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Measuring hydrogen in

aluminum alloys
by Paul D. Hess
A number of methods are available for meas uring H2 in AI alloys, but a combination of
methods looks like the best answer.

For control
purposes, the
H YDROGEN is the only gas appreciably
soluble in aluminum. Its solubility is
alloys before the metal is cast. This has long
been recognized as a problem and, since the
small related to the solubility of hydrogen early days of the aluminum industry, a va-
vacuum gas test
in many other metals. The problems en- riety of methods has been developed with
gives valuable varying degrees of sophistication. The meth-
countered with gas in aluminum are due to
information on ods may be divided into two general
the great difference in solubilities of hydro-
metal cleanli- classes-"indirect," which involves observa-
gen in liquid and solid metal at the freezing
ness. The Alcoa point. As shown in Fig. 1, the ratio of liquid tion of some physical characteristic but does
test extends its solubility to solid solubility at the freezing not represent an absolute determination of
sensitivity to point is approximately 20: 1, which results in hydrogen; and "direct," in which the actual
hydrogen. hydrogen coming out of solution to form hydrogen content of the metal is determined.
bubbles during solidification of the metal.
This can cause porosity in castings and
ingots, blisters on sheet, and so called Straube·-Pfeiffer Test
"bright Bakes" in forgings. The Straube-Pfeiffer test,1,2,3,4 often called
For these reasons it is important to deter- the vacuum gas test, is convenient and rapid
mine hydrogen content of molten aluminum for control purposes. An iron crucible con-

1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600
2 .2 2014 ALLoY 0 - 8EFOAE F ILTERING
2 .0 III
20 8 !%J
1.6 13
~ I!!l

1.4 ..~

..... 2 .3 El III
1. 2

'" 2.'
E IliI m
0 .8 2~

0 .6
26 (;)<il
0 .4 27 e (i) (;) <l>

~ (;)

SOLID 0 01 02 03 O' 05 06 01 OB
~01..0""5~5:;0=60i::0==6:::::15~0---7-!-00""""'7..J5L-0---8..1.00-8..J5L-0.--J900 HYDROGEN CONTE T, mlll00;

Fig. 2-The effect of filtering molten aluminum
Fig. 1-Solubility of hydrogen in aluminum at one alloys by the Alcoa 94 Process on Straube-Pfeiffer
atmosphere hydrogen pressure test results


taining a molten sample of the aluminum Alcoa Sensitized Vacuum Density Test
alloy is placed in a vacuum chamber. Pres- In development of this test, a number of
sure is reduced rapidly to a selected value, methods were tried to improve sensitivity of
usually 50 torr for foundry alloys or 2-5 torr the vacuum gas test to hydrogen in the ab-
for wrought alloys and held during solidifi- sence of inclusions. These include lower
cation. The sample may be evaluated by: pressures, maintaining the sample marten for
a) careful observation for bubble evolution longer periods of time, seeding the sample
during solidification, b) determination of its with aluminum oxide, and controlled vibra-
density and comparison with standard den- tion of the sample during solidification. It
sity for the alloy, and c) sectioning the was found that controlled vibration was the
sample and examining cut surfaces for poros- most effective and consistent of these meth-
ity. The behavior of the sample is affected by ods. It is necessary to control both the
presence or absence of inclusions, which act amplitude and frequency of vibration. At
as nucleating agents to facilitate formation the optimum conditions of vibration, a sen-
of hydrogen bubbles during solidification. sitivity to hydrogen content of 0.1 ml/lOO g
This test does not provide an absolute mea- is obtained. To obtain maximum benefit from
sure of the hydrogen content but rather re- the sensitized test in determining the level
flects the combined effects of hydrogen and of hydrogen per se, the metal should not
The advantage
inclusions.6 A useful control test it will contain inclusions. Hence, a static vacuum
gas test sample should be taken and deter-
of the initial
give valuable information as to cleanliness
mined to be sound before the Alcoa Sensi- bubble test is
of the metal with respect to inclusions and
potential effects of hydrogen. tized Vacuum Density Test is applied. This the rapidity and
test is semiquantitative in nature and the convenience
density of a properly treated sample of in- with which it
With the development of modern methods clusion-free metal is related to the hydrogen can be
of metal treatment, such as filtration content of the metal (Fig. 3). performed.
and combination filtration-fluxing processes,
7,8,9,10,11 it became necessary to develop
more sensitive tests. Figure 2 shows the Initial Bubble Test
effect of filtering molten aluminum alloys by The initial bubble test was first proposed
the Alcoa 94 Process on Straube-Pfeiffer test by Dardel in 1947. 12 In Russia, it is known as
results. Although hydrogen is not removed the Gudchenko test. In this method, the
by filtration alone, increased densities and crucible containing the sample is placed in
less evolution of bubbles are always ob- an electrically heated vacuum chamber so
served in the vacuum gas test samples. It that the sample remains molten during the
test. Pressure is reduced until the first gas
was found that the limit of sensitivity on
bubble is observed at the surface of the
inclusion free metal is about 0.3 ml hydrogen
metal. The pressure and temperature at
per 100 grams. This is far too high for critical which the first bubble appears are recorded.
products and rapid test was developed that A nomograph relating pressure, temperature,
would be sensitive to lower hydrogen con- and hydrogen solubility of the alloy being
tents. tested is used to indicate hydrogen content.

