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Vlogging Introduction

Date: March 13th, 2019

Subject/Grade: Language Arts – Grade 8
Time Frame: 30 minutes
Teacher Candidate: Miss Paige Kynock

Lesson Overview:
 The purpose of this lesson is to introduce the Oratory Unit to those students who are
choosing to do the Vlogging option. This lesson is meant to answer any student’s
questions about what they are required to do. It is also a time to let students know what
the expectations for the assignment are supposed are.

Curriculum Outcomes:
 Speaking and listening outcomes
o Students will be expected to speak and listen to explore, extend, clarify,
and reflect on their thoughts, ideas, feelings, and experiences
o Students will be expected to communicate information and ideas
effectively and clearly, and to respond personally and critically
o Students will be expected to interact with sensitivity and respect,
considering the situation, audience, and purpose

Diverse Learning (PLPs):

 Students have been provided with six options to showcase their Oratory skills –
This unit was designed to allow students to do something that played to their
 Students can work in pairs to help ease anxiety of public speaking
 Information will be discussed visually in the form of information packages as well
as said orally for students

List of Materials/Technology Required:

 Class set of information packages
 Paper & Pen
 White Board (if possible)

Anticipatory Set (Opening Hook):

Introduction (10 minutes)
 Ask Students “What is a Vlog?” and have students discuss what they think a Vlog is and
what purpose(s) a Vlog serves.
o The purpose of this discussion is to clarify for students what sort of things that
they can create for their final Oratory assignment.
 Ask students what components they think should be in a good Vlog
o Make sure to give students a minute to gather their thoughts on paper before
having a group discussion about what components are required for a good Vlog.
o Once students have had a chance to gather their thoughts have a group discussion
about the parts of a Vlog
 Make sure to mention the following things if students miss them:
Introduction, Vlog Title, Camera Angles, Audio, Conclusion

Explain Expectations (10 minutes): Go over the information package and give time for students
to ask questions. Make sure expectations are clear and that students have all information that
they need to successfully finish the assignment. Allow students to ask questions at any point of
this portion of class.

o Goal: Students are required work individually or in pairs to create a Vlog that is 3-5
minutes for an individual or 6-10 minutes for a pair. Students need to have equal
speaking time. Make sure that your Vlog has a theme, an introduction, a body, and a
o Types of Vlog: Discuss an issue, explain something, do a review, or create a step-by-step
instructional video.
o Go over the things to consider portion of the handout
o Planning, Filming, Editing, and The Message are all important things for students
to consider
o Vlogging Checklist: Students must name their Vlog, have a theme, plan (storyboard and
script), film, edit, make sure to site their sources, and create titles.
o Parts of the Assignment: Brainstorm, Research, Story Board, Script, Film, Edit, and
o Graphic Organizer: Plan out three potential Vlogs. These plans should include a Channel
Name, The Type of Vlog, A Theme/Gimmick, and the Target Audience.
o Research: Provided there is a page to write down what materials you are going to need to
create your Vlog. This is also the page where you can provide the references for the
information in your Vlog. It is required that students do research even if the topic is
something they are already familiar with.
o Storyboard: These pages are used to help you plan out what your Vlog is going to be
about. It is important that you finish the Storyboard before you start your filming process.
The quality of the drawings is not important but do make sure to plan out each section of
the video.
o Script: Create a rough script of what you are going to say in the video. You do not need
to follow the script word for word, but it should be used as a detailed guideline of what
you are going to say.
Individual Brainstorm (10 minutes): Give students the remainder of the class to begin to
brainstorm ideas. Be available to student conferencing and to answer questions. Suggest that
students begin work on the Graphic Organizer.

 Pre-Assessment: Ask students to brainstorm about what they think makes a good Vlog.
This will have all students thinking about Vlog components.
 Questions: Ask students questions periodically during the explanation if they have any
questions or concerns.
 Check for Understanding: Have students repeat back important information to you so
that can confirm that they understand.


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