Anda di halaman 1dari 69




To be continued...

@MC spot 2.400 170 -520 and MC faces right and MC starts idle


So... what's your First name?

label first_name_input

input What's Your First Name?|What's Your First Name?|Done(MCNAME)

if (MCNAME is "") {


You do need a name.

goto first_name_input

} else {


label female_custom_1

@MC spot 2.400 170 -520 and MC faces right and MC starts idle


What do you look like?


"Skin Tone" {

goto fem_skin_1

} "Hair" {

goto fem_hair_1

} "Eyes" {
goto fem_eyes_1

} "Eyebrows" {

goto fem_brows_1

} "Face Shape"{

goto fem_face_1

} "Nose" {

goto fem_nose_1

} "Mouth" {

goto fem_mouth_1

} <PREMIUM> "This is perfect!" {

goto female_1_end

label fem_skin_1


All skin tones.


"Gold Shades" {

goto fem_goldskin_1

} "Copper Shades" {

goto fem_copperskin_1

label fem_goldskin_1

Gold skin tones.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]

"Gold 00" {

@MC changes bodyColor into Gold 00

goto fem_goldskin_1

} "Gold 01" {

@MC changes bodyColor into Gold 01

goto fem_goldskin_1

} "Gold 02" {

@MC changes bodyColor into Gold 02

goto fem_goldskin_1

} "Gold 03" {

@MC changes bodyColor into Gold 03

goto fem_goldskin_1

} <GREEN> "Different Shades" {

goto fem_skin_1

} <PREMIUM> "Done" {

goto female_custom_1

"Gold 04" {

@MC changes bodyColor into Gold 04

goto fem_goldskin_1

} "Gold 05" {

@MC changes bodyColor into Gold 05

goto fem_goldskin_1

} "Gold 06" {

@MC changes bodyColor into Gold 06

goto fem_goldskin_1
} "Gold 07" {

@MC changes bodyColor into Gold 07

goto fem_goldskin_1

} <GREEN> "Different Shades" {

goto fem_skin_1

} <PREMIUM> "Done" {

goto female_custom_1

"Gold 08" {

@MC changes bodyColor into Gold 08

goto fem_goldskin_1

} "Gold 09" {

@MC changes bodyColor into Gold 09

goto fem_goldskin_1

} "Gold 10" {

@MC changes bodyColor into Gold 10

goto fem_goldskin_1

} <PREMIUM> "Done" {

goto female_custom_1

} <GREEN> "Different Shades" {

goto fem_skin_1

label fem_copperskin_1


Copper skin tones.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]

"Copper 00" {

@MC changes bodyColor into Copper 00

goto fem_copperskin_1

} "Copper 01" {

@MC changes bodyColor into Copper 01

goto fem_copperskin_1

} "Copper 02" {

@MC changes bodyColor into Copper 02

goto fem_copperskin_1

} "Copper 03" {

@MC changes bodyColor into Copper 03

goto fem_copperskin_1

} <GREEN> "Different Shades" {

goto fem_skin_1

} <PREMIUM> "Done" {

goto female_custom_1

"Copper 04" {

@MC changes bodyColor into Copper 04

goto fem_copperskin_1

} "Copper 05" {

@MC changes bodyColor into Copper 05

goto fem_copperskin_1

} "Copper 06" {

@MC changes bodyColor into Copper 06

goto fem_copperskin_1

} "Copper 07" {

@MC changes bodyColor into Copper 07

goto fem_copperskin_1
} <GREEN> "Different Shades" {

goto fem_skin_1

} <PREMIUM> "Done" {

goto female_custom_1

"Copper 08" {

@MC changes bodyColor into Copper 08

goto fem_copperskin_1

} "Copper 09" {

@MC changes bodyColor into Copper 09

goto fem_copperskin_1

} "Copper 10" {

@MC changes bodyColor into Copper 10

goto fem_copperskin_1

} <PREMIUM> "Done" {

goto female_custom_1

} <GREEN> "Different Shades" {

goto fem_skin_1

label fem_brows_1


Eyebrow shapes.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]

"Arched Natural"{

@MC changes eyebrows into Arched Natural

goto fem_brows_1
}"Arched Thick"{

@MC changes eyebrows into Arched Thick Styled

goto fem_brows_1

}"Arched Thin"{

@MC changes eyebrows into Arched Thin

goto fem_brows_1

}"Arched Thin High"{

@MC changes eyebrows into Arched Thin High

goto fem_brows_1

}<GREEN> "Select Color" {

goto fem_browscolor_1

}<PREMIUM> "Done"{

goto female_custom_1

"Round Medium"{

@MC changes eyebrows into Round Medium

goto fem_brows_1

}"Round Thick"{

@MC changes eyebrows into Round Thick

goto fem_brows_1

}"Round Thin High"{

@MC changes eyebrows into Round Thin High

goto fem_brows_1

}"Straight Medium"{

@MC changes eyebrows into Straight Medium

goto fem_brows_1

}<GREEN> "Select Color" {

goto fem_browscolor_1

}<PREMIUM> "Done"{
goto female_custom_1

"Arched Natural Scar"{

@MC changes eyebrows into Arched Natural Scar

goto fem_brows_1

}"High Arch Angled"{

@MC changes eyebrows into High Arch Angled

goto fem_brows_1

}"Arched Short"{

@MC changes eyebrows into Arched Short

goto fem_brows_1

}"Bushy Thick"{

@MC changes eyebrows into Bushy Thick

goto fem_brows_1

}<GREEN> "Select Color" {

goto fem_browscolor_1

}<PREMIUM> "Done"{

goto female_custom_1

label fem_browscolor_1


Eyebrow colors.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]

"Dark Black" {

@MC changes eyebrowsColor into Black Dark

goto fem_browscolor_1

} "Jet Black" {

@MC changes eyebrowsColor into blackJet

goto fem_browscolor_1

<GREEN> "Change Brow Shape" {

goto fem_brows_1

} <PREMIUM> "Done" {

goto female_custom_1

label fem_face_1


Face shapes.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]

