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BTS-IV-04. t8-0734 Reg. No.

B,Tech. Degree IV Semester Examination April 2018

(2015 Scheme)

Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 60

(Answer,4II questions)

(10 x 2:20)
I. (a) Explain the boundary layer growth over a flat plate.
(b) Derive Chezy's equation for uniform flow in open channel.
(c) Prove that for a hydraulically efficient trapezoidal channel, half of top
width is equal to the length of sloping side,
(d) What are the assumptions in the analysis of gradually varied flow?
(e) Sketch the surface water profiles in a steep slope channel.
(0 Analyze the term 'specific force' with a neat diagram.
(g) Explain the practical examples of positive and negative surges.
(h) Differentiate betw'een kinematic similarity and dynamic similarity.
(i) Obtain an expression for the force exerted by a jet of water striking a flat
plate inclined at an angle to the jet.
0) Sketch and name the various parts of a Pelton wheel,

(4" 10 = 40)

II. (a) What are the various qualifications for uniform flow? (7)
(b) A canal is to have a trapezoidal section with one side vertical and other (3)
sloping at 45o. It has to carry 30 m3 of water per second with a mean
velocity of I m/sec. Compute the dimensions of the section which will
require the minimum lining.
m. (a) What is meant by boundary layer separation? How can it be controlled? (3)
(b) A rectangular channel 7.5 m wide carries 12 m3 of water per second with a (7)
velocity of 1.5 m/sec. Compute the specific energy. Also find the depth of
flow in the channel when the specific energy would be minimum. What
will be the value of critical velocity as well as minimum specific energy?

ry. A rectangular channel (n : 0.017) is 3 m wide and is laid on a bottom slope (10)
of 0.0009, it carries a discharge of 10 m3/sec and the flow is non-uniform.
If the depth at a section A is 2.5 m, calculate the distance to the section B,
where the depth of flow is 2.7 m, by using direct step rnethod having only
one step.


v. (a) What are the various characteristics of rapidly varied flow? (3)
(b) If, in a hydraulic jump occurring in a horizontal rectangular channel, the (1)
Froude number before the jump is l0and the energy loss is 3,2 m, estimate
the (i) initial and sequent depths (ii)
discharge per unit width and
(iii) Froude number after the jump

VI. A river flowing towards the sea at a velocity and having a

of 5 km/hour (10)
depth of 2 m encounters an incoming tide which increases the depth to 5 m
and a tidal bore travels upstream. Estimate the speed of the bore and speed
and direction of flow a.fter the passage of the bore.
VII. In order to estimate the energy loss in a pipeline of 1 m diameter, through (10)
which kerosene of specific gravity 0,8 and dynamic viscosity 0.02 poise is
to be transported at the rate of 2 m3 per second, model tests were
conducted on a 0.1 m diameter pipe using water at 20oC. Calculate thc
discharge required for the model pipe. If the energy head loss in 30 m
length of the model pipe is measured as 4.8 m of water, determine the
corresponding head loss in the prototype. Also determine the value of
Darcy's friction factor for the prototype. Given the kinematic viscosity of
water : 0.01 poise.

VIII. A jet of water moving at 20 m/sec impinges on a symmetrical curved vane (10)
shaped to deflect the jet through 120o. If the vane is moving at 5 m/sec,
find the angle of the jet so that there is no shock at inlet, Also determine
the absolute velocity at exit in magnitude and direction.
Ix. A pelton wheel has to be designed for the following data. Power to be (10)
developed: 6000 kW, net head available :300 m, speed : 550 rpm, ratio
ofjet diameter to wheel diameter : I/10 and overall efficient = 85%. Find
the number of jets; diameter of the jet; diameter of the wheel; and the
quantrty of water required.

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