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Beginner’s Lesson 1 onyouryogamat.

(One yoga posture)

Begin by sitting on the floor- and however is comfortable to sit

If you have a yoga mat that’s great, though not necessary until lesson 2
You can always sit on a cushion, a book/books, or a yoga block
If it’s too much to sit on the floor, sit on a chair or stool to start with
Keeping the face relaxed, gently bring your awareness to your breath
Feel the body breath and the sensation of inhalation and exhalation
It’s a simple instruction but can you keep your attention on the breath?
How many breaths can you take before the mind starts wandering?
The challenge in a yoga practice is to remain in this quieter place
Additionally stay tuned into the sensations throughout the entire body
Be patient and stay here with the focus on the breath for 5 minutes or so

Yoga, as it is traditionally practiced in India, and the East, comes primarily from a place of
awareness, or mindfulness. It is a way of life which is integrated into each daily routine, beyond
the physical yoga practice itself

One of the reasons yoga was originally practised was to ultimately enable the practitioner to
comfortably sit still for longer periods of time, to essentially meditate. And in addition to this, all
of the benefits of keeping the physical body strong and supple

You could think of any yoga practice as a short series of meditations: once still in the posture
(some which might be more challenging) the idea is to match the stillness of the posture with a
still steady and alert quality to the mind

This meditation (awareness, mindfulness) is important, because there is nothing more

important than your mind- it's all you have! It’s the mechanism of how you experience
absolutely everything in this world, and therefore it is worth taking a little time to make sure this
“consciousness” we have is in a good, healthy state

It actually doesn't matter how flexible you are (how "good" you are, or think you are at yoga, or
at any physical activity), how much money you have, how big your house is, how many friends
you have- you're potentially not going to enjoy any of it if you are constantly distracted by a
continuos, non stop stream of thinking. A mind that simply can't stop moving from one
(neurotic, worrying) thought to another, a mind that is essentially a voice in our head that we
seem spellbound to listen too without question

So your first yoga lesson is to explore this quieter quality to the mind sitting in one easy posture.
To let this stream of incessant thinking become a little more like background noise while you
tune in to the sensation of breath. You could repeat this yoga posture every day for a few days-
see if you can sit for 5 minutes at a time, remembering you can always adjust your seated
posture if you need to

This sets us up to move on to lesson 2 when you feel you are ready. We do more postures, but
the most important thing we do is to stay alert to this quieter, more peaceful place
Beginner’s Lesson 2
(Gentle warm up postures)

Begin lying down, soles of feet on mat, knees together

Mouth and eyes gently closed, face relaxed
Breathe steadily in through the nose, and out through the nose
Hands on abdomen to feel the support of this steady breath
Keep awareness turned inwards to sensations within the body


Arms out to the side Knees gently to the right Draw both knees to chest Lift right leg and foot up
Relax shoulders Look over left shoulder Point the toes, face relaxed Keep left foot firmly down
Steady breathing Repeat opposite side Option to lift head to knees Repeat opposite side

<———- X5 ————>

Cat posture: look gently down Breathe in: start to look forwards Breathe out: start to look back
Shoulders above wrists Lift the chest, shoulders roll back Arch the back like a cat
Hips above knees, feet apart Feel the abdomen drawing down Draw the abdomen up

Relax: Child’s Pose Return to Cat Posture Right arm lifts to extend forwards Optional Child’s Pose
Head down, arms in front Left leg lifts to extend back
Knees apart, feet point back Repeat opposite side

Return to Cat Posture Downward Facing Dog Cat Posture: relax Downward Facing Dog
Hips lift and go back Eventually legs straighter
Neck relaxed: look back Keep moving chest to feet

Relax in Child’s Pose: close the eyes, let the breath come and go naturally
Release the neck and the shoulders, feeling the forehead gently on the mat
Stay alert to every breath you take, keeping your mind quiet and steady
Beginner’s Lesson 3
(Sun Salutation)
Feet further apart, hold Interlace
the elbows. the
Begin to gently fold fingers,
Begin standing at the front of your yoga mat, forwards, stretch
feet close together; hands by side let the head hand the
With the mouth gently closed, breathe in and up,
out through the nose; looking straight ahead relax
Keep your awareness tuned in to this steady, shoulders
controlled breathing as you begin to move: down

To begin with just repeat the first 2 movements

of the sun salutation: Inhale arms up, exhale fold
forwards, inhale arms up, exhale fold forwards etc.
Then practice the first 3 movements a few times; to
get used to synchronising breath and movement