"Diamond" {

@MC changes face into Diamond

goto fem_face_1

} "Long Diamond" {

@MC changes face into Diamond Long

goto fem_face_1

} "Defined Diamond" {

@MC changes face into Diamond Defined Contour

goto fem_face_1

} "Defined Heart" {

@MC changes face into Heart Defined

goto fem_face_1
} "Defined Squared" {

@MC changes face into Square Defined

goto fem_face_1

} <PREMIUM>"Done"{

goto female_custom_1

"Soft Heart" {

@MC changes face into Heart Soft

goto fem_face_1

} "Defined Triangle" {

@MC changes face into Triangle Defined

goto fem_face_1

} "Mature Square" {

@MC changes face into Square Mature

goto fem_face_1

} "Mature Heart" {

@MC changes face into Heart Mature

goto fem_face_1

} "Soft Round" {

@MC changes face into Round Soft

goto fem_face_1

} <PREMIUM>"Done"{

goto female_custom_1

"Double Chin" {

@MC changes face into Heart Mature Double Chin

goto fem_face_1

} <PREMIUM>"Done"{

goto female_custom_1

"Round Puffy" {

@MC changes face into Round Puffy Cheek

goto fem_face_1

label fem_eyes_1


Eye shapes.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]

"Round Wide" {

@MC changes eyes into Round Downturned Wide

goto fem_eyes_1

} "Round Medium" {

@MC changes eyes into Round Medium

goto fem_eyes_1

} "Sharp Almond" {

@MC changes eyes into Sharp Almond

goto fem_eyes_1

} "Generic" {

@MC changes eyes into Female Generic

goto fem_eyes_1

} <GREEN>"Select Color"{

goto fem_eyecolor_1

} <PREMIUM>"Done"{

goto female_custom_1

"Deepset Downturned" {

@MC changes eyes into Deepset Downturned

goto fem_eyes_1

} "Deepset Wide" {

@MC changes eyes into Deepset Upturned Wide

goto fem_eyes_1

} "Deepset Almond" {

@MC changes eyes into Deepset Almond

goto fem_eyes_1

} "Deepset Smokey Eye" {

@MC changes eyes into Deep Set False Lashes Smokey Eye

goto fem_eyes_1

} <GREEN>"Select Color"{

goto fem_eyecolor_1

} <PREMIUM>"Done"{

goto female_custom_1

"Monolid Slender" {

@MC changes eyes into Monolid Slender

goto fem_eyes_1

} "Angular Slender" {

@MC changes eyes into Angular Slender

goto fem_eyes_1

} "Almond Slender" {

@MC changes eyes into Hooded Slender Almond

goto fem_eyes_1

} "Almond Slender Eyeliner" {

@MC changes eyes into Hooded Slender Almond Eyeliner

goto fem_eyes_1
} <GREEN>"Select Color"{

goto fem_eyecolor_1

} <PREMIUM>"Done"{

goto female_custom_1

label fem_eyecolor_1


Eye colors.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]

"Black" {

@MC changes eyesColor into Brown Black

goto fem_eyecolor_1

} "Dark Brown" {

@MC changes eyesColor into Brown Dark

goto fem_eyecolor_1

} "Light Brown" {

@MC changes eyesColor into Brown Light

goto fem_eyecolor_1

} "Pale Brown" {

@MC changes eyesColor into Brown Pale

goto fem_eyecolor_1

} <GREEN> "Change Eye Shape" {

goto fem_eyes_1

} <PREMIUM> "Done"{

goto female_custom_1

label fem_mouth_1


Mouth shapes.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]

"Full Heart" {

@MC changes mouth into Full Heart Pouty

goto fem_mouth_1

}"Full Round" {

@MC changes mouth into Full Round Pouty

goto fem_mouth_1

}"Medium Heart" {

@MC changes mouth into Medium Heart Natural

goto fem_mouth_1

}"Medium Thin" {

@MC changes mouth into Medium Thin

goto fem_mouth_1

}<GREEN>"Select Color"{

goto fem_mouthcolor_1

} <PREMIUM>"Done"{

goto female_custom_1

"Thin Heart" {

@MC changes mouth into Thin Heart

goto fem_mouth_1

}"Small Heart" {
@MC changes mouth into Small Heart

goto fem_mouth_1

}"Flat Round" {

@MC changes mouth into Full Round Flat Top Skin

goto fem_mouth_1

}"Medium Downturned" {

@MC changes mouth into Medium Downturned Pout

goto fem_mouth_1

}<GREEN>"Select Color"{

goto fem_mouthcolor_1

} <PREMIUM>"Done"{

goto female_custom_1

"Full Flat Top" {

@MC changes mouth into Full Flat Top Pouty

goto fem_mouth_1

}"Full Wide" {

@MC changes mouth into Full Wide

goto fem_mouth_1

}"Heart Shaped" {

@MC changes mouth into Heart Shaped Pout

goto fem_mouth_1

}"Heart with Braces" {

@MC changes mouth into Heart Shaped Pout Braces

goto fem_mouth_1

}<GREEN>"Select Color"{

goto fem_mouthcolor_1

} <PREMIUM>"Done"{

goto female_custom_1

####################### MOUTH COLOR #######################

label fem_mouthcolor_1


All lip colors.


"Natural" {

goto fem_NaturalColors_1

} "Gloss" {

goto fem_GlossColors_1

} "Matte" {

goto fem_MatteColors_1

} <GREEN> "Change Lip Shape" {

goto fem_mouth_1

label fem_NaturalColors_1


Natural lip colors.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]

"Fair Rose" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Fair Rose Matte

goto fem_NaturalColors_1
} "Fair Neutral" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Fair Neutral Matte

goto fem_NaturalColors_1

} "Fair Gold" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Fair Gold Matte

goto fem_NaturalColors_1

} "Beige Light Gold" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Beige Light Gold Matte

goto fem_NaturalColors_1

} <GREEN> "Try Other Colors" {

goto fem_mouthcolor_1

} <PREMIUM> "Done" {

goto female_custom_1

"Beige Gold" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Beige Gold Matte

goto fem_NaturalColors_1

} "Beige Rose" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Beige Rose

goto fem_NaturalColors_1

} "Beige Deep Neutral" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Beige Deep Neutral

goto fem_NaturalColors_1

} "Medium Nude" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Neutral Medium Nude Matte

goto fem_NaturalColors_1

} <GREEN> "Try Other Colors" {

goto fem_mouthcolor_1

} <PREMIUM> "Done" {
goto female_custom_1

"Tan Deep Gold" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Tan Deep Gold

