Anda di halaman 1dari 28


1. The three sides of a right-angled triangle are x, x+1 and 5. Find x and the area, if the longest side is 5.

2. The sum of numbers is 9. The squares of the numbers is 41. Find the numbers.

3. A ball is thrown upwards from a rooftop, 80m above the ground. It will reach a maximum vertical height and then fall back to the
ground. The height of the ball from the ground at time t is h, which is given by,

h = -16t2 + 64t + 80. How long will it take before hitting the ground?

4. Find the fraction such that if 2 is subtracted from its terms its becomes ¼, but if 4 is added to its terms it becomes ½.

5. On one job, two power shovels excavate 20,000 cubic meters of Earth, the larger shovel working 40 hours and the smaller for 35 hours.
On another job, they removed 40,000 cubic meters with the larger shovel working 70 hpurs and the smaller working 90 hours. How much
Earth can each remove in 1 hour working alone?

6. A father tells his son, " I was your age now when you were born". If the father is now 38 years old, how old was his son 2 years ago?

7. A man rows downstream at the rate of 5 mph and upstream at the rate of 2 mph. How far downstream should he go if he is to return in
7/4 hours after leaving.

8. On a certain trip, Marc drive 231 km in exactly the same time as Jerome drive 308 km. Of Jerome's rate exceeded that of Marc by 13
kph, determine the rate of Erwin.

9. The tens digit of a number is 3 less than the unit's digit. If the number is divided by the sum of the digits, the quotient is 4 and the
remainder is 3. What is the original number?

10. One pipe can fill a pool 1.25 times as fast as a second pipe. When both pipes are opened, they fill the pool in five hours. How long
would it take to fill the pool if only the slower pipe is used?

1. x² + (x+1)² = 5² (Pythagoras' Theorem)

x² + x² + 2x + 1 = 25

-25 => x²+ x² + 2x - 24 = 0

2x² + 2x - 24 = 0

x² + x - 12 = 0

(x - 3)(x + 4) = 0

(x + 4) = 0 or (x - 3) = 0

x = -4 or x = 3

x = 3;

Area = 1/2 x 3 x 4 = 6cm²

2. These are quadratic simultaneous equations.

let the numbers be x and y.


x2 + y2 = 41

From the first equation, y = (9-x)

Now substitute this in the second equation.

x2 + (9-x)2 = 41

x2 + 81 - 18x + x2 = 41

2x2 - 16x + 81 = 41

2x2 - 16x + 40 = 0

x2 - 8x + 20 = 0

(x - 5)(x -4) =0

(x - 5) = 0 or (x -4) =0

x = 5 or x = 4

Substitute in the first equation, y = 5 or 4

The numbers are 5 and 4.

3. When the ball hits the ground, h = 0;

-16t² + 64t + 80 = 0

Divide the equation by -16

t² - 4t - 5 = 0
(t - 5)(t + 1) = 0

t = 5 or t = -1

The time cannot be negative; so, the time = 5 seconds.

4. Let x/y = the fraction

/y-2 = ¼
4x -8 = y - 2

y = 4x -6 (Equation 1)

/ y+2= ½
2x + 8 = y + 4 (Equation 2)

Substitute equation 1 in equation 2:

2x + 8 = (4x - 6) + 4

10 = 2x


y = 4(5) - 6

y = 14

Therefore the fraction is 5/14.

5. Let x = capacity of the larger shovel in m³/hr

y = capacity of smaller shovel in m³/hr

40x + 35y = 20000

x = 500 - 0.875y (Equation 1)

70x + 90y = 40000 (Equation 2)

(Substitute equation 1 to equation 2)

700(500 - 0.875y) + 90y = 40000

35000 - 61.25y + 90y = 40000

y = 173.9 m³/hr

x = 500 - 0.875 ( 173.9)

x = 347.8 m³/hr

Past Present

Father x 38

Son 0 x

Two years ago, the son was (19-2) = 17 years old

7. t1 + t2 = tTotal
s/5 + s/2 = 7/4

0.7s = 1.75

s = 2.5 miles

8. t1 = t2

231/V-13 = 308/V

231V = 308V - 4004

V = 52 kph

9. t = ten's digit of the number

u = unit's digit of the number

Number = 10t + u
t = u - 3 (Equation 1)
10t + u / t + u = 4 + (3 / t + u)
10t + u - 3 /t + u = 4

