that following an oxidising pre-treatment: copper species I, II, III and IV. Species I and II are too far
existed only in the form of Cu2+; a subsequent treat- away to interact with each other and therefore remain
ment under CO then reduced all the copper to Cu+. inactive, while III and IV can react at room tempera-
The comparatively high activity of Cu-ZSM-5 could ture with neighbouring species to form nitrogen and
be due to its encouragement of a co-existence of the nitrous oxide. The oxygen atoms remain on the surface
two copper cations which suggests that a redox to oxidise the Cuf ions into Cu2+(V, VI and VII),
mechanism may be involved. which adsorb NO in their VII form. At this stage, the
The reaction intermediates have been studied by catalyst is inactive for the decomposition reaction. By
infra-red spectroscopy. Following the adsorption of an increase in the temperature, regeneration of the
NO upon Cu-ZSM-5, there was formation of an NO&+ active sites occurs, proceeding by the desorption of
species (ca. 1900 cm-‘), in liaison with the Cu2+ oxygen which leads in turn to the reduction of Cu2+
cation and each of both N06- (ca. 1810 cm-‘) and ions to Cu+.
(NO),‘- species (ca. 1824 and 1730 cm-‘), with the More recently, Lei et al. [45] have reported a
Cut population [42,43]. Iwamoto et al. have studied confirmation of this mechanism by their proposal of
the presence of these species over time by analysing the existence of a [Cu-0-Cu12+ complex which is
the gaseous effluent [44]. At room temperature, the able to adsorb NO. The reduction of the chelated
intensity of the bands attributed to NO&+ increased species would induce the formation of Cut cations.
with the passage of time, while those of NO&- and Shelef admitted some doubts about the adsorption
(NO),&- species decreased. There was formation of of NO upon Cuf cations of the d” configuration;
nitrogen and nitrous oxide so long as the negative-type preferring the view that NO is adsorbed preferentially
species continued to be detected. However, N2 and upon CU*+ cations which are of the d 9 configuration.
N20 were no longer formed in the exclusive presence Rather than the redox mechanism of Iwamoto, Shelef
of NO’+ upon the surface. proposed that Cu2+ ions are the active sites [46]. The
The principal results obtained from the Cu-ZSM-5 adsorbed species are under the form of gemdinitrosyls
experiments may be summarised as follows: which undergo rearrangement in order to give nitrogen
?? the decomposition is stoichiometric into nitrogen and oxygen. The efficient activity of Cu-ZSM-5 is
and oxygen; explained by the zeolitic structure containing tetra-co-
?? the reaction is inhibited by oxygen; ordinated Cu2+ cations especially favourable for the
?? the presence of over-exchanged copper increases adsorption of the gemdinitrosyl species.
the activity;
?? the zeolite can desorb oxygen, during which 3.1.4. Conclusion on NO decomposition
sequence some copper Cu2’ are reduced to Cu+; The fact that NO decomposition was possible at low
?? the activity is correlated with the concentration of temperatures has given rise to great enthusiasm
cu+; amongst scientists working in the field of diesel de-
?? the concentration of NO&+-Cu2+ increases while pollution. As a result, various branches of catalytic
there is a parallel decrease in the concentration of science (solid state chemistry, kinetics, mechanisms,
A. Fritz, V Pitchon/Applied Catalysis B: Environmental I3 (1997) 1-25

a+ NO

a -N,O t-N,)

a+ NO

Fig. 7. Surface mechanism of NO decomposition over Cu-ZSM-5 [44].

. . .) have been investigated and numerous publications would need to be involved. The research undertaken in
during the last ten years have reported important this field provides the subject for discussion in the next
advances in general knowledge. section. It is a vast field of study and a recent paper by
Unfortunately, the most promising systems for NO Tabata et al. [47] proposed an extensive review of the
decomposition, such as copper-based zeolites, do not patent literature associated with a discussion on the
suppress the inhibiting effect of oxygen which remains problems to be solved for practical applications of the
the single most important obstacle to overcome in the SCR process.
development of a successful DeNO, catalyst. A further
difficulty to be considered is that posed by contact 3.2. The selective catalytic reduction (SCR)
with water; the resultant deactivation is often irrever-
sible as it affects the very framework of the zeolite 3.2.1. Selective reduction by ammonia (NH3-SCR)
itself. With this in mind, several studies have been In this process, ammonia is used as the reducing
instigated upon the subject of structural stabilisation agent for nitrogen oxides to produce nitrogen and
by the use of promoters (e.g. Ga, Ag, Co, . .). How- water:
ever, it has become clear that this reaction of NO
decomposition cannot be contemplated for a real
technological application in the presence of a complex
6NO2 + 8NHs + 7N2 + 12H20
exhaust mixture.
An alternative is the selective catalytic reduction Remarkably, these reactions are favoured in the
(SCR) of NO,, to accomplish which a suitable agent presence of oxygen [5]. Indeed, Fig. 8 shows that
A. Fritz, B Pitchon/Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 13 (1997) 1-25 9

