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Nutritional Anthropology and

 Human Biology taken with ecological
NUTRITIONAL concepts in late 60s, early 70s
Energy flow studies: Rappaport, Thomas

 Coursework: genetics, physiology, nutrition

AN IDIOSYNCRATIC AND INCOMPLETE  Dissertation proposal to study energy flow in the
INTRODUCTION Tokelau Islands

Nutritional Anthropology and

A pet peeve
 Study nutrition and physiology for input-
input -output balance  Biological anthropology approach to nutrition
Energy flow project scrapped, switch to Samoan obesity

tends to be heavy on the biology, light on
 Diet--activity approach:
anthropology, tends to have little appreciation
 Results: modernization of diet was not associated obesity, but
modernization of activity patterns was for behavior
 First publications based on dietary change  See Johnston’s (1987) Nutritional Anthropology
Follow-- up on growth based on Well Baby Clinic Records:

• Inf luences of infant f eeding practices on child growth

 The first few times that I taught Nutritional
– Results: bottle-
bottle-fed babies are fatter children
Anthropology the classes were heavy on
Recent: paper on Food, Power, and Globalization in Samoa to be

given at the ASAO in February, 2006

nutrition, physiology, and biology
 Joined Council on Nutritional Anthropology early 1980s  Nutritional intake, energy expenditure,
 Vice President and Editor of the CommuNicAtor
CommuNicAtor,, 1988-
1988-1990 anthropometrics, genes and diet

I supervised two M.A. projects

A brief historical background
that changed my focus:
 Nutritional survey of a small rural community in Hale  Garrick Mallery’s paper, “Manners and meals” (1888),
County, 1984 appeared in Volume 1, No. 3, of the American
 Most interesting aspects were the informal trade networks Anthropologist.
based on hunted, gathered and gardened foods  Mallery takes a broad cross-
cross-cultural perspective on eating,
 Study of foodways in the Bahamas, 1984 commenting on various practices and seeking the origins of
 Interesting differences in the use of foods between urban some habits
rural areas, including the overwhelming influence of Miami  “Anciently (and still in the lower stages of culture) no regular
on Bimini--
including the celebration of Thanksgiving hours for meals were observed. The avocations on which
subsistence depended were spasmodic, at least in success,
 As a result, I got involved in trying to understand the or periodic, in terms of seasons, not hours. Savages eat
cultural aspects of dietary change in Samoa, resulting when they can get food and continue to eat so long as the
in one of my articles assigned later in class food lasts.”

A brief historical background Wilbur Olin Atwater
 The switch from experimental studies on animals to  First Director of the
human food consumption studies relying on Office of Experimental
ethnographic material to contextualize the nutritional Stations of the U.S.D.A.
data occurred in the 1890s  Convinced Congress to
 Von Rechenberg’s (1890) study of the diet of Saxon fund nutrition studies
handweavers  $15,000 per state
 Questionnaires, direct observation, and interviews provided budgeted for 1890!
the social background to his diet study.  Initiated diet advice
 Dramatic change from the animal based studies of based on nutritional
nutrition, or the strict study of consumed foods. composition of foods

Atwater Tuskegee study

 Atwater and his collaborator, Charles Woods,  Class comparison:
• Those near the village and attached to the Institute lived
selected Tuskegee, Alabama for the OES
OES’’s first study comfortably
of African American food habits in 1895 • Others, particularly families on large plantations, labored in
 Took advantage of Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute hopeless poverty and were meant to be typical of most African
American farm families in the so-
so- called “Black Belt ”
and Booker T. Washington
 Appointed Washington research supervisor
 Description of Material style of living:
 Most families in the countryside around Tuskegee lived in one-
 Enlisted 18 families
or two-
two-room log cabins with little furniture
 There was a spring and a winter phase to the study
• One or two rope bedsteads, corn shuc k mattresse s, patchwork
 Families were visited daily by a field worker quilts and maybe a clock
• He weighed all foods brought into the household and collected • Also usually a small cupboard, a few dishes, a wooden chest or
ethnographic information over a period of 2 weeks old trunk for holding food and clothing, a pine table, a few chairs,
cha irs, a
 The families included villagers, tenant farmers and plantation pair of andirons and an iron pot
workers living up to 9 miles away representing a range of social  Few people owned land. Most rented between 20 and 60 acres
and economic conditions • Tenants generally had at least one mule or an ox, and most
owned at least one pig and some chickens
• People living in and near the village usually kept a cow

