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Adolescent Interview Guidelines

Adolescent Interview
For this assignment, you must find an adolescent between the ages of 14-18 who is
still enrolled in high school. You must ask them the following questions, but please
honor their privacy if they feel uncomfortable answering the questions. Before
commencing the interview explain to the teenager how the process works, that they
can choose not to answer a question if they feel uncomfortable answering, and that
their answers will remain confidential and anonymous. It is also recommended that you
start with small talk, etc. to get them comfortable. (COs C and D, and SLO 1, 2, and 3)
You will ask the teen the following questions, record his or her answers, and type up
the responses. Please try to record their answers quickly, to capture all that is said.
Sometimes you may have to encourage your interviewee to say a little more to get a
complete answer. Try using phrases such as “could you tell me a little more about
that?” or “could you expand on that please?” When typing up the responses, please
keep the numbering and sectioning in place. Please note that there is a reflection
section for you to complete after the interview.
* This assignment must be typed in Times New Roman, 12 pt font, and double-
spaced. Use the assignment format on Canvas to make sure you answer all
questions. Submit the assignment to Canvas by the due date indicated on the
course schedule/Canvas.

Schooling (10 points)

1. Tell me about your high school experience, do you enjoy it?

2. What is your favorite part about school?
3. What is your least favorite part?
4. How are your grades in general?
5. Do you think grades are important?
6. What would you change about high school if you could?

Friends (10 points)

7. Do you have friends you consider to be close?

8. Do you now define friendship differently than you have in the past?
9. Do you think you are a good friend to others?
10. Do you hang out in a larger group? Tell me about them.
11. How does your group fit in with the rest of the school?
12. What do you think about popularity? Does it matter to you?
13. Would you consider yourself popular? Do you wish that was different?
14. Have you started dating? Are you in a relationship with someone right now? Where
do you think your relationship is headed?

Family (10 points)

15. Tell me about your family.

16. Do you have any siblings? Tell me about them. (ages, genders)

Are you close with them?

17. Does your family all live together or are you separated?
18. Tell me about some of the rules in your house(s).
19. Do you follow these rules?
20. Do you consider your parents fair?
21. Would you set similar rules for your children?

Present and Future Identity (10 points)

22. Describe yourself. What do you like about yourself? Dislike?

23. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
24. Where do you see yourself in 20 years?
25. Do you plan to attend college? Do you have an idea of where you would like to go?
26. Do you know what you would like to pursue as a career?
27. What do you hope is different about you in the future?

End of Interview
Your reflection (15 points)

28. What was your overall impression of the teenager that you interviewed?
29. What impressed you about them?
30. Do you think they value high school and are getting much from the experience?
31. Did anything about their friendships or their attitudes about friendship surprise you?
Do their friendships sound healthy?
32. Would you consider this teen to have low, average, or high self-esteem based on
their answers?
33. What did your teen think of the rules of their house? Were you expecting more or
less defiance?
34. What struck you in their description of themselves?
35. What did you think of their expectations of their future? Would you consider them
realistic? Do you think they have spent much time thinking of the future?

This assignment is worth 55 points.

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