10t + u - 3 = 4t + 4u

6t -3 = 3u (Equation 2)
6( u - 3 ) - 3 = 3u
6u - 18 - 3 = 3u
3u = 21
t = 7 -3
t= 4
Number = 10(4) + 7
Number = 47
10. hours to complete job:

slow pipe: s

fast pipe: 4/5 s

together: 5

Convert all of the completion times to per-hour rates:

completed per hour:

slow pipe: 1/s

fast pipe: 5/4s

together: 1/5

Multiplying through by 20s

20 + 25 = 4s

45 = 4s

45/4 = 11.25 = s


1. A balloon is hovering 650 ft above a lake. The balloon is observed by the crew of a boat as they look upwards at an angle of 30°. 25
seconds later, the crew had to look at an angle of 65° to see the balloon. How fast was the boat traveling?
2. If sin A+ sin²A=1 and acos¹²A+ bcos8 A + ccos6A−1=0

then b + c/a + b=?

3. Find the value of A between 270 degrees and 360 degrees if 2sin²A - sin A = 1.

4. A plane is flying at a speed of 300 mph. If there is a wind blowing towards the cast at 50 mph, what should be the planes compass
heading in order for its course to be 30° ? What will be the plane's ground speed if it flies in this course?

5. A man wants to know the height of the pole. He took sights at the top of the pole from A to B, which are 70 feet apart, at the same
elevation on a direct line with the pole. The vertical angle at point A is 35° and at point B is 50°. What is the height of the pole?

6. Arc tan [2 cos (arc sin [(31/2)/2]) is equal to.

7. Let A, B and C be the angles of the triangle, if sinA : sinB: sinC = 4:6:7. What is the ratio cosA : cosB : cosC?

8. For interior angles A, B, and C of an oblique triangle ABC, prove that tan A + tan B + tan C = tan A tan B tan C

9. How many solution does the equation tanx + secx = 2cosx, have the interval of [0 , 2π]?

10. If sin A = , A in quadrant 2, sinB = , B in quadrant 1. Find cos(A-B).

1. First observation: Using Tangent

tangent(30) = 650/y

y = 1125.83 ft

Second observation: Using Tangent

tangent(65) = 650/x

x = 303.10 ft

1125.83 - 303.10 = 822.73

822.73/25 = 32.91 ft/s

2. sinA = 1−sin²A

sinA = cos²A

sin²A = cos4A

1−cos²A = cos4A

1 = cos4A + cos²A

1³ = (cos4A+cos²A)³= by formula (a+b)³

1 = cos12A+3cos10A+3cos8A+cos6A

Transverse 1 onto the other side we get the condition as given as in the question.

a=1, b=3, c=3, d=1

hence b + c/a + b

3 + 3/1 + 1 = 6/2 = 3

3. 2sin²A - sinA = 1

sin²A - 0.5sinA = 0.5

By completing square:

(sinA-0.25)² = 0.5+(0.25)²

(sinA-0.25)² = 0.5625

sinA-0.25 = ±0.75

sinA = -0.75 + 0.25

A = sin-1 (-0.5)

A = -30 or

A = 360 - 30 = 330

By sine law:

50/sinβ = 300/sin60
β = 8.3°
180 – β – 60 = 111.7°

By sine law:
V/sin 111.7 = 50/sin 8.3
V = (sin111.7 / sin 8.3)(50)

V = 321.8 mph

5. tan 50 = h / x
x = (EQUATION 1)

tan 50 = h / x
x = 70 --- (EQUATION 2)

Equate EQ. 1 to EQ. 2

h/tan50 = (h/tan35) – 70
0.8390h = 1.42815h -70
h = 118.84 ft

7. by extended sine Law

where R is the circumscribing radius

so we have sin A : sin B : sin C = a/2r : b/2r : c/ = a : b : c = 4:6:7

we say that a = 4k, b = 6k, c = 7k

but since we have

cos A = (b² + c²- a²)/2bc = 23/28

cos B =(b² + c²- a²)/2ac = 29/56
cos C = (b² + c²- a²)/2ab = 1/16

cos A : cos B : cos C = 23/28 : 29/56 : 1/16

cos A : cos B : cos C = 92: 58: 7

8. A + B + C = 180
A + B = 180 – C

Tan(A+B) = tan(180-C)

tanA+ tanB = -tanC + tanA tanB tanC

tanA + tanB + tanC = tanA tanB tanC

9. Tan x + sec x = 2 cos x

sin x +1 = 2cos²x
a +1 = 2(1-a²)
2a² + a -1 = 0
(2a -1)(a+1) = 0
a = 1/2, -1
Sin x = 1/2, -1
But cos x =/= 0
Sin x = 1/2

So we have 2 solutions for x in the said interval

10. Sin A = 4/5

A = arc sin (4/5 )
A= 53.13

since A is in QII:
180 - 53.13 = 129.87
A= 129.87

Sin B = 7/25
B = Arc sin (7/25)
B= 16.26

= - 0.352

= -352/1000
= - 44/125


1. Square ABCD has side length 2. A semicircle with diameter AB is constructed inside the square, and the tangent to the semicircle from
C intersects side AD at E. What is the length of CE?