Tuskegee study Tuskegee study

 People worked just over 7 months/year  Tuskegee families prepared simple meals
 Farmers devoted most of their land to cotton  Most people sliced their salt pork or bacon thin and cooked it in
their fireplace
 They grew corn (maize), sweet potatoes, sugar cane and
• Bacon grease was mixed with molasse s to make “ sap.
sorghum for food, but rarely enough to meet their needs • People ate meat and sap with cornbread, which they made simply
 Only a few had gardens for growing collards, turnips and other from cornmeal and water baked on a griddle or the flat surface of
vegetables. a hoe
• This was the standard meal, 3 times a day, 365 days/year with
 Staple foods included fat salt pork, cornmeal, molasses, lard few exceptions
and wheat flour – During late fall or winter, fresh pork and sweet potatoes were served
s erved
 Some families were unfamiliar with anymeat other than fat salt – Occasionally, someone prepared an opossum dinner seasoned with
red peppers and baked surrounded by sweet potatoes in a big pot
pork, chicken and game such as possum and rabbit – People made “cracklin bread ” by fry ing f at until brittle, crushing it into a
• Beef and mutton were eaten in just one African American mixture of cornmeal, water, soda and salt, and baking
household, and its head was an employee of the Institute. – They also boiled collards or turnips with pork f at to make the
vegetables taste “rich
– Vegetables other than sweet potatoes were peripheral to the diet

Tuskegee study A brief historical background
 There was a seasonal decline in nutrition which was  Goss(1897) studied Hispanic dietaries
attributed to a sharp winter decrease in egg and dairy
production in New Mexico
 Farmers in winter had less cash to purchase food
 The underlying problem was a so-
so-called “mortgage system”
 Took a social perspective on their diet,
• The landowner or storekeepers would make loans for tenants to including looking at class and diet
buy seed and tools to last from planting to harvest
– The f armer signed a “waiv e note”
note ” giv ing the lender f irst right to  His sample included one middle-
middle -class
whatev er portion of the crop was needed to pay off the debt household and two lower-
lower- class households
– Due to the high rates of interest, little was left to sell at the end of the
season  Neither lower class household ingested a
• The system favored the cash crop, cotton, over food production
single gram of animal protein over the course of
• As farmers exhausted their stores of homegrown corn and
homemade molasse s, they needed to increase purchases from 14 days of observation
the local store • This prompted a restudy of one of the same
– The consumption of bacon, a store product usually purchased in small
small households a year later
quantities every week illustrates the seasonality
– Consumption averaged 194 g/d among tenants and plantation hands – Found consumption of 4 gm/d animal protein
during the spring months versus 103 g/d compared to 29 gm/d for the middle-
middle-class household
studied the year before

Goss continued A brief historical background

 Families of both classes ate meals  Jenks (1900) studied Native American wild
structured around a common core rice gatherers in the upper Great Lakes
 Corn, wheat flour, beans, eggs, granulated region
sugar, potatoes, and chilies  Ethnography had a minor component of nutritional
 Lard or “lard compound”
compound” was a core item as analysis in what was primarily an ethnographic
well, but meat products were peripheral account of "primitive" economics for the Bureau of
 None of the families used dairy products American Ethnology
• Animal products accounted for approximately 15% of  This study provides a model for treatment of
the food budget for the lower-
lower-class families and 33% food in many of the 20th century
for the middle-
middle-class household
• The middle class enjoyed a somewhat more varied ethnographies, where it occupies a peripheral
diet, but still the family ate just 7.5 different foods per position
week compared to 5 for the lower-lower -class families

A brief historical background A brief historical background

 As part of the Office of Experimental Stations series,  1930'sthe Brits started to do work on
Woods and Mansfield (1904) studied foods of Maine
lumbermen for the U.S.D.A., and provided a dietary
the colonies, especially in Africa
study within an ethnographic account  Gilks and Orr (1931) did metabolic studies
 Includes nutritional and metabolic analyses of recorded diets among two East African groups, the Masai
 McCarrison (1928) studied the diets of Sikhs, (ostensibly carnivores), and the Akikuyu
Pathans,, Bengalis, and other Indian groups by
feeding their diets to laboratory animals
 They concluded that nutritional status was
 He concluded that "the striking differences in the physique of
different Indian races are due, in the main, to differences in related to diet, and that anthropological factors
biological value of their national diets" (the cattle complex) influenced food intake

Audrey Richards Audrey Richards
 Richards (1932, and others) is generally taken as the  Richards carefully examined all social
beginning of the anthropological study of food habits
 She studied the Bemba of Northern Rhodesia, using a relations as they related to food exchange
functionalist model to illustrate the interrelationship between  She considered the emotional qualities assigned
diet and other cultural institutions to different foods
 Richards concluded that the reasons natives did not work
harder (a primary concern for British mining and other  Their desirability in terms of taste and digestibility, their
economic interests) was not a question of sloth but of importance in the native ceremonial life
undernutrition • E.g., the importance of grains used in beer brewing, and
 Since men had been drawn away to labor in the mines, women the excitement that accompanied opportunities to eat meat
found it difficult to perform the heavy clearing tasks traditionally
assumed by men, in addition to their own cultivation and  People's perceptions of the nutritional qualities and
gathering roles physiological effects of different staple grains and
 During the period of the year when women most needed food relishes eaten with them
energy to sustain clearing and planting of fields, food was in • The Bemba seemed to recognize the relationships
shortest supply between low energy intake and lack of energy to perform
• Thus, the women were enmeshed in an ongoing cycle of work, and consciously conserved energy during the lean,
underproduction and undernutrition.
cold season

