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PROGRAMME : Diploma in Business

COURSE NAME : Comparative Religion


ACADEMIC DURATION : April – August 2019


Category of Activities Total Hours

Face-to-face learning 40
Non-Face-to-Face 40


Pre-requisite : Nil

Lecturer’s Name : Ronnie Ranjit Singh

Lecturer’s Contact :

CQAU 110418
This subject provides an introduction to the academic and comparative study of the world’s religious
traditions especially Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity, and Islam. Students will take a thematic
approach to the beliefs, practices, institutions, and cultural expressions of a number of world religions
through required readings, discussions, films, religious site visits, and writing assignments. Major
subject themes include sacred power, sacred story, ritual, sacred space and time, religious experience,
religious ethics and morality, and the relationship between religion, politics, and social conflict across
and between religious traditions. Students will gain an understanding of the nature of religion in an
academic sense, as well as its meaning for believers and practitioners.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course, students should be able to:
Programme Learning Assessment
No. Course Learning Outcome
Outcome Addressed Methods
Ability to explain the central beliefs and
concepts of major living religious traditions
CLO1 PLO4 Quiz
of the world, including Hinduism, Buddhism,
Taoism, Christianity and Islam.
Students will be able to critically analysing
CLO2 religion and comparing particular aspects of PLO6 Quiz
religious traditions.
Students should be able to explain the
structure and ritual life of religious
CLO3 PLO4 Quiz
communities, including significant holidays
and rituals.
Students will be able to observing and
CLO4 critically analysing religion in the PLO6 Presentation
contemporary world.

