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Last week at DockerCon, we demonstrated a major upgrade to our platform in the form of
Docker Enterprise 3.0. As a testament to that, some of the leading enterprise customers in the
world joined us on stage to talk about how Docker is transforming their business. With the
announcement of our ARM partnership, we expanded the Docker platform to support multiple
architectures, at enterprise scale.

We just put up a great Q1 and are in a position to have a banner Q2. As we continue to execute
on our plans, over the course of the year we will have the option to turn free cash flow positive.

There is no way to adequately express the gratitude I have for what each of you have done for
Docker. So, I will simply say, thank you.

Over the past few years, you have built the foundation for an incredible company. Through your
efforts, we have tripled our enterprise customer base. We have tripled the number of users of
Docker Desktop and Docker Hub. We have taken a fledgling business with modest ARR and
grown it nearly 25-fold.

Our relationship with our customers has grown from “test the technology” relationships to
multi-million-dollar relationships, that are critical to the digital transformation of our customer. Of
course, that is for good reason – our customers are materially reducing the costs of building,
sharing and running their applications and they are increasing their innovation cycles by a factor
of more than 10X.

You have taken an emerging container platform and made it enterprise grade – so much so that
the largest payment processing company in the world runs on Docker Enterprise. Our customer
relationships are the foundation of our future and they exist because we are foundational to their

It has been my pleasure to serve alongside each of you - more than 425 amazing people who
have given their hearts and considerable intellect to turning Docker from a technology into a
company. By every measure, you have succeeded. We are thriving as a business. Of course,
we have, and always will have, a tremendous amount of work in front of us. We will always set
higher targets and we will always strive to push our company to new heights.

When I first joined Docker, it was as a board member. I joined simply because a young man with
a great idea wanted some advice on how to build a company around ground breaking
technology, that he and his team had built. It was an opportunity to help the next generation of
entrepreneurs in some little way – an opportunity to pay forward the kindness that I was
fortunate to benefit from, when Bill Campbell spent time with me - to help me develop as a
person and to develop the company that I was trying to build - Concur.
A few quarters after joining the board, Peter Fenton asked me to serve as the CEO - with a
simple objective – to build a scale business model around containers and the emerging
category of container platforms. At the time, after spending 26 years building my last company,
I was leaning towards retirement. I agreed to take the CEO role, but made it clear that I had no
interest in serving as the CEO of a public company, and that at the right time we should find the
next leader of Docker – someone that could take the company forward for the next decade and
build what we all believe can be a foundational technology company.

As part of building that future, several months ago, I started looking for an additional outside
director to join Docker’s Board of Directors. One of the candidates I met was Rob Bearden, the
former CEO of HortonWorks. Rob was in the process of completing the merger of HortonWorks
into Cloudera. We hit it off immediately. While I was impressed with Rob’s background in
developer tools and building scale open source technology companies, I was taken with his
commitment to his people.

As we got to know one another, it became obvious that I was asking the wrong question. In
partnership with Docker’s Board of Directors, several weeks ago, I asked Rob to consider
coming on as Docker’s next CEO. Tuesday evening, Rob accepted the role.

Docker is exceptionally well positioned to scale, to one day be a public company, and over the
long-term, become a foundational technology company. I could not imagine a better executive
to lead Docker to that level of success, over the next decade. I am very pleased that Rob has
agreed to serve as Docker’s CEO.

I will work with Rob over the next several months to ensure his smooth transition into his role as
Docker’s CEO. I know each of you will enjoy working with him as much as I have.

We will hold an All Hands meeting Thursday morning at 9:30 am. Rob and I look forward to
chatting with you then.

I came to Docker knowing that there was incredible potential to build a foundational technology
company. I will leave it, certain of that future. I also leave it, with gratitude for the opportunity to
work with each of you. What you have accomplished is rare. For that, I am forever in your debt.

Our journey is just getting started and we have a huge role to play in our industry.

Let’s have fun and create the world we want.


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