goto fem_NaturalColors_1

} "Tan Deep Neutral" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Tan Deep Neutral

goto fem_NaturalColors_1

} "Brown Neutral" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Brown Neutral

goto fem_NaturalColors_1

} "Brown Gold" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Brown Gold

goto fem_NaturalColors_1

} <GREEN> "Try Other Colors" {

goto fem_mouthcolor_1

} <PREMIUM> "Done" {

goto female_custom_1

"Brown Deep Gold" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Brown Deep Gold

goto fem_NaturalColors_1

} "Brown Deep Rose" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Brown Deep Rose

goto fem_NaturalColors_1

} "Gold Deep Matte" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Gold Deep Matte

goto fem_NaturalColors_1

} <PREMIUM> "Done" {
goto female_custom_1

} <GREEN> "Try Other Colors" {

goto fem_mouthcolor_1

label fem_GlossColors_1


Gloss lipstick colors.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]

"Peach" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Peach Gloss

goto fem_GlossColors_1

} "Light Peach" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Pink Peach Lt Gloss

goto fem_GlossColors_1

} "Beige Pink" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Pink Beige Gloss

goto fem_GlossColors_1

} "Medium Pink" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Pink Medium Gloss

goto fem_GlossColors_1

} <GREEN> "Try Other Colors" {

goto fem_mouthcolor_1

} <PREMIUM> "Done" {

goto female_custom_1

"Warm Pink" {
@MC changes mouthColor into Pink Warm Gloss

goto fem_GlossColors_1

} "Hot Pink" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Pink Hot Gloss

goto fem_GlossColors_1

} "Deep Pink" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Pink Deep Gloss

goto fem_GlossColors_1

} "Rose" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Rose Gloss

goto fem_GlossColors_1

} <GREEN> "Try Other Colors" {

goto fem_mouthcolor_1

} <PREMIUM> "Done" {

goto female_custom_1

"Pink Peach" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Pink Peach Medium Gloss

goto fem_GlossColors_1

} "Light Nude" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Rose Light Nude Gloss

goto fem_GlossColors_1

} "Medium Nude" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Rose Medium Nude Gloss

goto fem_GlossColors_1

} "Dark Nude" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Rose Dark Nude Gloss

goto fem_GlossColors_1

} <GREEN> "Try Other Colors" {

goto fem_mouthcolor_1

} <PREMIUM> "Done" {

goto female_custom_1

"Mauve" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Mauve Gloss

goto fem_GlossColors_1

} "Pastel Purple" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Purple Pastel Gloss

goto fem_GlossColors_1

} "Plum" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Plum Gloss

goto fem_GlossColors_1

} "Deep Purple" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Purple Deep Gloss

goto fem_GlossColors_1

} <GREEN> "Try Other Colors" {

goto fem_mouthcolor_1

} <PREMIUM> "Done" {

goto female_custom_1

"Red" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Red Gloss

goto fem_GlossColors_1

} "Deep Red" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Red Deep Gloss

goto fem_GlossColors_1

} "Violet" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Violet Gloss

goto fem_GlossColors_1

} "Black" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Black Gloss

goto fem_GlossColors_1

} <GREEN> "Try Other Colors" {

goto fem_mouthcolor_1

} <PREMIUM> "Done" {

goto female_custom_1

"Blood Orange" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Blood Orange Gloss

goto fem_GlossColors_1

} "Red Garnet" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Red Garnet Gloss

goto fem_GlossColors_1

} "Blackberry" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Blackberry Gloss

goto fem_GlossColors_1

} "Pink Cashmere" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Pink Cashmere Gloss

goto fem_GlossColors_1

} <GREEN> "Try Other Colors" {

goto fem_mouthcolor_1

} <PREMIUM> "Done" {

goto female_custom_1

"Ash Deep" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Ash Deep Gloss

goto fem_GlossColors_1
} "Dark Mauve" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Dark Mauve Gloss

goto fem_GlossColors_1

} "Dark Amethyst" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Dark Amethyst Gloss

goto fem_GlossColors_1

} "Royal Blue" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Royal Blue Gloss

goto fem_GlossColors_1

} <GREEN> "Try Other Colors" {

goto fem_mouthcolor_1

} <PREMIUM> "Done" {

goto female_custom_1

"Dark Apricot" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Dark Apricot Gloss

goto fem_GlossColors_1

} "Copper Deep" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Copper Deep Gloss

goto fem_GlossColors_1

} <GREEN> "Try Other Colors" {

goto fem_mouthcolor_1

} <PREMIUM> "Done" {

goto female_custom_1

label fem_MatteColors_1

Matte lipstick colors.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]

"Peach" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Peach Matte

goto fem_MatteColors_1

} "Light Peach" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Pink Peach Light Matte

goto fem_MatteColors_1

} "Beige Pink" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Pink Beige Matte

goto fem_MatteColors_1

} "Medium Pink" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Pink Medium Matte

goto fem_MatteColors_1

} <GREEN> "Try Other Colors" {

goto fem_mouthcolor_1

} <PREMIUM> "Done" {

goto female_custom_1

"Warm Pink" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Pink Warm Matte

goto fem_MatteColors_1

} "Hot Pink" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Pink Hot Matte

goto fem_MatteColors_1

} "Deep Pink" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Pink Deep Matte

goto fem_MatteColors_1
} "Rose" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Rose Matte

goto fem_MatteColors_1

} <GREEN> "Try Other Colors" {

goto fem_mouthcolor_1

} <PREMIUM> "Done" {

goto female_custom_1

"Pink Peach" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Pink Peach Medium Matte

goto fem_MatteColors_1

} "Light Nude" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Rose Light Nude Matte

goto fem_MatteColors_1

} "Medium Nude" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Rose Medium Nude Matte

goto fem_MatteColors_1

} "Dark Nude" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Rose Dark Nude Matte

goto fem_MatteColors_1

} <GREEN> "Try Other Colors" {

goto fem_mouthcolor_1

} <PREMIUM> "Done" {

goto female_custom_1

"Mauve" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Mauve Matte

goto fem_MatteColors_1

} "Pastel Purple" {
@MC changes mouthColor into Purple Pastel Matte

goto fem_MatteColors_1

} "Plum" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Plum Matte

goto fem_MatteColors_1

} "Deep Purple" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Purple Deep Matte