Despite a similarity in temperature range when com-

pared with an exhaust gas mixture, plus the positive
effect of oxygen upon the reduction, the NH,-SCR has
never been given a real application by the motor car
manufacturing industries. The toxicity and manipula-
tion problems of ammonia remain the major obstacles
preventing the use of this technology by the general
public, while those of NH3 corrosion and SO2 poison-
ing would be difficult to overcome from an engineer-
ing point of view.
Nevertheless, the NHs-SCR is widely used as a de-
pollution technique in conventional electric power
O2 concentration (96)
plants. A projection estimates that a third of the
Fig. 8. Effect of the oxygen concentration on NO conversion: (A) ammonia being produced in the United States by
V205/Ti02, (B) zeolite, (C) CuO/A1203, (D) V205/TiO&02, (E) the year 2000 will be for use as the reducing agent
Fe203/Cr203-A1203, and (F) V205 [5]. in this process [54]. In Japan, a pioneer country in the
development of this technology, more than 50% of the
power stations are equipped with such systems [55].
the addition of 0.1-l% of oxygen enhances the con- From a practical point of view, V205 is dispersed in
version. Above l%, the conversion remains stable. monoliths made of cordierite. A reduction of ca. 60-
A popular and efficient catalyst for this process is 85% is reached with an NHs/NO ratio of the range
vanadium pentoxide (V205) supported on oxides such 0.7-0.9, with the unreacted ammonia being partially
as Ti02, A1203 and SiOz [48]. The temperature of released. The NHs/NO ratio is maintained below the
activity for this catalyst varies in the 473-823 K range optimum since, despite the better conversion, a
according to conditions, i.e. temperatures comparable greater quantity of NH3 would be emitted to the
to those of a diesel exhaust gas. The active site seems atmosphere.
to be the (V=O)2+ complex on the catalytic surface
[49]. Two mechanisms have been proposed for this 3.2.2. Three-way catalysis
reaction. The first norms of de-pollution were established in
?? The Eley-Redeal mechanism which involves an the United States in the 1970s with limits upon
ammonia-adsorbed species reacting with NO in emissions of NO, CO and the unburned hydrocarbons
the gas phase [50,51], while oxygen regenerates being introduced. Initially, converters were made of an
the active sites as described: oxidation catalyst in order to transform CO and hydro-
carbons into CO2 and H20. By 1981, because of the
NH3 + s ---f [s-NH31
increase in the severity of the restrictions, a new
[s-NH31 + NO, + [s-H] + N2 + Hz0 catalytic system was developed. The three-way cata-
2[s-H] + +02 + 2s + Hz0 lyst (TWC) was able to eliminate simultaneously the
three pollutants: CO, NO and hydrocarbons [56].
?? The formation of a reaction intermediate of the Another system, the so-called dual-bed, comprising
nitrosamine type is postulated for the second a double catalytic surface, the first one for NO reduc-
mechanism [52,53]: here again, the role of oxygen tion and the second one for oxidising both CO and
is to regenerate the active site. hydrocarbons, had also been developed but was only
to present prominent weaknesses [57]. This system
NH3 + s + [H-s-NH21
required that the engine worked with a rich mode in
NO + [H-s-NH~] + [H-s-NH2 -NO] order to have a reducing exhaust gas composition on
[H-s-NH2-NO] -+ [s-H] + N2 + H20 the first bed and an additional air entrance on the
second in order to favour the oxidation processes.
2[s-H] +i02 --+ 2s+H20 Among its major faults was to encourage an increase
10 A. Fritz, V Pitchon/Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 13 (1997) 1-25

in the fuel consumption, while the efficiency of NO, ZSMS, not only in the presence of oxygen, but also
elimination is limited because of the production of that the reaction was favoured in an O2 excess. Fol-
ammonia on the first bed, which was further trans- lowing this discovery, much research upon the selec-
formed into NO on the second bed. tive reduction of NO, by hydrocarbons was
At present, the choice is for a three-way catalyst undertaken and subsequently reported in the literature.
consisting mainly in a combination of noble metals The active catalysts can be divided into three groups:
(Pt, Rh or Pd) deposited on an alumina carrier stabi- zeolites, metallic oxides and noble metals.
lised by barium and lanthanum oxides. A consistent
amount of ceria is also present to play the role of an Zeolites (Cu-ZSMS)
oxygen reservoir in the rich transition and to help
obtain a well-dispersed metallic phase. The maximum Effect of the various parameters. As for the
conversion is obtained for the three pollutants when case of catalytic NO decomposition, the exchange of
there is a stoichiometric ratio of oxidative and redu- the Na+ or Hf for Cu2+ cations was the preparation
cing species in the exhaust. This is obtained by means method which gave the best results [61]. The influence
of a closed loop air/fuel control system. The reactions of the main parameters on the catalytic activity, which
involved are: has been studied by Iwamoto et al. [62]. Fig. 9 shows
the effect of temperature upon the selective conversion
2N0 +2CO + N2 + 2C02 of NO into N2 when using the Cu-ZSM-5 catalyst.
co +$02 --+ co2 When the gas stream contains 1000 ppm of NO, the
catalyst is only 25% efficient at 673 K. The reaction
C,H, + (X + $)02 -+ xC02 + $H20 can be completely inhibited by 1% oxygen in the
reactant feed. However, if 166 ppm of propene is
The reaction of the three pollutants occurs as a func-
added to the stream, 100% of reduction is obtained
tion of the air/fuel mixture [58]. A deviation toward
at 873 K. With 1% oxygen, the conversion presents a
enrichment will cause a decrease in the conversion of
volcano curve shape and the reduction is of ca. 30% at
CO and hydrocarbon because of the unavailability of
573 K. If the concentration of propene is increased up
oxygen. Equally, with certain catalysts, the same
to 1000 ppm, the conversion of NO reaches 85% at
conditions promote a decrease in the NO+Nz
573 K. Clearly, the presence of oxygen promotes the
reduction because of the enhanced formation of
reaction for temperatures lower than 773 K. Above
NH3 at high CO concentration, while deviation toward
the lean side causes a sharp fall off in the NO in this
reaction. e
. IO0
u IJ
The fact that NO conversion decreases in oxidising
atmosphere -under conditions close to stoichio- z
metric, as observed in three-way catalysis- has dis-
couraged the research on noble metals in a large
excess of oxygen - as with diesel conditions. These
catalysts have an improved activity when additional
hydrocarbon is injected even in a very oxidising atmo-
sphere (see following sections).

3.2.3. Selective reduction by hydrocarbons

(HC-SCR) Temperature / K
As discussed previously, while Cu-ZSMS is very
Fig. 9. Conversion into nitrogen over Cu-ZSM-5 as a funtion of
active for NO decomposition, it loses this efficiency in
temperature: (0) 1000 ppm NO; (A) 1000 ppm NO + 1% 02; (0)
the presence of oxygen. In 1990, Held et al. [59], and 1000 ppm NO + 166 ppm C3Hs; (0) 1000 ppm NO + 1% O2 +
Iwamoto [60], independently discovered that either 166 ppm C3H6; and (A) 1000 ppm NO + 1% O2 + 1000 ppm
alkanes or alkenes are able to reduce NO on Cu- C3Hs [Ql.
A. Fritz, V! Pitchon/Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 13 (1997) 1-25 11


Oxygen concentration I I
0 100 200
Fig. 10. Conversion into N2 over Cu-ZSM-5 as a function of the Exchange level of copper ion I 46
oxygen concentration [62].
Fig. 11. Dependence of the catalytic activity of copper ion-
exchanged ZSM-5 zeolite on the exchange level of copper ion [63].