Audrey Richards Audrey Richards

• They had a concept of the ideal proportion of grain to  Her reports, collected by selective observations, interviews, and
an d
relish in the ordinary diet, and some women, when informant diaries over a relatively short period of time, include
includ e
they were too tired to gather ingredients for relish, general descriptions of gardening, crop successions, and time
might not prepare the grain either, since it was hard allocated to different food production, collecting, and food
to get the grain down without the lubrication of the processing tasks
relish  Her model for the "food" aspect of culture was also
• The social dimensions of food production, interdisciplinary, as she employed botanists, nutritionists, and
preparation, distribution, and consumption biochemists to aid in identifying and assessing the nutritional
– All kinship relations were marked by prescribed rules values of foods
for sharing  Her work influenced later studies of the changing
– These obligations break down in times of dearth, when interrelationships between social organization of production and
people tended to hoard meager supplies distribution of food, diet, and nutrition

A brief historical background A brief historical background

 1935 the British International African Institute  Early 1940's: U.S. National Research Council
appointed a Diet Committee to construct a Committee on Food Habits
comparative nutritional databank  Set up to study the psychological and cultural
 Meyer Fortes and Audrey Richards were among the patterns of diet
anthropologists collaborating in this effort
 One major goal was to understand ethnic food habits to
 An early study of the effects of westernization of food make culturally acceptable recommendations to improve and
products among non-
non -industrialized groups was done ration nutrition during WW II
by Price (1939)  Margaret Mead and Ruth Benedict were anthropologists on the
 His title “Nutrition and Physical Degeneration” gives an • Mead (1943) cautioned about the use of anthropology to shape
indication of his bias behavior in unknown directions
– Beware the Law of Unintended Consequences
 Benedict and Steggerda (1937) studied diet among
modern day Mayans in the Yucatan, trying to explain  Nutritional anthropology took off with the instigation of
high metabolic rates studies of applications of ethnographic knowledge to
nutritional problems

A brief historical background A brief historical background
 Regional food habits in the Southwest U.S. were  Pre
Pre--masticationof supplementary infant food
studied in the 1940's, by the Bureau of Indian Affairs was discouraged, and as a result, infants
and the University of Chicago began turning up with anemia
 Three Indian areas and two Hispanic areas were
surveyed by Pijo
án (1942)  Breast milk alone is insufficient as a source of iron
in the second semester (six months) of life
 The research was used to make changes in the diet
 Without economic resources to buy infant
of the people with the goal of improving nutrition
supplements, the children were becoming
 Two spectacular examples of failure based on malnourished
cultural misunderstanding were noted
 In consultation with the Indians, a decision was
 Discouraging pre-
pre-mastication of infant foods
made to go back to pre-
 Advocating consumption of choke-

A brief historical background A brief historical background

 In an attempt to increase Vitamin C intake,  Oliver(1943) was studying the inhabitants of
the consumption of the fresh choke cherry Bougainville in the Solomon islands about the
was advocated same time
 From increasing this consumption, several Indians
 He described the failures of two attempts to
became sick from cyanide poisoning as the
change ("improve") their dietaries:
amygdalin in the seeds was transformed to poison
in the digestive tract  One group were mountain dwellers with taro as a dietary
 After one young woman died, the Indians were • They had calcium and protein deficiencies
advised not to eat the seeds, but the way the • Women were responsible for planting, harvesting, cooking,
warning was translated, the fruit was abandoned and apportioning taro
as a food • Residence was matrilocal and inheritance was matrilineal

Oliver, continued Oliver, continued

 The other group lived in the lowlands with several staples • The credibility of the official was severely
in addition to taro undermined by his belittling of taro, which was a
• The diet was well balanced, and the society functioned as highly valued prestige food in the mountains
ambilocal and ambilineal  In the lowlands, the chiefs chosen to receive
• Men were responsible for some of the food preparation the seeds were not necessarily gate-
gate- keepers
and cultivation
 In the villages where gate-
gate- keeper chiefs were
 A colonial official gave packets of seeds to the given seeds and convinced of their worth, the
chiefs with instructions how to plant them, and a new crops took hold
message that taro was of little nutritional worth  In villages where gate-
gate -keepers were ignored, or
 In the mountains, by giving the seeds to the chiefs, not where the official failed to convince gate-
the women responsible for cultivation, the project was keepers of the value of new crops, they were
immediately doomed shunned