goto fem_MatteColors_1

} <GREEN> "Try Other Colors" {

goto fem_mouthcolor_1

} <PREMIUM> "Done" {

goto female_custom_1

"Red" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Red Matte

goto fem_MatteColors_1

} "Deep Red" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Red Deep Matte

goto fem_MatteColors_1

} "Violet" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Violet Matte

goto fem_MatteColors_1

} "Black" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Black Matte

goto fem_MatteColors_1

} <GREEN> "Try Other Colors" {

goto fem_mouthcolor_1

} <PREMIUM> "Done" {

goto female_custom_1

"Blood Orange" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Blood Orange Matte

goto fem_MatteColors_1

} "Red Garnet" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Red Garnet Matte

goto fem_MatteColors_1

} "Blackberry" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Blackberry Matte

goto fem_MatteColors_1

} "Pink Cashmere" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Pink Cashmere Matte

goto fem_MatteColors_1

} <GREEN> "Try Other Colors" {

goto fem_mouthcolor_1

} <PREMIUM> "Done" {

goto female_custom_1

"Ash Deep" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Ash Deep Matte

goto fem_MatteColors_1

} "Dark Mauve" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Dark Mauve Matte

goto fem_MatteColors_1

} "Dark Amethyst" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Dark Amethyst Matte

goto fem_MatteColors_1

} "Royal Blue" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Royal Blue Matte

goto fem_MatteColors_1

} <GREEN> "Try Other Colors" {

goto fem_mouthcolor_1

} <PREMIUM> "Done" {

goto female_custom_1

"Dark Apricot" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Dark Apricot Matte

goto fem_MatteColors_1

} "Copper Deep" {

@MC changes mouthColor into Copper Deep Matte

goto fem_MatteColors_1

} <GREEN> "Try Other Colors" {

goto fem_mouthcolor_1

} <PREMIUM> "Done" {

goto female_custom_1

####################### NOSE SHAPE #######################

label fem_nose_1


Nose shapes.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]

"Defined Natural" {

@MC changes nose into Defined Natural

goto fem_nose_1
} "Grecian Soft" {

@MC changes nose into Grecian Soft

goto fem_nose_1

} "Round Broad" {

@MC changes nose into Round Broad

goto fem_nose_1

} "Round Button" {

@MC changes nose into Round Button

goto fem_nose_1

} "Round Button Upturned" {

@MC changes nose into Round Button Upturned

goto fem_nose_1

} <PREMIUM>"Done"{

goto female_custom_1

"Round Downturned" {

@MC changes nose into Round Downturned

goto fem_nose_1

} "Round Flared Upturned" {

@MC changes nose into Round Flared Upturned

goto fem_nose_1

} "Round Flared Downturned" {

@MC changes nose into Round Flared Downturned

goto fem_nose_1

} "Pointed Downturned" {

@MC changes nose into Pointed Downturned

goto fem_nose_1

} "Broad Wide" {

@MC changes nose into Broad Wide

goto fem_nose_1

} <PREMIUM>"Done"{

goto female_custom_1

####################### HAIR STYLE #######################

label fem_hair_1


All hairstyles.


"Short Hair"{

goto fem_hairShort_1

}"Mid-length Hair"{

goto fem_hairMedium_1

}"Long Hair"{

goto fem_hairLong_1

}"Styled Hair"{

goto fem_hairUp_1

}<GREEN>"Change Color"{

goto fem_haircolor_1


goto female_custom_1

label fem_hairShort_1

Short hairstyles.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]

"Classic Bob" {

@MC changes hair into Classic Bob

goto fem_hairShort_1

} "Curly Bob" {

@MC changes hair into Curly Bob

goto fem_hairShort_1

}<GREEN>"Change Color"{

goto fem_haircolor_1

}<PREMIUM>"Back to Styles"{

goto fem_hair_1

"Faux Hawk" {

@MC changes hair into Long Faux Hawk Solid

goto fem_hairShort_1

}"Fade" {

@MC changes hair into Short Curly Fade

goto fem_hairShort_1

}"Pixie" {

@MC changes hair into Short Pixie

goto fem_hairShort_1

}<GREEN>"Change Color"{

goto fem_haircolor_1

}<PREMIUM>"Back to Styles"{

goto fem_hair_1

"Short Wavy" {

@MC changes hair into Short Wavy Hair Solid

goto fem_hairShort_1

}"Blunt Bangs" {

@MC changes hair into Blunt Bangs Short

goto fem_hairShort_1

} "Wavy Side Shaved" {

@MC changes hair into Short Wavy Side Shave

goto fem_hairShort_1

}"Curly Blow Out" {

@MC changes hair into Short Curly Blow Out

goto fem_hairShort_1

}<GREEN>"Change Color"{

goto fem_haircolor_1

}<PREMIUM>"Back to Styles"{

goto fem_hair_1

"Straight Tucked" {

@MC changes hair into Short Straight Tucked

goto fem_hairShort_1

}"Emo Pixie" {

@MC changes hair into Emo Pixie

goto fem_hairShort_1

}<GREEN>"Change Color"{

goto fem_haircolor_1

}<PREMIUM>"Back to Styles"{

goto fem_hair_1

"Bantu Knots" {
@MC changes hair into Bantu Knots

goto fem_hairShort_1

}"Conservative Cut" {

@MC changes hair into Conservative Cut

goto fem_hairShort_1

}"Parted Bangs" {

@MC changes hair into Long Bang Short Hair

goto fem_hairShort_1

}"Side Part Curly" {

@MC changes hair into Side Part Curly Asymmetrical

goto fem_hairShort_1

}<GREEN>"Change Color"{

goto fem_haircolor_1

}<PREMIUM>"Back to Styles"{

goto fem_hair_1

label fem_hairMedium_1


Medium hairstyles.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]

