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List of Basic & Advance Formulas used in MS Excel

Name Formula / Function Used for

Sum =Sum(b1:b10) To do the addition
Min =min(b1:b12) To find the minimum value out of
Max =max(b1:b12) To find the maximum value out of
Integer =INT(F7) INT function returns the integer
portion of a number
Value =VALUE(F7) VALUE function converts a text value
that represents a number to a
Average =Average(b2:b12) To find the Average of range
AverageIF =AVERAGEIF(B3:B8,"HR",D3:D8) AVERAGEIF function returns the
average (arithmetic mean) of all
numbers in a range of cells, based on
a given criteria.
AverageIFs =AVERAGEIFS(D3:D8,B3:B8,"HR",C3:C8,">5000") AVERAGEIFS function returns the
average (arithmetic mean) of all
numbers in a range of cells, based on
multiple criteria.
Concatenate =concatenate(B2,c2) To join two fields data together with
=b2&” “&C2 a space or a comma between
Left =left(a2,1)v er Extract one character from the left
most side
Right =right(a2,1) Extract the right most character from
Mid =mid(a2,2,1) Extract the second character from
the data and display only one
Length =len(a2) Count the number of characters in a2
Round =round(a2,2) Round the contents of cell to two
decimal places
Round Up =ROUNDUP(E7,1) ROUNDUP function returns a
number rounded up to a specified
number of digits. (Rounds away from
Round Down =ROUNDDOWN(E7,1) ROUNDDOWN function returns a
number rounded down to a specified
number of digits. (Always rounds
towards 0.) ROUNDDOWN behaves
like ROUND, except that it always
rounds a number down.
Naming cell Select Cell Range and Name it by writing name Naming, or providing absolute or
or cell range in Name Box relative refrencing

IT – 9626 By: Asim Ali Khan

List of Basic & Advance Formulas used in MS Excel

Count =count(a2:a10) Count the range from a2 to a10

Count if =countif(a2:a10,”yes”) Count how many yes are available in
range a2 to a10
CountA =countA(a2:a10) Look at to range a2 to a10 the
number of cells which are not empty
CountBlank =countBlank(a2:a10) Counts how many blanks in the given
CountIFs =COUNTIFS(B3:B8,">10",C3:C8,"Yes") COUNTIFS function counts the
number of cells in a range, that
meets a single or multiple criteria.
Sumif =sumif(b2:b10,”>1000”) Sum if above then 1000 values are
available in range b2:b10 and sum
the prices
Sumif =sumif(b2:b10,”wheat”,c2:c10) Sum if word wheat is available in
range b2:b10 and sum the prices
from c2:c10
Sumifs =SUMIFS(D3:D8,B3:B8,">4",C3:C8,"yes") SUMIFS function adds all numbers in
a range of cells, based on a single or
multiple criteria.
Lookup =LOOKUP(F15,A1:A10,B1:B10) used to search one column of data
and find data in the corresponding
row. For example, if you are
searching a column of employee IDs
the LOOKUP function can find, say,
employee number 12345 in the ID
column. Once it has found the ID
12345 it then can return data from
that same row.
Vlookup =vlookup(b2,code,2,0) Vertical look up to look up b2 value
in code range and displaying second
column with exact match
Vlookup =vlookup(b2,code,2,1) Vertical look up to look up b2 value
in code range and displaying second
column with approximate match
Hlookup =Hlookup(b2,code,2,0) Horizontal lookup to look up b2
value in code range displaying
second row with exact match
If function =if(b2>=10,”high price”,”low price”) If statement based on condition, if
condition is true high price will be
displayed and if condition is false low
price will be displayed
Nested If =IF( condition1, value_if_true1, IF( condition2, It is possible to nest multiple IF
function value_if_true2, value_if_false2 )) functions within one Excel formula.
You can nest up to 7 IF functions to
create a complex IF THEN ELSE