2.5 r-----,.......----.-------~
0,7 r--,--.---,----r---r--,.----.
z 0 ,6
w o
faN 2 .6

;:; ~8
in ~~ 0.4
'" m:i
CD 8 0.3
2 ,7 t=~
~ 0 .2


2 .8 L-..-_ _ _ ___'~ _ _ __ _ l_ _ _ ____'

o 0 ,1 0 ,2 0 .3 0.1 0.2 0.3 0 .4 0.5 0.6 0.7

Fig. 3-Relation of hydrogen content by Telegas to
5 torr Alcoa sensitized vacuum gas test densities Fig. 4-Comparison of Telegas and initial bubble
(2014 alloy) test results


Fig. 5-Comparison of solid extraction and initial
bubble test results

0.7 ,----.------,------.-----,--. - - - - . - - --"

0 .6

V> .,.
... 0
.J e
.Jo 0 .3

0 .2

0 .1

0.1 0 .2 0 .3 0.4 0 .5 0 .6 0 .7
HY DROGEN , mlll009

Recently, there has been a resurgence of vibration from the vacuum pump or from
interest in this test as a result of the market- plant machinery have been observed, with
ing of an apparatus which enables close con- no attempt to use controlled vibration.
trol and provides convenience in both testing
and calculation. I3 The advantage of the ini- DIRECT METHODS
tial bubble test is the rapidity and conveni- Vacuum Fusion and Solid Extraction
ence with which it can be performed. The Direct methods, which provide absolute de-
greatest disadvantage is the frequ ent occur- termination of hydrogen in aluminum alloys,
rence of erratic results. Samples are affected include vacuum fusion, solid extraction and
by presence or absence of inclusions, in the Telegas, or slight modifications of these
same manner as in the Straube-Pfeiffer test. methods. The first two are essentially labora-
In investigations of the initial bubble test at tory methods, not suitable for use on a plant
Alcoa Research Laboratories, a bubble did floor. Solid samples are used in both vacuum
not appear in 18% of the samples, even when fusion and solid extraction methods although
pressure was reduced to < 1 torr. In these the solid extraction method has been modi-
PAUL D. HESS cases, there was still appreciable hydrogen fied experimentally at Alcoa Research Lab-
Paul D. Hess received present as determined by both Telegas and boratories to permit direct insertion of a
the Bachelor of Science molten sample into the apparatus. In the
in Chemical Engineering solid extraction methods. Figure 4 shows the
degree from Linsly
Institute of Technology. relationship between initial bubble test re- modified test, the sample is allowed to
In 1939, he joined Alcoa sults and Telegas hydrogen determinations. solidify, and extraction is begun just below
in the Metallurgical
Dept. of the Vernon The relationship between initial bubble test the freezing point. This procedure had the
Works, Calif., where his
activities included ingot, results and solid extraction determinations advantage of eliminating sample prepara-
rivet and aluminum and tion but was suitable only for laboratory use
magnesium foundry is shown in Figure 5. Duplicate results by
work, and solution of
air pollution problems. the initial bubble method are compared in and required the apparatus to be adjacent to
In 1955, he transferred Figure 6. It will be noted that several times the source of molten metal. H ence, the use
to Alcoa Research
Laboratories. where his there were no bubbles in one test and was discontinued. Vacuum fusion and solid
work has been primarily
on molten aluminum bubbles in a duplicate test, as well as no extraction have b een described by Brandt
operations. He is the
holder or co-holder of bubbles in either test. and Cochran.14
seven patents and has
authored numerous
If a sample cast from a melt is used, it
papers on subjects such must be carefully taken in a mold which
as gas in aluminum The initial bubble test is theoretically at-
alloys, methods of permits rapid solidification coupled with
molten metal treatment,
safety, air pollution
tractive and under certain conditions may good feeding to prevent porosity. A copper
control, and refractories give results that check with other methods. mold, as designed by Ransley,I5 is satisfac-
for molten aluminum
operations. However, as with the Straube-Pfeiffer test, tory for this purpose. After machining, the
modem methods of metal treatment provide sample must be treated to remove surface
metal of such freedom from inclusions as to gas and moisture. Although benzene wash-
preclude formation of a bubble, even when ing has been used, treatment with Alcoa-5
an undesirable concentration of hydrogen is Bright Dip is superior.
present. It has been stated that vibration In the vacuum fusion test, the machined,
assists the bubble formation, but as far as surface cleaned, and weighed sample is
we know, only the effects of adventitious melted under vacuum. Hydrogen is ex-