this temperature, the NO reduction decreases because

all of the hydrocarbon is consumed by the combustion
reaction (HC+O*). while the latter react preferentially with oxygen. For
The influence of oxygen concentration at 603 K is example, with Cu-ZSM-5, ethene, propene and butane
clearly represented by Fig. 10. In the absence of are selective while hydrogen, carbon monoxide or
oxygen, the activity is almost nil; yet by adding 2% methane are non-selective agents.
of oxygen, the conversion into nitrogen is largely Fig. 12 shows the influence of propene concentra-
increased. This concentration represents the optimum, tion upon NO reduction at 573 K. The NO conversion
after which the conversion decreases. increases linearly with a corresponding increase in
Another factor of interest is the rate of replacement propene concentration in the O-500 ppm range, but
of the zeolite’s cations by Cu*+ since there is an more gradually for still higher concentrations. Cho has
increase in activity in the decomposition reaction compared the reducing activity of ethene and propene
for an exchange greater than 100%. Sato et al. [63], [64], showing that the optimum reducing agent should
have tested several Cu-ZSM-5 zeolites with various have a temperature of half conversion close to that of
exchange rates of copper. The results are expressed in NO.
Fig. 11, and the conclusions are somewhat different
from those of the decomposition reaction, in which no
formation of nitrogen was observed for an exchange
lower than 40%. On the other hand, the rate of
exchange appears to have a positive effect on the
SCR reaction, but an over-exchange becomes detri-
mental. Maximum activity is observed for a rate of
exchange in the 80-100% range. However, it is nota-
ble that the activity is never zero even with 0% of
copper, suggesting that the activity of a given catalyst
for HC-SCR cannot be compared with that which it
would have for NO decomposition. In this sense,
reduction and decomposition are two distinct phenom- 0 200 400 600 SO0 IO00
ena implying different mechanisms.
C,H, concentration I ppnt
The reducing agents for SCR can be classified into
two groups; selective and non-selective agents. The Fig. 12. Conversion into N2 over Cu-ZSM-5 as a function of the
former reduce NO even in the presence of oxygen, propene concentration [62].
12 A. Fritz, R Pitchon/Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 13 (1997) 1-25

Radtke and Baiker have studied the products reviews the principal features of the reaction over
formed during the catalytic reaction [65] and have Cu-ZSM-5 and discusses the mechanistic con-
discovered that, in addition to nitrogen, undesirable clusions that different authors have proposed [72].
by-products such as N20, hydrogen cyanide (HCN) or Several different examples have been suggested in
HCNO are formed under certain experimental condi- the literature, the most plausible ones being given in
tions. It is worth noting that under such oxidative con- the following paragraphs.
ditions, CO is not formed but a fraction of NO is always (a) The first mechanism proposed took, as its start-
converted into NO2 as a result ofagas phase process ing point, the same as that for NO decomposition with
[66]. The amount of NO2 forme depends on several the zeolite, Cu-ZSM-5, i.e. that NO is adsorbed onto
parameters such as the geometry I of the apparatus, the Cu+ cations and decomposed into in situ molecular
space velocity or the NO/O2 ratio and could, therefore, nitrogen and Cu2+ -coordinated oxygen. The hydro-
be very different from one laboratory to another. carbon is then able to regenerate the active site by a
fast reaction with the surface oxygen [70,73,74]. The In situ characterisations. The oxidation mechanism can be represented by the following
state of copper during the course of the reaction has scheme:
been the subject of several in situ studies. Liu and
Robota have attempted to characterise it using 2 NO-Cu+ + N2 + 2 0-Cu2+
XANES spectroscopy [67]. In the presence of a
selective reducing agent such as propene, a
significant proportion of the copper is in the form The increase in catalytic activity in the presence of
of Cu+, even in a large excess of oxygen. During the oxygen, according to Burch and Millington, is due to
course of the reaction, the concentration of cuprous the ability of Cu-ZSM-5 to avoid complete reduction
ions follows the same trend with temperature as that of to metallic copper, as Cue would be inactive for the
NO conversion. Moreover, the use of a non-selective reaction [75]. Cho has studied the reaction under
reducing agent such as methane was found not to lead transient conditions [76] and suggests that
to the formation of Cu+ ions, all the copper being of the hydrocarbon is adsorbed onto the zeolite at low
cupric-ion character. The authors concluded that temperature, thus preventing the adsorption and sub-
cuprous cations are essential for the reaction. sequent reduction of NO. Therefore, the catalyst is
Following an FTIR study [68], Pieplu et al. were in only operational when the three species - hydrocar-
agreement with the above findings, while a paper from bon, NO and oxygen -have access to the active sites.
Kucherov et al. reported to the contrary [69]. By When hydrocarbon combustion by oxygen is
monitoring the reaction using an ESR technique, complete, the active sites are no longer reduced and
they reported that all of the copper is in the cupric the conversion of NO is stopped.
form and then suggested that cations with an (b) The formation of a carbonaceous deposit on the
unsaturated quadratic planar coordination might be surface of the catalyst is the key step in another
the active sites [70]. A further FTIR study by Kutyrev mechanism [77-791. This deposit is able to reduce
et al. demonstrated a close correlation between the NO as follows:
catalytic activity and the concentration of isolated
cu2+ species [71]. They proposed a complex of xC3H6 + C,H,-S
[Cu2+-O-N=01 as a reaction intermediate.
C,H,-S + 2 NO + N2 + CO2 + H20
With such diverse studies, it is impossible to draw a
definite conclusion. However, the differences might be The effect of oxygen here is to increase the con-
explained by the variety of the characterisation tech- centration of adsorbed NO species upon the catalytic
niques employed and by the disparity in the experi- surface leading to a more efficient conversion.
mental conditions. (c) Several authors affirm that the oxidation of NO
to NO2 would be the first, or preliminary, step of the Reaction mechanism. The mechanism has overall reduction [80-831, then the nitrogen dioxide,
not yet been fully elucidated. An extensive paper more active than NO, reacts directly with the
A. Fritz, V Pitchon/Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 13 (1997) 1-25 13


Here, the oxygen plays a triple role:

?? oxidising NO to NO*,
?? by burning the carbonaceous deposit, it maintains
a clean surface, and
?? preventing an excessive reduction of copper ions
into metallic copper.
(d) A reactive intermediate formed by a partial
oxidation of the hydrocarbon adsorbed onto the sur- Fig. 13. Nitric oxide conversions of Cu-ZSM-5 in a simulated gas
face is postulated by certain other authors [66,84,85]. exhaust: (a) unheated, (b) heated at 600°C (c) heated at 7Oo”C, and
(d) heated at 800°C for 5 h [88].
This intermediate should react directly with NO as