2. A circle having a radius of 9cm circumscribes a right triangle whose area is 77.76cm^2. If one of the sides is 18cm long, which of the
following is the absolute difference between the lengths of the unknown sides.

3. Given is a regular hexagon with the side a into which is inscribed a circle, find the area between the hexagon and the circle.

4. A triangle ABCD which measures 18cm by 24cm is folded once perpendicular to diagonal AC so that the opposite vertices A and C
coincide. Find the length of the fold.

5. If the ratio of the greater angle between diagonals of a rectangle to the smaller angle is 2:1 and a>b then, the ratio a : b of sides of the
rectangle is?

6. In a circle with the radius 2cm on its chord cm long taken as a diameter, constructed is another circle. The area of the part of that circle,
which is outside of the greater circle, is?

7. The side of an isosceles triangle is equal to 12cm and the upper angle is 32°, find the distance between the centers of the encircle and
the circumcircle.

8. Triangle ABC has side AB = 160 cm, BC = 190 cm, and CA = 190 cm. Point D is along side AB and AD = 100 cm. Point E is along
side CA. Determine the length of AE if the area of triangle ADE is 3/5 the area of triangle ABC.

9. A circle with radius 6cm has half its area removed by cutting off a border of uniform width. Find the width of the border.

10. In the figure below points A, B, C and D are on a circle. Point O is the intersection of chords AC and BD. The area of triangle BOC is
15; the length of AO is 10 and the length of OB is 5. What is the area of triangle AOD?

[x-2]² = [2-x]² + 4
X² + 4x + 4 = 4 – 4x + x² + 4
8x – 4 = 0
8x = 4
CE = 2.5 units

2. bh/2 = 77.76
Therefore, bh = 155.52

Pythagorean theorem,
b² + h² = (18)²
b² + (155.52/b)² = 324
b4 - 324b² + 24186.4704 = 0
Let B = b²;
b² - 324b + 24186.4704 = 0
B = 207.36 & 116.64
Therefore, b=14.4 & 10.8

Difference = 14.4 - 10.8 = 3.6

4. d = √(18² + 24²) = 30
x² = 18² + (24 – x)²
x² = 324 + 576 – 48x +x²
x = 18.75

x² = (18.75)² = 15² + y²
y = 11.25

Length of the fold = 2y = 2(11.25)

Length of the fold = 22.5

5. ϕ = 2 (180°- ϕ) according to the given condition

ϕ = 360° 2ϕ
3ϕ = 360°

ϕ = 120°, cot 30° = a/b , a:b = √3 : 1


-160² = -2(160)(190)cosA

cosA = 8/19

A = 65.1°


AΔDEA = ½(100)(xsin65.1)(1/sin(90))


9. A = πR²
= π(6)²
A = 36π cm²

A border = A remaining
A remaining = ½A = ½(36π)
= 18 cm²

18π = πr²


x = 1.75136 cm

10. The area of triangle BOC is 15 and is given by (½)BO × OC × sin(BOC)

The area of triangle AOD is given by (½)AO × OD × sin(AOD)

Note that angle BOC and AOD are equal.

By the theorem of the intersecting chords we have: AO × OC = BO × OD

hence their product is equal to 4 as follows
Which gives: AO × OD = 4 × (BO × OC)
Hence the area of triangle AOD is 4 times the area of triangle BOC and is equal to 60.

1. The volume of water in a spherical tank having a diameter of 4m is 5.326 m³. Determine the depth of the water in the tank.

2. A circular piece of cardboard with a diameter of 1m will be made into a conical hat 40cm high by cutting a sector off and joining the
edges to form a cone. Determine the angle subtended by the sector removed.

3. Two vertical conical tanks are joined at the vertices by a pipe. Initially the bigger tank is full of water. The pipe valve is open to allow
the water to flow to the smaller tank until it is full. At this moment, how deep is the water in the bigger tank? The bigger tank has a
diameter 6 ft and a height of 10ft, the smaller tank has a diameter of 6ft and a height of 8 feet. Neglect the volume of water in the pipeline.

