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Solid Mechanics II (Section B)

ME 223
Assignment 1
Submission date: 25/01/2019
1. For 2D state of stress
τxx τxy 0
 

τ = τxy τyy 0
 

0 0 0
(a) Find I1 , I2 , I3 . 3
(b) Proof two non zero principal stresses σ1 , σ2 satisfy following rela-
σ1,2 = ± (I1 /2)2 − I2
2. Stress tensor at a point is given by
2 7 −4
 

τ = 7 5 1 
 

−4 1 8
(a) Find traction vector on the following planes passing through that
point. Normal to the planes are
(i) 2î + 3ĵ + k̂, (ii) î − ĵ + 2k̂. 3
(b) Find normal and shear stresses on those planes. 3
(c) Find all the stress invariants. 3
(d) Find principal stresses and principal directions. 2+5
3. In one orthogonal co-ordinate frame (e1 − e2 − e3 ) a vector a and a
second order tensor B have components as

2 4 12 9
   

a =  3 , B = 12 8 15
   

5 9 15 10
Another orthogonal co-ordinate system (e¯1 − e¯2 − e¯3 ) is considered
which is obtained rotating (e1 −e2 −e3 ) by 60◦ counterclockwise about
e1 . Find components of a and B with respect to (e¯1 − e¯2 − e¯3 ).

4. If τ in question 2 is given in (e1 − e2 − e3 ) of question 3, then

(a) Find [τ̄ ] = components of τ in (e¯1 − e¯2 − e¯3 ) which is as described

in question 3. 3
(b) Find principal stresses and principal directions of [τ̄ ]. 2+4
(c) Let n1 , n2 and n3 are principal directions obtained in question
2(d). They are also in (e1 − e2 − e3 ). Find components of them
in (e¯1 − e¯2 − e¯3 ). Comment on your observation. 3

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