"Braided" {

@MC changes hair into Medium Braided

goto fem_hairMedium_1

}"Medium Dreadlocks" {

@MC changes hair into Medium Dreadlocks

goto fem_hairMedium_1
}"Hair Flip" {

@MC changes hair into Hair Flip

goto fem_hairMedium_1

}"Straight" {

@MC changes hair into Straight Medium

goto fem_hairMedium_1

}<GREEN>"Change Color"{

goto fem_haircolor_1

}<PREMIUM>"Back to Styles"{

goto fem_hair_1

"Lob Bangs" {

@MC changes hair into Lob Bangs Blunt

goto fem_hairMedium_1

}"Overgrown Bangs" {

@MC changes hair into Medium Straight Overgrown Bangs

goto fem_hairMedium_1

}"Wavy Ombre" {

@MC changes hair into Short Wavy Ombre

goto fem_hairMedium_1

}"Medium Curly" {

@MC changes hair into Medium Curly Solid

goto fem_hairMedium_1

}<GREEN>"Change Color"{

goto fem_haircolor_1

}<PREMIUM>"Back to Styles"{

goto fem_hair_1

"Voluminous Curls" {
@MC changes hair into Voluminous Curls

goto fem_hairMedium_1

} "Parted Wavy" {

@MC changes hair into Short Wavy Asymmetrical

goto fem_hairMedium_1

} "Wavy Side Curls" {

@MC changes hair into Wavy Side Curls

goto fem_hairMedium_1

} "Layered Wavy Bob" {

@MC changes hair into Layered Wavy Bob

goto fem_hairMedium_1

}<GREEN>"Change Color"{

goto fem_haircolor_1

}<PREMIUM>"Back to Styles"{

goto fem_hair_1

label fem_hairLong_1


Long hairstyles.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]

"Beach Wave" {

@MC changes hair into Beach Wave Hair

goto fem_hairLong_1

}"Long Braided" {

@MC changes hair into Long Braided

goto fem_hairLong_1
}"Feathered" {

@MC changes hair into Long Feathered

goto fem_hairLong_1

}<GREEN>"Change Color"{

goto fem_haircolor_1

}<PREMIUM>"Back to Styles"{

goto fem_hair_1

"Long Blunt Bangs" {

@MC changes hair into Long Straight Loose Bangs Blunt Solid

goto fem_hairLong_1

}"Sideswept Bangs" {

@MC changes hair into Long Straight Loose Bangs Sideswept Solid

goto fem_hairLong_1

}"Straight" {

@MC changes hair into Long Straight Loose Solid

goto fem_hairLong_1

}"Wavy Long" {

@MC changes hair into Wavy Long

goto fem_hairLong_1

}<GREEN>"Change Color"{

goto fem_haircolor_1

}<PREMIUM>"Back to Styles"{

goto fem_hair_1

"Wavy Parted" {

@MC changes hair into Long Wavy Parted Hair

goto fem_hairLong_1

}"Feathered Bangs" {
@MC changes hair into Long Feathered Bangs Blunt

goto fem_hairLong_1

}"Long Voluminous Curls" {

@MC changes hair into Long Voluminous Curls Loose

goto fem_hairLong_1

}<GREEN>"Change Color"{

goto fem_haircolor_1

}<PREMIUM>"Back to Styles"{

goto fem_hair_1

"Long Curls" {

@MC changes hair into Long Curls

goto fem_hairLong_1

}"Side Shave" {

@MC changes hair into Long Side Shave

goto fem_hairLong_1

}"Slicked Back" {

@MC changes hair into Long Straight Slicked Back

goto fem_hairLong_1

}"Bouffant Wavy" {

@MC changes hair into Bouffant Long Wavy

goto fem_hairLong_1

}<GREEN>"Change Color"{

goto fem_haircolor_1

}<PREMIUM>"Back to Styles"{

goto fem_hair_1

label fem_hairUp_1

Updo hairstyles.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]

"Braided Bun" {

@MC changes hair into Braided Bun

goto fem_hairUp_1

}"Short Ponytail" {

@MC changes hair into Short High Ponytail

goto fem_hairUp_1

}"Long Ponytail" {

@MC changes hair into Long High Ponytail

goto fem_hairUp_1

}"Morning Updo" {

@MC changes hair into Morning Updo

goto fem_hairUp_1

}<GREEN>"Change Color"{

goto fem_haircolor_1

}<PREMIUM>"Back to Styles"{

goto fem_hair_1

"Small Bun" {

@MC changes hair into Small Bun

goto fem_hairUp_1

}"Double Dutch Braids" {

@MC changes hair into Long Double Dutch Braids

goto fem_hairUp_1

}"Pinup Rolls" {
@MC changes hair into Pinup Victory Rolls

goto fem_hairUp_1

}"Sleek Ponytail" {

@MC changes hair into Sleek Ponytail

goto fem_hairUp_1

}<GREEN>"Change Color"{

goto fem_haircolor_1

}<PREMIUM>"Back to Styles"{

goto fem_hair_1

"Shoulder Braid" {

@MC changes hair into Over Shoulder Braid

goto fem_hairUp_1

}"Full Pigtail" {

@MC changes hair into Full Pigtail

goto fem_hairUp_1

}"Double Buns" {

@MC changes hair into Double Buns

goto fem_hairUp_1

}<GREEN>"Change Color"{

goto fem_haircolor_1

}<PREMIUM>"Back to Styles"{

goto fem_hair_1

"Blunt Bangs Ponytail" {

@MC changes hair into Pony Tail Blunt Bangs

goto fem_hairUp_1

}"Side Swept Updo" {

@MC changes hair into Side Swept Updo Long

goto fem_hairUp_1

}"Scene Hair" {

@MC changes hair into Scene Swoosh

goto fem_hairUp_1

}"Punk Hair" {

@MC changes hair into Cropped Punk Cut

goto fem_hairUp_1

}<GREEN>"Change Color"{

goto fem_haircolor_1

}<PREMIUM>"Back to Styles"{

goto fem_hair_1

label fem_haircolor_1


Hair colors.



goto fem_hairDark_1

}<GREEN> "Back to Styles" {

goto fem_hair_1

label fem_hairDark_1

Dark hair colors.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]