C3H6-S +; O2 -+ C30H6-S The Cu-ZSM-5 deactivation is represented by

Fig. 13 [88]. With a fresh catalyst, the conversion
C30H6-S + 8 NO-S + 4N2 + 3 CO2 + 3 Hz0
of NO reaches almost 45% at 773 K, while pre-treat-
The exact structure of the oxygenated intermediate ment under the reacting mixture for 5 h at 873 K leads
is not described in the literature. Nevertheless, com- to a decrease of the conversion to ca. 30%. For higher
pounds such as aldehydes, alcohols, ketones or car- pre-treatment temperatures, i.e. 973 or 1073 K, the
boxylates have been proposed. To answer to this activity falls to less than 10%. That the temperature of
question, Montreuil and Shelef have used a very optimum conversion remains almost unchanged by the
interesting approach [80]. The have used oxygenated various treatments is remarkable.
organic compounds (alcohols, aldehydes and ketones) Within the literature, there are differences of opi-
as reducing agents and found that they are effective for nion with regard to the reasons for the ageing of the
the SCR, supporting the hypothesis that a partially catalyst. By use of 27A1 and 29Si NMR, Tanabe et al.
oxidised hydrocarbon is a reaction intermediate. have observed a de-alumination of the framework of
the zeolite during the reaction process [88]. Also, in Bench test evaluation. The activity of Cu- this paper, an ESR study demonstrated that the sinter-
ZSM-5 deposited on a monolith has been evaluated on ing of copper does not occur, but it remains dispersed
an engine bench [86,87]. The exhausts from lean-burn even after the deactivation. However, a difference in
spark ignition engines and from a diesel engine were the behaviour towards NO and propene was reported.
used in these tests. Generally, in respect of the effects Apparently, the fresh zeolite interacted with these
of both temperature and oxygen or hydrocarbon gases whereas, on the deactivated solid, they did
concentrations, the results obtained with monoliths not adsorb. The authors’ conclusion was that the
are similar to those obtained with powder on a copper ions migrate during the ageing procedure
laboratory scale. The zeolite was found to convert towards sites which are not accessible to NO and
NO for a range of air/fuel ratios larger than that propene. This migration, a model of which is repre-
was seen with three-way catalysts, which are only sented in Fig. 14, is thought to be induced by the de-
active for an exhaust having a composition of about its alumination process.
stoichiometry. The zeolite activity could be improved In the fresh zeolite, the copper is located in the main
by increasing the hydrocarbon concentration in the channels and is accessible to the reactants. However,
exhaust mixture; however, in this case, the catalyst the de-alumination due to ageing leads to the migra-
deactivates rapidly. tion of copper towards smaller sites ringed by only five
14 A. Fritz, V Pitchon/Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 13 (1997) I-25

inaccessible site and Cu-Y is less than 10%. A study by Heimrich and
Main Channel
Deviney on zeolites dispersed on a monolith has
confirmed this range of activity [93]. Coq et al.
have studied, by TPR, the dispersion of copper in a
mordenite as a function of the rate of Cu exchange
[94]. For rates lower than 53%, CL?+ ions are isolated
and the volume of the micropores does not change,
accessible sit while for higher rates, some copper clusters are
formed and the volume of the micropores decreases.
The isolated Cu*+ ions seem to be more active than the
clusters for NO reduction by decane. Centi et al. have
prepared a boralite which has the same structure as the
Fig. 14. Schematic representation of the (100) face of ZSM-5 ZSM-5, only replacing A13+ cations with B3+ [95].
showing a ten-membered ring, accessible to adsorbates and a five-
The boralite exchanged by copper presents the same
membered ring inaccessicle to adsorbates [SS].
conversion as the Cu-ZSM-5, but the temperature of
the maximum conversion is decreased by 30 K.

atoms. A paper from Matsumoto et al. offered similar Pt-ZSM-5. Hirabayashi et al. have
conclusions [ 891. compared the activity of Pt-ZSM-5, Cu-ZSM-5 and
Kharas et al. observed by XRD, the sintering of Fe-MOR at temperatures lower than 573 K [96]. The
copper into CuO associated with a loss of crystallinity results are displayed in Fig. 15, where it is clear that
of the zeolitic structure [90]. According to the authors, the zeolite containing platinum is more active than the
the growth of the copper oxide crystallites is made to other catalysts for this range of temperature with a
occur on the internal surfaces of the zeolite. When conversion of 18% at 473 K.
they exceed a critical size, imposed by the structure of An interesting property of the Pt-ZSM-5 is its sturdy
the zeolite, the copper sintering induces a local resistance to steam deactivation. Indeed, the addition
destruction of the structure which is considered of water at 485 K to the gas stream has no influence on
responsible for micropore loss. its performance, whereas the activities of Cu-ZSM-5
By employing in situ ESR, Kucherov et al. [91] and Fe-MOR decrease as indicated in Fig. 16. The
have monitored the changes of the state of copper in major problem with Pt-ZSM-5 is its preference to
the framework of the zeolite induced by thermal conversion into N20: at 473 K, 36% of NO is trans-
ageing. According to their report, the exposure of formed into N20 while only 18% is converted into N2.
CuH-ZSM-5 to a high-temperature reducing environ- Iwamoto et al. have evaluated the activity of Pt-
ment causes fast reduction of copper possibly with the ZSM-5 in the form of pellets introduced into a diesel
formation of Cue crystallites leading to deactivation. exhaust line [96,97]. The above catalyst led to a 33%
Indeed, they have shown that square-planar isolated reduction of NO, at 523 K, while a Cu-ZSM-5 catalyst
cupric ions are the most active species and, therefore, under the same experimental conditions reduced only
such conditions lead to a strong deactivation. 27% of NO, at 673 K. This activity can be enhanced
by the addition of ethene to the exhaust-gas stream. Zeolites other than Cu-ZSM-5 However, under the same conditions, the formation of
N20 is once again significant. Cu-exchanged zeolites. Gopalakrishnan et
al. have compared the catalytic activity of several Protonated zeolites. The protonated
zeolitic structures, each containing 1% of cu zeolites have undergone intensive study by the
introduced by exchange [92]. Under the conditions group of Hamada. In the presence of propene and
of operation, Cu-ZSM-5 is the most active catalyst with a large excess of oxygen, the mordenite is more
with a 90% conversion at 673 K, followed by Cu- active than the H-ZSM-5 and H-Y zeolites [98].
mordenite with 63% at 703 K. The activity of Cu-X Methanol and ethanol are both selective reducing
A. Fritz, V Pitchon/Applied Catalysis B: Environmental I3 (1997) l-25 15

