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Asslamulaikum wr.


Good morning everyone, how are you today?

In this occasion I would like to tell you about the impact of consumptions junk food.
Before I tell you about the impact of consumption junk food, I want to ask all of you, is
there anyone who doesn't like junk food? Ok I believe that everyone in here likes junk
food very much. Junk food is the term for the kind of food that people eat from a
restaurant where they prepared and served quickly. Why many people like junk food of
course because it's fast, practical, the taste delicious too, fast food restaurants are
available anywhere, and then the price is affordable. But do you know that is not good
for your health if you always consume junk food.

All fast food is filled with chemicals, such as additives that are very detrimental to the
body. Junk food is mostly fast food which contains carbohydrates, sugar, fat, and salt.
First it will increase the risk of getting high cholesterol. Inside junk food it has a low
nutritional value. Not even at all. Most junk foods contain high enough calories. This is
what causes cholesterol to increase. Surely high cholesterol will greatly affect the health
of the body. The second one is diabetes. Who says diabetes occurs because of eating
sweet foods? Many factors cause diabetes to occur. One of them is an unhealthy
lifestyle, which is eating fast food too often. Because junk food does not have fiber
content, consumption directly produces a surge in sugar levels Junk food greatly affects
the body's metabolic system. The body's metabolic system that is not good will cause
food nutrients not to be absorbed properly.

The third is that it can cause kidney disorders. Maybe we don't feel the danger of junk
food, because it tastes delicious. But junk food has high enough sodium content in it.
The sodium content can affect the performance of the kidneys. That way, the kidneys
cannot function to filter out toxins in the blood properly. And the last is can cause liver
damage. The deadly danger of junk food is liver damage. In fact, research shows that
eating junk food without exercise is the same as people consuming alcohol. This also
causes scarring in the liver. So the heart does not work well and optimally.

Sometimes we cannot resist the desire to eat fast food, because it is practical, the price
is cheap, and the taste is good. Indeed there are positive things like when we are
feeling tired and hungry after going home from work junk food can be one of the right
choices. They do not have time to go to kitchen or shopping to supermarket just to get
several foods, we can get the food without coming to the restaurant we only called to
the restaurant to order the food. But more negative effects. To minimize the negative
impact, we must increase the consumption of vegetables and fruits. We must be
selective and more aware of the various types of food we will eat. Let's cultivate a
healthy lifestyle starting with small things

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