"Light Brown" {

@MC changes hairColor into Light Brown

goto fem_hairDark_1

}"Warm Brown" {

@MC changes hairColor into Medium Warm Brown

goto fem_hairDark_1

}"Medium Brown" {

@MC changes hairColor into Medium Brown

goto fem_hairDark_1

}"Chestnut Brown"{

@MC changes hairColor into Chestnut Brown

goto fem_hairDark_1

}<GREEN>"Different Colors"{

goto fem_haircolor_1


goto female_custom_1

"Dark Brown"{

@MC changes hairColor into Dark Brown

goto fem_hairDark_1

}"Brunette Brown"{

@MC changes hairColor into Brunette Brown

goto fem_hairDark_1

}"Ginger Red" {

@MC changes hairColor into Ginger Red

goto fem_hairDark_1

}"Burgundy Red" {

@MC changes hairColor into Burgundy Red

goto fem_hairDark_1

}<GREEN>"Different Colors"{

goto fem_haircolor_1


goto female_custom_1

"Deep Brown" {

@MC changes hairColor into Deep Brown

goto fem_hairDark_1

}"Brown Black" {

@MC changes hairColor into Brown Black

goto fem_hairDark_1

}"Dark Black" {

@MC changes hairColor into Black Dark

goto fem_hairDark_1

}"Jet Black" {

@MC changes hairColor into Black Jet

goto fem_hairDark_1

}<GREEN>"Different Colors"{

goto fem_haircolor_1


goto female_custom_1

label female_1_end

Are you happy with how you look?


<PREMIUM> "Yes, I look gorgeous!" {

readerMessage Follow @dara.amarie.ep on Instagram! with messageTitle Customization Template


@MC is primp_neutral

} <GREEN> "No, I want to change something" {

goto female_custom_1


@MC changes into MC_school

@cut to zone 2

@transition fade in black 2

@MC enters from left to screen left

MC (talk_angry)


MC (talk_baby_exhausted)

(And starving)

MC (scream_angry)


@cut to zone 3

@MOM enters from right to screen center AND MOM is walk_neutral

@follow MOM to screen right in zone 2

MOM (talk_exhausted)

You can't just enter the house like that, honey...

MC (talk_apathetic)

Oh, i see.
MC (talk_armscrossed_angry_loop)

Is daddy having an IMPORTANT MEETING again ?

@MC starts idle_armscrossed_awkward_loop

MOM (talk_armscrossed_sad_loop)

Yes, sweetie... and he doesn't need to be disturbed.

MOM (talk_armscrossed_sad_loop)

I thought you knew that by now.

@MOM starts idle_armscrossed_awkward_loop

MC (talk_awkward_loop)

I know, I'm just, i had a really tough day at school.

MOM (talk_startled_neutral)

What happened?

@MOM starts idle_flashlight_scared_loop

MC (talk_armraised_sad)

Is hard being the students representative...!

MC (talk_exhausted)

I have so many things to do and people to talk to, it drains me.

@MC starts idle_awkward_uneasy_loop

MOM (laugh_chuckle)

Oh, my beautiful girl...

MOM (talk_exclaim_yes_happy)
Everything is gonna be fine.

MOM (talk_pointup_happy)

You are strong and smart, i know you can get this trough!

@MOM starts idle

MC (talk_exhausted)

How can you be so sure?

MC (talk_exhausted)

I never wanted this.

MC (talk_exhausted)

Just because daddy is mayor and you help people with your organization, doesn't mean i have to help
and guide people too...

@MC starts idle_awkward_uneasy_loop

MOM (talk_agree_happy)

This has nothing to do with me nor your dad.

MOM (talk_agree_happy)

You are brave, creative and intelligent, that's why you are the students rp, sweetie.

@MOM starts idle

MC (talk_reassure_neutral)

Thanks, mom...

@MC starts blush_shy AND MOM is kiss_cheek_give

@transition fade out black in 2



3 hours later

@transition fade out black in 2


@MC changes into MC_default

@MC moves to layer 1

@DAD stands screen center and DAD faces right and DAD is talk_handsonhips_neutral_rear and MOM
stands screen left AND MOM faces right and MOM is talk_read_phone_neutral

@MC enters from right to screen right

@DAD stands screen center AND DAD starts dustoff_neutral_loop and DAD faces right and MOM stands
screen left AND MOM starts talk_phone_neutral_loop and MOM faces right

DAD (talk_reassure_neutral)

If this isn't my beautiful sunshine!

@DAD starts read_phone_neutral_loop

MC (talk_greet_neutral)

Hi, daddy!

DAD (talk_armscrossed_condescending_loop)

I see you're ready to go out...but it's not too late for that?

@DAD starts idle

@speechbubble is 142 272 to 100% with tail_top_left

MOM (talk_read_phone_neutral_loop)

I think she needs a night out with her friends...

@DAD starts read_phone_neutral_loop

MOM (talk_armsraised_neutral)

She was quite stressed lately.

MOM (talk_handraised_happy_loop)

Where are you and your friends going?

@MOM starts idle

@speechbubble reset

MC (idle_sad_timid_loop)



"TELL A LIE: we are going to see a documentary at the cinema, is for a school project" {

MC (talk_awkward_loop)

We are going to see a documentary at the cinema, is for a school project.

DAD (talk_gossip)

That's so nice! I guess you can't miss this out, especially that you are the Students Rp.

@speechbubble is 142 272 to 100% with tail_top_left

MOM (talk_handraised_happy_loop)

Please call the driver to get you when the documentary ends.

@MOM is idle

@speechbubble reset

DAD (talk_apathetic)

And don't walk around parks, it's dangerous at night.

@DAD starts read_phone_sad_loop

@speechbubble is 142 272 to 100% with tail_top_left

MOM (talk_armscrossed_angry_loop)

I thought you took care of that problem.

@MOM starts idle_armscrossed_angry_loop

@speechbubble reset

DAD (talk_exhausted)

I did...but you never know, better be cautious.

@DAD starts idle

MC (talk_smile_happy_loop)
Well, see you tomorrow.

@MC is idle

@speechbubble is 142 272 to 100% with tail_top_left

MOM (talk_greet_neutral)

Take care. And have fun!

@speechbubble reset

"TELL THE TRUTH: we are going to Victoria's party" {

MC (talk_awkward_loop)

We are going to Victoria's party.

@MC starts idle

@speechbubble is 142 272 to 100% with tail_top_left

MOM (talk_deny_neutral)

Sweetie, is 9 o'clock, why is she throwing a party at this hour??

@MOM starts idle

@speechbubble reset

MC (talk_exhausted)

It's not late mom... I'm 17 now, I'm not a little girl anymore... All my friends are going and it will be
weird if I'm not ...

