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Nim : 1614201044


A. Assessment
1. Activity or rest
a. Symptoms: Imsomnia, increased sensitivity, weak muscles, coordination disorders,
severe fatigue
b. Signs: Muscle atrophy

2. Circulation
a. Symptoms: Palpitations, chest pain (angina)
b. Signs: Distritmia (atrial vibration), gallop rhythm, murmur, Increased blood pressure
with heavy tone pressure. Tachycardia at rest. Circulation collapses, shock
(thyrotoxicosis crisis)

3. Elimination
a. Symptoms: Changes in urinary patterns (polyuria, nocturia), Pain / burning, difficulty
urinating (infection), Recurrent urinary tract infections, Abdominal tenderness,
Diarrhea, Watery urine, pale, yellow, polyuria (can develop into oliguria or anuria if
severe hypovolemia), foggy urine, foul odor (infection), weak bowel sounds and
decreased, hyperactive (diarrhea)

4. Integrity / Ego
a. Symptoms: Stress, depending on others, financial problems related to the condition. b.
b. Sign: Sensitivity sensitive
5. Food / Liquid
a. Symptoms: Loss of appetite, Nausea or vomiting. Not following a diet: increased
glucose or carbohydrate input, weight loss over a period of several days / weeks,
thirst, use of diuretics (thiazides)
b. Signs: Dry or scaly skin, vomiting, thyroid enlargement (increased metabolic needs
with increased blood sugar), halitosis or sweet smell, fruit odor (breath acetone)

6. Neurosensory
a. Symptoms: dizziness or dizziness, headache, tingling, numbness, weakness in
paracetia muscles, visual disturbances
b. Signs: Disorientation, sleepiness, lethargi, stupor or coma (advanced stage), memory
disorders (new past) mental disorder. Deep tendon reflex (decreased RTD; coma).
Seizure activity (advanced stages of DKA)

7. Pain / Comfort
a. Symptoms: Tense or painful abdomen (moderate / severe), face grimacing with
palpitations, looking very careful

8. Respiratory
a. Symptoms: Feeling lack of oxygen, coughing with / without purulent sputum
(depending on the presence of infection or not)
b. Signs: shortness of breath, coughing with or without purulent sputum (infection),
respiratory frequency increases

B. Nursing diagnoses :
1. Impaired verbal communication b / d decrease in celebral circulation
2. Impaired swallowing of laryngeal and tracheal deformities
3. Anxiety b / d fears of failure
C. Nursing intervention

Nursing NOC NIC Nursing Activities


1. Impaired verbal 1.Processing 1.Improved 1. To provide information

communication information communication: lack of 2. To increase the natural
b / d decrease in 2. Balance of feeling speech balance of feeling
celebral 3. Statuss neurology 2.Improved 3. To improve the
circulation 4. Client satisfaction: communication: lack of neurology statuss
communication hearing 4. To improve client
5. Sensory function: 3. Presenting yourself satisfaction:
hearing 4. Touch communication
5. Listen actively 5. To increase the sensory
function of hearing

2. Impaired 1. The ability to 1. Therapy swallows 1. To improve chewing

swallowing of chew 2. Feeding ability
laryngeal and 2. Handle oral 3. Nutrition management 2. To handle oral
tracheal secretions 4. Suctioning mucus on secretions
deformities 3. The amount of the airway 3. To increase the amount
swallow according to 5. Feeding with enteral of swallowing according
the size or texture of tubes to the size or texture of the
the bolus bolus
4. Reflex swallow 4. To maintain the
according to the time swallowing reflex in
5. Maintain food in accordance with the time
the mouth 5. To maintain food in the
3. Anxiety b / d 1. Face teggang 1. Help clients identify 1. To reduce the face of a
fears of failure 2. Can not rest situations that trigger patient who is dead
3.Difficulty anxiety 2. To improve patient rest
concentrating 2. Use a calm and 3. To reduce the difficulty
4. Panic attacks convincing approach of concentrating
5. Anxiety that is 3. Give objects that show 4. To reduce panic attacks
conveyed orally feelings of security 5. To reduce anxiety
6. Muscle grace 4. Assess for verbal and 6. To reduce tense muscles
7. Feelings of anxiety non verbal signs of 7. To reduce feelings of
anxiety anxiety
5. Adjust the use of drugs
to reduce anxiety

D. Evaluation
The expected results are:

1. The client will maintain adequate cardiac output according to the needs of the body

2. Clients will verbally express about increasing energy levels

3. The client will show a stable weight

4. The client will maintain the moisture of the mucous membrane of the eye, free from

5. Clients will report anxiety decreases until the level can be overcome

6. The client will report an understanding of the disease

7. Maintaining the orientation of reality generally, recognizing changes in thinking /
behaving and causative factors

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