experimental conditions, NOz is more easily

reduced than NO. The deduction being that NO is
primarily oxidised into NOz which is then
subsequently transformed into N2 by reduction. Zeolites containing gallium. The catalytic

activity for the SCR of NO by the gallium-exchanged
zeolites has been reported for the first time by the team
of Kikuchi [loll. With experimental conditions
(1000 ppm NO, 1000 ppm C3H6, 10% oxygen), Ga-
ZSM-5 exhibiting 91% of conversion at 673 K
revealed itself to be more active than Cu-ZSM-5
which gave only 60% at 573 K in the same
experimental conditions. The reduction proceeds in
the presence of ethene as reducing agent [ 1021.
Reaction temperature /K
In contrast to Cu-ZSM-5, Ga-ZSM-5 zeolite cata-
Fig. 15. Temperature dependences of the catalytic activity of (0) lyses the SCR of NO by methane [103,104]. This
Pt-MFI, (A) Fe-MOR and (0) Cu-MFI in the absence of water reduction, taking into account that neither Ga-H-Y nor
vapour [96]. Ga-Na-ZSM-5 are able to reduce NO with methane,
seems to be encouraged by a synergetic effect between
r cl 1 the Ga3+ and H+ cations and the zeolitic framework.
a Recently, Feeley et al. have proposed a sulphated
Ga-Zr-ZSM-5 zeolite which could be active with
reducing agents such as propane, propene and
methane [ 1051.

g 00 Zeolites containing cobalt. In contrast to
the zeolite containing copper, those exchanged with
6 cobalt are able to reduce NO selectively with methane
“i 10
$ in the presence of oxygen. In this context, structures of
r’ ZSM-5 type [106,107], mordenite [108,109], and
ferrierites [llO,lll], have been studied. Armor et
e 0
al. have been able to draw many conclusions from
their work including the discovery that Co-ZSM-5
selectively catalyses the simultaneous reduction of
NO and N20 in the presence of oxygen [112]. Also,
a detailed kinetic study of the effect of water vapour
‘0 4 8 12 16 20 upon SCR indicated inhibition of the reaction at low
Time I h temperature, but an increase in the selectivity towards
Fig. 16. Effect of water vapour (8.6 ~01%) on the catalytic NZ. This effect proved reversible upon the exclusion of
activities of (a) Pt-MFI, (b) Fe-MOR and (c) Cu-MFI, for the SCR water from the system, whilst the catalytic activity
of NO at 485 K [96]. remained stable under wet conditions. Zeolites containing cerium. Zeolites

agents with H-ZSM-5, while with Cu-ZSM-5 only the exchanged with cerium have been studied by the
latter is able to selectively reduce NO [99]. The group of Misono. Under the operating conditions
mechanism has been considered by Hamada et al. reported, Ce-ZSM-5 proved more active than Cu-
in one of their publications [ 1001. Under their ZSM-5 with 85% conversion and 55%, respectively,
16 A. Fritz, V PitchonIApplied Catalysis B: Envimnmental I3 (1997) 1-25

at 573 K [ 1131. The activity can be further increased authors have monitored the catalytic behaviour of
by the addition of alkaline earth metals such as MnO promoted by lithium [122].
strontium [ 1141. A mechanical mixture of Ce-ZSM-
5 and MnaOs was found to be more active than Ce- Supported transition metal oxides. Hamada
ZSM-5 alone [ 1151. By employing MnaOs as an
et al. have compared the activity of several metal
oxidising agent for NO, Misono was able to
oxides (Cu, Co, Ni, Mn, Fe), supported on alumina
propose a mechanism whereby MnaOs oxidises NO
or silica [123,124]. In general, the alumina-based
to NOa and the catalyst Ce-ZSM-5 subsequently
catalysts prove better than those supported on silica.
reduces NOa into nitrogen. A similar mechanism
Their activity is strongly dependent upon both
was presented for Ce-ZSM-5 alone [116]; the first
preparation technique and thermal treatment.
step remained the oxidation of NO into NOz. The
Catalysts containing aluminates are more active.
latter then reacts with the hydrocarbon to form
Hamada has suggested that the oxidation of NO
compounds of nitro type which decompose into
into NOa is the first step of the mechanism on this
nitrogen or N20 via several intermediates.
type of catalyst.
The use of zirconia as a support for copper, nickel or Oxides
cobalt is reported by Bethke et al. [125]. These
catalysts are less active than Cu-ZSM-5. Their study Simple oxides. The oxides such as AlaOs,
by in situ FTIR proved the existence of cyan0 and
SiOa-AlaOs, TiOz or ZrOa are active for the selective
isocyanate species [ 1261.
reduction of NO [ 1171. Alumina is the most active
Miyadera has studied the activity of several transi-
with a reduction of 32% at 573 K (1000 ppm NO,
tion metals (Cu, Co, Ag, V, Cr), supported on alumina
330 ppm C3H6, 10% 0,). Pure silica is not at all active.
[ 1271. The catalyst containing silver is the most active
Ammonia-TPD experiments revealed that the amount
under reaction conditions giving a conversion of 80%
of desorbed ammonia can be correlated with the
at 673 K. With these catalysts, compounds such as
catalytic activity, leading the authors to conclude
ethanol or acetone are more efficient reducing agents
that acidity was a determining parameter. To
than propene. The maximal activity of Cu/AlaOs can
improve the acidity, A120s, TiOz, ZrOa or FeaOs
be achieved at lower temperatures by adding caesium
were treated with sulphuric acid [118]. This
[128] which, it is supposed, increases the electronic
treatment had differing effects upon the oxides:
density of copper, thereby, enhancing the reactivity of
while alumina became less active, the performances
adsorbed isocyanate species on Cu with NO [129].
of the other three solids improved significantly. The
Ueda et al. [ 1301 showed that the reduction of NO with
alumina deposited on a monolith was tested on a diesel
propene in the presence of an excess of oxygen and
exhaust line [119]. In the absence of additional
moisture takes place over gold supported on y-AlaOs.
injected hydrocarbon, the activity was almost nil.
The addition of MnsOa to Au/AlaOs appreciably
However, the conversion of NO reaches 70% at
increased the maximum of conversion of NO to Na
673 K if an addition of 3000 ppm methanol is
as well as the conversion, at lower temperature.
added to the exhaust gas. The catalytic activity of
alumina can further be improved by the addition of
copper. In this case, the temperature of the maximum Perovskites. Furukawa et al. have reported
conversion decreased while there was a simultaneous the activities of oxides of perovskite type for the SCR
increase in activity [ 1201. The optimum concentration of NO by propene [ 13 11. As shown in Table 3, the
of copper is 0.3%. A similar enhancement was perovskites containing cobalt, copper or iron are
confirmed in the case of Si02-AlaOs. Zhang et al. active for the decomposition of NO, but do not
have studied the reduction of NO by methane on rare catalyse the SCR by propene. In these cases, the
earth oxides such as LaaOs, CeOz, NdaOs, Smz,03, only reaction to occur is the combustion of the
TmzOs and LuaOs, with strontium as promoter [ 1211. hydrocarbon. However, when the perovskites have
The Sr/La20s compound gave the highest activity in only a little combustion activity, such as LaAlOs,
both the presence and absence of oxygen. The same they are active for the SCR.
A. Fritz, V Pitchon/Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 13 (1997) 1-25 17