DAD (talk_armscrossed_angry_loop)
I just hope this is won't become a habit.

@DAD starts idle_armscrossed_angry_loop

MC (talk_exhausted)

I don't know if this is going to become a habit or not.

MC (talk_sad)

But i just can't ditch all my friend's parties just because you are not used to me going out past 5 .

@speechbubble is 142 272 to 100% with tail_top_left

MOM (talk_sad_exhausted)

I see where this is coming from but i don't want you to end like...

@speechbubble reset

@MOM starts cry_sniff_sad_loop

DAD (talk_neutral_loop_rear)

It's ok, honey... She's gonna be fine. Don't over think it.

MC (idle_armscrossed_awkward_loop)

(Ok, this was weird...I've never seen mom so dramatic)

DAD (talk_apathetic)

Please call the driver to take you when the party is over.

DAD (talk_apathetic)

And come straight home, no walkings in the park at night, is dangerous.

@speechbubble is 142 272 to 100% with tail_top_left

MOM (talk_armscrossed_angry_loop)

I thought you took care of that problem.

@MOM starts idle_armscrossed_angry_loop

@speechbubble reset

DAD (talk_exhausted)

I did...but you never know, better be cautious.

@DAD starts idle

MC (talk_greet_neutral)

Well, see you tomorrow!

@DAD starts idle

@MC walks to screen right

@speechbubble is 142 272 to 100% with tail_top_left

MOM (talk_greet_neutral)

Take care. And have fun...

@transition fade out black in 3

EXT. JEZEBEL STREET - NIGHT with CAR FRONT PURPLE to 1.537 -593 -78 in zone 3
@transition fade in black in 2

@cut to zone 3

@GISELLE spot 1.280 44 -69 AND GISELLE faces right AND MASON spot 1.280 261 -58 AND MASON faces
left AND MC spot 1.254 162 -40 and MC faces left

@MC starts talk_greet_neutral


Hi, guys, sorry I'm late!

@MC starts idle

GISELLE (talk_holdfist_happy_loop)

Hey, girl, we just arrived!

@GISELLE starts idle_shiftweight_neutral_loop

@speechbubble is 170 216 to 100% with tail_top_right

@MC faces right

MASON (talk_neutral)

Hi there, you look sad, you ok?

@MASON starts idle_shiftweight_neutral_loop

@speechbubble reset
MC (talk_exhausted)

Yea, I'm fine...i just had to stall my parents.

MC (talk_flirt_coy)

Let's get out of here and have some fun already!

@MC starts idle_shiftweight_neutral_loop

@speechbubble is 170 216 to 100% with tail_top_right

MASON (talk_handsonhips_neutral)

Say no more!

@MASON faces right

@speechbubble reset

@transition fade out black in 2


@cut to zone 1

@ANTHONY spot 0.750 112 258 AND ANTHONY faces right AND ANTHONY starts
@RYAN spot 0.731 217 266 and RYAN is talk_armscrossed_angry_loop

@pause for 2

@cut to zone 3

@SAMANTHA spot 0.682 127 267 AND SAMANTHA faces left AND SAMANTHA starts

@ZOE spot 0.694 60 266 AND ZOE faces right AND ZOE starts talk_handsonhips_neutral_loop

@pause for 2

@cut to zone 2

@DYLAN spot 0.867 93 174 AND DYLAN faces right AND DYLAN starts talk_gossip

@VICKY spot 0.889 191 169 AND VICKY starts talk_holdfist_happy_loop

@pause for 2

@RYAN starts talk_armscrossed_angry_loop

@ANTHONY starts talk_armscrossed_neutral_loop

@pan to zone 1

@MC enters from left to screen center AND MC faces right AND MASON enters from left to screen left
AND MASON faces right AND GISELLE enters from left to screen right AND GISELLE faces right
@speechbubble is 166 288 to 100% with tail_top_right

@MC starts film_phone_energetic_loop

@MASON starts idle_headbob_neutral_loop

GISELLE (talk_excited_happy)

OH MY GOSH. This place is fire!!!

@speechbubble reset

@GISELLE exits right AND GISELLE is run_athletic_neutral_loop

@cut to zone 1

@follow MC to screen right in zone 1

@MC starts dance_shake_happy_loop

MASON (callout_neutral)

Pizza, beware.

@MASON starts laugh_giggle AND MC faces left

MC (talk_read_phone_neutral_loop)

I could use some carbohydrates as well.

@MASON starts idle_loop

MC (talk_exhausted)

My mother's food is less tasty than tree bark.

@MC starts idle_loop

MASON (talk_armscrossed_neutral_loop)

Considered how hot she is, cooking skills are a whim.

@MC starts eyeroll_subtle AND MASON starts talk_flirt_coy

MASON (talk_flirt_coy)

Good thing you resemble her.


"Make fun of him"{

@RYAN starts talk_armscrossed_angry_loop

@ANTHONY starts talk_armscrossed_neutral_loop

MC (talk_gossip)

Hmm, i always thought you are gay.

@MC starts laugh_crackup

@MC starts laugh_chuckle

MASON (talk_doubtful)

Very funny.

MASON (talk_gossip)
The day I'll turn gay will be the day all girls will cry.

@MASON starts idle_happy_loop

@MC is eyeroll_subtle

MC (talk_airquotes)


@MC exits right

"Accept the compliment"{

@RYAN starts talk_armscrossed_angry_loop

@ANTHONY starts talk_armscrossed_neutral_loop

MC (talk_awkward_loop) really think so?

@MC starts idle_awkward_uneasy_loop

MASON (talk_apathetic)

Well of course i do

MASON (talk_awkward_loop)

I always felt that...

@GISELLE stands screen right in zone 3

@MC faces right

@MC starts idle_loop

@MASON starts cough


Girl, you have to try this pizza!


Move your ass here!!

@MC faces left

MC (talk_pointup_pretentious)

I should go

MC (talk_neutral)

See you around!

@MC exits right AND MC starts run_super_speed_loop

MASON (talk_sad)

Yea, sure...

"Get mad"{

@RYAN starts talk_armscrossed_angry_loop

@ANTHONY starts talk_armscrossed_neutral_loop

MC (talk_doubtful)

You're disgusting...

@MASON is laugh_chuckle

MC (talk_read_phone_neutral_loop)

Why are we friends again..?

