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Writing and research

I had conducted research on standardized testing and why it isn’t effective in our

education system. It took a lot more time and much more thought than I had previously

thought. My research forced me to compose my writing differently than I articulate my

thoughts. However, now that I look back on my topic, I don’t see the struggle, I see the

result. I like how my project turned out. Honestly, I’m kind of proud of my work. When I

had to write my essay, I had realized from my draft that I work better with the complex

ideas in my head. When I try to translate these ideas to paper I struggle. I think that I

always wrote with the assumption that the reader would understand my line of thought.

During a critique of my final draft. my professor made me realize I made a mistake.

When she was reading my paper she had pointed out things that I believed to be well

written and concise as confusing, but when I told my professor with my words it made

perfect sense. From this experience, I had made the connection that I had the

complexity for my ideas, I simply lacked transparency. This is because of my writing

process. I had to reflect on this and I learned something about myself. There is simply

too many thought flooding my head. I have to ramble to make a sound conclusion about

certain things. To add to that, the way I ramble isn’t in sequence but it makes sense at

the end. With this in mind, I normally write how I think, and considering how my mind is

a mess. It is no wonder my readers don’t understand some of my statements. Writing

without transparency could confuse the audience, ultimately hurting my argument. Now

when I write, so much thought is put into it. The effort exerted doesn’t lie with the ideas I

have to express, but with the expression itself. Unfortunately, my strength as a writer
was speed, but when I write too fast I lose the audience. I’m ok with losing my only

strength because now I am better as a writer. I am grateful for this because I want to get

a Ph.D. in biotechnology. Since this is in the stem field. I will have to write frequently,

and my papers have to be written well. I’m thankful to have taken this RCO class

because it has bettered my writing.

When I first started conducting research I was nervous. I wasn’t sure where to

start because I had never conducted research like this before. I knew I needed sources

but I wasn’t sure what to choose with so many choices. If there were certain steps I was

supposed to take for conducting research, I didn’t do it. I simply read everything of

interest and choice what I liked and what could aid me most in an academic argument.

Since I grew up an avid reader and was even part of the battle of the books program.

I’ve grown accustomed to heavily reading and retaining information. I see the research

process as no different from reading a book, the only difference is when doing research

one has to beware of what they use as a source.

A huge portion of this class to me was having to prepare a poster and participate

in the research expo. The fact that I had to present my research terrified me, but it also

motivated me to know my research intimately. There was no way I was going to talk

about my project unprepared. When the time had come for me to go to the expo I felt

good. I strode into the room with confidence but not without anxiety. After my first

conversation about my research topic, I quickly found my confidence. I actually knew

what I was talking about and most counter-arguments that could potentially derail my

topic had been addressed in my poster. Talking about the flaws of standardized testing

and seeing nods of agreement felt great. The atmosphere was much more relaxed at

the expo then expected. So when I wasn’t attending to people curious about my topic, I

got to see all of my classmates research. My friends had great topics and I even had

time to socialize. Overall, I ended up enjoying something I dreaded for months.

Ashby college

The only reason I had to undergo this research process because I live in a

residential college known as Ashby college. My most important experience at Ashby

was meeting all of these people. Living here has given me a sense of community I have

never had as sad as that sounds. The people around me have similar interest, don’t

judge, and just want to be themselves. At Ashby, I found the closest of friends who love

me for who I am. Friends who will be in my life for as long as they can. One of the things

that I am most proud of is my citizenship around the dorm. The people that stay here

treat me with so much care and respect that it makes me happy. I had to learn to be

more accepting of people because I can be very critical. Living at Ashby has made me

grow as a person socially. I take relationship with people very seriously so having a

sense of belonging is very dear to me. The life I have lead in my residential college has

been the greatest days of my life and I have no regrets. I wouldn’t change anything.

Since Ashby is a residential college there are classes offered here exclusively that most

students won’t have access to. These courses at Ashby are much more interpersonal
than any of the classes I have attended at Uncg. I personally don’t see any correlation

between the course offered at Ashby and standard Uncg classes.


When it came to turning my assignments on time I didn’t do too well. This is because I

am not too organized and tunnel visioned on my other classes. Since this was an online

class I had no reminders to do my work, but that is my fault and I know it. I didn’t follow

all of the directions because I didn’t read them. I like to wing things. As for my goals as

Academically. I want to at least get a masters degree, but I aspire to get a P.h.D. I

applied to be a Mcnair scholar because they would help with the whole process of

applying to grad school, even all the way up to getting my P.h.D.


For my website, I wanted to keep it basic. The template I chose was specifically

for presenting research. I would’ve done more but I am not good at design and I’ve

never made a website before. I don’t like a website. I don’t know what I’m doing. The

only thing I like about doing the website is watching it come closer to completion when I

work on it. The hardest part of the website is trying to breakdown my topic into important

and digestible pieces. If I had more time I would look at more websites so I could get an

idea to make an original template.


Multiliteracies is an approach to literacy theory and pedagogy. It’s about being

able to analyze different types of media. Like pictures, academic essays, or youtube

videos. I haven’t learned much about multiliteracies because they have been present
my whole life. When you say multiliteracies, I think of the internet. My research is the

sum of multiliteracies considering how I have multiple different sources and pictures are

sprinkled throughout my essay and poster. I actually feel most comfortable with pictures

for my literacy. A photo can say a thousand words and if I use the right one; I could

prove my point without saying a word. I would love to incorporate videos as a literacy. I

feel like using a well-composed video would be more powerful than an essay and easy


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