1 Inhale 2 Exhale 3 Inhale 4 Exhale (Cat Posture) 5 Inhale

Arms up, palms together Fold forwards Bend knees, hands down Step back, toes behind Lift chest, tummy down
(look up) (look down) (look forward) (look down) (look up)

5 breaths here

6 Exhale (Downward Facing Dog) 7 Inhale 8 Exhale 9 Inhale Exhale

Hips lift, legs straighten, straight arms Step forwards Fold forwards, hands down Arms up, palms together Standing
(look back) (look forward) (look down) (look up) (look forward)

Relax here with the legs up against a wall and the feet drifting together
If you wish the hands can be by your sides, palms down
Close the eyes and let the face be soft
Completely let go, imagining space around all your joints
Stayed tuned in to the sensation of breath; stay present
Beginner’s Lesson 4
(5 Sun Salutations and standing postures)
Cat posture can eventually
become upward facing dog:
The feet step further back to
Begin in child’s pose, lower down; then inhale and
knees apart, feet close, press the hands down to lift
relax the neck the chest and roll the
shoulders back:

With the mouth gently closed, breathe in and

out through the nose with awareness

First downward facing dog

5 breaths with the option to bend knees
Using movements 7, 8 and 9 below, come up to standing
Ready to begin:

Repeat 5 sun salutations

Try to coordinate the breath with each movement
Downward facing dog is held for 5 steady breaths
(if it’s too much, just come down onto your knees)
Be patient, it can take some time to build up the stamina to do 5

1 Inhale 2 Exhale 3 Inhale 4 Exhale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(keep exhaling)

Arms up, palms face Fold forwards Bend knees, hands down Step back, lower chest , hands press down
(look up) (look down) (look forward) (look down)

5 breaths here

5 Inhale 6 Exhale 7 Inhale 8 Exhale 9 Inhale Exhale

Upward Facing Dog Downward Facing Dog Step forwards Fold forwards Arms up Standing
Lift the chest Hips lift, legs straighten (look forward) (look down) (look up)
(look forwards) (look back)

Standing Postures Easy seated posture

and Finishing Postures Hands on knees, head down
10 full deep breaths
(take rest)
Padangusthasana Utkatasana 5 minutes
Fold gentle forwards Bend knees
5 breaths Reach arms up
5 breaths
Beginner’s Lesson 5
(Short 30 minute practice)

Begin standing at the front of your yoga mat, feet close, arms by side, palms face in
Keep the face relaxed and with awareness to the abdomen breath through the nose
Think of this practice as a moving meditation, use the breath to anchor you to “now”

Surya Namaskara A (Sun Salutation A) X3

5 breaths

Samasthiti Ekam (1) Dve (2) Trini (3) Catvari (4) Panca (5) Sat (6) Sapta (7) Astau (8) Nava (9) Samasthiti
Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale

Surya Namaskara B (Sun Salutation B modified) X1

5 breaths 5 breaths

Samasthiti Ekam (1) Dve (2) Trini (3) Catvari (4) Panca (5) Sat (6) Sapta (7) Astau (8) Nava (9)
Inhale Inhale Exhale Inhale (right leg) Exhale Inhale

5 breaths
5 breaths

Dasa (10) Ekadasa (11) Dvadasa (12) Trayodasa (13) Caturdasa (14) Pancadasa (15) Sodasa (16) Saptadasa (17) Samasthiti
Exhale Inhale (left leg) Exhale Inhale Exhale- 5 breaths Inhale Exhale Inhale
(Adho Mukha

Standing Postures (5 breaths each)

Both sides
(right first)

Padangusthasana Trikonasana Trikonasana Virabhadrasana B Prasarita Padottanasa D Virabhadrasana B Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana C
(forward bend) (triangle) (left side) (warrior) (forward bend wide feet) (left side) (Extended toe posture)

Seated Postures (5 breaths each) Finishing Postures (5 breaths)

Both sides 2 times
2 minutes
(right first)

2 times

Dandasana Paschimottanasana Marichyasana C Navasana Urdhva Dhanurasana Paschimottanasana Padmasana Savasana

(Staff posture) (forward bend) (twisting posture) (boat posture) (upside down bow) (easy forward bend) (sitting) (relaxation)
The of
Chair Yoga

 Chair yoga is simply performing yoga while sitting in a chair. Some sequences are all
done while sitting, but some may be performed standing and using the chair as a prop.
Depending on your situation you can do either of these.
 Chair yoga could simply be a few stretches done while in a chair which makes it a great
exercise that can be performed almost anywhere.