IT – 9626 By: Asim Ali Khan

List of Basic & Advance Formulas used in MS Excel
Week days =weekday(b2) On date data week day will return
the value of the day starting from 1-7
whereas sunday =1 and saturday=7
Month =month(b2) On date it will return the month
Day =day(b2) On date it will return the day value
Year =year(b2) On date it will return the year value
Minute =minute(b2) On time it will return the minute
Hour =hour(b2) On time it will return the hour value
Today =Today() TODAY function returns the current
system date. This function will
refresh the date whenever the
worksheet recalculates.
Now =Now() NOW function returns the current
system date and time. The NOW
function will refresh the date/time
value whenever the worksheet
Year Frac =YEARFRAC(B9,D9,3) Calculates the fraction of the year
represented by the number of whole
days between two dates (the
start_date and the end_date). Use
the YEARFRAC worksheet function to
identify the proportion of a whole
year's benefits or obligations to
assign to a specific term.
Text =text((b2-b),”hh:mm”) Subtract two time values and display
it in hour minute format
Rand =RAND() RAND function returns a random
number that is greater than or equal
to 0 and less than 1. The RAND
function returns a new random
number each time your spreadsheet
RandBetween =RANDBETWEEN(1,300) This function returns a random
number that is between a bottom
and top range, function returns a
new random number each time your
spreadsheet recalculates.
Product =PRODUCT(A2:A4) or The PRODUCT function multiplies all
=PRODUCT(A2:A4,2) the numbers given as arguments and
returns the product.
Sumproduct =SUMPRODUCT(A2:B4, C2:D4) Multiplies all the components of the
two arrays and then adds the
products — that is, 3*2 + 4*7 + 8*6 +
6*7 + 1*5 + 9*3. (156)

IT – 9626 By: Asim Ali Khan

List of Basic & Advance Formulas used in MS Excel

Name Formula / Function Used for

Date Value =DATEVALUE("22-jan-2008") Takes Date as text and change it in to Date format
EDATE =EDATE(E6,1) Increase month by 1 month ( change properties)
DAY =DAY(A2) Day of the date
DAY360 =DAYS360(A2,A3) Number of days between the two dates, based on a
360-day year
MONTH =MONTH(A2) Month of the date above
HOUR =HOUR(A2) Hour of The time
Minute =MINUTE(A2) Minutes of the time
Second =SECOND(A2) Seconds in the given time
Time =TIME(A2,B2,C2) Combining values as time or Decimal part of a day
Time Value =TIMEVALUE("2:24 AM") Covert the text in to time value
Today =Today() Will display today’s date
=WEEKDAY(A2) Day of the week, with numbers 1 (Sunday) through 7
(Saturday) (5)
=WEEKDAY(A2,2) Day of the week, with numbers 1 (Monday) through 7
(Sunday) (4)
=WEEKDAY(A2,3) Day of the week, with numbers 0 (Monday) through 6
(Sunday) (3)
=WEEKNUM(A2,1) Number of the week in the year, with a week beginning
on Sunday (11)
=WEEKNUM(A2,2) Number of the week in the year, with a week beginning
on Monday (10)
Char =CHAR(65) Displays the 65 character in the set (A)
Clean =CLEAN(D6) Clean the text and remove non printable chars
=FIND("M",A2) osition of the first "M" in the string (1)
=FIND("m",A2) Position of the first "m" in the string (6)
=FIND("M",A2,3) Position of the first "M" in the string , starting with the
third character (8)
Exact =EXACT(A2,B2) Checks whether the strings in the first row match
Fixed =FIXED(H9,2,FALSE) Round off the decimal places and put comma for
Lower =LOWER(A2) Covert the text to lower case
Dollar =DOLLAR(A2, 2) Displays the first number in a currency format, 2 digits
to the right of the decimal point ($1,234.57
Search =SEARCH("e",A2,6) Position of the first "e" in the first string above, starting
at the sixth position (7)
Upper =UPPER(A2) Covert the text to upper case
Power =POWER(2,2) Works as 2^2 means 22

IT – 9626 By: Asim Ali Khan


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