MASON (talk_armscrossed_neutral_loop)

Oh stop lying, you love me.

@MASON starts flirt_shy

@MC starts idle_loop

@zoom on MC to 400% in 0.5

@MASON starts idle_loop

@zoom reset

@zoom on MASON to 400% in 0

@zoom reset

@zoom on MC to 400% in 0

@pause for 2

@zoom reset

MC (talk_gossip)
Bye, weirdo

@MC exits right AND MC is run_athletic_neutral_loop

MASON (callout_neutral)

Don't get too drunk please! Promised your hot moms I'll take care of you!

@zoom on MASON to 200% in 0.5

MASON (idle_handsonhips_neutral_loop)

(I'm all alone, no problem.)

@zoom on MASON to 300% in 0.5

MASON (idle_handsonhips_neutral_loop)

(Oh boy, i hate human interactions)

@zoom on MASON to 400% in 0.5

MASON (talk_read_phone_neutral_loop)

I guess I'll just go pee now.

@zoom reset

@MASON exits left

@MASON starts read_phone_loop_rear

@cut to zone 1

@ANTHONY spot 0.750 112 258 AND ANTHONY faces right AND ANTHONY is talk_neutral_loop

&DYLAN spot 0.731 217 266 and DYLAN is talk_neutral_loop

&SAMANTHA spot 0.682 127 267 in zone 3

&SAMANTHA faces left AND SAMANTHA is talk_excited_happy

&ZOE spot 0.694 60 266 in zone 3 AND ZOE faces right AND ZOE is talk_agree_happy

&DYLAN spot 0.867 93 174 in zone 2 AND DYLAN faces right AND DYLAN starts talk_gossip

&VICKY spot 0.889 191 169 in zone 2 AND VICKY starts talk_whisper_worried

&MC stands screen center in zone 3 and MC faces right and MC is eat_pizza_neutral

&GISELLE stands screen right in zone 3 and GISELLE faces left and GISELLE is eat_pizza_neutral

@pause for 2

&DYLAN spot 0.867 93 174 in zone 2 AND DYLAN faces right AND DYLAN starts talk_gossip

&VICKY spot 0.889 191 169 in zone 2 AND VICKY starts talk_whisper_worried

&MC stands screen center in zone 3 and MC faces right and MC is eat_pizza_neutral

&GISELLE stands screen right in zone 3 and GISELLE faces left and GISELLE is eat_pizza_neutral

@pan to zone 2
@pause for 2

&DYLAN spot 0.867 93 174 in zone 2 AND DYLAN faces right AND DYLAN starts talk_gossip

&VICKY spot 0.889 191 169 in zone 2 AND VICKY starts talk_whisper_worried

&MC stands screen center in zone 3 and MC faces right and MC is eat_pizza_neutral

&GISELLE stands screen right in zone 3 and GISELLE faces left and GISELLE is eat_pizza_neutral

@pan to zone 3

&SAMANTHA spot 0.682 127 267 in zone 3

&SAMANTHA faces left AND SAMANTHA is talk_excited_happy

&ZOE spot 0.694 60 266 in zone 3 AND ZOE faces right AND ZOE is talk_agree_happy

&DYLAN spot 0.867 93 174 in zone 2 AND DYLAN faces right AND DYLAN starts talk_gossip

&VICKY spot 0.889 191 169 in zone 2 AND VICKY starts talk_whisper_worried

&MC stands screen center in zone 3 and MC faces right and MC is eat_pizza_neutral

&GISELLE stands screen right in zone 3 and GISELLE faces left and GISELLE is eat_pizza_neutral

@pause for 2

&SAMANTHA spot 0.682 127 267 in zone 3

&SAMANTHA faces left AND SAMANTHA is talk_excited_happy

&ZOE spot 0.694 60 266 in zone 3 AND ZOE faces right AND ZOE is talk_agree_happy

&MC stands screen center in zone 3 and MC faces right and MC is eat_pizza_neutral

&GISELLE stands screen right in zone 3 and GISELLE faces left and GISELLE is eat_pizza_neutral

@pause for a beat

@MC starts eat_pizza_neutral

@GISELLE starts eat_pizza_neutral then GISELLE is eat_food_hand_neutral

MC (talk_agree_happy)

Gosh, this was good.

&MC starts idle_loop

GISELLE (talk_food_hand_neutral)

What you sayin girl, i just started!

&MC starts laugh_giggle

@VICKY enters from left to screen left

&MC faces left

VICKY (talk_afraid)

Oh no, thieves!

&MC is laugh_giggle

VICKY (talk_argue_angry)

Take all the food and go! -- I won't cause any problem

&GISELLE is laugh_chuckle

@MC faces right

GISELLE (talk_neutral)

Wish we were strangers --

I'm jealous of people that don't know you!

&VICKY is laugh_giggle AND MC faces left AND GISELLE starts idle_happy_loop

MC (talk_gossip)

Thanks for inviting us, Vicks --

You saved me from starvation!

@MC starts idle_headbob_neutral_loop

VICKY (talk_repulsed)

Oh poor princess

Is your cook sick again and mommy's cooking ?

MC (talk_gossip)

Hmm -- Pass by tomorrow at dinner and you'll see

@MC starts idle_happy_loop

VICKY (talk_flirt_charming)

I thought you'd never ask

Can't wait to see your smokin' hot dad

@VICKY starts flirt_shy

@MC faces right

GISELLE (talk_gossip)

Oh no girl, wait in line !

GISELLE (sing_dance_shimmy_loop)

That hot piece of meat is mine

@MC starts laugh_chuckle AND VICKY starts laugh_crackup AND GISELLE starts dance_drop_it

MC: naughty or nice ?

fata bogata a unui om de afaceri care mai nou este si primar.

Ii plac doar baietii rai.

17 ani si nu a avut niciun prieten pana acum.

Iese din zona de comfort din cauza parintilor, parintii foarte stricti.

Ii place sa se distreze
Nu se intelege neaparat cu fetele populare

Inclinatii artistice

MASON: incepe ca un looser

Termina ca un smecher?

Crush pe MC din clasa a 7-a

Sunt si au fost in aceeasi clasa

Ii place mult fotbalul American

Conditie fizica de kk

Good guy



Se eschimba din cauza lui MC


Anda mungkin juga menyukai