Anyone who has:

• Weight control problems • Scoliosis
• Osteoporosis and osteopenia • Pregnancy
• Arthritis • Mental health problems
• Diabetes • Sedentary jobs like desk jobs
• Heart disease • Trouble performing weight bearing
• Chronic pain exercise like walking and running
• Lung diseases • Low flexibility
• Disabilities • Leg injuries
• Multiple sclerosis • Sedentary Lifestyle
Remember: Chair yoga could be something as simple as a few stretches. This means that it can be performed
almost anywhere. You can perform stretches for any length of time to get the benefits. Perform chair yoga in a
short amount of time for an energy burst and mood enhancer, or perform it for long periods of time to add
weight loss and flexibility benefits.

• While watching television

• During work at your desk
• While sitting in bed
• At group workouts
• With your kids
• While in school/classes
• During long meetings
• At restaurants while waiting for a meal
• Any time you are sitting for long periods of time

• Stress reliever
• Improves mental health
• Increases energy level
• Keeps the mind alert
• Keeps the joints and muscles flexible
• It is accessible exercise for people who have trouble standing or are bound in a chair for
reasons such as disabilities or desk jobs.

Below are four chair yoga sequences that you can do

anytime, anywhere, from a chair!

Follow these or make up your own!
Beginner’s Hatha Practice 1
Keep breathing!- smooth and even breaths as you move through this practice
Surya Namaskara Stay tuned in to the sensation of each inhalation and exhalation you take
Do whatever is appropriate for you- be sensitive of how you feel from day to day
Sun Salutation It takes a little time to get the sun salutations to flow, so be patient
Try and remain in each of the postures below at least half a minute
Stay in Savasana, Makrasana (relaxations) and Dandasana longer if you have time
Enjoy being on your yoga mat every time you do this yoga practice

(1) Hands in prayer (2) Lift arms up (3) Fold Forwards (4) Step left leg back (5) Downward Facing Dog (6) Lower down and keep hips lifting
Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale and Inhale Exhale

4 times

(7) Cobra- lift chest (8) Downward Facing Dog (9) Step left leg forwards (10) Fold Forwards (11) Lift arms up (12) Hands in prayer
Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale

Supine Postures

Savasana Supta Hasta Parivartanasana Uttanpadasana preparation Uttanpadasana

Completely relax Side twist posture Each leg in turn, left first Extended leg posture
Both sides- knees drift down to left first Point the toes upwards Both legs lift together

Prone Postures

Shalabhasana preparation…… Shalabhasana Makarasana

Locust posture Both legs lift together Lift the chest, let the head follow Locust posture Crocodile posture
Legs lift up in turn Point the toes Face relaxed- steady breathing Full posture Completely relax

Seated Postures Standing Postures

Dandasana Ardha Matsyendrasana Supta Kurmasana

Sitting posture Half spinal twist posture Sleeping tortoise
Option to bend knees Both sides- turn left first Round the back
Trikonasana Virabhadrasana II Vrksasana
Triangle posture Warrior II posture Tree posture
Both sides Both sides Both sides

Relaxation Option to put some warmer clothes on and use a blanket to cover yourself
Stay here at least 5 minutes; let go and completely relax the body
Try and keep your mind quiet, to match the stillness of the physical form
Ashtanga Yoga Series

Finishing Series Optional drop backs and for Intermediate Series

(repeat 3 times)

(Prepare) Urdhva Dhanurasana Urdhva Dhanurasana Inhale Samasthiti Exhale Urdhva Dhanurasana
3 times, 5 breaths each (Up) (stand up) (drop back)

Paschimottanasana (Prepare) Salamba Sarvangasana Halasana Karnapidasana Urdhva Padmasana

(8 breaths) (10 breaths) (8 breaths) (8 breaths) (8 breaths)

Pindasana Matsyasana Uttana Padasana Sirsasana A Sirsasana B

(8 breaths) (8 breaths) (8 breaths) (25 breaths) (10 breaths)

Child’s Pose Baddha Padmasana Yoga Mudra Padmasana Utpluthih Savasana

(2 minutes) (1 breath) (10 breaths) (10 deep breaths) (25 breaths- lift up) (5 minutes- take rest)
Improver’s Sun Salutation

Begin at the front of your yoga mat, feet together;

hands by side, palms face in

With the mouth gently closed, breathe in and out

through the nose, creating a soft gentle sound

Look forwards and feel the feet pressing down

Keep your awareness tuned in to this steady,

controlled breathing as you begin to move,
coordinating breath with movement

Work towards doing 5 repetitions; keep smiling

1 Inhale 2 Exhale 3 Inhale

Arms up, palms together Fold forwards, hands on shins/ankles Bend knees, hands press down
(look up) (look down) (look forward)