4. The corners of a cubical block touched the close spherical shell that encloses it. The volume of the box is 2744 cm³. What volume in
cubic centimeter inside the shell is not occupied by the block?

5. A circular cylinder with a volume of 6.54 cu. m is circumscribed about a right prism whose base is an equilateral triangle of side 1.25m.
What is the altitude of the cylinder in meters?
6. A plane passes through a cube so that the section formed will be a regular hexagon. If the edge of the cube is 2 units, find the area of
this section.

7. In a tank with a form of a rectangular parallelepiped there is water to a height of 3 m. The tank's bottom is a rectangle with a length of 8
meters and a width of 5 m. Metal cube with edge 2 meters is placed on the bottom of the tank. How many centimeters will rise the water
level in the tank?

8. Room in the shape of rectangular parallelepiped has a length of 4 m, width 3 m 20 cm and a height of 2 m 60 cm. Door and window
are four square meters. How many three-liter paint boxes have to be bought for painting the walls and ceiling of the room, if for one
square meter is spent 0.25 liters paint?

9. The volume of water in the rectangular swimming pool is 6998.4 hectoliters. The promotional leaflet states that if we wanted all the
pool water to flow into a regular quadrangle with a base edge equal to the average depth of the pool, the prism would have to be tall as a
nearby TV transmitter and then filled to the edge. We add that if we wanted to float the distance the same as the transmitter height, we
would have to spend either eight lengths or fifteen widths of the pool. How high is the TV transmitter?

10. Two balls, one 8cm in radius and the other 6cm in radius, are placed in a cylindrical plastic container 10cm in radius. Find the volume
of water necessary to cover them.

4. Let:

r = radius of each marble

Vw = Volume of water inside the cube

Vc = Volume of the cube

Vm = Volume of each marble

x = 4r

2 = 4r


By cosine law:

X² = r² + r² - 2r²cosθ

(1.25)² = 2r² - 2r²cos(120)

1.5625 = 3r²

r = 0.72m

V = πr²h

6.54 = π(0.72)h

h = 4m

7. By placing the metal cube in tank, it will displace much water as its volume.

Vcube = 2 x 2 x 2 = 8m³

With 8m³ will increase the volume of water in the tank.

To find how much has been raised water level we divide the cube's volume of the area of the bottom of the tank.

Convert meters in centimeters:

0.20 (100) = 20 cm

8. Awall = 4 x 2.60 x 2 + 3.20 x 2.60 x 2 = 37.44 m²

Aceiling= 4 x 3.20 = 12.80 m²

Atotal=Awalls +Aceiling= 37.44 + 12.80 = 50.24 m²
Area for painting=50.24 - 4 = 46.24 m²
Needed volume paint= 46.24 x 0.25 = 11.56 liters
Number of boxes = 11.56 / 3 = 3.85
Answer: It takes 4 boxes of paint.

1. You need P 4,000 per year for 4 years to go to college. Your father invested P 5,000 in 7% account for your education when you were
born. If you withdraw P 4,000 at the end of your 17, 18, 19 and 20th birthday, how much will be left at the account at the end of 21st

2. A company issued 50 bonds of P 1,000.00 face value each, redeemable at par at the end of 15 years to accumulate the funds required for
redemption. The firm established a sinking fund consisting of annual deposits, the interest rate of the fund being 4%. What was the
principal in the fund at the end of the 12th year?

3. A man paid 10% down payment of P 200,000 for a house and lot and agreed to pay the balance on monthly installments for “x” years at
an interest rate of 15% compounded monthly. If the monthly installment was P 42,821.87. Find the value of x?

4. The cost equipment is P 500,000 and the cost of installation is P 30,000. If the salvage value is 10% of the cost of equipment at the end
of 5 years, determine the book value at the end of the fourth year. Use straight-line method.

5. A corporation uses a type of motor truck costs P 5,000 with life of 2 years and final salvage value of P 800. How much could the
corporation afford to pay for another type of truck of the same purpose whose life is 3 years with a final salvage of value of P 1,000.
Money is worth 4%.

6. A company purchases an asset for P 10,000.00 and plans to keep it for 28 years. If the salvage value is zero at the end of 20th year,
what is the depreciation in the third year? Use SYD method.

7. The maintenance cost for a sewing machine this year is expected to be P 500. The cost will increase P 50 each year for the subsequent 9
years. The interest is 8% compounded annually. What is the approximate present worth of maintenance for the machine over the full 10-
year period?