A brief historical background A brief historical background
 Lewin (1943) came up with the channel  A study of the introduction of a high-
high - yield variety of
theory maize was in New Mexico was reported by Apodaca
 Conceptualizes the movement of food through a (1952)
group as flow through channels  A State Agricultural Extension Agent analyzed all the
 Marketing, processing, producing channels environmental aspects and concluded that the new variety
was needed
 controlled by gate-
gate- keepers
 The agent worked through the local leadership, and didn't
 Chiefs, priests, nurses, etc. start until everyone understood what needed to be done, and
 He claimed it was essential to understand and why
gain the confidence of the gate-
gate- keepers in order to  Within four years, all the local farmers had abandoned the
effect dietary change new variety in spite of threefold increases in yield
 This perspective reemphasizes the importance of
ethnographic work

A brief historical background A brief historical background

 The new variety made cornmeal that was not good  There are numerous other examples of the
for tortillas because of the texture and color application or misapplication of anthropological
studies to solving nutritional problems
 The farmers wives would not use the new maize,
 In addition to the applied area, nutritional
and so had to revert to the older, lower yielding
anthropology rose in importance in the 1960's in
response to infusions from ecology: Human ecology,
 Part of the agent's error stemmed from his lack of cultural ecology, socioecology
understanding that the local people would not  Two famous works from this time period focused on
contradict the opinion of an "expert", out of their energy flow or input and output of the subsistenc e
cultural tradition of courtesy regimens: Rappaport among the Maring and Lee
among the !Kung

Rappaport and the Maring Lee and the !Kung

 Rappaport studied a Maring village in highland New  Lee performed an input-
input-output analysis of
Guinea, and proposed an ecological explanation for !Kung Bushmen subsistence practices,
the ritual cycle found among the Maring
concluding that hunter/gatherers have a very
 He found that as pig populations increase in size,
more and more energy is devoted to maintaining the
easy life in terms of the amount of work that
pigs and keeping them out of the gardens, until a must be done to support the population
critical point is reached and a ritual is performed that  This work started the school of thought of the
includes slaughtering large numbers of pigs and original affluence and complicated arguments
going to war with neighboring groups about the origins of agriculture

A brief historical background More History
 Inthe 1970's, work progressed along both  In 1974, the Committee (then Council) on Nutritional
cultural and biological dimensions: Anthropology (CNA) was formed at the AAA
 Thomas produced the definitive energy flow study meetings in Mexico City
with his work on energy flow at high altitude  For several years, CNA was affiliated with the AAA
among the Quechua as a special interest group within the Society for
 One of his students at Cornell started applying the Medical Anthropology
optimal foraging model to human populations
 In 1987, the council became a separate unit of the
 Mary Douglas and others approached diet from
the perspective of symbolic anthropology AAA
 Harris was explaining dietary choices from an  The CNA became the Society for the Anthropology of
adaptive perspective to validate his cultural Food and Nutrition SAFN in 2004

More History More History

 The SAFN has these goals:  I served as Vice President of the CNA and Editor
 to encourage research and exchange of ideas, of its newsletter, The CommuNicAtor, from 1988 to
theories, methods and scientific information 1990
 Volume 13 number 1 through volume 14 number 1
relevant to understanding the socio-
behavioral and political-
political- economic factors related
to food and nutrition;  SAFN began the publication of the refereed
 to provide a forum for communication and journal Nutritional Anthropology in Spring
interaction among scientists sharing these 1998, continuing the numbering from volume
interests and with other appropriate organizations; 21 number 2 of the newsletter
 to promote practical collaboration among social 
and nutritional scientists at the fields and program

Some useful reviews Journal sources from Messer

 Haas JD, and Harrison GG 1977. Nutritional  Ecology of Food and Nutrition
anthropology and biological adaptation.  Food and Nutrition Bulletin (and other publications of
the United Nations University)
Annual Review of Anthropology, 8:69-
 Food Policy
 Mintz SW, and Du Bois CM. 2002. The  Nutrition Research
Anthropology of food and eating. Annual  World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics
Review of Anthropology, 31:99–
31:99–119.  Medical Anthropology
 Messer E. 1984. Anthropological  Social Science and Medicine
Perspectives on Diet. Annual Review of  Medical Anthropology Newsletter (Medical
Anthropology Quarterly)
Anthropology, 13:205-
13:205 -249.
 The CommuNicAtor (Newsletter of the Council on
Nutritional Anthropology)

Journal sources from Messer
 Culture and Agriculture
 The Digest (Publication of the University of
Pennsylvania Food Group of the Department of
Folklore and Folklife)
 Food and Foodways
 Appetite
 Human Ecology
 Ethnobiology
 and a gastronomic section in Social Science

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