Fig. 6-Comparison of duplicate hydrogen deter- Fig. 7-Comparison of duplicate Telegas hydrogen
minations by the initial bubble test determinations made with the same instrument
0 .7 ,...-- , - -. , - - - , - - - - - . - - - , . - - -......,...---,.
0.7 r--,--.,...---,---,-----.-----r---"

0.6 0 .6

0.5 0 .5
C!' o
o o
o ~::::
~~ 0.4 ....WE
.... ~ 0%
~~ 0 .3 88
we>: ,..
,.. ~

l: 0 .2 0.2

0 .1 0 .1

0 .1 0 .2 0 .3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0 .7

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0 .7

tracted and separated from background gas milliliters of hydrogen per 100 grams of Telegas can be
by a palladium tube. Volume of hydrogen aluminum. The chart, supplied with the in- used on the
evolved is determined by measuring pres- strument, is based on pure aluminum. Be- plant Hoor under
sure increase in a system of known volume. cause partial pressure of gas in a liquid is operating
a function of solubility, which varies with conditions.
In the solid extraction method, the sample alloy, it is necessary to apply a correction
is heated under vacuum to a temperature factor to the results when the instrument is
near but below the melting point. The hy- used for alloys. This correction factor is the
drogen evolved is separated and measured ratio of solubility of hydrogen in the alloy to
in a manner similar to that used for vacuum that in pure aluminum.
fusion . Since much longer time is required
for hydrogen extraction from the solid sam- Telegas is a very useful instrument, al-
ple, this method is much slower than vacuum though, like any precise apparatus, it must
fusion. However, it is greatly preferred for be handled with care. It is capable of great
alloys containing elements such as magne- precision. Duplicate results with the same
sium and zinc which will distill out of the instrument are compared in Figure 7. Pre-
sample under vacuum and condense in the cision between different Telegas instruments
apparatus. is also very good, as shown in Figure 8. The
satisfactory agreement between Telegas and
When properly performed, the solid ex- the solid extraction and submolten extraction
traction method is accurate and is used methods is shown in Figures 9 and 10.
frequently to calibrate other methods of Standard deviations for duplicate samples
hydrogen determination. with the same Telegas instrument, with
different Telegas instruments, and between
Telegas and solid and submolten extraction
Telegas determinations are listed in the table.
The Telegas, developed by Ransley, Talbot,
and Barlow 16, 17 is the only method for abso-
lute determination of hydrogen content of
molten aluminum that can be used on the DISCUSSION
plant floor under production conditions. In All the methods described are useful, de-
this instrument, a small volume of nitrogen pending on circumstances and the type of
is recirculated through molten aluminum data required. The Straube-Pfeiffer test
until the hydrogen, which diffuses into the provides an indication of metal cleanliness,
nitrogen bubbles, is in equilibrium with that and with clean metal, has a sensitivity to
in the metal. The partial pressure of hydro- hydrogen of about 0.3 mlj100 grams. The
gen in the nitrogen is then equal to that in Alcoa Sensitized Vacuum Density Test,
the metal and is determined by measuring again with clean metal, extends this sensi-
the thermal conductivity of the gas mixture. tivity to 0.1 m1/100 grams. Both methods are
Actual hydrogen content is found from a suitable for routine plant control use. The
calibration chart which relates meter read- initial bubble test can give good results un-
ing, hydrogen solubility as affected by der many circumstances, but is subject to
temperature, and hydrogen content in the same conditions of insensitivity as the


