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Scot Vaillancourt

Mrs Neff/Wold


March 13 2019

Essay Revision: Advertisements

We live a society where a lot of our decisions are so easily influenced by things, other than our

own personal opinions. Take advertisements for examples, they tug on our heart strings, make us feel

emotions that we wouldn’t normally feel, and fill our heads with ideas that aren't entirely our own.

However, whos to say Advertisements are good or bad? Do advertisements better our society or harm it?

Let's talk about what makes advertisements a good thing, even though there are a lot of opposers

out there.It is a good way to sell products and; “not create values; that it can create a new market for

products that fill a genuine, though latent, need”(Source A, Page 4). Advertisements, in other words are

unavoidable, because they're everywhere. So let's take a look at the ways they affect us.

According to courts and other forms of information, advertisements have helped drive about an

economic growth. On the chart from source c (page 1), Germany, France, Italy, Japan, Sweden and many

other countries have experienced such a growth over the years of 1991 and 2000. For example; “The

communications industry was the third fastest growing sector of the us economy-far above the 2.2%

growth for the economy as a whole” (Source C, Page 7). Lets not forget that; “A good advertisement tells

us we think we do”(Source D Page 8). However great advertisements may seem, they are not 100%

Although there are many positive reasons why advertisements may be good, not all of that info is

credible. Many of the opposers say that “It creates false values and compels people to buy things they

neither need or want and that,in fact, may be actually harmful” (source A pg 4). Although this may seem

like just a personal opinion, the picture ​Fast food ads Vs. Reality:See how actual food looks shockingly

different from their ads​ by Via Dario. This Picture depicts the obvious differences between the mcdonalds

burger on advertisements and the actual burger. According to the picture, mcdonalds fluffed up the burger

to make it look better than it actually looks because frankly, the fake looks better than the original.

Although advertisements use resources such as photoshop to make their product look better than

it actually does,Does it make said advertisers cynical? No. Its is purley them acting out the very thing that

makes them human.Even if that nature is to deceive people for money. Advertisements are done right

however, they can benefit both the consumer and the buyer. Money does run the world after all.

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