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Students Modifications and why?

Dill Pickles ● Uses picture bank. Adds in image with definition of word
● Directions and images on the same page using arrows with labels
● Reword complex sentences to simplified short sentences with attention
grabbing words
● Use different colors for different sections so they don’t get confused.
● Struggled with focusing due to OCD tendencies, needed to go for a
walk and came back more prepared to learn.
● Teacher pointed out and elaborated on words might get stuck on and
helped to redirect when lost focus
● Typed for student when they unable to focus enough to type
● Directed to write on sticky notes where they left off on each
assignment so they would not forget and lose focus when they return
to assignment
● Researcher wrote sentence student said on the board. Then blocked
out all but one word at a time to allow student to focus on each word to
write in their answer space.
● Teacher ask what a word means to ensure they understand the task at
● Designated time for OCD rituals to allow them to focus on assignment
at hand then afterwards fulfill their ritual as a reward.
● Visual reinforcer of outbursts and disruptions to remind them with each
outburst they are closer to losing a reward. This motivates student to
focus on assignment as they enjoy their reward.
● Verbal praise for every quiet hand raise to reinforce proper etiquette
and not disrupt the learning environment.

Mama T ● Uses word bank of possible choices for heat transfer paper
○ Add in some correct answers to the word bank but also some
incorrect answers to challenge them and let them display their
● Sand and Water lab: bold the question and important words to signify
what is important to focus on. Split up assignment and add spacing to
prevent becoming overwhelmed. Simplify wording and add descriptive
words. Change layout to make it run more smoothly and provide
● On the March 18th, struggled with the individual assignment and
needed to be prompted through each question.
● Started regressing so teachers are putting in more effort to
● Teacher pointed out and elaborated on words might get stuck on and
helped to redirect when lost focus
● Needed to have on-spot modifications provided when struggling with
science assignment.
● Directed to write on sticky notes where they left off on each
assignment so they would not forget and lose focus when they return
to assignment
● Worked on general education homework with teacher during free time
and was provided with an alternative homework that was easier to
focus on at home
J ● Needed to bounce on bouncy ball to focus on assignment
● Needed to take a walk to come back more prepared to learn
● Needed to take a nap, returned more prepared to learn
● Uses word bank of possible choices for heat transfer paper
○ Add in some correct answers to the word bank but also some
incorrect answers to challenge them and let them display their
● Sand and Water lab: bold the question and important words to signify
what is important to focus on. Split up assignment and add spacing to
prevent becoming overwhelmed. Simplify wording and add descriptive
words. Change layout to make it run more smoothly and provide
● On May 2nd, struggled with the individual assignment and needed to
be prompted through each question.
● Teacher had to scribe the answers as they talked as they were getting
to distracted.
● Teacher pointed out and elaborated on words might get stuck on and
helped to redirect when lost focus
● Typed for student when they unable to focus enough to type
● Directed to write on sticky notes where they left off on each
assignment so they would not forget and lose focus when they return
to assignment
● Worked on general education homework with teacher during free time
and was provided with an alternative homework that was easier to
focus on at home
● Refuses to ask for help or receive feedback on assignments despite
struggling so provided with a narrative that they can read off to allow
them to feel more comfortable asking for help. This allows the student
to receive the help they need for the assignment in a more comfortable

N ● Needed to bounce on bouncy ball to focus on assignment

● Uses type to talk to communicate and ask for help due to partially
selective mute
● Sand and Water lab: bold the question and important words to signify
what is important to focus on. Split up assignment and add spacing to
prevent becoming overwhelmed. Simplify wording and add descriptive
words. Change layout to make it run more smoothly and provide
● Teacher pointed out and elaborated on words might get stuck on and
helped to redirect when lost focus
● Visual prompts and technology access to communicate
● Directed to write on sticky notes where they left off on each
assignment so they would not forget and lose focus when they return
to assignment
● Is allowed to write down questions or use type to talk when feeling
uncomfortable talking.
T2 ● Use popsicle sticks to cover all words except for the one she needs to
read otherwise she will skip over words she cant read.
● Uses images to help understand what the word means
● Creates sentences using a computer website where they must choose
the next word in the sentence out of a word bank.
● Cannot write so they will provide answers and the teachers will scribe
for them.
● Use pictures to remove the demand of writing and keeps focus on
● Typed for student since they were unable to type
● Must be reminded to look at teacher when talking with teacher, part of
their assignment during speech classes. This is reinforced throughout
the day.

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