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Diberikan data sebagai berikut:

NO X1 X2 Y
1 5 38 31
2 5 41 37
3 10 39 38
4 10 34 41
5 15 37 31
6 15 38 37
7 20 37 23
8 20 27 38
9 25 30 41
10 25 44 39
11 30 24 34
12 30 32 37
13 35 22 38
14 35 20 37
15 40 28 27
16 40 31 30
17 45 37 27
18 45 38 30
19 50 41 44
20 50 39 24
21 55 34 32
22 55 37 22
23 60 27 22
24 60 30 20
25 65 27 28
26 65 30 31
27 70 44 37
28 70 24 33
29 75 32 23
30 75 22 22


1 5 38 31 6,10885 -0,54109 -1,05515 6,13394 5,56776
2 5 41 37 6,11247 -0,0297 -0,05852 -0,01417 6,08276
3 10 39 38 6,03921 0,1252 0,24188 0,0012 6,16441
4 10 34 41 6,03319 0,36994 0,71135 6,40312
5 15 37 31 5,96595 -0,39819 -0,75801 5,56776
6 15 38 37 5,96716 0,11561 0,22056 6,08276
7 20 37 23 5,8951 -1,09927 -2,07636 4,79583
8 20 27 38 5,88306 0,28135 0,54409 6,16441
9 25 30 41 5,81582 0,5873 1,1075 6,40312
10 25 44 39 5,83268 0,41231 0,80654 6,245
11 30 24 34 5,73775 0,0932 0,18112 5,83095
12 30 32 37 5,74738 0,33538 0,62554 6,08276
13 35 22 38 5,66449 0,49992 0,9836 6,16441
14 35 20 37 5,66209 0,42068 0,84791 6,08276
15 40 28 27 5,60087 -0,40472 -0,75866 5,19615
16 40 31 30 5,60448 -0,12726 -0,23651 5,47723
17 45 37 27 5,54086 -0,34471 -0,64637 5,19615
18 45 38 30 5,54206 -0,06484 -0,12213 5,47723
19 50 41 44 5,47483 1,15842 2,23937 6,63325
20 50 39 24 5,47242 -0,57344 -1,09222 4,89898
21 55 34 32 5,39555 0,26131 0,49044 5,65685
22 55 37 22 5,39916 -0,70875 -1,3446 4,69042
23 60 27 22 5,31627 -0,62585 -1,18756 4,69042
24 60 30 20 5,31988 -0,84775 -1,59789 4,47214
25 65 27 28 5,24542 0,04608 0,08807 5,2915
26 65 30 31 5,24903 0,31873 0,60579 5,56776
27 70 44 37 5,19504 0,88772 1,87962 6,08276
28 70 24 33 5,17096 0,5736 1,12122 5,74456
29 75 32 23 5,10974 -0,31391 -0,61249 4,79583
30 75 22 22 5,0977 -0,40729 -0,81549 4,69042

Regression Analysis: Y versus X1; X2

Box-Cox transformation λ = 0,5

Analysis of Variance for Transformed Response

Source DF Seq SS Contribution Adj SS Adj MS F-Value P-Value

Regression 2 2,8557 26,05% 2,85570 1,42785 4,75 0,017
X1 1 2,8539 26,03% 2,57153 2,57153 8,56 0,007
X2 1 0,0018 0,02% 0,00175 0,00175 0,01 0,940
Error 27 8,1086 73,95% 8,10861 0,30032
Total 29 10,9643 100,00%

Model Summary for Transformed Response

S R-sq R-sq(adj) PRESS R-sq(pred)

0,548013 26,05% 20,57% 10,3256 5,82%

Coefficients for Transformed Response

Term Coef SE Coef 95% CI T-Value P-Value VIF

Constant 6,134 0,611 ( 4,880; 7,388) 10,04 0,000
X1 -0,01417 0,00484 (-0,02411; -0,00423) -2,93 0,007 1,09
X2 0,0012 0,0158 ( -0,0311; 0,0336) 0,08 0,940 1,09

Regression Equation

Y^0,5 = 6,134 - 0,01417 X1 + 0,0012 X2

Fits and Diagnostics for Unusual Observations

Original Response

Obs Y Fit 95% CI

7 23,00 34,75 (31,41; 38,26)
19 44,00 29,97 (26,05; 34,18)

Transformed Response

Obs Y' Fit SE Fit 95% CI Resid Std Resid Del Resid HI Cook’s D
7 4,796 5,895 0,142 (5,605; 6,186) -1,099 -2,08 -2,22 0,066700 0,10
19 6,633 5,475 0,181 (5,104; 5,846) 1,158 2,24 2,44 0,108957 0,20

7 -0,594207 R
19 0,851581 R

Y' = transformed response

R Large residual

Durbin-Watson Statistic for Transformed Response

Durbin-Watson Statistic = 1,73459

Residual Plots for Y

Scatterplot of X1 vs X2


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