Table 3 Finally, many researchers proposed the existence of

Activity of perovskites: T = 873 K, NO = 4400 ppm, and 02 =
oxygen-containing reaction intermediates [ 126,134].
4.4% [131]
This idea is supported by the fact that compounds such
Catalyst Conversion into N2 (%) as alcohols, ethers or ketones are active as reducing
LaA103 14 agents. For example, K. Matsuda et al. have demon-
La0.&0.2AlO3 21 strated the activity of methanol with an Ag/AlzOa
LaAhMgo.lO3 14 catalyst and T. Miyadera et al. have evidenced ethanol,
L~10.900.0503 3 acetone or propanol on a wide range of supported
l,a&.PPC% 0103 3
transition metals.
SrSnOs 8
Ca-%.8Co 0.203 3
CaTi03 11 Noble metals
CaTi 8Fe0.203 0 Effect of various parameters. Obuchi et al.
proposed a study of the SCR of NO over noble metals Reaction mechanism. The performances of supported on alumina [ 1351. The dependence of NO
single metal oxides, sulphate-promoted metal oxides conversion upon temperature is shown in Fig. 17.
and binary metal oxides suggest that solid acidity or Platinum, rhodium and palladium gave a conversion
basicity is an important factor affecting catalytic at 623,573 and 573 K, respectively. The conversion of
activity. In order to explain the formation of NZ, NO is equal to 25% at 623 K and only 10% at 573 K,
three proposals exist in the literature. Obuchi et al. with iridium. The selectivities towards nitrogen are
[ 1321, using alumina, observed an oscillating given in Table 4.
behaviour which they have attributed to the With alumina-supported platinum there is a selec-
temporal accumulation and removal of a highly tivity towards nitrogen of only about 30%, while the
reactive carbonaceous deposit. They explained that other noble metals are more selective with over 75%.
a fast reaction takes place between NO and propene, The effect of the metal loading has been studied by
resulting in NO conversion and the deposit Burch et al. with supported alumina catalysts contain-
accumulation. Then, NO further reacts with the ing O.l-2% of platinum [137]. The increase of the
deposits, first slowly in radical deficient metal loading has a beneficial effect on both the
circumstances. As the deposits increase, NO
consumption increases and radical reactions begin
to occur, causing acceleration of deposit oxidation. I I 4 I 1

The overall reaction is then repeated and, therefore,

explain the occurrence of oscillations.
The group of Hamada [133] have investigated the
effect of oxygen on HC-SCR over Cu-ZSM-5, H-
ZSM-5 and alumina. A comparison of the reaction
with hydrocarbon oxidation reaction has led them to
conclude that the first step of the reaction was the
oxidation of NO into NOz over H-ZSM-5 and alumina
and partial oxidation of hydrocarbon over Cu-ZSM-5.
They mentioned three important parameters for the
reaction to occur: (i) activation of hydrocarbon, (ii)
activation of oxygen and (iii) selective reaction of
intermediate with NO, in preference to oxygen. The 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
first two factors are related to acidity and to the Temperature / “C
presence of transition metal oxides, while the third
Fig. 17. Catalytic activity of noble metals: (0) Pt, (0) Pd, (A)
one determines the NO reduction selectivity in an Ru, (W) Rh and (0) Ir. NO, 1000 ppm; C3H6, 870 ppm; and 02,
oxidising atmosphere. 5% [135].
18 A. Fritz, V Pitchon/Applied Catalysis B: Environmental I3 (1997) 1-25

Table 4
Selectivities of alumina supported noble metals [136]

Catalyst Temperature (K) NO conversion (%) Nz (%) Selectivity in Ns (%)

1% Pt/AlaOs 623 53 16 32
1% Rh/Al*Os 573 50 43 86
1% Pd/AlaO, 623 25 20 80
1% Ir/AlaOs 573 10 8 80

Table 5
Influence of the nature of the support upon catalytic activity [136]

Catalyst NO conversion Nz (%) Selectivity in

(%) NZ (%)

1% lWTiOa 13 7 55
1% Rh/ZnO 21 10 53
1% Rh/zrO, 33 21 68
1% Rh/Al,O, 50 43 86

have both the effect of making the particle size of the

active material smaller along with the ability to sup-
press sintering during thermal ageing. Giving an NO,
reduction of 51%, it has a practical application in the
Japanese market. Proposed mechanisms. (a) Burch et al. have