4 Exhale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (keep exhaling) 5 Inhale (Upward Facing Dog)

Step back, feet behind Lower chest , hands press down Lift the chest, roll shoulders back
(look down) (look down) (look forwards. . . . look up)

Five full deep breaths here

(bend knees if necessary)

6 Exhale (Downward Facing Dog) 7 Inhale 8 Exhale 9 Inhale Exhale

Hips lift, legs straighten, straight arms Step forwards, stay low Fold forwards Arms up Standing
(look back) (look up) (look down) (look up)
LUU Ashtanga Modified Primary (2)

Seated postures- 5 breaths each- with a vinyasa (or a lift) between postures:


Ankles cross, knees in Tilt forward, press down to lift hips Inhale: Exhale: Look up, step or jump feet up
Inhale: lift and lean in Exhale: jump or step feet back to lower Upward Facing Dog Downward Facing Dog Inhale: come back through to sit

Seated postures:

Dandasana Paschimottanasa A and B Purvottanasana Janu Sirsasana A Marichyasana C Navasana

(staff) (back stretch X 2) (front stretch) (head to knee- both sides) (side twist- both sides) (boat X 3)

Supta Kurmasana Baddha Konasana Upavistha Konasana A Upavistha Konasana B Supta Padangusthasana A B
(sleeping tortiose) (bound angle) (forward bend, feet wide) (upward facing) (lying down big toe posture- both sides)

Finishing Postures- 5 breaths each, unless stated otherwise

Urdhva Dhanurasna X 3 Full posture (X 3) Paschimottanasana Lie down and preparation Savangasana
(or preparation for upside down bow posture) (easy forward bend) (shoulder stand)
(10 breaths)

Halasana Karnapidasana Matsyasana Padmasana X 2 Utpluthih Savasana

(plough) (ear press) (fish) (lotus or easy cross legs) (lift up!) (take rest- 5 minutes)
(5 breaths each side)
One Hour Ashtanga Improvers Class
Full deep, easy breathing as you move through this yoga practice
Keep your awareness tuned into the sensation of inhaling and exhaling
Use either the video or audio from the website to get used to the movements
Eventually aim to do this sequence from memory, using this PDF as a guide
Try and repeat this one hour sequence at least four or five times a week
Remember the postures below are just directions of movement: be patient
Do whatever feels appropriate from day to day and enjoy being on your yoga mat

Surya Namaskara A (Sun Salutation A) repeat 5 times

Downward Facing Dog

Standing Inhale (1) Exhale (2) Inhale (3) Exhale (4) Inhale (5) Exhale (6) Inhale (7) Exhale (8) Inhale (9) Standing
(look up) (look down) (look forwards) (look down) (look up) (look back)

Standing postures- 5 breaths each

Padangusthasana Utthita Trikonasana Virabhadrasana B into Utthita Parsvakonasna Prasarita Padottanasana B Prasarita Padottanasana D Parsvottanasana
(forward bend) (triangle- both sides) (warrior B into side angle- both sides) (forward bend, feet spread) (both sides)

Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana A Utthita Hasta Utthita Hasta Utkatasana Virabhdrasana A Virabhadrasana A
(Hand, big toes posture) Padangusthasana B Padangusthasana C (fierce) (warrior A, right) (warrior A, left)
(repeat left side A B C)

Seated postures- 5 breaths each

Dandasana Paschimattanasa Purvottanasan Janu Sirsasana A Marichyasana C Navasana Supta Kurmasana

(staff) (back stretch) (front stretch) (head, knee) (side twist - modified) (boat X2) (sleeping tortoise- modified)
(both sides) (both sides)

Finishing Postures

Urdhva Dhanurasna Paschimattanasana Padmasana Savasana

(preparation for upside down bow posture) (forward bend- easy variation) (or easy cross legs) (take rest)
(5 steady breaths each) (5 steady breaths) 20 deep breaths 5 minutes
Park Yoga Practice 1
Standing Postures (5 breaths each)

From Fierce Posture to From last standing

Warrior I, fold forwards posture, arms up
(exhale), look up (inhale), fold forwards
(inhale), step/jump back (exhale), look up
and lower (exhale), (inhale), step/jump back
cobra/upward dog and lower (exhale),
(inhale), down dog cobra/upward dog
(exhale), right leg steps (inhale), down dog
forward into Warrior I (exhale), come through
to sitting (inhale)…

