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What’s for dinner? People are always talking about the latest dieting trends, but

the fact is, a healthy and nutritious meal with regular exercise are the best ways to get

and stay in shape. In order to achieve that beautiful physique that you’ve always dreamt

of, Fit N’Eat prepared an extremely delightful course for everyone out there to fulfill their

fitness goals.

All know that the human body is the best picture of the human soul. Physical fitness

is a state of well-being with low risk of premature health problems and energy to

participate in a variety of physical activities (Howley & Franks, 1997). Fitness is essential

for a healthy and tension free life. Being healthy is the first priority despite of the luxurious

lifestyle. Being healthy and fit gives us energy to do anything. Fitness includes the diet,

exercise and sleep. These three basic things have their own importance in each

individual’s life and it is sensible with regard to these for a healthy life.

“Data from the distant past are not available, but it is reasonable to speculate that

early humans had considerably higher caloric expenditures per unit of body weight than

do modern individuals (Cooper, 2013). As time progressed so did physical activity. Even

in the industrial period, after the first steam engine was developed and as agricultural

ways had already been established with a society of people who grew their own food, the

average person still burned more calories than nowadays. As the technological era kicked

in, physical activity declined for the average person but as most observers have stated
there was an increase in recreational sports. Sports had reached a new level of

participation. Training had become a real option for all classes and physical activity rates

slowly began to rise again towards the end of the 20th century. At this time, more people

had the option to train to become an athlete. &his started including a package deal, having

a personal trainer, eating a good diet and creating a generally more socially acceptable

image of health. Towards the end of the 20th century exercise became an image and a

lifestyle. People from all backgrounds wanted to be a part of this world. Therefore, a niche

developed for businesses. Personal training had now become an all people’s game.

Within the fitness world people were getting heavier and bulkier. Introducing a new

fashion and new take on body building. In the fashion industry models were getting

skinnier and fitter making the general public yearn for a similar physique. In this manner,

personal training was bound to follow.

“Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy

body, it is the basic of dynamic and creative intellectual activity" (John F. Kennedy). The

initial anatomy of people reserves them to the right to move freely and our body requires

movement for the muscles and bones to thrive. From the beginning of our historically

verified time, there has been mention of sports. In the complete beginning movement was

used for survival purposes, like hunting for food, procreating and providing habitable

space. As civilization set in sports started training and posing their body to potential to be

the victor.
Physical activity is defined as bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that

requires the expenditure of energy and produces progressive health benefits (National

Institutes of Health, 1995). Physical inactivity, on the other hand, implies a level of activity

that is lower than that required to maintain good health.

One of the greatest benefits of exercise is that it lowers stress levels, an essential

characteristic in an effective employee. As result of lower stress levels, employees are

able to be more productive and resilient during their time at work, truly maximizing their

time in work. Although the number once excuse of lack of exercise, specifically for

employees, is that they don’t have enough time. But, as pointed out in the Journal of

Managerial Psychology, “people who say they can’t find time to be fit should realize that

a fitness program actually produces time” (Neck & Cooper, 2000, p. 834).

Recent studies revealed that levels of inactivity are high in virtually all developed

and developing countries (WHO, 2009). In developed countries more than half of adults

are insufficiently active. In rapidly growing large cities of the developing world, physical

inactivity is an even greater problem. Urbanization has resulted in several environmental

factors which may discourage participation in physical activity, such as: population over-

crowding, increased poverty, increased levels of crime, high-density traffic, low air quality

and lack of parks, sidewalks and sports / recreation facilities. Knowing the existing local

policies will also help in supporting physical activity programs. If there are no local

policies, it might be a good idea to start on establishing some to help create a supportive

environment for promoting physical activity in the local area.

Preferences for foods are partly learned, partly innate. For example, preferences

for calorie-rich food are innate and universal (Perry & Grace, 2015), and the functionality

of these preferences have become dangerous in an environment of abundance. Craving

for fat, sugar and salt is particularly harmful if these ingredients are combined in a product.

The fitness center will incorporate different kinds of method for a healthy life style. This

facility will make maximize what body can do. Fit N’ Eat will hire certified gym instructors

to provide the best service that the customers can get.

The mini restaurant café that Fit N’ Eat will serve not just those gym members, but

also outsiders that also aims for a better healthy living. The café will serve healthy and

delicious meal that will surely satisfy your taste buds and muscle gains.

The pioneer 24/7 fitness gym with healthy treats on side. This service will provide a

complete facility with 24/7 service to its members. And also, a mini restaurant café that

will provide nutrition for those muscle gains. It is a unique facility that will focus on

enhancing those gym members in a very friendly environment.

Howley T. Edward (Howley & Franks, 1997) “Health Fitness Instructor's Handbook”

Kenneth H. Cooper and Steven N. Blair (Cooper, 2013) “Exercise Physical Fitness”
(John F. Kennedy) “How to Look After Your Body” handbook By Marcus Santer
National Institutes of Health, 1995

Neck & Cooper, 2000, p. 834 Journal of Managerial Psychology

WHO, 2009

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