studied SCR of NO by propene on 1% Pt/A1203 using
the temporary analysis product technique (TAP) [ 1391.
The mechanism proposed from the findings is shown
in Fig. 19. This two-step mechanism is initiated by
250 300 350 one molecule of hydrocarbon reducing a small region
of surface Pt-0 into metallic Pt. On these newly
Temperature / “C
prepared sites, the adsorption/dissociation of NO
Fig. 18. Influence of the platinum loading on the DeNO, activity can now proceed. The rate of NO dissociation is
of Pt/AlaOs: (+) 2%, (A) l%, (0) 0.5%, (W) 0.25% and (*) 0.1% temperature dependent. At lower temperatures, NO
[137]. is adsorbed molecularly, but only a fraction of it is
dissociated. Some NO will recombine with a N atom
temperature of the maximum conversion and the which explains the formation of NaO. However, as the
activity, as shown in Fig. 18. temperature increases the dissociation into N and 0
In Table 5, the important influence of the nature of atoms occurs and the formation of N20 is decreased
the support upon catalytic activity is presented. The because the most favoured reaction becomes the
alumina-based catalyst gave the highest NO conver- recombination of two adsorbed N atoms to give
sion and, therefore, resulting in nitrogen production. molecular nitrogen. The key step of the mechanism
Recently, a new type of catalyst for the lean-bum is the competition between nitrogen monoxide and
engine was developed by researchers at Mazda Motors oxygen for the reduced sites. In a further paper, the
[ 1381. This catalyst has a base support material of MFI rate of NO decomposition was investigated for this
zeolite loaded with active metal including platinum, catalyst and compared with that for the DeNO,
iridium and rhodium. This composition is thought to reaction with propene [140]. The authors concluded
A. Fritz, V Pitchon/Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 13 (1997) I-25 19

Pt Pt Pl Pt P1 P,

1 HC

Fig. 20. Mechanism of HC-SCR on Pt/Si02 [141]

0 0
0 N N 0 experiments using the diffuse reflectance FTIR tech-
Pt PI PI P, pt PI nique have investigated the surface intermediates.
Amongst the species discovered were adsorbed hydro-
carbons, isocyanates, cyanides and nitrosonium
cations. Of the supports examined, alumina gave
0 the best activity, selectivity towards nitrogen
0 0 N N 0 OONNOO
I I I I I I I I I I I (Table 5), and also the highest surface species
concentration. The catalytic activity and the IR
1 -I$0 1 -Nz
intensities corresponding to the isocyanate and nitro-
0 0 0
sosnium species increase with temperature to reach
1 I
FTRPlPlPtR hRRRPtPt their maximum in the 573-623 K range, following
14 JO* which they decrease as temperatures are raised
000000 000000 (Fig. 21).
I I I 1 I I I I I I I I
PtRRRRR RRRRRPI This correlation between activity and IR intensity
led the authors to propose the following mechanism:
Fig. 19. Mechanism of NO reduction by hydrocarbons on P&based
catalysts [137].
the first step being the formation of an intermediate
species containing one oxygen atom [142], which
could react with adsorbed NO to form an intermediate
which then decomposes into fragments, each having
that the rate of NO decomposition over reduced Pt was
an isocyanate structure. Then, the -NC0 group reacts
suffkiently fast under lean DeNO, conditions to
with NO, NO2 and the adsorbed oxygen to give
confirm the above mechanism, while an estimate of
the fraction of Pt atoms reduced during the reaction
was deemed to be ca. 14%.
(b) Tanaka et al. have carried out mechanistic
experiments using FTIR on platinum deposited upon
silica [141], and reported the presence of organic
species of nitro, nitrite and carbonyl upon the surface. 0.08
These species can react rapidly with oxygen and NO2 g
to give N2, N20 and C02, but it is thought that they are 0.06 p
inactive towards NO and propene. 3
The mechanism is explained in Fig. 20; initially, the 0.04
hydrocarbon reacts with the NO2 resulting from NO
oxidation to generate the nitro and nitrite species, a 0.02
part of which are transformed further into carbonyl-
containing compounds. The nitrogen is formed by two 0

pathways: the reaction between NO2 and the carbonyl 550 600 650 700

species and the reaction between oxygen and the Temperature/ K

species containing one nitrogen atom (R-ON0 (ads)

Fig. 21. Correlation between surface isocyanate concentration and
and R-NO* (ads)). catalytic activity with supported rhodium: (0) NO conversion, (0)
(c) A mechanism for the SCR on supported rhodium N2 selectivity, (V) NC0 intensity, (0) NOs+, and (- -) CN-
has been suggested by Bamwenda et al. [136]. Here, intensity [ 1361.
20 A. Fritz, V Pitchon/Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 13 (1997) l-25

Fig. 22. Proposed ‘dual-site’ reaction mechanism for NO, reduc-

tion in lean diesel exhaust gas on precious metal-containing 0-
100 200 300 400 500 600
catalyst [143].
Temperature I “C

Fig. 23. Activity of monoliths containing (0) 0.2% Pt, (W) 0.2%
nitrogen or N20. I+O.O5% Rh, (0) 0.2% Pta.04% Au, and (A) 0.7% Cu-ZSM-5
H,(ads) + 0 --+ C,H,O,
C,H,O, + NO -+ R-NC0
R-NC0 + NO, NOz --+ N2 + N20 that their activity for SCR has been brought to light so
late. One possible explanation is that in the literature
(d) Engler et al. have studied the SCR with hydro- devoted to three-way catalysis, the reducing agent
carbon over a catalyst of platinum base upon an receiving most attention is carbon monoxide which
alumina support, deposited on a monolith [143]. By is known to be inactive for SCR. Another potential
varying reaction parameters such as the nature of the reason is that these catalysts are usually studied with a
hydrocarbon, the HUN0 ratio coupled with diffuse composition mixture close to stoichiometry with a low
reflectance FTIR results, they were enabled to propose percentage of oxygen, thus disguising the promoting
a ‘dual-site’ mechanism schematised in Fig. 22, in effect of a high concentration of oxygen.
which the hydrocarbon and NO are adsorbed on
different sites reacting with oxygen to give adsorbed 3.2.4. NO, storage and reduction catalyst
NO* and C,HY02, before reacting together to produce The challenge to reduce NO, emissions by a direct
N2, CO2 and H20. catalytic process has proved difficult, the automobile
manufacturers have therefore developed a new tech- Bench tests evaluation. In Fig. 23 are nology for passenger car engines. This is the ‘lean-
represented the activities of several catalysts which bum engine’ which operates by employing a lean air/
were deposited upon monoliths and placed into a fuel ratio at cruising speeds and stoichiometric ratios
diesel exhaust line enriched with 700 ppm of when more power is required. To meet these require-
propene [135]. Cu-ZSM-5 is the least efficient ments, the catalyst must play a double role. First, it
catalyst with less than 25% conversion of NO at must store NO, while the engine runs lean, then upon
673 K. The monolith containing 0.2% platinum switching to a short stoichiometric excursion, it must
converts 380% of NO at 483 K. The catalysts reduce NO, to nitrogen. The first catalyst of this type
loaded with 0.2% platinum and 0.05% rhodium is was developed by Toyota [145,146], its composition
the most active with a value of 50% at 473 K. being based upon that of a three-way catalyst. The
Therefore, the metals from group VIII and, parti- preparation was by impregnation upon alumina of
cularly, platinum and rhodium are efficient for HC- noble metals - essentially Pt - of several alkali and
SCR in the presence of an excess of oxygen 11441. alkali earth metals (Nat, K+, Ba2+) and of rare earth
These same metals have been used in three-way oxides (mainly La203). The NO conversion has been
converters for over twenty years. It is rather surprising measured under transient conditions by feeding the
A. Fritz, V Pitchon/Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 13 (1997) 1-25 21