Fig. 8-Comparison of duplicate Telegas hydrogen
determinations made with different instruments
0.7 r-- , - --,-----,--- - , - - r - - , - -71
Comparison of various methods of
0 .6 hydrogen determination

1-", 0.5 Deviation
Wo No. ml/IOO g,
:::. - of Tests STP
::> ::::
a::E 0.4
I- Duplicate detenninations, same
II>z Telegas instrument 44 0.014
Duplicate detenninations, diHerent
0.3 Telegas instruments
Solid extraction versus Telegas
WJ: Submolten extraction versus Telegas 11 0.019

0. 1 Straube-Pfeiffer test. With inclusion-free

metal, difficulty is encountered in getting
0 .1 0 .2 0 .3 0.4 0.5 0 .6 0.7
bubbles to form at moderate to low hydro-
HYDROGEN. mI/IOO; gen contents. Vacuum fusion and solid
FIRST INSTRUMENT extraction methods are limited to laboratory
use and are most useful for determining hy-
Fig. 9-Comparison of Telegas and solid extrac- drogen in samples from solid metal, such as
tion results castings or wrought products, and for cali-
brating other methods of hydrogen deter-
0.7 r---,-- -r---,---r---.----,,--.,,
mination. The long time required at reduced
pressure precludes their use for control
0 '" 0.6
purposes. Telegas can be used on plant Hoor
0 .5
and provides a quantitative determination
of the hydrogen content of a melt which Is
U 0.4
not affected by the relative cleanliness of
the metal with respect to inclusions. It pro-
0 .3 vides a means of following changes in gas
content of a melt as determinations can be
made in less than five minutes.
'"'" 0.2
Extremely useful in metallurgical inves-
I- 0. 1
tigations, it can be used as a control instru-
ment when the highest quality material is
0.7 being produced. Telegas is rather fragile,
HYDROGEN CONTENT .ml/IOOg however, and must be handled with the care
usually afforded a precise instrument. 0
Fig. 10-Comparison of Telegas and SUb-molten
extraction results
0. 7r--.---.--.-----,------r---.--~
M. Bosshard. H. Hug and E. Hansler, Aluminium,

0 .6 (November, 1937), Vol. 19, pp. 699-704

"E...... 0 .5
2 B. R. Deoras and V. Kondies, Foundry Trade Journal,
(May 24, 1956), Vol. 100, pp. 361-364, 366
3 L. Moreau, Bull. Assoc. Tech. Fonderie, (1936), Vol.
z 10 (12), pp. 446-447
I- • H. Rosenthal and S. Lipson, Transactions of the Ameri-
% can Foundrymen's Society, (1955), Vol. 63, pp. 301-305
u 0.4 • Rev. Aluminium, (1948), Vol. 150, p. 374
z • K. J. Brondyke and P. D. Hess, Transactions, Metallurgi-
W cal SOciety of AIME, December, 1964, p. 1542
'"0c:: 0 .3
7 K. J. Brondyke and P. D . Hess, Transactions, Metal-
lurgical Society of AIME, December, 1964, p. 1553
)- • U.S. Patent No. 2,863,558
J: 9 U.S. Patent No. 3,281,238
II> 0 .2 10 U.S. Patent No. 3,039,864

11 U.S. Patent No. 3,172,757
W 12 Y. Dardel, AIME, Inst. of Metals Div., Metals Tech-
W nology 15, No.8, Tech. Pub. No. 2484, (1948)
I- 0 .1 ,. U.S. Patent No. 3,517,543
.. J. L. Brandt and C. N. Cochran, JOURNAL OF
METALS, December, 1956, Vol. 8, No. 12, pp. 1672-1674
15 C. E. Ransley and D. E. J. Talbot, Journal of the In-
0 .1 0.2 0 .3 0.4 0 .5 0.6 0.7 stitute of Metals, 1955-56, 84, p. 445
18 C. E. Ransley, D. E. J. Talbot, and H. C. Barlow,
HYDROGEN CONTENT. mIIlOO; Journal of the Institute of Metals, 1957-58, 86, pp. 212-219
SUB - MOLTEN EXTRACTION 17 U.S. Patent 2,861,450


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