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Argumentative Reflection

Single gender classroom

The assignment was completed in Ms. Van Hills class last year in my junior year.We were told to
write an argumentative essay ,on whether private and public schools, should or should not have single
gender classrooms. When you choose whether you agree or disagree with single gender classrooms you
had to start the essay with a good intro, research information,etc.The reason this is an argumentative
piece because I had to decide if I wanted to write on whether I agree or disagree with single gender
classrooms. In our essay we had to find quotes that support our opinion, research if people would prefer
single or mixed gender classrooms, and also had to find a evidence and explain why. For example there
was a vote from the NEA ( National Education Association) weather students would vote if they like single
gender or mix gender schools. 60% voted mix gender schools and 40% voted single gender schools.

The SLO’s that I practice using on this essay are Effective communicator, and Critical Thinking.
The way i was a Effective communicator was asking my table partners for help if I needed in a specific
part. I would show my rough draft to the teacher and she would tell me on how I can fix my punctuation,
sentence structure, spelling, etc. The way I was a critical thinker for this assignment was by doing
research. I would look up reliable sources that would tell me facts rather than opinion. I would compare
single gender classes with mixed classes by how can it change the education of the student, school
environment, socializing, and which type of schools students would like to attend better. I then used
evidence from I used quotes from articles that helped support mixed gender classrooms. For example I
used a quote from Sarah McMahon and it says "This is the reality of the world. You're going to be in an
environment that's both male and female, and I think it's a healthy environment to grow up in," this quote
helped my reason on why mixed gender schools would be better for students.

This assignment really helped me on my critical thinking because sense it was an individual
assignment, I had to do all the research, compare what people think of single gender and mixed gender
schools. It really helped me doing work by myself and getting better on writing argumentative essays. I
know for a fact that still do need to improve my critical thinking and effective communicator. I have to be
more detailed and specific on what I write instead of saying this or that, and talk about. I would still ask for
help and questions to improve and learn from it, so later on I can prevent from it from happening and it
would help me still continuing to improve. I can later use this in the future when going to college. I know
that group projects in college are not as common, but I will be ready and know how to be an effective
communicator when discussing, and being a critical thinking when working together and making the
project understandable to us and others. I can also use them when getting a job interview. It will help a lot
and and show that I am a organized independent person.

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