0 120 240 360 480 “0 2 4 6 8
Time /set 02 Concentration l%
Fig. 24. Activity of the NSR catalyst: (- - -) inlet concentration; Fig. 25. Influence of oxygen concentration on the NO, storage
(-) outlet concentration; period of one cycle = 240 s; tem- capacity [ 1461.
perature = 300°C. Rich (a) 70 ppm NO, 0.6% 02, 2000 ppm
C3H6, 0.5% CO, 10% H20, and 14.5% C02. Lean(b) 700 ppm NO,
NO 02
4% Oz. 800 ppm C3Hs. 0.1% CO, 10% H20, and 12.7% CO2 [146].
catalyst with a gas stream whose composition alter-
nated between lean and rich (Fig. 24).
During the lean excursion, the NO concentration
post-catalyst increases but does not reach the entrance
level. During the rich transition, the gas stream post-
catalyst does not contain NO any more in parallel with
an important formation of nitrogen. N2
It appears that the catalyst adsorbs NO under lean
mixture and reduces NO in a reducing gas @I f t
composition. Fig. 25 clearly illustrates that the NO,
storage only occurs in an oxidising media.
The basicity of the storage component determines
the amount of NO adsorbed. Nevertheless, the per-
formances of platinum, especially the hydrocarbon
oxidation, decrease with the basicity. The particle size
of platinum and BaO and the distance between them R: Reducing agents
are other factors which govern the NO storage. Small
particles in contact with each other adsorb more than Fig. 26. Mechanism of reduction on NO, storage catalyst [ 1461.
large particles. Takahashi et al. proposed that in lean
mixture, NO is oxidised into NOz and is stored under petrol containing 30 ppm of SO*, the reduction was
the form of a nitrate (Fig. 26). In rich mixture, the still of ca. 60%.
hydrocarbon adsorbed onto the platinum sites then Daimler Benz has also developed a lean-burn
reacts with these nitrates to form nitrogen. engine. The catalyst contains refractory oxides of
Toyota tested this catalyst on a vehicle equipped Al, Ce and Zr and noble metals Pt and Rh. In their
with a lean-bum engine of 1.8 1 cubic capacity. The publication [ 1471 the nature of the adsorbing phase is
fresh catalyst gave a 90% reduction of NO, emissions not given. The dual mechanism adsorption of NO,
according to the Japanese evaluation procedure. After during lean excursion and reduction of NO, during the
having been aged during 100.000 km with Japanese rich phase is similar to the one proposed above. With
22 A. Fritz, V Pitchon/Applied Catalysis B: Envimnmental I3 (1997) I-25

copper substituted by a large variety of cations or other

zeolitic structures. The former, under certain experi-
mental conditions, exhibits a good activity and high
selectivity towards nitrogen. However, these catalysts
are subject to hydrothermal deactivation and are only
active at temperatures too high to be considered for
diesel applications. The substitution of copper by
other metals or the use of a zeolite structure other
than ZSM-5 has lead to the development of formula-
tions which exhibit acceptable conversions even at
high space velocity.
The present aim, with respect to these catalysts, is a
Fig. 27. SNR catalyst behaviour in a 30/30 cycle (30.second verification of the true mechanism from amongst the
exposure to a stoichiometric phase and 30-second exposure to lean- several proposed in the literature. Also numerous
bum phase) and 30 (SV = 15 000 h-’ and T= 350°C) [147]. further questions remain such as that of the oxidation
state of the active site, which might be Cu’, Cu+ or
this formulation of absorber-catalyst technology hav- cl.?+, the identification of the spectator species to the
ing a cycle of 30 s lean and 30 s rich, an average of reaction intermediates, or to assess the role of the
94% NO, conversion is obtained over the two modes acidity of the structure. Moreover, studies of the
with a prototype lean-burn engine (Fig. 27). stabilisation of the structure upon hydrothermal deac-
tivation and the development of zeolite-type catalysts
active at low temperatures are both current research
4. Conclusion areas.

The selective reduction of NO, during lean exhaust 4.2. Oxide-type catalysts
mixture conditions has proved a challenging problem
which, particularly during the last five years, motor car A wide variety of oxides (bulk or supported), exhibit
manufacturers have shared with many research labora- a moderate activity. The temperature of operation is
tories. The resulting large number of publications high (> 673 K), but a large selection of reducing
serve both academic and applied interests. Equally, agents can be used. However, the activity is low at
a terrific number of catalysts, in continuing association high space velocity and they are strongly subjected to
with and developed from differing technologies, do deactivation by sulphur dioxide and to thermal ageing
not appear to meet the requirements for real diesel due to loss of specific area.
application. The aim of this paper has been to review a Future research on these materials should allow a
variety of systems designed to help the researchers to greater understanding of the mechanisms of deactiva-
assess the performances of their own catalysts while tion for an improvement in their resistance to SOa to
seeking to provide an alternative solution to meeting be secured. Another aspect of the work could be the
the emissions standards. comprehension of the correlation between activity and
In summary, there are three principal types of surface area, linked to the mobility of oxygen, struc-
catalysts active for the HC-SCR whose advantages ture defects or anionic vacancies, by a development in
and problems, in respect of a technical application, are techniques of preparation in solid state chemistry in
discussed below. order to have solids with a wide range of surface area
and electronic properties.
4.1. Zeolites
4.3. Supported noble metals
This group can be subdivided into two classes, the
first one containing the redoubtable Cu-ZSM-5, while The case of the noble metal catalyst has proved very
the second comprises the ZSM-5 framework with the challenging, not least because the realisation that this
A. Fritz, V Pitchon/Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 13 (1997) 1-25 23

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