PLO1 Apply fundamental concepts and theory of business and management. (Knowledge)
PLO2 Demonstrate the use of management tools and technical expertise in business and
industry. (Practical skills)
PLO3 Analyze, formulate and use effective techniques and tools to solve business related
problems (Problem solving and scientific skills)
PLO4 Communicate effectively in both oral and in written form with colleagues, professionals
and society. (Communication skills)
PLO5 Perform individually or work as part of a team effectively to meet common goals. (Social
skills, teamwork and responsibilities)
PLO6 Understand humane responsibility and adhere to professional codes of ethics. (Values,
attitudes and professionalism)
PLO7 Engage in life-long learning to enrich knowledge and improve on competencies.
(Information management and lifelong learning skills)
PLO8 Enhance managerial and entrepreneurial skills for career development (Managerial and
entrepreneurial skills)
Teaching Method:
 Lecture
 Tutorial
 Practical
 Discussion with lecturer and peers
 Student group discussion
CQAU 110418
Content Outline of the Course:
Lesson/Week Topics Activities
15 Apr 2019 1.1 Definition.
1.2 The goals of religion in man life.
1.3 Acknowledge the cause for many religions of the world.
1.4 What is comparative religion.
1.5 Comprehensive structure of the religious tradition.
1.6 Different approaches and the imbibe the mechanism for
studying religion.
Week 2 TOPIC 2:HINDUISM. Lecture
22 Apr 2019 2.1 History. Discussion
2.2 Epics.
2.3 Hindus scriptures.
2.4 Caste system in Hinduism.
2.5 Basic concepts in Hinduism.
Week 3 2.6 Modern Hinduism. Lecture
29 Apr 2019 2.7 Siddartha Gauthama.
2.8 Belief system.
2.8.1 God in oriental religions.
2.8.2 Conception of soul, karma and rebirth, immortality
and salvation.
2.8.3 Method for salvation in Hinduism.
Week 4 TOPIC 3:BUDDHISM. Lecture
6 May 2019 3.1 Theravada. Discussion
3.2 Mahayana.
3.3 Tibet.
3.4 Zen.
3.5 Chinese mythology and beliefs.
3.6 Confucian.
3.6.1 Themes in Confucian thought.
3.6.2 The Confucian Texts.
3.7 Belief system.
3.7.1 Method for salvation in Buddhism.
3.7.2 The four truth to life.
3.7.3 The eight-fold path.
Week 5 TOPIC 4:TAOISM. Lecture
13 May 2019 4.1 Categories of Taoism.
4.2 Beliefs and practices.
4.3 Taoist theology.
4.3.1 Lao Tze.
20 May 2019 5.1 Early Christianity.
5.1.1 Worship of Jesus.
5.1.2 Jewish continuity.
5.2 Post-Apostolic Church.
5.2.1 Persecutions.
5.2.2 Ecclesiastical Structure.
5.2.3 Early Christianity Writings.
5.2.4 Biblical Canon.
CQAU 110418
5.3 Spread of Christianity to AD 325.
5.3.1 Christianity Legalised.
5.3.2 Ecumenical Councils:The Council of Nicega.
5.3.3 The Council of Tents.
Week 7 5.4 Church of the Early Middle Ages (476-800). Lecture
27 May 2019 5.5 Protestant Reformation. Discussion
5.5.1 Martin Luther.
5.5.2 Urich Zwingl.
5.5.3 John Calvin.
5.6 Counter Reformation.
5.7 Revivalism (1720-1986).
5.7.1 Great Awakenings.
5.7.2 Restorationism.
5.8 Ecumenism.
5.8.1 Catholic Ecumenism.
5.8.2 Ecumenism with Protestatism.
Week 8 Hari Raya Puasa
Hari Raya Puasa Leave
3 June 2019 Leave
Week 9 TOPIC 6:ISLAM. Lecture
10 June 2019 6.1 The Life of Prophet Mohammad. Discussion
6.2 Hijrah (Migration from Mecca to Medina 622 A.D).
6.3 Islamic Belief.
6.3.1 Belief in Allah.
6.3.2 Belief in Angels.
6.3.3 Belief in Messengers.
6.3.4 Belief in the Scripture.
6.3.5 Belief in the Last Day.
6.3.6 Belief in the Destiny for Good and Evil.
6.4 Prayer.
6.5 Zakat.
6.6 Fasting.
6.7 Pilgrimage (A-Hajj).
17 June 2019 7.1 God in Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity and
7.2 Sin and atonement in Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism,
Christianity and Islam.
7.3 Resurrection and kingdom of God in Hinduism,
Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity and Islam
7.4 Method for salvation in Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism,
Christianity and Islam
7.5 Worship and prayer in Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism,
Christianity and Islam
Week 11 Group Presentations Presentations
24 June 2019
Week 12 Group Presentations Presentations
1 July 2019

CQAU 110418
Quiz : 10%
Individual assignment : 10%
Group assignment : 15%
Presentation : 20%
Class participation : 5%
Final exam : 40%

Main References:
 Theodor, Ithamar; Yao, Zhihua; Jha, Ram Nath; Katz, Sophia; Assandri, Friederike (2013).
Comparative Studies of Indian and Chinese Philosophy and Religion.Rowman & Littlefield
 Frazer, James George (2012).A Study in Comparative Religion. Cambridge University Press
 Davis, G. Scott (2012). Believing and Acting:The Pragmatic Turn in Comparative Religion and
Ethics.Oxford University Press
 Moro, P. and J. Myers (2012).Magic, Witchcraft and Religion.McGraw Hill
 Laude Patrick (2011).Universal Dimensions of Islam:Studies in Comparative Religion.National
Book Network
 Jevons, F. B. (2011).Comparative Religion.Cambridge University Press
 Bowen, John R (2011).Religions in practice.Pearson
 Students with less than 80% of total attendance will not be allowed to sit for the final examination.
 Late submission of assignment will result in 10% mark deduction per day.
 Assignment submission later than 5 days from the due date will not be accepted. Fail grade will be
automatically imposed.
 Fail grade will be given for plagiarized work.
 Fail grade will be given for absence for assessment without a valid medical certificate / supporting

CQAU 110418
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CQAU 110418

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