8. PLDT company purchased a microwave radio equipment for P 6 million, freight and installation charges amounted to 4% of the
purchased price. If the equipment will be depreciated over a period of 10 years with a salvage value of 8% , determine the depreciation
cost during the 5th year using SYD.

9. A company invested P 1.73M in a fish pond. The useful life of the pond is expected to be 6 years. If the pond pays a profit of P 67.00
per kilogram of fish sold, how many kilograms of fish per year will company sell in order to break even. Assume company’s Minimum
Attractive Rate of Return (MARR) is 15%.

10. Two plans are available for a company to obtain automobiles for its salesmen.

PLAN A: Least the cars and pay P 15 per kilometer

PLAN B: Purchase the cars for P 500,000. Each car has an economic life of 3 years, after which it can be sold for P 120,000. Gas and oil
cost P 4 peso per kilometer. Insurance is P 50,000 per year.

How many kilometers must the cars be driven each year for the two plans to have the same cost? Use an imterest rate of 10% (Use year-
end conversion for all cost)



F2 = 17,759.772

F3 = F3 (1+i)¹
F3 = 17,759.772 (1 + 0.07)
F3 = 19,002.95

Money left = F1 -F3

Money left = 20,702.81 – 19,002.95
Money left = 1,699.86 = 1,700
4. C0 = 500,000 + 30,000
C0 = 530,000

Cn = 0.10(500,000)
Cn = 50,000

d = C0 – C n
d = 96,000
Let: C4 = book value at the end of 4 years

C4 = C0 – d(m)
C4 = 530,000 – 96,000 (4)
C4 = 146,000
9. In order to breakeven the first cost, is just equal to the present worth of all profit or the net present worth is zero.

Let x be the number of kilograms of fish sold each year

Profit per year = 67x

P = PW of all profit


1. Find the angle form by the lines 2x + y – 8 = 0 and x + 3y + 4 = 0

2. If the slope of the line connecting the origin and point P is ¾, find the abscissa of P if its ordinate is 6.

3. Find the angle between the lines 3x + 2y = 6 and x + y = 6

4. Determine B such that 3x + 2y – 7 = 0 is perpendicular to 2x – By + 2 = 0.

5. What is the equation of the line passing through (-2, 6) with the x-intercept half the y-intercept?

6. Find the value of k for which the equation represents a point circle.

7. Find the major axis of the ellipse .

8. How far from the x-axis is the focus F of the hyperbola

9. The point of the intersection of the planes and is at.

10. The length of the latus rectum for the ellipse is equal to:


1. A simple curve connects two tangents AB and BC with bearings N 85°30’ E and S 68°30’ E respectively. If the stationing of the vertex
is 4+360.2 and the stationing of PC is 4+288.4. Find the external distance.

2. A simple curve has a central angle of 36° and a degree of curve of 6°. Find the nearest distance from the midpoint of the curve to the
point of intersection of the tangents.

3. The long chord from PC to PT of a compound curve is 300 meters long and the angles it makes with the long and shorter tangents are
12° and 15° respectively. If the common tangent is parallel to the long chord, find the radius of the second curve.

4. Two tangents intersect at station 26+050. A compound curve laid on their tangents has the following data:

I1 = 31, I2 = 36, D1 = 3°, D2 = 5°. Compute stationing at PC

5. Given a compound curve I1 = 24, I2 = 36, D1 = 6°, D2 = 4°. Compute the length of common tangent of the curve.

6. A common curve has a common tangent 84.5 meters long which makes angles of 16° and 20° with the tangents of the first curves and
second curve respectively. The length of the tangent of the first curve is 38.6 meters. What is the radius of the second curve?

7. Two parallel railway 200m apart were to be connected by equal turnouts. If the intermediate tangent is 400m and the radius of the curve
is 1100m. Determine the central angle of the reverse curve.

8. Two parallel tangents 20 meters apart are to be connected by a reverse curve. The radius of the first curve at the PC has a radius of
800m and the total length of the curve from PC to PT is 300m. Stationing of the PC is 10+620

9. A vertical summit parabolic curve has a vertical offset of 375m from the curve to the grade tangent at STA 10+050. The curve has a
slope of +4% and -2% grades intersecting at the PI. The offset distance if the curve at the PI is equal to 1.5 meter. If the stationing of the
PC is at 10+000. Compute the horizontal distance of the vertical curve turning point from the point of intersection of the grades.

10. On a railroad a -0.8% grade meters a +0.4% grade station 2+700 whose elevation of 300m. The maximum allowable change in grade
per station having a length of 20m is 0.15. Compute the length of curve.

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