Fierce Posture Warrior I Warrior II Reverse Triangle Posture Eagle Posture

Bend knees, arms up Right side first, then turn left Left side first, then turn for right Left side first

Seated Postures (5 breaths each) with a Vinyasa movement between postures

Sit tall, hands by sides, look down Reach arms forward Lift arms up Forward bend . . . . . . over time take toes Practice lift up X2 (INHALE)
(option to sit on block/bend knees) Keep shoulders relaxed (go as far as feels ok) Don’t overstretch: option to bend knees Cross ankles both ways

Vinyasa: keep breathing as you move through

Ankles cross, knees in Tilt forward, press down to lift hips Upward Facing Dog Downward Facing Dog Look up, more weight though hands
INHALE: lift and lean in EXHALE: jump or step feet back to lower INHALE (or Cobra) EXHALE (just 1 breath) INHALE Step or jump back through to sit

Vinyasa. . . Vinyasa. . . Vinyasa. . .

Front stretch posture Keep breathing as you move Camel posture Child’s pose Tortoise posture
(option to bend knees Link breath with movement Lift chest Arms behind Round head down

Finishing Postures
(5 breaths each)

Lie down, breath Lift legs Shoulder stand Legs slowly back down Draw knees in
Preparation . . . . Weight off neck Roll gently

Sitting, both sides Option of half lotus Lift up! Relaxation

Easy crossed legs (both sides) 5 breaths Release and let go
Park Yoga Practices
Each of these 3 yoga practices Begin in Child’s Pose, knees apart, feet together, arms in front
begins with this page of the same Breathe steadily in through the nose, and out through the nose
Warm Ups and Sun Salutations Keep awareness turned inwards to sensations within the body
accompanied by 3 separate standing, Remain with this sensation when you start to move
seated and finishing sequences

Ups <———- X3 ————>

Cat posture: look gently down Breathe in: start to look forwards Breathe out: start to look back Stay here and breathe
Shoulders above wrists Lift the chest, shoulders roll back Arch the back like a cat Keep lifting the chest
Hips above knees, feet apart Feel the abdomen drawing down Draw the abdomen up

Interlace fingers, reach up

Shoulders relaxed

Downward facing dog Easy forward bend Hips square to front:

Bend each knee in turn Let the head hang Reach out to the left
Gently stretch out legs Relax the shoulders Reach out to the right

Sun Salutations
Variation 1
Remember to hold Downward Facing Dog for 5 breaths
Do 4 of whichever variation feels most appropriate to you

Standing Arms up Fold Look up Step back: Cat Look forwards, lift chest Downward facing dog Step forwards Fold Arms up Standing

Variation 2

Standing Arms Up Fold Look up Step back: lower down Cobra: lift chest Downward facing dog Step forwards Fold Arms up Standing

Variation 3
Options to jump back to
“plank”, lower down
From standing:
Arms Up (slowly) and move
(INHALE) through Upward Facing
Fold forwards
Dog to Downward Facing
……. Look Up Jump back: lower down Upward facing dog: lift chest Downward facing dog
then jump back through
to standing
Ashtanga Yoga Series

Surya Namaskara A (Sun Salutation A) X5

Samasthiti Ekam (1) Dve (2) Trini (3) Catvari (4) Panca (5) Sat (6) Sapta (7) Astau (8) Nava (9) Samasthiti
Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale- 5 breaths Inhale Exhale Inhale
(Adho Mukha Svasana)

Surya Namaskara B (Sun Salutation B) X3

Samasthiti Ekam (1) Dve (2) Trini (3) Catvari (4) Panca (5) Sat (6) Sapta (7) Astau (8) Nava (9)
Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale (right leg) Exhale Inhale

Dasa (10) Ekadasa (11) Dvadasa (12) Trayodasa (13) Caturdasa (14) Pancadasa (15) Sodasa (16) Saptadasa (17) Samasthiti
Exhale Inhale (left leg) Exhale Inhale Exhale- 5 breaths Inhale Exhale Inhale
(Adho Mukha Svasana)

Standing Postures (5 breaths each)

Padangusthasana Padahastasana Utthita Trikonasana Parivitta Tikonasana Utthita Parsvakonasna Parivitta Parsvakonasna
(both sides) (both sides) (both sides) (both sides)

Prasarita Padottanasa A Prasarita Padottanasa B Prasarita Padottanasa C Prasarita Padottanasa D Parsvottanasa

(both sides)

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